Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 232 Imitation

Chapter 232 Imitation
Xu Miao's true sword intent that belonged to him had just been formed, and could not pose a fatal threat to Xia Bofei, but this sword intent could no longer be ignored by Xia Bofei.

"That's the sword intent, Xu Miao cultivated the sword intent!" Someone was surprised.

"Having sword intent, does it mean that Xu Miao will not die?" Someone was delighted.

"That's not necessarily the case. You can see that Xu Miao's sword intent is really insignificant. It can't be compared with Xia Bofei's sword intent at all. This kind of temporarily squeezed sword intent is not worth mentioning." Some people disdain.

Xu Miao and Xia Bofei looked at each other, and their eyes intertwined in the air.

"Xu Miao, you really surprised me. You comprehended sword intent at the moment of life and death. If you were given time, I really look forward to how far you will grow." Xia Bofei's tone seemed to be full of expectations, but it was actually very cruel.

"It's just a pity that you have no chance to grow up. It is your honor to die under my sword." Xia Bofei held the sword and pressed hard against Xu Miao. For a moment, the sharp sword energy, fierce sword intent, and raging spirit Xu Miao was surrounded by force.

Xu Miao lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes covered the emotions in her eyes, and said, "Xia Bofei, whether I have a chance to grow is not up to you, but to me."

"What are you, you can dictate my future." After saying that, Xu Miao suddenly raised her head.He was half a head taller than Xia Bofei, and the two stood facing each other, Xu Miao's momentum was obviously higher than that of the other.

Xia Bofei's face darkened, and he said: "I chopped all the people who talked to me like this into pieces."

"Why did the high disciple of Jingyangzong change his career to sell pork? Don't worry, next time I have the opportunity, I will consider taking care of your business." If you want to threaten the young master, you are too young.

Xia Bofei realized that he could not gain advantage verbally, so he simply kept silent.Xiaochenjian's sword intent was mixed with a strong murderous aura, rushing towards Xu Miao.

Xu Miao was under great pressure. Although his sword intent was generated, it was still at a weak stage, unable to confront Xia Bofei head-on. The best way was to avoid Xia Bofei and attack him in other ways.

It's just that Xia Bofei is a complete swordsman. Even if he is not a pure swordsman, he is just a half-way monk. As a swordsman, he still has the pride and dignity of a swordsman.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, he will never avoid it, and he will use his sword whenever he encounters an enemy.Even if he died, he would die without regret.Xu Miao's eyes flashed with determination, and she clenched the Wu Ning Sword tightly.

The weak sword intent in the dantian enters the Ningwu Sword along the meridian, and is strengthened by the Ningwu Sword itself to expand.Xu Miao's spiritual power has reached its limit, and the strength of her sword intent has also reached its limit.

Xia Bofei's strength is too strong, this is Xu Miao's first time fighting with a monk of the same level, and encountered such a situation.The meridians of the whole body are wide open, desperately absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

His hand holding Wu Ningwu Sword couldn't help but start to tremble, his spiritual power reached its limit, and his meridians would not be able to bear it.It was such a long time nostalgia, and Xu Miao still felt nostalgic.

The smooth and unmarked meridians were squeezed by a large amount of spiritual power, and they couldn't bear it, resulting in rounds of cracks.Feeling the familiar sweet smell in her mouth, Xu Miao swallowed hard, forcing the blood back.

Xu Miao's face is now pale, the sword intent was forced back into the sword body by Xia Bofei again, unable to spread outward.If the sword intent is trapped in the body of the sword, it cannot function.

"Xu Miao, don't think that just because you are strong in Westland, you can run rampant in the world. The other continents on this plane are not as useless as your Westland."

Xia Bofei flipped his right wrist, and Xiaochenjian released the suppression on Ningwujian.Before Xu Miao could take a breath, the tip of Xiao Chenjian was already pressing towards his throat.

His throat was pierced, and he was also dead.Xu Miao retreated quickly, Xia Bofei pursued him closely, before Xiao Chen's sword arrived, the sword's intent arrived.The skin on the neck can already feel the icy chill.

At the critical juncture, Xu Miao twisted her body violently, avoiding the edge of the sword intent.Xia Bofei saw that he failed to succeed in one move, so the Xiaochen sword he shot swept across and attacked Xu Miao again.

Xu Miao was cornered by Xia Bofei, and her heart was burning.He raised his hand and raised the fog-condensing sword to block the whistling Xiaochen sword.

Everyone can see clearly the fighting situation in the air.Xia Bofei gained the upper hand without any objection, and Xu Miao was always pressed and beaten by Xia Bofei.

But no matter how Xia Bofei used his spiritual power, he couldn't cut Xu Miao under the sword.Xu Miao didn't attack, he kept passive defense all the time.

It's not that he can't attack, but that he doesn't want to.Xia Bofei is the No. 1 foundation-builder of the Jingyang Sect, and his understanding of swords is far above him.He wants to seize this opportunity to spy on Jing Yangzong's swordsmanship.

Even though he is now scarred by Xia Bofei, there is no part of his body that is complete.He will not stop, just like a person who has been hungry for a long time and sees a piece of roasted meat.

Xu Miao eagerly watched every sword and every move of Xia Bofei, deeply remembered them, and then used them in his duel with Xia Bofei.

Xia Bofei gradually realized that something was wrong. Xu Miao's moves several times were very similar to those of Jingyangzong.If Xu Miao had learned the Jingyang sect's kung fu in other places, she wouldn't be using a few intermittent sword moves until now.

Unless, Xia Bofei guessed a terrible idea, he looked at Xu Miao with fear for the first time.

"Xu Miao, you are secretly learning the moves of my Jingyang sect!"

Xu Miao raised her sword to block Xia Bofei's hasty move, shrugged her shoulders, and said disapprovingly: "What is stealing? We are all civilized people. How can civilized people steal? It's called learning from others."

Seeing Xu Miao's shameless confession, Xia Bofei was furious, and his sword moves became more and more fierce.Xu Miao was afraid that Xia Bofei would use other methods to deal with him and would not let him imitate.

Now that it is delivered to his door, how can he refuse to accept it.Xu Miao's eyes closely followed Xia Bofei's sword move, while imitating it in his dantian.The ray of sword intent generated in the dantian was shaped by Xu Miao into the appearance of a fog-condensing sword.

According to Xia Bofei's appearance, he gestured in the dantian, modified a few places from time to time, and then forced Xia Bofei to perform that move repeatedly to compare and correct.

Xia Bofei watched the blood man in front of him become more and more proficient in using Jingyangzong's moves, and the fear in his heart became heavier and heavier.Just relying on the moves shown during the duel, you can imitate them in sevens and eighties.

This person must not stay, Xia Bofei secretly hated him.He really wanted to chop Xu Miao to death with a single sword, but this Xu Miao always had a way to evade his sword moves.

The onlookers also saw the name, and said one after another: "Why can't Xu Miao die?"

"And his sword moves are more and more similar to Xia Bofei's."

"He's learning Jingyangzong's moves!"

"How is this possible! These moves, without the support of exercises and formulas, are just drawing a tiger's skin and bones."

"Look at Xu Miao's sword intent, compared to when it was first born, it is much stronger."

Xu Miao's eyes were fixed on Xiaochenjian's ups and downs, and compared with her own sword moves.In this process, Jianyi has grown sufficiently.

When Xia Bofei realized it, Xu Miao's sword intent had already reached [-]% of his sword intent level.Xu Miao's progress was too fast. Even he couldn't rise to this height through just one battle.

"Xu Miao——" Xia Bofei's voice was gloomy, and it fell on everyone's hearts, and they couldn't help shuddering.The sword intent in Xu Miao's dantian traveled all over her body to counteract this discomfort.

"You just want to imitate my moves and improve your understanding of kendo."

"So what? There is a perfect sword-testing stone here, why should I give up this opportunity?" Xu Miao admitted frankly that only by competing with the strong can one improve one's strength the fastest.

"You want to study my Jingyang sect's swordsmanship so much, so I will give you this chance." Xia Bofei's voice was full of murderous intent, "Open your eyes and see clearly what is a real swordsman and what is a real sword What is the real way of the sword!"

The momentum of the Xiaochen sword in Xia Bofei's hand continued to grow, even surpassing all the sword momentum he had shown since attacking Xu Miao.Xu Miao's expression was solemn, knowing that the success or failure of life and death depended on this sword.

Xia Bofei's strongest sword move is about to be shown to everyone, and Xu Miao is the first and only monk to bear this move.

"The sword is in the world!" In Xia Bofei's hands, the Xiaochen sword seemed to produce a very strong vitality.At this moment, Xiao Chenjian and Xia Bofei were connected with each other, whistling sword intent, swept over.

Xu Miao's eyes grew wide, and she didn't want to miss any movement of this sword move in the world, and her spiritual consciousness fully covered it. In order to fully understand this sword move, Xu Miao directly recruited Taoist Li Huan's spiritual consciousness.

The distance between the two was only ten steps, no one could see this sword move better than him.In the eyes of others, it was Xu Miao who stared blankly at Xia Bofei, motionless until he was trapped by the sword move.

Xia Bofei's sword intent reached its peak at this moment, no one can shake it.Some monks nearby had to put up defensive masks to prevent accidental injuries from sword intent.

"This time, Xu Miao will definitely not be able to escape."

"Yeah, I have never seen such a strong sword move."

"Jingyang Sect is worthy of being the top sect of Sword Cultivation in Central China."

Ye Qianqian looked at Xu Miao who was enveloped by the sword in disbelief. To be precise, she could no longer see Xu Miao's figure clearly.The sword intent was too raging, like a tornado, completely trapping Xu Miao in it.

With tears in her eyes, she looked at Xu Miao for a moment, holding a sliver of hope, but her heart kept sinking.

When Jian Zai Tian Xia's sword intent completely enveloped him, Xu Miao closed her eyes.The sword intent cut across his body crazily, he didn't prop up Fu Yu's helmet, but felt the sword intent with his body.

The whole body was dripping with blood, and the blood that flowed out was taken away by the sword intent, giving the surrounding wind a layer of blood.Xu Miao's breath became weaker and weaker, Xia Bofei looked at the tornado in front of him with satisfaction.

"The light of rice grains dares to compete with the sun and the moon."

This time, Xu Miao was very quiet, he didn't say anything to refute Xia Bofei's words, because he had more important things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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