Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 233 Inheritance Exposure

Chapter 233 Inheritance Exposure
The faint sword intent in the dantian turned into the appearance of the Ningwu Sword, repeating the move of the sword in the world over and over again.Xu Miao imitated this move, not to fight the enemy, but to explore the way of the sword from the sword move.

With the sword as his body, he is not afraid of everything in the world.Those who are blocked, those who are blocked, break through with the sword.Nothing can stop the sword cultivator from moving forward, even if he dies, he will die on the way of swinging the sword.

This is the sword cultivator, the sword intent possessed by the sword cultivator, even though death is still alive, he would rather die than live.Today, the person standing in front of him is Xia Bofei. In the future, the person standing in front of him will only be stronger than Xia Bofei.

Treat the sword as a belief, no matter what others think of it, no matter who you meet in the future, you will never let go of the sword in your hand.


The sword intent in the dantian continued to grow stronger with Xu Miao's meditation.With a thought in Xu Miao's mind, the sword intent perfectly reproduced the sword in the world move without any mistakes.

At this time, his mind was as calm as a wave, and he was not at all happy because he used his sword in the world.Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself. At this moment, I feel in a trance that everything I have worked hard to pursue has lost its meaning.

His hands were clenched automatically, and the unique chill of the Mist Sword froze his palms.

How can it be meaningless, he still has too many things to do, too many questions to answer.He still has the sword in his hand, as long as he holds the fog-condensing sword tightly, he will not be afraid of any foreign objects.

Suddenly, Xu Miao opened his eyes, and the sword intent that was released from his eyes before disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.With a restrained sword intent, Xu Miao has once again reached a new level in the way of swordsmanship.

In just a short battle, Xu Miao made breakthroughs one after another in the way of swordsmanship, even surpassing Jingyangzong, which is famous for its swordsmanship.Xia Bofei's sword is in the world, and it could kill people in an instant, but it ran into Xu Miao, a monstrous existence.

The aura that was already weak to annihilation suddenly increased and returned to the aura of a normal person.

Ye Qianqian has been paying attention to Xu Miao's situation, feeling the familiar atmosphere, and can't help laughing through tears.

"Xu Miao is not dead?"

"As soon as Xia Bofei's sword was released in the world, I have never seen anyone survive."

"This Xu Miao is really a monk from Xilu? How could he be so perverted?"

The cold light of the Ningwu Sword flashed, and the trap formed by the sword in the world was easily broken by the sword intent of the Ningwu Sword.Xia Bofei witnessed Xu Miao's transition from death to life with an ugly face, and even used his sword moves and sword intent to gain a deeper understanding of the way of the sword.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Xia, for showing that the sword is in the world, otherwise I would not have reached this level so quickly." Xu Miao's face was full of smiles, and in Xia Bofei's eyes, it was extremely dazzling.

"Fellow Daoists sincerely help each other, so I naturally want to repay you, otherwise how can I be worthy of Your Excellency." Xu Miao's lips were stained scarlet with blood.

He raised the Mist Condensing Sword and pointed it at Xia Bofei, before the sword move was made, the sword intent had already been achieved.Xia Bofei clenched the Xiaochen Sword resentfully, the people in front of him were really hateful, they grew from nothing, from few to many.

When would Xia Bofei become a stepping stone for others, and he was stepped on over and over again.Xia Bofei also raised Xiaochen Sword, and the sword intent quickly gathered.

Xu Miao and Xia Bofei moved at the same time and collided in the air, all kinds of sword moves poured out like a flood.Although Xu Miao was able to successfully imitate Jingyangzong's sword moves, but without the support of exercises and formulas, she has no advantage in front of Xia Bofei.

He chose the sword move he is best at, the Liuying sword technique.Nine basic sword moves, ranging from complex to simple.Facing Xia Bofei's increasingly complex sword moves, he performed them with ease.

In the early stage of this battle, Xu Miao was always pressed and beaten by Xia Bofei, causing him to be seriously injured.It doesn't matter if the flesh and blood are hurt, it's the meridians that give him a headache.

There were cracks in several meridians, which prevented his spiritual power from flowing to his dantian normally.There is not enough spiritual power in the dantian, and it is inevitable that he will fall into a disadvantage when confronting the sword.

Xu Miao's spiritual power supply was insufficient, and although the sword intent of the sword move was there, the power was obviously weakened, so he could only resist with the sword intent.

Xia Bofei noticed that Xu Miao's spiritual power was insufficient. He didn't know that Xu Miao's meridians were damaged. He just thought that Xu Miao's spiritual power reserve was not enough to fight for a long time.

"Your spiritual power is already in short supply. No matter how strong your sword intent is, you can't go further without spiritual power as your backing. An ant will always be an ant and cannot become a climate."

Xia Bofei's sword power suddenly increased, and the spiritual power surged by his side.

Hearing Xia Bofei's words, Xu Miao sneered.Having refined the laws of heaven and earth and stepped into the tenth level of Qi refining, it is impossible for a foundation-builder cultivator on this plane to have a stronger spiritual power reserve than him.

"Who told you that my spiritual power is not enough?" Xu Miao sneered, and swallowed the pill to restore meridians.The power of the medicine dissipated the moment it entered the throat and dispersed into the meridians.

The medicine given by monk Nascent Soul is naturally good, and the damaged meridians are quickly repaired, and Xu Miao's spiritual pressure is getting stronger and stronger.

Xia Bofei stared wide-eyed, unable to believe what happened before his eyes.

"No, it's impossible, how could your spiritual power be so vast!"

Not only Xia Bofei, but all the cultivators from the three continents stared dumbfounded at Xu Miao's sudden depletion of the aura of heaven and earth around him.It takes a strong affinity for aura to achieve this level.

"Xia Bofei, you Zhonglu are not the only ones in this plane." Xu Miao said this indifferently.With sufficient spiritual power, Xu Miao directly operated his Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art.

When the eyes are closed and opened, it becomes pitch black, like a black hole, which can suck everything in.

The fact that the monks in the west land do not recognize the Jue of Heaven and Earth's Nirvana does not mean that the monks in the middle land do not recognize it.

"Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art!" Several monks shouted at the same time. Xu Miao gave them too much stimulation, and they couldn't control their emotions for a while.

"Tiandingmen's suppressing technique, why does Xu Miao know this technique!"

Xia Bofei's eyes were red, and the jealousy in his heart grew wildly, he said: "How do you know the Heaven and Earth Jue?"

The Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue is a sword technique that only considers talent, roots, and comprehension. It is a skill that all sword cultivators dream of.Whether it is Zhonglu or Donglu, they are all looking for the formula for the death of heaven and earth.

It's just that they didn't expect that a monk from the West Land would take the lead.And looking at his appearance, it is obvious that he got it early and succeeded in cultivation.

The Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art has been operated to the extreme, and all the power is condensed in the Mist Sword.Just wait for Xu Miao to swing the sword, and then the power will be displayed.

The corners of Xu Miao's mouth raised, revealing a mocking smile: "You want to know?"

"Yes." Xia Bofei gritted his teeth and answered.

"I will never tell you." The Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue poured out from the Mist Condensing Sword and attacked Xia Bofei.

If Xia Bofei used his sword in the world, he could barely take Xu Miao's attack.It's just that his mind is unstable now, and he is thinking about the Heaven and Earth Jue, how can he still think of drawing a sword to resist.

Xu Miao's sword is merciless, the skill, spiritual power, and sword intent are all in harmony with each other.Xia Bofei was hit by the Mist Sword, spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body fell backwards like torn cotton.

Xia Bofei landed heavily on the ground, hunched up, and slowed down the damage caused by the sword intent to his body.Xu Miao followed closely behind him and pointed at Xia Bofei's neck with his sword.

When the sword tip touched Xia Bofei's skin, a blood hole appeared immediately, and blood flowed out from the hole.

Ji Xuanxin rushed to Xia Bofei's side in time, and threatened Xu Miao: "Xu Miao, think clearly, if you go down with a sword, you will offend Jingyangzong."

"Your sect seems to be just a small sect. Think carefully about whether you can withstand Jing Yangzong's anger."

When Xu Miao heard this, she still held the Ningwu Sword firmly in her hand, and added more force to stab deeper.Without turning his head, he said calmly, "Are you threatening me?"

Ji Xuanxin heard the killing intent from Xu Miao's words. He never thought that the monk from the West Land in front of him would be so bold, completely disregarding his master's life and death.

"I just suggest that you think about it, don't make a big mistake because of impulsiveness—" Ji Xuanxin didn't even finish his sentence, but was interrupted by a spiritual force.

"I hate people threatening me the most, especially threatening me with my sect. Since you want to save Xia Bofei so much, why don't you come for him." When Xu Miao talked to Ji Xuanxin, he didn't even give him a straight look.

Ji Xuanxin was furious in his heart, for a monk from the inferior mainland, he acted like this, defiantly, it was simply too arrogant.Ji Xuanxin couldn't bear it anymore, took out a magic weapon and attacked Xu Miao.

Xu Miao raised her hand to prop up Fu Yu's helmet, but Ji Xuanxin's attack couldn't work.

"Zhonglu's style, I really learned today. If one can't win, another person will fight. Wait a minute, are all the Zhonglu monks here going to play?"

Xu Miao turned her head and glanced at the nearby monks, her fierce eyes made many monks feel terrified.

"Fu Yuzhi? You really got the inheritance of Tiandingmen!" No one doubted Ji Xuanxin's words, they all knew about Tiandingmen, including the techniques and characteristics of Tiandingmen.

Whether it is the monks in Zhonglu or Donglu, their eyes are red with jealousy.The inheritance of Tiandingmen, what a chance, what a great fortune.

With the inheritance of the Heavenly Cauldron Sect, are you afraid that you will not be able to run rampant in the world?The monks present were all thinking about how to report to the master and grab this inheritance.

In the world of comprehension, it is very common to forcibly rob other people's exercises.No one will think it is wrong, the strong get it, it has always been like this.

Xu Miao knew the thoughts of these people nearby, and since he decided to participate in the ancient secret realm, he knew that this matter could not be avoided.Since it cannot be avoided, it is better to let everyone know openly.

He now has the consciousness of Taoist Li Huan, and Qing Jiao who will wake up soon.Coupled with his own spiritual consciousness, he doesn't believe that any monk can disregard his wishes, search for souls and seize exercises.

"So what? I can get the Heavenly Cauldron Sect inheritance, but you can only watch it helplessly, unable to get it, and will be in the pain of not getting it all your life."

Xu Miao's words were like sharp knives, every word hurt people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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