Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 234 The Hurricane Strikes

Chapter 234 The Hurricane Strikes
"Xu Miao, you are presumptuous!"

"How dare you speak to my monk Zhonglu like this, are you ready to bear the anger of all the monks in Zhonglu?" The angry voices of several monks in Zhonglu came and went.

"Hehe—anger? The anger of the weak has always been very cheap. Do you monks in Zhonglu start to recruit soldiers every time you can't win the opponent?"

"The disciples can't beat the master, the master can't beat the old ancestor, it's ridiculous." Xu Miao's words made the monks in Zhonglu unable to refute for a while, and they did treat monks from other continents like this.

But it was obviously just a lesson to the opponent, why did Xu Miao say that it turned into a nasty trick of finding a few more people if he couldn't win.

"Why didn't you refute it? Or do you know that you are wrong and have nothing to say? I used to admire Zhonglu's level of cultivation, thinking that it was a place where all monks should go to practice."

"It seems to be nothing more than that." Xu Miao quickly withdrew the Wu Condensing Sword, turned and walked towards the water pool.The spirit source stone in the pool was the reason why he came here, not to feud with the monk Zhonglu.

Xia Bofei leaned on the ground with his sword, struggled to stand up, and said: "Xu Miao, I, Xia Bofei, lost to you today. I have nothing to do with others, let alone seek the protection of my master. I will defeat you again in a short time!"

With a smile on the corner of Xu Miao's mouth, she looked back at Xia Bofei's unyielding face and said, "Waiting for you."

In front of everyone, Xu Miao took the Lingyuan Stone from the water pool in her hands.The spiritual power contained in the Lingyuan stone is really unfathomable. Compared with Xu Miao's spiritual power, it is like a drop in the ocean.

Xu Miao defeated Xia Bofei, the strongest among the monks present, in an unstoppable state. No one dared to stand up and stop Xu Miao. They could only watch angrily as Xu Miao took away the spirit source stone, showing unwillingness.

Seeing everyone's expressions in her eyes, Xu Miao felt at ease.The water in the pool has been moistened by the spirit source stone for many years, and the spiritual power contained in it is also of great benefit to monks.

It's all here, how could Xu Miao let Tanshui go, he raised his hand and moved all Tanshui into the Hunting Stone.

"Xu Miao! You are so greedy! You have taken away the spirit source stone, and you even got your finger on the lake!" A monk in Zhonglu finally couldn't see it, and stood up to try to stop Xu Miao.

When Xu Miao heard this, she flew out the Mist Condensing Sword and pointed it at the head of Cultivator Lu who was speaking.Xu Miao, who has reached a new level in the way of the sword, can already send and receive sword intent at will.

In this sword, Xu Miao didn't use the sword intent, but only used the chill and wind that came with the Wu Ningjian.Cultivator Zhonglu immediately felt the temperature of his whole body drop rapidly, and even his spiritual power was not working smoothly.

Only then did he realize that Xu Miao was truly powerful.The victory over Xia Bofei was due to his irrefutable strength, not trickery.Cultivator Zhonglu was used to standing at the top of the cultivation world, and suddenly he was replaced by others. He felt a thousand and ten thousand unhappy in his heart.

"If it was me, or any monk from the West Land or the East Land that fell today, would you only take away the Spirit Origin Stone and leave the pool of water to us?"

Before Brother Zhonglu answered, Xu Miao replied on his behalf: "You won't, you will take all valuable things directly. If you are in a good mood, you may leave us alive. If you are in a bad mood, you will kill us directly. , am I right?"

Everything Xu Miao said was based on facts.Once, three continents explored an important secret realm at the same time.At that time, the monks in Zhonglu were generally in the limelight, and the combination of Donglu and Xilu was not Zhonglu's opponent.

That time, the east and west continents suffered heavy losses, and not one out of ten monks entered the secret realm.After getting out of the secret realm, a Nascent Soul cultivator went to ask for justice, but was directly beaten out by the Nascent Soul cultivator in Zhonglu.

"Do you still remember what the Nascent Soul cultivator in Zhonglu said?" Xu Miao patted his forehead, pretending to remember suddenly, "Fairness? There has never been such a thing in the cultivation world, fists are the only standard. "

"You still have the face to accuse me of being greedy in front of my monk Xilu today? No wonder you monks Zhonglu are so powerful. When the water is clear, there are no fish, and when people are cheap, they are invincible. I really understand that you are invincible."

Xu Miao satirized Zhong Lu with a gun and a stick, which made the cultivator Zhong Lu want to beat Xu Miao hard, but every sentence was correct, and he couldn't beat the other party, so he could only silently be as quiet as a chicken.

"Xu Miao is really good. We, Xilu, have vented our grievances for many years!"

"Happy! Who told Zhong Lu to have a nose that wasn't a nose, and eyes that weren't eyes? That's right!"

As Xu Miao drained all the water in the pool, a ten-foot-square hole was revealed.The entrance of this cave was covered by a magic circle, and it was completely impossible to find out that Tan Di had a hole in the sky with only his spiritual sense.

Now that Xu Miao took the water from the pool, the entrance of the cave was revealed to the world.This magic circle is very mysterious, Xu Miao couldn't find any useful information, so he could only ask Taoist Li Huan for help.

Although Taoist Li Huan was dissatisfied that Xu Miao always came to him when he had something to do, he was really interested in the magic circle. Now that he saw this ancient magic circle, he couldn't see Lie Xinxi.

Xu Miao stood silently beside the pool, waiting for instructions from Taoist Li Huan.According to Taoist Li Huan, Xu Miao probed different parts of the magic circle, and the results were the same as the magic circle in Zhenyao Prison.

It is a monk who has surpassed the level of the god-forming stage, and the formation laid down by them alone, the monks of the foundation-building stage, is absolutely impossible to break through this formation.

Since Taoist Li Huan said so, it proves that this formation is indeed beyond his ability to open.But this formation is in this ancient secret realm, and the ancient secret realm only allows monks in the foundation period to come and explore.

If it was not prepared for the monks in the foundation period, there is no need to set up this formation, so wouldn't the monks who set up the formation be superfluous?

There must be something that he overlooked, didn't notice.Xu Miao frowned tightly and looked at the magic circle.He shot out a ball of spiritual power. When the spiritual power hit the formation, it didn't bounce back immediately, but merged with the formation before being ejected.

"Huh? This magic circle has some tricks, Xu Miao, let me see if you create another ball of spiritual power." Xu Miao did as he said, and it was the same as before, without any difference.

Taoist Li Huan was silent for a moment, and said: "I see, this formation has an identification function, only certain people can enter and exit this formation smoothly."

"A specific person? Is it okay to use the token we entered here?"

"No, the mana operation of the two is completely different, and if you can enter with a token, there is no need for this magic circle to exist. As long as someone comes over and finds this hole, it is fine, and there is no need to bother setting up a magic circle."

Taoist Li Huan's analysis was well-founded, and it was almost the same as what he thought.It is estimated that the certificate to enter the magic circle must be obtained from other places.

Xu Miao was still thinking here, while the other monks fell into chaos.

"What happened to the southwest? Why is there a hurricane coming!"

"The hurricane is too fast, it will arrive here soon, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

"It's already here, run!"

The monks spread out one after another and fled away.Xu Miao originally wanted to leave directly, but suddenly saw a dispute between Ye Qianqian and a monk from Central China.

The Zhonglu cultivator obviously wanted to throw Ye Qianqian to where the hurricane came from, but Ye Qianqian threw out the vines and entangled him, preventing him from escaping.

After entanglement and earning, the two became the closest monks to the hurricane.Xu Miao's heart was on fire, Cultivator Zhonglu was really endless.He drew his sword and flew away, and the sword intent went straight to Cultivator Zhonglu.

The Zhonglu cultivator obviously didn't expect Xu Miao, who had already left, to turn around and come back, his face changed drastically, and the strength of his men also loosened.

Ye Qianqian seized the opportunity and threw Cultivator Zhonglu in the direction of the hurricane.Cultivator Zhonglu was attacked by two people at the same time, so he couldn't take care of his back, so he had to throw a bunch of talismans.

Ye Qianqian put both hands on the Youteng satin, facing the sudden large number, there was no way to avoid it.Yun Longyue cast it out instantly, flew to the front of Ye Qianqian, and propped up Fu Yu's helmet at the moment the talisman seal exploded.

The Wu Ning Sword flew out at the same time, and the Zhonglu cultivator couldn't resist the force of the Wu Ning Sword, and was pierced by the sharp blade.Xu Miao held Ye Qianqian's hand and helped her throw him to Hurricane.

Cultivator Zhonglu let out a scream and was swallowed by the hurricane.The outer edge of the hurricane had already touched the robes of the two, so there was no way to delay any longer. Xu Miao stopped Ye Qianqian's waist and flew towards the side.

The diameter range of the hurricane is extremely large, as long as it does not fly out of this range, there is a risk of being engulfed by the hurricane.Xu Miao's injury from fighting with Xia Bofei was forcibly suppressed by the medicine at that time, and now he fled quickly, and the scars on the meridian opened again.

The spiritual power in his body was chaotic for a moment, and he immediately suppressed it, but a mouthful of blood gushed out of his throat, and he couldn't bear it anymore, so he spat it out.

"Xu Miao, are you okay?" Ye Qianqian looked at Xu Miao worriedly, stretched out her slender fingers, and wiped the blood from the corner of Xu Miao's mouth with a handkerchief.

Xu Miao shook her head, patted Ye Qianqian's hand, signaled that she was fine, and accelerated again.Xu Miao kept cursing in her heart, which blind person drew out the hurricane, no matter how she flew, she couldn't fly out of the range of the hurricane.

In addition to the howling wind of the hurricane, there were also the screams of the monks.If Xu Miao flew alone, she would definitely be able to escape the threat of the hurricane.

It's just that there is one more Ye Qianqian, and his speed inevitably slows down, always a little faster than the hurricane.The threat of being swallowed by the hurricane hangs in Xu Miao's heart all the time.

"Xu Miao, put me down and take me with you, you won't last long." Ye Qianqian reached out to Xu Miao's hand around her waist, trying to break Xu Miao's hand away.

Xu Miao tightened her grip instead of loosening, tightly gripping Ye Qianqian's slender waist, and said with a grin, "Women should never underestimate men."

He took out the empty wings and put them behind his back.Bringing Ye Qianqian to his chest with his right hand, he whispered, "Hold me tight."

(End of this chapter)

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