Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 236 Yellow Sand

Chapter 236 Yellow Sand
Xu Miao glanced at a few people, sneered disdainfully, and said, "What are you worried about? I will kill you?"

"You can rest assured, as long as you don't have any wrong thoughts, I won't kill you. Whoever let you have a good pregnancy has Zhonglu's sect behind it."

This was the first time Xu Miao faced Zhonglu's monks, and bluntly said Zhonglu's strength.In his tone, there was no awe of ordinary monks towards Zhonglu, as if he said that you have a good father, but he was just stating the facts, without envy or awe.

A few more rays of light descended, revealing the true face of the person who came.He Xiao, Tang Song, Zheng Zhan, they all came together, and it became more and more lively.

Xu Miao turned around, half-closed her eyes and looked at the yellow sand in front of her.Inside this piece of yellow sand, there must be important items that he doesn't know about.He Xiao took the initiative to stand beside Xu Miao, and handed Xu Miao a broken tile-like thing.

What is depicted on the tile is a map that is not very clear.However, the tiles in his hands were too small for Xu Miao to see the whole picture of the map clearly.Xu Miao looked up at the other people, and sure enough, she saw similar tiles on their hands.

This tile should have been found by He Xiao and others somewhere. Whether the whole tile was broken like this, or it was originally broken into several pieces, at least one piece belongs to Xilu.

He Xiao sent a voice transmission to Xu Miao, saying: "This tile is the map of a palace in the yellow sand. Now we need to enter the yellow sand to find the palace."

"What's in the palace?"

"I don't know yet. At the place where the tiles were found, there is a map indicating to reach Huangsha. We got here according to that map. How did you get here?"

Xu Miao told He Xiao the pavilion that he saw when he entered the secret realm. Comparing the two, it is very likely that the pavilion is a palace in the yellow sand. Due to the erosion of the years, the periphery of the palace has been deserted, and all of it has turned into yellow sand, and the palace is also covered by yellow sand. .

Tang Song glanced at the monks from the three sides, stepped forward and said, "Since we have tile maps on all three continents, why not cooperate to enter the yellow sand."

"No matter what is in the palace, we need to find the location of the palace first, and then merge the tiles together to find what is in the palace."

Tang Song's words are in everyone's interest.There is no point in arguing now, it is better to find a solution after finding the palace.

People from the three continents have a common goal, let go of their previous quarrels, and cooperate temporarily.When everyone stepped into the yellow sand, they knew that the palace was not so easy to find.

The sky was full of yellow sand, and the wind was howling, making it difficult for even a cultivated monk to move an inch.When Xu Miao felt the coming wind and sand, she propped up the mask to resist.

The wind and sand were so powerful that they crackled and hit the mask.The mask that had just been propped up had cracks, and it didn't take a moment for it to become fragments.

Fu Yu's helmet can only support half of the wind and sand, and can't take care of his back.But the wind and sand here are coming from all directions, without any rules, all the winds are chaotic.

Xu Miao could only use her spiritual power to continuously strengthen the mask.This consumes a lot of spiritual power. After a while, Xu Miao needs to drink the spiritual source water to replenish his spiritual power.

The monks, including Tang Song, used their own means to resist the wind and sand while replenishing their spiritual power.The wind and sand all over the sky made them lose their way, and they didn't know where they were at all.

Although Xu Miao had placed marked stones around the wind and sand, within this piece of yellow sand, the consciousness could not protrude more than three feet away from the body, otherwise the consciousness would be hit by the wind and sand, causing unbearable pain.

Everyone can only temporarily stop, gather together, and discuss countermeasures again.Now it is not whether he can find the palace, but whether he can leave this piece of yellow sand smoothly.

"The wind and sand are too strong, and it will affect the spiritual consciousness. There is no way to distinguish the direction." A Donglu monk said.

A Zhonglu cultivator mocked: "We all know this, so we don't need you to talk nonsense."

Tang Song raised his hand to suppress the dispute between the two sides, and asked everyone for their opinions.

Xu Miao once tried to borrow Taoist Li Huan's consciousness to break through the distance of three feet.It's just that the stronger the consciousness is, the stronger the attack will be.

Just sticking out two feet away, he felt a strong tingling sensation, which made him have to give up this method.The most frustrating thing for everyone is that there is a flight ban on this piece of yellow sand, and they cannot fly in the air, so they can only walk on foot.

The top monks in these three continents were helpless and helpless in this piece of yellow sand.Everyone looked at each other, speechless.

Xu Miao kept her head down, did not participate in their discussion, and thought alone.Since it was the tile that directed this place, no one would be trapped in this place.

There should be some place that he overlooked, where is it?
"Fellow Daoist Xu, how do you think about it?" Tang Song suddenly asked Xu Miao.

Xu Miao didn't answer Tang Song's question, but instead asked, "When you first saw the tile, was it a complete piece, or has it been scattered into what it is now?"

Tang Song understood Xu Miao's thoughts the moment Xu Miao asked.Seeing the epiphany in Tang Song's eyes, Xu Miao felt relieved.Dealing with smart people is easy.

"Although it is a complete piece, it was artificially pieced together."

Xu Miao took out the tile that He Xiao gave him, and said, "If my guess is correct, put the tiles back together, and this tile should guide us to the correct destination."

Both Xu Miao and Tang Song agreed, and Zheng Zhan had no reason to disagree. The three of them didn't believe each other, and they just threw the tiles into the air, manipulating their respective pieces to make them reassemble.

The moment the three scattered tiles were put together, they shone with dazzling light, no longer controlled by the spiritual power of the three, and flew in one direction by themselves.

"Follow the tiles, and you will find the location of the power supply!" Zheng Zhan hadn't finished speaking, and everyone had already used their bodies to keep up with the tiles.

The wind and sand showed no signs of weakening, and as they went deeper and deeper, the wind and sand became bigger and bigger.Xu Miao had to increase the output of spiritual power and strengthen the firmness of the mask.

One of the Xilu cultivators who followed He Xiao had almost exhausted his spiritual power. When the mask was broken, he had no time to prop up a new mask and was blown by the wind and sand.

Xu Miao is not a kind-hearted person, but with one more person, there is one more chance to find things inside the palace. He can't just watch Xilu cultivator's bones buried in the yellow sand.

He retreated quickly, reached out to grab Brother Xilu, and dragged him into his mask.The monk knew that Xu Miao had saved him, so he was very grateful.

There is a lot of spiritual source water in Xu Miao's Hunting Stone, so he took out a few large bottles and distributed them to all the monks in Xilu, in case they were not strong enough to support their spiritual power and died on the way.

As for the monks in Zhonglu and Donglu, they could only watch the Lingyuan water passing by under their noses, but they couldn't get it.With sufficient spiritual source water as a backing, Cultivator Xilu used his spiritual power without hesitation to prop up the mask.

When the monks from the three continents arrived at the top of the palace, the faces of the three parties were obviously different.With the help of Lingyuan water, monk Xilu's complexion was extremely rosy.

Looking at the monks in Zhonglu and Donglu, most of them looked exhausted and out of breath. No matter how you looked at them, they were in a good mood. If you can, you must laugh three times.

The tiles that were put together temporarily stopped above a certain position, and everyone knew that they had reached their destination.The question before everyone now is how to enter the palace under the yellow sand.

"You remove the yellow sand here first, and then we enter the palace." A monk in the middle land arrogantly ordered the monks in the east land and the west land.

"What are you, ordering us?" Although He Xiao is not Tang Song's opponent, he still has the possibility of defeating other Zhonglu monks. He was suddenly ordered by an ordinary Zhonglu monk, and he couldn't help being furious.

The Zhonglu cultivator saw that it was He Xiao, not Xu Miao, who stood out, so he was even less worried.He knew that Xu Miao defeated Xia Bofei, but he also knew that He Xiao was not as strong as Xu Miao.

"Just because I'm a monk from Zhonglu—" Brother Zhonglu wanted to yell, but he noticed Xu Miao's cold eyes with murderous intent.Xu Miao did not conceal his killing intent at all, and directly showed it in front of Tang Song.

Stared at by Xu Miao's eyes full of murderous intent, no matter how courageous he was, he had to withdraw. The Zhonglu cultivator closed his mouth resentfully.

Fang Chuanzhong from Zhonglu stood up and said, "The three parties take turns to remove the yellow sand, which is the most fair." Xu Miao and He Xiao looked at each other and agreed.

Fang Chuanzhong was the first to strike, with his hands in the position of embracing the moon, and the yellow sand on the soles of his feet was instantly moved away.It's just that although the yellow sand on the bottom of the feet is removed, the nearby yellow sand will follow the trend of ups and downs to fill up the lost yellow sand.

After Fang Chuanzhong worked hard, the yellow sand on the soles of his feet did not change. He shoveled the yellow sand in frustration.

Seeing Fang Chuanzhong's actions, Xu Miao could see that the tendency of the yellow sand to flow downward was natural. Unless the speed of the yellow sand was removed faster than the speed of the influx, or the nearby yellow sand was fixed, the yellow sand would not be able to flow down. Clean it up to reveal the palace below.

"We need someone to take action to fix the nearby yellow sand, and then let the rest of the people do it, remove the yellow sand, and remove the most yellow sand in the shortest time." Xu Miao evaluated the current situation and proposed the most effective Solution.

Tang Song had no objection to this, and said: "I am the Ice Spirit Root, and I can fix the yellow sand." The Ice Spirit Root can freeze the yellow sand with a small amount of water in the yellow sand, thus playing a role in fixing it.

Xu Miao is the most suitable for removing the yellow sand because of her wind spirit root.The remaining people, according to the nature of the spiritual root, have completed the division of labor.

"Start!" All the monks began to use their spiritual power to take charge of their tasks.Xu Miao's long arms stretched out, and the wind power moved crazily, forming a super powerful tornado around Xu Miao's body.

The rapidly rotating tornado drives the yellow sand and rolls the yellow sand below into the air.A large amount of yellow sand was sucked away and moved to a farther place through other monks.

(End of this chapter)

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