Chapter 237
The tornado condensed by Xu Miao became the absolute main force to remove the yellow sand, and all other monks could only be auxiliary personnel.Originally, Tang Song thought that it would take a lot of spiritual power to keep solidifying the surrounding yellow sand for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Xu Miao's efficiency would be so high, no wonder this person can defeat Xia Bofei who even he finds it difficult.Tang Song's evaluation of Xu Miao was higher in his heart.

Not long after, a dark entrance appeared in front of everyone.Xu Miao immediately extended her consciousness into it.The layout inside is indeed like a palace, with palace roads, palace walls, and palace lanterns.

Every facility is imbued with a sense of history, completely different from the items used in this day and age.Everyone jumped down from the entrance one after another, losing the solidified yellow sand and flooding the entrance again.

Xu Miao glanced worriedly at the covered entrance. If they couldn't find an exit inside the palace, they might not be able to leave the palace here.

Many monks have already walked forward along the palace road, not paying attention to this matter.Xu Miao suppressed the ominous feeling in her heart and walked deep into the palace.

It was very strange in the palace. The palace lanterns that were originally extinguished were lit up one by one as everyone walked by, illuminating the palace road.The palace road is a bronze-paved road that can accommodate five people in parallel, and the road is erected on the water.

It's just that the water on both sides of the palace road is not like ordinary flowing water, it is stagnant, and under the illumination of the palace lanterns, it reflects silvery white light.

Xu Miao walked by the side of the palace road and found that the water had an intercepting effect on the spiritual consciousness, and could not use the spiritual consciousness to explore the deeper situation.All signs point to the answer, the water in the palace is probably Yuanshui.

Yuanshui is highly poisonous, even if a Golden Core cultivator accidentally touches it with a drop, his bones will disappear immediately.Xu Miao threw out a discarded magic weapon. The moment the magic weapon touched Yuanshui, it was immediately corroded, leaving nothing behind.

Xu Miao's actions caught Tang Song's attention: "Fellow Daoist Xu, did you find out about the water?"

Tang Song could already guess Yuanshui based on his actions, but it was a bit pretentious to ask for extra questions.

"I didn't find out." Xu Miao spread her hands to express her powerlessness, passed Tang Song, caught up with He Xiao in front, and informed He Xiao of Yuanshui's situation via voice transmission.

Xu Miao and He Xiao were still speculating about the situation in the palace, when they heard the monk at the front exclaiming: "There is no way here!"

Xu Miao frowned, and walked a few steps, the palace road was disconnected from the position where he was standing, and there was a continuous palace road after a distance of hundreds of feet.Without the palace road, everyone could not move forward.

Yuanshui is not only highly poisonous, but also has terrible sedimentation properties.Even if a leaf falls on Yuanshui, it will sink to the bottom of Yuanshui.

A Xilu monk didn't realize that the water under his feet was Yuanshui, so he directly displayed his body and flew in the air.When his body just appeared above Yuanshui, he found that the spiritual power in his whole body was out of control, and he fell straight down.

Xu Miao raised the rope formed by spiritual power, wrapped it around the monk's waist, and pulled it back hard.Even with Xu Miao's concentration of spiritual power, it is very difficult to directly face Yuan Shui.

All the spiritual power in his body was poured into the rope, and only then did he pull the monk back to the palace road.Xu Miao's strength is well known to everyone, surpassing Xia Bofei, and even being able to compete with Tang Song.

Even if it was him who made the shot, it was so laborious, let alone other people.Everyone fell silent for a moment, and the monk who was rescued by Xu Miao turned pale and thanked Xu Miao endlessly.

Xu Miao looked at Yuan Shui under her feet, rubbed her chin, and fell into deep thought.He has read many jade slips, and those jade slips only mentioned the nature of Yuanshui, and warned future generations that if they encounter Yuanshui, stay away as soon as possible.

There has never been a jade slip that mentions the method of restraining Yuanshui.Xu Miao also specifically asked Taoist Li Huan, and with the knowledge of a cultivator who transforms spirits, he also didn't know the solution.

All the monks stood in place, trying different methods, but none of them succeeded.Seeing that they could not pass through Yuanshui, some monks wanted to leave the underground palace.

However, it is easy to enter the palace, but difficult to exit. The entrance covered by the yellow sand cannot be reopened from below.If you want to leave, you can only find another exit.

Desperation breeds and spreads among the people.The idea of ​​waiting for death appeared in the monks' hearts, which made them confused and terrified.

The life and death of monks have always been affected by battles, monsters and the like.Being trapped to death in this dark palace, even a monk with outstanding talent cannot bear it.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, what's your opinion?" Now we must work together to come up with a solution, otherwise we can only die here aggrieved.Tang Song ignored Zheng Zhan and asked Xu Miao first.

The order of the inquiries also showed from the side that in Tang Song's mind, Xu Miao was stronger than Zheng Zhan.Zheng Zhan had seen how Xu Miao defeated Xia Bofei with his own eyes. Although he felt a little regretful, he was not dissatisfied.

"Maybe we can take a look at the tile." Xu Miao suddenly thought of the tile that led them here. If it wasn't for that tile, none of these people would have come here.

From the moment they entered the palace, this was the only way in front of them.They took it for granted that they should follow the road, ignoring the map engraved on the tile.

Until now, most of the monks thought about how to pass Yuanshui, but they didn't think about the tiles at all.

The scattered tiles were reassembled, and several people gathered around the tiles to study the patterns depicted on them.

"We are probably at this location." Xu Miao pointed to a palace road that was disconnected.

"We enter the palace from this place, there is really no other way except this road." He Xiao asserted after reading all the maps.

Xu Miao had already memorized the map on the tiles with a glance. Although it was winding and winding, it was easy for a monk to memorize it.

There is indeed only one road shown on the map, with no branches or paths.However, in the middle of the broken circuit depicted on the tile, there is a faint and unclear imprint in the shape of a flying snake.

According to the historical jade slips, the Teng Snake is a kind of sub-divine beast, and its status is not as high as that of the real divine beast such as the white tiger.Teng Snake is a kind of snake that can soar through the clouds and ride the fog. It looks similar to ordinary snakes, the only difference is that it has two wings on its back.

This pair of wings is the magic weapon for the flying snake. It is also mentioned in the jade slips that the snake, as the ancestor of snakes, is highly poisonous, but it is invulnerable to all poisons.

If the soaring snake on the tile was specially painted by the monks of Tiandingmen, maybe there is a soaring snake entrenched under Yuanshui.It's just that Yuanshui is isolated from the exploration of the divine consciousness, so it is impossible to know the real situation at the bottom of Yuanshui.

And if in ancient times, there really were soaring snakes here.After millions of years, the Soaring Serpent has been trapped here, and may have been turned into a bone.

Xu Miao thought a lot, imagined all kinds of possibilities, and said bluntly: "Since this tile can bring us here, maybe the tile can also bring us through that section of primordial water."

"It makes sense." Xu Miao's proposal was agreed by several people, and they used their spiritual power to carefully control the tiles to fly above Yuanshui.

Yuanshui, where everything sinks, meets tiles, but there is no sign of sinking.The tile was controlled by three spiritual forces, and it passed through the Yuanshui part steadily and reached the other end.

"Although the tiles can pass through Yuanshui safely, how to transport people there is still a problem." Tang Song said while holding a third of the tiles in his hand.

Suddenly, the calm primordial water seemed to be boiling, with bubbles constantly popping out.Everyone was afraid of being splashed by the primordial water, so they hurriedly stood in the middle of the palace road.

Appearing together with Yuanshui boiling, there is also a mysterious aura.Maybe the Soaring Snake was still alive, Xu Miao didn't avoid it, but went to the end of the palace path instead.

A huge head emerged from the water surface, two piercing eyes looked at Xu Miao who appeared in front of it, and the scarlet snake letter kept expanding and contracting.

After the head came out of the water, there was the body of the snake. Xu Miao saw the wings on the back of the body, which was indeed a soaring snake.Poisonous, but invulnerable to all poisons, only such sub-divine beasts will not be afraid of Yuanshui, but can survive in Yuanshui.

"It's the Soaring Snake!" Although the Soaring Snake has disappeared in the cultivation world, its appearance has been passed down.Coupled with its very distinctive wings, it is hard to recognize it.

At this time, the boiling primordial water gradually calmed down, returning to its calm state like a mirror, leaving only the Soaring Snake entangled in its body and head raised high.

Monsters who have cultivated to a certain level can talk to human monks, not to mention the soaring snake, which may have a lifespan of millions of years.It's just that Xu Miao hadn't settled on a wording yet, Teng Snake spoke first: "Human, it's been a long time."

The Soaring Snake is a sub-divine beast, born to be close to humans, so although the Soaring Snake in front of him is powerful, it does not show any killing intent.

This is not the first time for Xu Miao to see a divine beast. What's more, there is a divine beast cub inside the Huntian Stone. He will not be afraid of the coercion of the divine beast at all, so he calms down and tells Teng Snake the reason for coming here.

And euphemistically expressed his request to reach the opposite palace road with the help of Soaring Snake.Xu Miao stated directly in words without using divine consciousness, and all the monks could hear it.

Teng Snake heard Xu Miao's words, but did not answer directly, but asked another question: "Is there a little guy on you?"

Everyone was at a loss when they heard this, but Xu Miao knew very well who Teng Snake was talking about.The Hunting Stone can block the monk's spiritual exploration, but it cannot escape the divine beast's exploration.

Anyway, when it was discovered, Xu Miao also nodded generously.

"Leave him here, and I'll take you there." Teng Snake gave the conditions for sending Xu Miao to the other side.If Xu Miao had to choose, compared with unknown things, of course the little white tiger is more important.

After years of getting along, the relationship between Little White Tiger and him has long become close, not like a master and servant, but more like a friend.

The advancement of the divine beast White Tiger is very slow, even though he placed the little White Tiger in the position with the highest spiritual power in the Hunting Stone and ate a lot of spiritual grass, so far, it is only at the level of a third-level monster.

(End of this chapter)

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