Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 238 The White Tiger Leaves

Chapter 238 The White Tiger Leaves
Although Teng Snake is close to human beings, after so many years of changes, has his mind changed, or is he trying to achieve ulterior motives by imposing certain methods on the little white tiger.

Xu Miao instinctively resisted Teng Snake's conditions, but his help to Little White Tiger was really limited. An adult Teng Snake taught Little White Tiger that he could grow faster.

If something unexpected happens to him one day, the blood of the divine beast White Tiger can survive safely.Xu Miao decided to ask Little White Tiger to see his opinion.

But before he could ask, some monks couldn't wait to say: "Xu Miao, what do you have for the Teng Snake, consume it here, are you trying to kill us?"

"That's right, not to mention that we couldn't get through Yuanshui, we couldn't resist even a snake attack, why are you still hesitating!"

When Xu Miao heard this, she turned around with a sword, and none of the monks who spoke was spared, and they were all hit by the fog sword.They didn't expect that Xu Miao not only didn't listen to them, but attacked them instead, and couldn't help yelling.

"Xu Miao, you are bold! We have provoked you for a long time, a monk from the West Land is acting in a public way here, I really forgot how much I am!"

"It seems that Xilu has been living so well recently that he has forgotten how he once succumbed to me, Zhonglu."

Xu Miao looked coldly at the people who spoke, as if she was looking at a dead person, the murderous look in her eyes turned into substance, and she went straight to them.When they felt the powerful murderous intent, they suddenly realized that Xu Miao was someone who could defeat even Xia Bofei.

They are not Xia Bofei's opponents, so how can they be Xu Miao's opponents.I am used to being aloof in the past, even though I had intentionally suppressed it before, I was dazzled by the joy of leaving here, and for a while, I got carried away and scolded Xu Miao.

Xu Miao walked up to several people step by step. Those people seemed to have seen a ghost. They couldn't even stand up. Their whole bodies were shaking like sifting chaff.

"Isn't the voice just now very loud? Why didn't you speak?" Xu Miao's voice was cold, without the slightest ups and downs, and he didn't shout loudly. It was this kind of voice that made several people's livers tear apart.

"Xu Miao, we were too excited just now, your lord has a lot, bypass us." Several people looked at Xu Miao beggingly, wishing they could kneel down.

Whether it is Donglu or other monks in Zhonglu, seeing the scene in front of them, their hearts are complicated.When did the monks in Zhonglu need to beg and beg like this, and the object was still the weakest monk in Xilu.

Perhaps in the not-too-distant future, Xu Miao will lead the Western Continent's comprehension world to become the strongest continent in this plane.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, they know they are wrong, why not give me face and let them go." Tang Song, as the leader of the foundation-building cultivators in Zhonglu, had to stand up at this time.

Xu Miao squinted at him, and said, "For your sake? Am I familiar with you? If it was the monk Xilu who fell under your sword today, would you let them go for my sake?"

Xu Miao's words were not polite, and Tang Song's face turned green and white.No one dared to talk to him like this before, Xu Miao was the first.He is the proud son of heaven, whether it is his innate spiritual roots, the skills he cultivates, the opportunities he encounters, or the sect he belongs to.

Only others please him and give him face.But ever since he met Xu Miao, not only has this person not been as respectful as the others, he has even been too lazy to show it.

Tang Song's hands clenched and then loosened, his spiritual power gathered and dispersed.He knew that he couldn't conflict with Xu Miao in this place, and he would only be affected.

"After all, they are cultivators in Zhonglu. Since Fellow Daoist Xu is unwilling to let them go, I will act for you." Tang Song hit several people with a burst of spiritual power without waiting for Xu Miao's answer.

The few people didn't react, they rolled backward several times after being attacked by spiritual power, and stopped after vomiting blood again and again, looking as embarrassed as they could be.

It's just that the monks standing here are all human beings. Tang Song's movements look dangerous, but in fact they didn't hurt the vitals of a few people at all. Just adjust your breath a little, and it won't have any impact on the next action .

The corner of Xu Miao's mouth sneered, Tang Song did this, if he continued to teach those people, it would be like hitting Zhonglu in the face.This Tang Song was able to reach the current height, it really is not easy.

"That's really bothering Fellow Daoist Tang, but don't get tired, or I'll feel bad about it." After Xu Miao finished speaking, she ignored Tang Song's reaction and communicated directly with the little white tiger.

Little White Tiger's blood memory has the impression of Soaring Snake, but it is not clear enough.Hearing Xu Miao talk about it now, I can only recall the general idea.

Xu Miao did not tell Xiao Baihu that his decision would directly affect whether his master could pass Yuanshui smoothly.Xu Miao didn't want to put any pressure on the little white tiger. If the little white tiger didn't want to, he would directly reject Teng Snake.

Even if he will not be Teng Snake's opponent, and the road ahead will be extremely difficult, he will not frown.

"Teng Snake? Can I go out and have a look?" The little white tiger shook his head and opened his clear eyes.

Xu Miao directly removed the little white tiger from the Hunting Stone, hugged it in her arms, and asked the little white tiger to observe the Teng Snake in a defensive posture.The appearance of the little white tiger is still similar to Fengyinghu, which is why Xu Miao dared to show him to outsiders.

Teng Snake knows the significance of divine beasts to human monks, and the birth of any infant divine beast will cause madness in the entire cultivation world.Therefore, the unique communication method of the beast was adopted, and Xu Miao did not know what the Teng Snake and the little white tiger communicated.

Only the little white tiger looked up and told Xu Miao that he wanted to stay with Teng Snake.When Xu Miao heard what the little white tiger said, she didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

He smiled, carefully handed the little white tiger to Teng Snake, and said: "If you show slightest disrespect to Xiaobai, I will do everything to trouble you."

Teng Snake directly used the sound transmission this time: "The white tiger cub stays here with you, and it grows too slowly. I will raise it for you and make it your sharp blade and shield."

Hearing Teng Snake's words, Xu Miao was in a daze for a while. He would sign a contract with Xiaobai, also under the coercion of the white tiger avatar.After years of getting along, Xu Miao only hopes that the little white tiger can grow up happily, without having to face the threats and tribulations of the cultivation world all the time.

"When he has enough strength to protect you, I will let him go to you." Xiao Bai finally licked Xu Miao's palm, and reluctantly lay on Teng Snake's back.

The other monks really couldn't figure out why Teng Snake was interested in a Wind Shadow Tiger.But after Xu Miao's lesson, no one dared to ask Xu Miao again.

The wings of the Soaring Snake waved violently, bringing up a strong wind, and everyone was immediately staggered and unable to stand upright.They thought they were being tricked by Teng Snake and were about to defend themselves when they heard Xu Miao's voice.

"Senior Teng Snake is leading us through the Yuanshui, everyone must put down the magic weapon and must not resist. If you keep advising, if you fall into the Yuanshui on the way, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

The monk hesitated in his heart, wondering if he should believe Xu Miao's words.Xu Miao didn't bother to explain to these people. Believe it or not, it was just right to die, so that one more person would not snatch the things in the palace.

The Xilu monks, all headed by Xu Miao, put away their magic weapons immediately after hearing Xu Miao's warning.Tang Song and Zheng Zhan noticed the actions of monk Xilu. They believed that Xu Miao would not harm their companions, and they also reminded other monks.

Soaring Snake was extremely fast, sending everyone to the opposite palace road in an instant.Xu Miao stood on Teng Snake's body and was sent to the palace by Teng Snake.

No one noticed that Teng Snake gave Xu Miao a bead in a strong wind.

"This bead is the key to get the most important items in the palace. Don't lose it." Xu Miao squeezed the bead in her hand and put it into the Hunting Stone.

Passing through the short palace road, there are three forks in front of everyone.According to the map on the tile, although the three paths are separated, they will eventually reach a main hall inside.

Unable to detect the differences between the three paths with the help of divine sense, everyone can only choose at will.The simplest west, middle and east, three roads, three continents, compare them one by one.

Xu Miao and He Xiao led the seven monks from West Land into the leftmost road.Different from the palace road outside, this road can only accommodate two people walking side by side. On both sides of the road are cold bricks and stones, and palace lanterns are installed on the bricks and stones. As the monks enter, they light up one by one.

The further you go in, the lower the temperature is, and some monks following Xu Miao already need to use their spiritual power to eliminate the cold.Xu Miao originally had a single water spirit root, and she had practiced the Bihaiqingtian Jue, so the low temperature was no problem.

He walked in like a stroll in the garden, while protruding his consciousness.The bricks and stones on both sides of the road are seamless, and the spiritual consciousness cannot pass through the bricks and stones on the wall, and can only extend deeper.

With the breadth and strength of Xu Miao's consciousness, he couldn't find the exit of the passage. One can imagine how long this passage is.Xu Miao walked all the way without encountering danger, which is completely unreasonable.

Since the three roads are separated, there must be different treatment, otherwise the people who built the palace would not be full to do these boring things.

Is it an agency?Or a magic circle?Or a monster?Xu Miao didn't find any clues, so she could only guess aimlessly.

Suddenly, all the originally bright palace lanterns went out, leaving only darkness.Xu Miao immediately drew out the Fog Condensing Sword, held it in her hand, and put herself in a defensive state.

Then he took out the night pearl to light up the palace lantern.The luminous pearl that monks use every time they go to a dark place can't be illuminated here.

Not only the luminous pearl in Xu Miao's hand lost its original function, but also the luminous pearl in everyone's hands lost its function.Before everyone could figure out the reason, they heard the rustling sound.

When vision is lost, other senses become extraordinarily sharp.The rustling sound was very faint at first, but soon became clear.Something was approaching them, Xu Miao swung a sword without thinking about it.

The rustling sound stopped for an instant, but soon it sounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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