Chapter 239
Ordinary monks can only see things within three feet in the dark.Unless one's eyes are washed by some spiritual treasures, there will not be much progress in one's life.

Although Xu Miao has obtained a lot of good things, she has never encountered a treasure that can enhance eyesight.It wasn't until the rustling thing appeared within three feet that Xu Miao could clearly see that it was a ground turtle.

These creatures are small in size, have hard armor, and are extremely difficult to kill with one blow.Every operation is carried out as a whole, and they like to eat raw meat. If monks encounter ground turtles, they will usually choose to retreat.

After Xu Miao saw who the target was, the Wu Ning Sword in her hand didn't stop.He originally wanted everyone to exit the passage in an orderly manner, but he did not expect that ground turtles also appeared behind the team.

When entering the passage, for safety reasons, Xu Miao and He Xiao were at the first and last places in the team.With this arrangement, no matter which direction an emergency occurs, it can be dealt with.

With Xu Miao and He Xiao attacking at the same time, the earth turtle failed to break through the defense of the two and attacked other people in the team, but Xu Miao was also stopped by the earth turtle.

The ground turtles that appeared now were at the level of level four monsters. What Xu Miao was worried about was that if they continued to entangle, there might be level five or even level six ground turtles.

At that time, in this narrow passage, if you encounter a group of six-level ground turtles, they will definitely die.

"He Xiao, I want to clear up the ground turtles in front of me as soon as possible, so follow up!" After Xu Miao instructed He Xiao, the momentum of the Mist Condensing Sword suddenly increased.

Ground turtles are small in size, and their biggest weakness is that they cannot stabilize their bodies in strong winds.As long as there is a strong enough storm, these fourth-level ground turtles can be blown over.

"As soon as I move, you must follow up immediately, and you must not fall behind."

Killing one by one would consume too much consciousness and spiritual power, driving them away is the best way.These ground turtles stayed in the low-temperature passage for a long time, and the water spirit power had no effect on them, and the wind spirit power was the most suitable choice.

The storm on Ningwujian suddenly formed, and when Xu Miao swung his sword, it was a storm.This is Xu Miao's newly researched method of using the Fog Condensing Sword. It breaks down the wind attribute into parts and can exert its maximum effect.

In the completely dark passage, the blue light lit by the Mist Sword is the only light that has not been swallowed by the darkness, and it is also the only guide, like a banner, leading other monks to run forward.

With Xu Miao's instruction, no one was left behind and followed closely behind Xu Miao.They only need to protect themselves, and occasionally deal with a few fish that escaped the net, which greatly reduces the pressure, and these monks have a deeper admiration for Xu Miao.

It was only when the rustling sound was completely left behind that Xu Miao stopped waving the fog condensing sword.The concentration of spiritual energy in the world here is not high, and he cannot replenish the spiritual energy in time.

Most of the spiritual power in the body has been consumed, and only now is the time to drink the spiritual source water to replenish the spiritual power.The other monks, including He Xiao, sat on the ground to rest.

"Everyone be alert!" Xu Miao's voice was extremely serious, and all the monks immediately stood up and took out the magic weapon.

Xu Miao's spiritual sense is stronger than theirs, and he can detect farther places.Although he couldn't clearly know what was going on in the distance because of the darkness, he could detect obvious fluctuations in spiritual power.

This kind of fluctuation will at least not be lower than a fifth-level monster, and it is very likely to be a sixth-level ground turtle.Others were still puzzled as to what happened, Xu Miao would be so serious.

They are used to Xu Miao's toughness, they will not question Xu Miao, they will only obey Xu Miao.He Xiao was the monk who noticed the sixth-level ground turtle after Xu Miao. He asked the remaining monks to gather together and walked to Xu Miao's side by himself.

The sixth-level ground soft-shelled turtle is completely different from the fourth-level ground soft-shelled turtle. There is a huge difference in size alone.The sixth-level ground soft-shelled turtle was equivalent to the size of two adults, and a sixth-level ground soft-shelled turtle appeared, completely occupying the passageway.

The only thing that can make Xu Miao feel lucky is that there is only this one in front of the sixth-level ground soft-shelled turtle, and no other ones have appeared yet.When the sixth-level ground turtle climbed to a distance of three feet from Xu Miao, Xu Miao could clearly see what the ground turtle looked like.

With just one glance, Xu Miao's hairs almost stand on end.The back shell of the ground soft-shelled turtle is smooth, but the back shell of this sixth-grade ground soft-shelled turtle is covered with densely packed maggots, wriggling constantly on the back shell.

Xu Miao mobilized the water spirit power in her body, and raising her hand was an ice sword, freezing the maggots on the turtle's back shell.The sixth-level ground turtle felt the freezing sensation on its back shell, and rushed towards Xu Miao angrily.

Xu Miao resisted with a horizontal sword, turned her wrist, and directly stabbed the ground turtle's eyeball.The ground turtle lowered its head abruptly, avoiding the Mist Sword.Xu Miao let the Ningwu Sword stab forward, and the awe-inspiring sword intent completely killed the maggots on the turtle's back shell.

Just freezing the maggots made the ground turtle furious, and now that Xu Miao killed the maggots, it made the ground turtle go berserk.It rushed towards Xu Miao without hesitation, and bit the Ningwu sword with its mouth open.

The passage can accommodate two people, and He Xiao was standing beside Xu Miao. Seeing that the Wu Ningjian was restrained, he immediately abolished the magic weapon in his hand and attacked the ground turtle's head.

Xu Miao pulled back the fog-condensing sword forcefully. Although the fog-condensing sword was not pulled back directly, it still dragged the ground turtle forward a few steps. Xu Miao took advantage of this opportunity and decisively pierced the bone-piercing needle into the ground turtle's eyes.

The eye was stabbed, and the shrill cry of the ground turtle echoed continuously in the passage.Xu Miao's needle was pierced so deep and so hard that the ground turtle involuntarily let go of the fog-condensing sword.

The ground turtle was still shaking its head to relieve the pain from the pierced eyes, Xu Miao followed up with another sword, slashing at the ground turtle's head.The body structure of the ground turtle is similar to that of a tortoise, and it can retract its limbs and head into the back shell.

Being attacked by Xu Miao and He Xiao one after another, this sixth-level ground turtle also knew that the human monk in front of him was not easy to mess with, so he decisively withdrew his head.The ground turtle retracted its head without hindrance, and Xu Miao repeatedly drew out his sword to kill the maggots on the back shell.

He guessed that these maggots should be the larvae of ground softshell turtles.It has just been hatched by the sixth-level ground turtle and needs food to grow.At this time Xu Miao and others appeared, and the sixth-level ground turtle ordered the fourth-level ground turtle to hunt.

It's just that the fourth-level ground turtle failed to hunt and was killed instead. In desperation, it had to do it by itself.Before Xu Miao started to freeze the larvae, and then killed the larvae, how can the sixth-level ground turtle not be angry, it wants to kill everyone in front of it.

It's a pity that the sixth-level ground turtle has more heart than strength, which is equivalent to the sixth-level ground turtle in the late Jindan period, and Xu Miao controlled the rhythm at the beginning of the battle.

Xu Miao, He Xiao, and two of the top foundation cultivators of the Western Continent teamed up to deal with a sixth-level monster whose vitality was severely injured due to hatching larvae.

When Xu Miao lowered the Mist Condensing Sword, all the larvae on the back shell of the sixth-level ground soft-shelled turtle had been killed, and even the solid back shell left several sword marks.

Although monsters will pay attention to the situation of their offspring, compared with their own safety, their own life is more important in two-phase balance.

The sixth-level ground turtle carefully stretched out its limbs and stepped back.When Xu Miao saw the limbs appear, he raised his hand to strike a sword. The limbs of the ground turtle were not as hard as the back shell. When hit by the sword stroke with sword intent, a deep scar was left immediately, and black blood flowed out.

"Please let me go, I'll leave here right away." The sixth-level monster has already developed consciousness, and can communicate with human monks through consciousness.

Xu Miao did not speak, noncommittal.Seeing that Xu Miao was silent, He Xiao didn't express his opinion either.He knew that Xu Miao had a lot of ideas, so if he didn't speak now, he would speak later.

Seeing that the human beings in front of him did not speak, the sixth-level ground turtle assumed that the human beings agreed with him, and stretched their limbs to back up.Xu Miao's eyes froze, and another sword strike.

The sixth-level ground turtle almost wanted to cry, but if you don't want me to go, just tell me, what does it mean to give me another sword when I leave!
"Where did you come from?" Xu Miao asked at this moment.

"There is a fork in the road over there, and I came out from the fork in the road." The sixth-level ground turtle was taught to be honest by Xu Miao, and did not dare to disobey in the slightest.

"Do you know this palace?" Xu Miao wanted to extract the details of the palace from this ground turtle.

"Palace? It turns out that this is a palace. I have only been to the position of a big pillar, and the deeper place is sealed by a formation, so I can't get in."

Xu Miao had seen the big pillar in the mouth of the earth turtle from the map, and it was located in the middle and rear of the palace.If there is a formation over there, it means that it is impossible to enter the back of the palace without breaking the formation.

As for their current location, there is still a short distance from the big pillar. According to the instructions on the map, they still need to walk for a long time, and it is unknown what dangers they will encounter.

"Are there any other monsters here?"

The sixth-level ground turtle rolled its intact eyeball, thinking: "Yes, the tallest monster I saw was an eighth-level monster, but that guy is usually sleeping, and he didn't respond when I passed by him. "

An eighth-level monster is equivalent to a monk in the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul.They were able to restrain the sixth-level ground softshell turtle, because they took advantage of the opponent's larvae that had just hatched.Against the eighth-level monsters, you don't even need to think about it, you will definitely die.The group of them passed by, but it wasn't enough for the other party's teeth.

Moreover, the ground turtle mentioned the highest level eight, so there must be monsters at level seven and level six.Not all of these monsters will hatch cubs, as long as they are strong, Xu Miao is no match for the monsters.

"Is it possible to bypass them and reach the big pillar?" In this position of the passage, you will encounter a sixth-level ground turtle. Xu Miao can be sure that if you go deep, you should be able to meet the seventh-level and eighth-level monsters that the ground turtle said. beast.

Although there are indeed tempting magic weapons inside the palace, all the prerequisites are based on being able to enter the depths of the palace alive.Without one's life, even if one has a heaven-level top-grade cultivation technique, hundreds of millions of top-grade spirit stones are useless in front of one's eyes.

"It's unlikely. I can only avoid level seven sand lizards at most, and level eight pangolins are absolutely unavoidable."

"You said before that pangolins usually sleep?"

(End of this chapter)

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