Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 241 Dreamland?

Chapter 241 Dreamland?

As soon as he passed the pangolin, Xu Miao saw a scale floating in front of his eyes.The scales carried a powerful demon power that cannot be ignored, Xu Miao stretched out her hand, and the scales fell on her hand spontaneously.

"Human, you are very interesting. This scale is your thank you for chatting with me. At a critical moment, it can block a blow for you that is weaker than mine."

The scales of pangolins have a strong defensive ability, and only the scales of living pangolins have this effect.Therefore, in order to refine the defensive magic weapon, many monks will go to the place where monsters gather, hunt and kill pangolins, and peel off scales from living pangolins.

Up to now, the number of pangolins is getting smaller and smaller, and high-level pangolins have not been seen for many years.The defensive power of the scales is closely related to the strength of the pangolin itself. The stronger the pangolin is, the stronger the defensive effect of the scales will be.

Xu Miao reckoned that the scales of the super-eighth-level pangolin would be able to block a blow from the cultivator of Huashen.He properly stored the scales in the Hunting Stone, and reserved them for use when he could not escape one day.

With the consent of the pangolin and the guidance of the ground turtle, Xu Miao and others successfully avoided the exclusive passage of the palace and directly reached the big pillar from the side.

Seeing that his mission was finally completed, Dibie hurriedly turned around and left, vowing to himself that he would never run into these people again in the future, it was really terrible.

There are six big pillars in total, and each pillar is engraved with the words "Sky Pillar". The Sky Pillar should be the name of these six big pillars.

Associating the name of the sect, the magic weapon of the suppressing sect, the Tianding Sect in ancient times was arrogant enough, but it also had the capital of arrogance.

The six sky pillars are divided into six different directions, supporting the space here.Xu Miao carefully looked at the Sky Pillar and found that the Sky Pillar just formed a formation.

He looked up at the top of the palace, and there was a map of the starry sky.Starry sky maps are not uncommon. The mortal world likes to tinker with such things the most, but the cultivation world is not fond of it.

Does the map of the starry sky protected by the celestial pillars mean an unknown secret?Xu Miao couldn't answer this question for the time being, so he looked away to observe the structure of the hall.

Apart from the three palace gates, and the road that was re-hidden by the earth turtle, there is no other road.However, it is clearly recorded on the tile that after the main hall, there is still a passage.

Xu Miao walked to the location of the passage recorded on the map, and used the method of tapping to find the passage.If there is a passage behind the wall, there must be a different sound coming from it.

However, Xu Miao did not find the so-called passage after a lot of knocking.Along the way, there is no mistake in the tile records, which shows that the map is indeed true.

Since it is not found, the method should be wrong.Xu Miao walked to the side of the Sky Pillar again. He wanted to cross the Sky Pillar and walk under the star map, but was blocked by a vague force.

Taoist Li Huan has been taught by the ancient magic circle many times, and this time he also directly stated that it cannot be deciphered, please be wise.When Xu Miao heard the old man Li Huan's self-destructive words, she wished to beat him out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Relying on the mountain to fall, relying on everyone to run, or relying on oneself is the most reliable.Xu Miao sat cross-legged next to one of the sky pillars, concentrating on how to pass through the magic circle.

The first thought is the token to enter this place.Holding the token in her hand, Xu Miao tried to cross into it, but ended in failure.

The second idea is to use the exercises of the Tiandingmen to release the aura that is exclusive to the Tiandingmen, just like in the branch hall of the Tiandingmen.

Although this place is a secret place, it still has the word ancient. Maybe the ancient monks can enter normally, but it still ends in failure.

On the third thought, Xu Miao thought of a bead that Teng Snake gave him. What Teng Snake said at the time was that this bead could open the most important magic weapon in the palace.Xu Miao held the beads in her hand and reached for the invisible barrier film, but it still failed.

All three methods failed, even Xu Miao couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.He Xiao and the others are also trying their best to pass through the Sky Pillar. From the expressions of everyone, it can be seen that the progress is not going well.

If there is anything else that can bring them to the bottom of the star map, it must be tiles.On Xu Miao's side, there was only one-third of the tiles that He Xiao got. If he wanted to get all the tiles, he had to wait for the monks from Zhonglu and Donglu to arrive.

What kind of crisis the monks of Zhonglu and Donglu will encounter in the passage is beyond Xu Miao's ability to know.But Xu Miao can be sure that those two groups of people will not be as lucky as him, taking a path through the ground turtle to reach this hall directly.

Anyway, three parties needed to gather together, so Xu Miao simply leaned on one of the sky pillars, closed her eyes and waited for the arrival of the other two groups of people.Not long ago, Xu Miao forcibly used the consciousness that did not belong to him. Now that he relaxes for a while, he feels very tired and just wants to have a good sleep.

He told Xiaotian to pay attention to the surrounding situation, if the monks from Donglu and Zhonglu arrive, they must wake him up immediately.Xu Miao fell into a coma completely before hearing Xiaotian's reply.

When Xu Miao didn't notice, the blood left by the broken capillary on his back slowly seeped into the sky pillar.

Xu Miao was suddenly awakened by a loud noise. He opened his eyes impatiently, only to find that he was sitting cross-legged on a futon. On a high platform not far away, a monk was telling his experience in cultivation.

He looked around and saw a group of monks in uniform, also sitting on futons, listening carefully to the preaching of the monks on the high platform, and no one seemed to notice his lack of seriousness.

The monk on the high platform noticed Xu Miao looking around, coughed lightly, and said, "Xu Miao, how do you think Taoism follows nature?"

Xu Miao seems to have been asked many times. He stood up skillfully and replied respectfully: "Follow nature, conform to external objects, conform to the desire and desire in my heart, don't be too deliberate."

"Go to extremes, go to extravagance, go to Thailand, be natural, relieved, of course, happy."

After hearing this, Brother Gaotai nodded in satisfaction and motioned Xu Miao to sit down and continue listening.Xu Miao sat down calmly, ignoring the searching gazes falling on her from all directions.

After the monk on the high platform finished his sermon, many monks dispersed.Xu Miao flew to a cave as if she knew her destination.When he landed near the cave, as if he had done it thousands of times, he held his breath, restrained his breath, and walked in cautiously.

"Xu Miao! Did you make a mistake again!" The monk in the cave shouted angrily, and Xu Miao's heart jumped wildly.Without even thinking about it, he turned his head and wanted to run.

It's just that his reaction was not fast enough, the door of the cave opened suddenly, stretched out a hand, grabbed Xu Miao's shoulder, and brought him into the cave.

Xu Miao knelt down fluently, with an extremely sincere expression, and said, "Father, I know I was wrong."

The middle-aged monk sitting in the cave mansion looked at Xu Miao and was furious: "You know your mistake! You know your mistake and you will beat that kid from Dufengzong!"

"It doesn't count if you beat him! You even took off his clothes and left him at the gate of Dufengzong. How did I give birth to such a wicked son like you!"

Xu Miao smiled and said, "Father, you can't give birth to me, you have to rely on my mother."

The middle-aged man stared fiercely, and raised his hand to teach Xu Miao a lesson.Just when the middle-aged man was about to hit Xu Miao, a middle-aged beautiful woman appeared from the back room, pressed down the man's hand, gave Xu Miao a slightly reprimanded look, and spoke to comfort the man.

"They are all people who have cultivated in the Void Stage, and they are still messing around like in the past, and you are so used to him!"

The beautiful woman raised her eyebrows when she heard the words: "Are you blaming me?"

"Don't dare, how dare you blame your wife as a husband." The man smiled flatteringly.

Seeing this, Xu Miao immediately slipped away with oil on her feet.As soon as he got out of the cave, the scene in front of him changed.

Ruins and ruins, corpses littered the fields, it was too horrible to look at.The middle-aged man whom he had seen before hugged the beautiful woman in his arms, sobbing softly.Xu Miao suddenly felt pain in her heart, walked up to the man, and murmured: "Father, mother."

The middle-aged man didn't seem to hear Xu Miao's cry, but buried his head in the beautiful woman's neck, unwilling to look up at Xu Miao.

A few flashes of light fell from a distance, and he scolded loudly: "Xu Miao! It's you, you attracted Wuwu! It caused our Tiandingmen to suffer such a heavy blow!"

Xu Miao suddenly looked up at several people, everyone's face was full of anger, wishing to kill Xu Miao soon.Xu Miao shook her head blankly, and argued in a low voice: "No, it's not me, I didn't attract the 梼杌."

The visitor didn't listen to Xu Miao's justification, and directly struck Xu Miao with powerful spiritual power.Xu Miao resisted with a horizontal sword, and attacked the person with a backhand.

"Xu Miao! Are you going to sentence the Heavenly Cauldron Gate?" The visitor hurriedly scrambled to defuse Xu Miao's fierce offensive, and said sternly.

There was a roar piercing the sky, and Wu Wu's huge body fell to the ground.Xu Miao didn't think too much, and raised her sword to meet him.The last scene is the bloody mouth of Wu Wu, and the call that fills his ears.

When he woke up again, what he saw was a vast starry sky.He was lying on a jade bed, with the stars above his head.He lowered his head and saw the middle-aged man lying beside the bed, his father.

As soon as Xu Miao moved, the man woke up with obvious joy in his eyes.His eyes were black and blue, his hair was messy, and there was a rough beard on his chin.There was another roar, and Xu Miao knew that it was the cry of 梼杌.

"Stay here well, I won't let you die as a father." The middle-aged man took one last look at Xu Miao, turned and left resolutely.Xu Miao wanted to get up and go out to help the middle-aged man, but because of her weakness, she could only lie on the jade bed.

Looking at the starry sky above his head day after day, Xu Miao never waited for the middle-aged man to return, and he closed his eyes unwillingly.

"Xu Miao, wake up, people from Zhonglu are here." Such a gentle voice, is it your mother?It seems not, Xu Miao opened his eyes, his mind was still in the dream scene, his mind was full of the eyes of the middle-aged man who left last.

Tang Song's figure appeared in Xu Miao's line of sight, and Xu Miao's eyes, which were still a little slack, instantly gathered up, looking at the Zhonglu cultivator who had just arrived here.

(End of this chapter)

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