Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 242 Sword Intent Passage

Chapter 242 Sword Intent Passage
Along the way, Tang Song led the monks from Zhonglu, breaking traps and fighting monsters, making a group of people into a mess.I thought I would be the first person to arrive here, but I didn't expect that when I opened the door, I saw Xu Miao leaning against the sky and closing her eyes to rest.

Because of all kinds of obstacles on the road, Tang Song's heart was on fire. Seeing that the people in Xilu looked at ease now, they were obviously not injured, and they arrived at the main hall early, and the fire in their hearts burned even more.

The monks from Xilu noticed the coming from Zhonglu, and hurriedly gathered around Xu Miao, looking vigilant.Cultivator Zhonglu had an incredulous expression on his face, he simply didn't believe that anyone could be faster than them.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, your speed is astonishing. You actually passed through the passage in such a short time." Tang Song was obviously trying to trick Xu Miao.

Xu Miao also followed his words and said: "It's just luck, I just picked a road that is not dangerous, no, I came here smoothly."

It doesn't matter how many dangers I have encountered and how complicated it is to resolve, but I have never encountered anything. Just being angry can kill the group of Zhonglu monks.

Sure enough, the faces of several Zhonglu monks immediately became very ugly, and even the smile on Tang Song's face froze at the corner of his mouth.Seeing it in her eyes, Xu Miao felt very refreshed.

Donglu was not as fast as Zhonglu, but he was not slow either. After a few hours, the bronze door on the far right was also pushed open.Compared with Cultivator Zhonglu, Cultivator Donglu looked even more embarrassed.

When all the monks from Donglu entered the hall, the two monks quickly turned around and closed the door.Xu Miao could clearly hear the cries of monsters and violent fluctuations in spiritual power.Donglu was chased behind by the monster, and he was ashamed and humiliated.

All the monks from Zhonglu and Donglu arrived. After seeing the situation of their respective monks, the two sides calmed down a little.It's just that when he saw the monk Xilu leisurely and leisurely, looking like he was going out for a stroll, he became angry from the bottom of his heart.

Xu Miao was too lazy to talk to the other party, and lowered her eyes to recall what happened in the dream.The person inside is called Xu Miao, who looks the same as himself, and all the scenes in the cauldron gate that day seem to be experienced by himself.

Especially the 梼杌, Tianding Gate, Tianzhu, Jade Bed in the Dream Realm, and the two monks whom he called his parents.In Xu Miao's dream, she didn't see the face of the person inside.

It's just to distinguish from the voice, which is somewhat similar to my mother's voice.In the dream, the jade bed was obviously placed in the center of the Sky Pillar.

Up to now, the jade bed has disappeared, and the starry sky above has become a star map.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, what do you think of this hall?" Tang Song walked around the entire hall, looking for the mechanism passage, and also tried to pass through the Sky Pillar, but all ended in failure.

Xu Miao told all his guesses about the main hall, and emphasized that that tile is very likely to be the key to the next passage.

Several people had the same idea, took out three tiles and put them together.The three of them controlled the tiles to fly towards the sky column. When the tiles encountered the light film produced by the sky group, they immediately shone with a strong light, making people unable to open their eyes.

Xu Miao half-closed her eyes and observed the tiles and the sky pillars by herself.The light film gradually disappears under the light of the tiles.Spiritual consciousness swept across the center of the Sky Pillar, and for the time being, no danger was found in the center.

If you want to enter deeper into the palace, you can only walk into the center of the Sky Pillar.However, no one knows what will happen once they step into the central lot.

Xu Miao looked at Zheng Zhan, Tang Song and others' hesitation, and sneered: "The monks in Zhonglu and Donglu are so timid. Today really opened my eyes."

When monks Zhonglu and Donglu heard Xu Miao's words, they wanted to refute.But the truth is that they hesitated, fearful of impending danger.These monks want to refute, but they have nothing to refute, which is really ridiculous.

What he experienced in the dream made Xu Miao have an inexplicable sense of trust in the Sky Pillar, so he took Brother Xilu directly to the center of the Sky Pillar.

When Xu Miao stood in the central area, he felt a wave of spiritual power belonging to the teleportation array.It's just that this feeling is very weak and not obvious enough.

He looked up at the tiles above. Two-thirds of the tiles were controlled by people outside the Sky Pillar. This should be the reason why the formation here could not be activated.

"You can feel the fluctuation of the teleportation array here, come in quickly and activate the teleportation array." Xu Miao urged.

Seeing that Xu Miao was still standing in the center without incident, Tang Song, Zheng Zhan and others also led other monks into the center.With all the spiritual power of manipulating the tiles gathered in the center, the six sky pillars suddenly burst into intense light.

Xu Miao calmly watched the light from the six sky pillars, which were connected in pairs, and the place where he stood under his feet began to vibrate.

Like the pattern of the sky pillars connected by light, the ground gradually forms this pattern.Xu Miao suddenly raised her head to look at the star map. All the scattered stars on the star map gathered together to form the same pattern.

The three patterns gradually became independent of the place where they were produced, and overlapped at the waists of everyone.This method of transmission is unheard of and unseen.

The light of the pattern became brighter and whiter, even Xu Miao had to close her eyes.A familiar teleportation pressure came, and the teleportation began.

When all the fluctuations returned to calm, Xu Miao looked at the monk beside him.Except for Xu Miao, Tang Song remained standing, and all the other monks fell to the ground.

Xu Miao noticed that Tang Song's expression was very pale, as if he had experienced something very painful.The monks on the ground showed even more pain, and some wailed directly.

Tang Song glanced at Xu Miao with a complex expression, his face was normal, and he was not affected by the teleportation at all.The pressure brought to him by teleportation just now was even greater than the pressure brought to him by crossing the two continents in the middle and west.

Xu Miao realized that Tang Song had doubts in his heart. In fact, his doubts were bigger than Tang Song's.He thought he could defeat Tang Song, but Tang Song would not be much worse than him.

If Tang Song's face was pale, he wouldn't be much better, at least he wouldn't feel nothing.

However, the most intuitive performance brought by teleportation cannot deceive people.Xu Miao's state shocked everyone. With such a person by their side, what benefits could they gain.

Unknowingly, Xilu became the most dazzling existence among the three continents because of Xu Miao's strength.Even Donglu is considering giving up the alliance with Westland and cooperating with Zhonglu instead.

Zhonglu is considering forming an alliance with Westland to deal with Eastland.Between the three continents, undercurrents surged, and every monk was wary of others.

Xu Miao identified where they were based on the records on the tiles.Just go through the next passage to reach their destination.

Before Xu Miao approached the passage in front of him, he felt a strong sword intent.If you listen carefully, you can still hear the howling of swords.Xu Miao took out a long magic weapon and inserted it into the passage.

When he took it out again, half of the magic weapon had been chopped off, and the remaining part was also covered with sword marks.The grade of the magic weapon that Xu Miao took out is a top-grade spiritual weapon.

The sturdiness of the top-grade spiritual weapon cannot persist in this passage for a while. If a monk enters, he may be hacked to pieces by the sword intent.

Seeing this situation, Tang Song turned his head and signaled a monk who was following him to step forward.That monk's body is extremely strong, at least Xu Miao standing beside him will only make Xu Miao look extremely thin.

"This is Zhao Tai, a casual cultivator from Zhonglu. He is an individual cultivator. He is covered in copper skin and iron bones, making him invulnerable." Tang Song introduced the cultivator walking towards the passage.

Physical cultivation is a cultivator who specializes in physical exercise in the realm of comprehension.Physical training is different from general physical fitness, but the skin, muscles, and bones are all used as magic weapons to exercise.

Their bodies are the most powerful magic weapon when they have reached the highest level of physical cultivation, and no magic weapon can break through their bodies.It's just that the progress of physical training is slow and the results are low. Therefore, in recent years, there have been fewer and fewer monks who specialize in physical training.

Zhao Tai took off the clothes on his upper body, revealing his bronzed upper body.The body of a monk is usually white because of frequent retreats, and only a monk who has cultivated his body can have this skin color.

It seems that this Zhao Tai really has a lot of attainments in body training, at least the copper skin was tempered by him.

Zhao Tai ignored the monk's whispers, his spiritual power radiated to his skin, his face was full of confidence, and he strode into the passage with great strides.Some monks who had a good relationship with Zhao Tai were also full of confidence, waiting for the good news that Zhao Tai had successfully passed through the passage.

Xu Miao didn't take it seriously. The strength of Tiandingmen was unfathomable, and no one knew how many tricks it had hidden.Xu Miao didn't think he could resist the dense and awe-inspiring sword intent for a physical cultivator who had declined in this era.

Not long after Zhao Tai entered, there was a scream like a pig being killed.Xu Miao sneered in her heart, this Zhao Tai is too naive, if the last passage of Tiandingmen can be passed so easily, she would look down on the strength of the ancient sect too much.

The pig-killing screams didn't last long, and soon disappeared without a trace.Everyone quieted down, they knew very well that Zhao Tai had died in the tunnel.

Even body-refining monks can't pass through this passage, so how can they resist the sword intent that can destroy the top-grade spiritual weapon.Most of the monks have the idea of ​​retreating, and they have to enjoy life, no matter how valuable things are.

It's just that it's impossible for them to leave here.They were teleported here by the teleportation formation of the Sky Pillar, and there was no way out if they wanted to go out.

They have no choice but to move forward.Some monks even found a corner to sit down, meditate and rest, completely abandoning the challenge passage.

Except for Xu Miao and He Xiao, the monks in the West Land cannot compete with the monks in the Middle Land and East Land.When they saw Zhonglu, someone in Donglu wanted to give up, and they wanted to give up too.

(End of this chapter)

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