Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 243 Pathfinder

Chapter 243 Pathfinder

The sword intent in the passage screamed, Xu Miao leaned against the wall at the entrance of the passage, and felt the sword intent inside.These sword intents were not left by a monk, but the strength of several people.

The weakest part of the sword intent should be left by No. 1 cultivator here, and the sword intent is getting stronger and stronger, and the sword intent left by the last person turns the invisible into the tangible All the previous sword intents were suppressed, but they coexisted perfectly.

Xu Miao didn't dare to infiltrate the spiritual consciousness into the channel with the tangible sword intent. The overwhelming sword intent would cause irreversible damage to the divine consciousness if he was not careful.

He could only stand at the intersection and quietly feel the coercion brought out by the sword intent.Xu Miao stood at the intersection seemingly casually, but actually endured a lot of pressure from the sword intent.

A Donglu cultivator imitated Xu Miao and stood at the intersection. He vomited blood in the time it took to breathe, and had to back away from the intersection.In the end, only six people remained at the intersection.

Xu Miao, He Xiao, Tang Song, Ji Xuanxin, Fang Chuanzhong, Zheng Zhan, there are two people from each of the three continents, a total of six people.As for the other monks, those with strength did not come to this palace, and those without strength could not approach.

The six people stood on both sides of the intersection, closing their eyes to feel the sword intent.Suddenly, Fang Chuanzhong was the first to go to the passage.Xu Miao just looked up and closed her eyes again.

If he guessed correctly, Fang Chuanzhong should have been the pathfinder for Zheng Zhan.No matter how you observe at the intersection and understand the sword intent, it is better to enter the passage and meet head-on.

Fang Chuanzhong entered for about a quarter of an hour, and finally retreated in embarrassment, his left hand was sliced ​​off by the sword intent.Although monks can use spiritual power and elixir to restore the damaged body, they cannot completely repair it in a short time.

Moreover, one arm was cut off, which had a great impact on the monk's strength. Fang Chuanzhong was originally stronger than He Xiao, but because of the loss of an arm, his combat power plummeted and was weaker than He Xiao.

After Fang Chuanzhong, Ji Xuanxin walked towards the passage.It's all for the most promising and powerful people, and they don't hesitate to explore the way with their own bodies.

Ji Xuanxin lasted a little longer than Fang Chuanzhong. When he came out, although he was not missing an arm or a leg, the sword wound on his body could not be ignored.

With firm eyes, He Xiao took the initiative to walk towards the passage after Ji Xuanxin came out.Xu Miao reached out to stop He Xiao, preventing him from exploring the way.

It was inconvenient to ask, He Xiao said via voice transmission: "Why stop me? No one will help you to test the way, you can't take advantage of it if you go in directly."

Xu Miao smiled freely and said, "I'm not the kind of person who would sacrifice my friends to achieve my goal. It's too dangerous for you to go in."

Fang Chuanzhong's strength was stronger than He Xiao's. After he entered, one of his arms was directly cut off. If He Xiao entered, Xu Miao was not sure whether he would be able to escape unscathed.

He Xiao is the strongest monk in Westland other than him, Xu Miao can't let He Xiao fall here.Since it's just a test, no one's experience can be more clear and direct than his own exploration, and he is not alone.

"Zheng Zhan, Tang Song, the two of them know the situation in the passage through other people, and there is no loss of strength now. If you enter directly, you will directly lose the wind."

Xu Miao said meaningfully: "Who said I want to enter directly?"

It was hard to catch Tan Yujin, and I would be sorry for him if I didn't take the opportunity to make a move.There are many ways to control a monk, such as partial Gu insect control, the most direct spiritual control, and contract control.

Tan Yujin is a monk of Zhonglu, if he does too many excessive things to him, it will easily arouse Zhonglu's revenge.After discussing with Li Huan and Qing Jiao, Xu Miao decided to directly use their spiritual consciousness to control them, and at the same time leave a seal in the sea of ​​consciousness.

If Tan Yujin refuses to obey the control, the seal in the sea of ​​consciousness can kill him directly.Xu Miao waved her left hand, and Tan Yujin appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone who saw Tan Yujin was shocked. They never thought that Tan Yujin, who had been missing all this time, was captured by Xu Miao.

"How could Tan Yujin be with Xu Miao?"

"What does it mean to be with Xu Miao? From Tan Yujin's appearance, it is obvious that Xu Miao has captured him."

"Xu Miao was able to catch Tan Yujin, his Golden Jade Cauldron is not a vegetarian!"

"Xu Miao can even defeat Xia Bofei, let alone Tan Yujin."

Tan Yujin originally looked at Tang Song and the others with hope on his face, but after hearing the monk's discussion, his face gradually turned pale.He actually provoked such a plague god, and gave birth to the feeling that my life is over.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, you actually caught me, a monk from Zhonglu, and imprisoned him." Tang Song's face was serious, but he was surprised in his heart. Xu Miao, a monk from Xilu, was really too bold.

Looking at Tan Yujin's appearance, it was obvious that he was captured at the very beginning of entering the ancient secret realm.No matter in terms of courage, mind, or strength, they are all at the top of the group of monks.

"Tang Daoyou, this is serious. If I imprison Tan Yujin, who are you seeing now?"

Tang Song's expression was gloomy, indistinguishable: "Since you released Tan Yujin, do you want him to help you explore this path of sword intent?"

"Tang Daoyou deserves to be the number one among Zhonglu Foundation Establishment cultivators. You can immediately see what I think. I really admire you." Xu Miao said admiration, but her face didn't show it at all.

Tan Yujin followed Tang Song's hand and looked towards the sword intent channel next to them.When he felt the raging sword intent inside, he instantly opened his eyes wide.

Being controlled by Xu Miao to enter the passage, how can he survive, Tan Yujin looked at Tang Song with pleading eyes.If there is anyone here who can compete with Xu Miao, then only Tang Song is left.

Tang Song noticed Tan Yujin's gaze and was very impatient in his heart.According to Xu Miao's temperament, he would definitely not let He Xiao explore first.If there is no Tan Yujin, Xu Miao can only try the risk himself, and he and Zheng Zhan can both have a certain advantage.

It's just that all the advantages disappeared because of Tan Yujin's appearance.Tang Song wanted to kill Tan Yujin more than anyone else at this moment, but he couldn't show any killing intent, and he wanted to rescue the other party, so he choked himself.

"How about this, I am willing to share the channel information obtained by Ji Xuanxin with fellow Taoists, please let Tan Yujin go."

Xu Miao shook her head: "The information you told me is just the information you want me to know, not the information I want to know." The words were extremely convoluted, but it clearly showed the meaning of rejection.

"Tan Yujin, I can promise you that if you explore the passage of sword intent for me, I will let you go free. Think about it, in order to obtain information, I will definitely let you leave the passage alive. This condition is much more cost-effective. If you want Don't think about it?"

After Xu Miao finished speaking, he stopped talking. He waited for a group of people in Zhonglu to discuss his conditions.Speaking of which, the only person who really wanted Tan Yujin to live was Xu Miao.

Whether it was Tang Song or anyone else, they all wished that Tan Yujin would die immediately.Tan Yujin glanced at everyone in front of him, and realized that he had no meaning or value to Zhonglu.Those who are worthless should be abandoned.

Tan Yujin hated people at this time, it was no longer Xu Miao, but Tang Song, Ji Xuanxin, these Zhonglu monks.Tan Yujin and Xu Miao originally belonged to two continents. They have different positions, and there will be disputes. It is normal to fight for life and death.

It's just that he didn't expect that the monks from the same continent would give up on him so simply.

Tan Yujin was full of hatred in his heart, without expressing the slightest bit on his face, he said calmly: "I can agree to your conditions, but you'd better do what you say, otherwise I would rather blow myself up than provide you with any information."

"Of course, I've always kept my word. You can rest assured about this." Xu Miao raised her hand and shot out a burst of spiritual power to control Tan Yujin, and at the same time, she allocated a part of her spiritual consciousness to use Tan Yujin to observe the passage.

Tan Yujin thought that only spiritual power existed to prevent him from escaping.He simply believed that Xu Miao could only get the information in the channel through his dictation.

Xu Miao waved her hand calmly, signaling Tan Yujin to quickly enter the passage, while he leaned against the entrance wall, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

All of Tan Yujin's belongings were taken away by Xu Miao, leaving only the golden jade tripod, the magic weapon of his life.He took a deep breath, hung the golden jade cauldron above his head, and the defensive cover immediately wrapped him tightly.

Xu Miao attached the divine consciousness to Tan Yujin's body according to the secretary taught to him by Taoist Li Huan, and used Tan Yujin's six senses to observe the channel of sword intent.

There are deep and shallow sword marks on the walls of the passage, on the ground, and on the top of the head. Jianyi sensed that someone had entered the passage, and attacked them one after another.

Jin Yuding's defense cover is relatively strong, and it can still support the attack of the sword.Xu Miao carefully observed the condition of the defensive cover, and immediately returned to its smooth appearance after the sword intent passed.

It's just that this state didn't persist for too long, and the sword intent became more and more raging and fierce.The overwhelming sword intent swept Tan Yujin's body with murderous intent, and the Jin Yuding was crumbling under the uninterrupted attacks.

Tan Yujin knew that if he continued to walk, his talisman would probably be damaged. He would not be so stupid, and it would be enough to make some situations more serious.

He made up his mind and was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly saw a very inconspicuous stone near the wall.Tan Yujin didn't take it to heart, didn't pay more attention, and walked out of the passage.

Tan Yujin's persistence was about the same as Ji Xuanxin's. When he came out, Xu Miao still had her eyes closed, as if she didn't realize that Tan Yujin had finished investigating.

Under such a powerful sword intent, the stone that can be intact is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary stone.

"Boy Xu, you must have noticed that stone." Taoist Li Huan's slightly smug tone sounded in his mind.

"You recognize that stone?"

"Of course, what is the identity of the old man, cultivator of transformation spirit! I haven't seen anything before."

"There are so many things you haven't seen before. Just because I asked you, there are no fewer than ten." Xu Miao mocked Taoist Li Huan, never showing mercy.

"That's because the things your kid encountered are so weird!"

(End of this chapter)

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