Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 244 Broken Star Sword Technique

Chapter 244 Broken Star Sword Technique
Xu Miao couldn't bear Taoist Li Huan's nonsense: "What the hell is it!"

"White corundum." Taoist Li Huan only said three words, but Xu Miao knew what these three words meant.White corundum can be fused into any sword, and all sword repairers hope to get a piece of white corundum.

The material of the sword contains white corundum, which can greatly increase the power of the sword, making it tougher and not easy to break.In ancient times, white corundum was fused into the natal magic weapon of all sword cultivators.

In ancient times, being able to own a spirit sword fused with white corundum would attract a lot of envy.Until the present era, white corundum has completely disappeared in this plane.

Whether it is Central China, Western China, or any continent, there is no news that monks have found white corundum.The most surprising thing about white corundum is that its shape does not match its name at all.

Ordinary people will think that white corundum should be like jade when they hear the name, but it is not. The whole body of white corundum is pitch black and very inconspicuous. Only when it is cut open can one see the inside of white corundum, which contains a white jade-like core.

"Xu Miao, I've checked out the situation inside the tunnel." Tan Yujin walked up to Xu Miao and said seriously.

"Clear?" Xu Miao sneered, "You have only walked so far, and you dare to say it clearly."

Tan Yujin's face suddenly turned red, and he said firmly: "I walked almost half the distance, how can I say that I didn't go far."

"Half? Tan Yujin, don't you want your talisman?" Xu Miao's face darkened suddenly.Hearing this, Tan Yujin reflexively took a step back and looked at Xu Miao warily.

Tang Song rescued Tan Yujin in a timely manner: "Friend Xu, Tan Yujin has tried his best, and he has reached his limit."

Xu Miao's eyes fell on Tan Yujin, seeing Tan Yujin felt uncomfortable, and then said: "Tan Yujin, you deliberately slowed down, procrastinated, and turned back without walking much. Is there a word wrong?"

Tan Yujin's eyes widened suddenly, seeing Xu Miao's sharp eyes, he lowered his head again and remained silent.

"Tan Yujin, I can see your every move clearly, don't think I'm so easy to fool." Before he finished speaking, Xu Miao raised her hand and shot out a strong spiritual force.

Tan Yujin didn't take precautions in time, and was sent flying into the air by Xu Miao before falling to the ground again.Tan Yujin coughed and reprimanded Xu Miao: "Xu Miao, I have done what you said, but it was not good enough."

The monks present showed contemptuous expressions when they heard Tan Yujin's words.

"I didn't throw you into the sword intent channel, it's for the sake of fellow Taoist Tang Song, get out." Tan Yujin stared at Xu Miao as if he had suffered a great humiliation, but he didn't dare to speak out to refute.

Xu Miao ignored Tan Yujin, who was lying on the side, and walked to the entrance of the sword intent passage again.Although he didn't get any higher news through Tan Yujin, he at least felt the sword intent intuitively.

He took a deep breath and prepared to enter the passage.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, why don't the three of us enter the tunnel together so that we can take care of each other, how about that?" Zheng Zhan walked up to Xu Miao and suggested.

Tang Song nodded and said, "That's right, I think so too."

Xu Miao looked at the two people in front of her coldly, and said indifferently, "It's the best if the two fellow Taoists are willing to go together." The three of them had different plans, so they entered the tunnel together tacitly.

As soon as he entered the passage, Xu Miao felt endless sword intent rushing towards him.Xu Miao did not choose to use Fu Yu's helmet, but quickly drew out the Ningwu Sword, resisting the sword intent with the sword intent, and destroying the sword intent with the sword intent.

Sword intent can also damage the consciousness, Xu Miao can only spread the consciousness within a distance of one foot.There are messy sword marks on the wall, and these sword intents are all produced by sword moves.

The person who made the sword move had too much knowledge in the way of the sword, coupled with the closed and winding passage, the sword intent has remained to this day, causing trouble for later generations.

Xu Miao simply closed her eyes, closed her eyesight, felt the sword intent with her other five senses, and flipped the Mist Condensing Sword in her hand to resist at will.He seemed to be able to see the silhouettes of the monks who left these sword moves, they moved their swords like the wind.

Xu Miao involuntarily followed these sword moves, swung the spirit sword, and imitated the sword moves.He was immersed in endless sword moves, forgetting his purpose of entering the tunnel.

At first, when imitating the sword moves, it was still a little jerky, but after a few times of swinging the sword, Xu Miao became more and more familiar with it, as if she had practiced it thousands of times.This strange sense of familiarity made Xu Miao unable to distinguish between reality and illusion for a while.

"Xu Miao, you can practice here. If you can't pass this road, you don't have to come out." The friendly middle-aged man's voice sounded not far away.

"Father! Father! Don't leave me here, I will be hacked to death by these swords!" Xu Miao begged the man to take him away, but the middle-aged man had already made a decision, and there was no room for change.

"This set of broken star swordsmanship, I have taught you many times for my father, but I still can't use it. You don't have to think about asking me when to learn it, when to come out, it's useless to find your mother!"

Broken Star Sword Art, a very familiar name, Xu Miao tilted her head, thinking about the name of the sword art.At the moment of his thinking, many things appeared in his mind.

The sword breaks the sky, shatters the stars, so that the sky can no longer stop my footsteps, the earth can no longer imprison my way forward, and let everything in this world bow down for me.

The broken star swordsmanship, the broken star, and the formulas of the exercises clearly appeared in Xu Miao's mind.Xu Miao swung the fog-condensing sword according to the formula.After the initial failure, Xu Miao quickly mastered the Broken Star sword technique.

The form displayed by this set of sword techniques is exactly the same as that in the channel of sword intent.He knew that the weakest sword intent in the channel was as strong as the one he displayed now.

"When the tip of the sword is pointing to the sky, the spiritual power must be released instantly along with the blade, without any delay!" The middle-aged man's voice sounded again.Xu Miao did as he said, and the power of the sword move really increased.

"When you bend over, how come you act like an old lady, hurry up!" The man's voice rang out from time to time, these reminders made Xu Miao's sword moves improve rapidly in a short time.

The last sword was cut towards the wall, leaving a deep sword mark, and the sword intent in it was already comparable to the strongest sword intent.Xu Miao said happily: "Father! I have mastered the broken star sword technique!"

The middle-aged man's voice that appeared from time to time never appeared again. No matter how Xu Miao called the man, no one answered him.

"Xu Miao! Concentrate quickly!" Taoist Li Huan's voice sounded suddenly, Xu Miao came to his senses in an instant, and raised his sword to block the sword intent less than a foot away from his face.

Xu Miao's eyes became dazed, and the sword moves in his hands became very mechanical, but extremely proficient.It was not the first time that middle-aged man had appeared in front of him. He thought it was a scene from a dream.

Also, in the passage of Sword Intent, the scene that happened, was it an illusion, or something that actually happened in the past.Why did I somehow know the formula of the Broken Star swordsmanship, and was constantly being reminded by the man.

Perplexity, doubt, and confusion filled his mind.Xu Miao's foot tripped suddenly, he lowered his head and saw the piece of white corundum.

"Father asked me to incorporate white corundum into the sword, but I didn't, so I just put it here to piss him off!" The young and cheerful voice sounded, obviously not having experienced the torment of the world.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a voice of heavy vicissitudes. The two voices were obviously different, but Xu Miao knew very well that they were spoken by the same person.

"Bai Gangyu, you are here instead of me. Remember my father's love and love for me. Farewell to the unworthy son." Xu Miao's eyes were sore for no reason, and her heart was empty.

He didn't know why this uncomfortable emotion appeared, he bent down to pick up the white corundum, and put it into the Hunting Stone.Tang Song, who was not far in front of Xu Miao, Zheng Zhan was shocked when he saw this scene.

He knew about this stone, and Ji Xuanxin told him that it was probably white corundum.The value of white corundum can almost reach sky-high prices.

When he entered the passage, he planned to take the white corundum immediately.It's just that no matter how hard he tried, the piece of white corundum didn't move at all, as if it was integrated with the wall.

In order to make sure that the white corundum could not be taken away, he specially asked Zheng Zhan to do it.When Zheng Zhan got the news, he also wanted to take Bai Gangyu away.Seeing that Tang Song was one step ahead of him, he was thinking about how to snatch the white corundum from Tang Song.

But he didn't expect that Tang Song couldn't take Bai Gangyu away, and invited him to do it.What made the two of them helpless was that even though they tried their best, they couldn't move the white corundum.

Both of them are decisive people, since they can't be taken away, and they don't want to make more entanglements, the right way is to go through the sword intent channel as soon as possible.The two of them never expected that the white corundum they could not take away would be easily taken away by Xu Miao.

From their point of view, Xu Miao took away the white corundum that they couldn't take away with all their efforts without using any force at all.This was tantamount to slapping the two of them hard in the face.

Xu Miao didn't notice the expressions of Tang and Zheng, his mind was still immersed in that emotion.The sword in his hand doesn't need his heart, he can swing the most perfect sword move.

Tang Song and Zheng Zhan watched Xu Miao's sword moves become more and more proficient, and his sword intent became more and more terrifying.They have never heard of this kind of talent in the way of swordsmanship just by relying on the kung fu of walking.

The sword intent in the depths of the passage became more fierce. The speed of Tang Song and Zheng Zhan inevitably slowed down, and the methods they used were also incomplete.

On the other hand, Xu Miao only used one spirit sword from the beginning to the end.Moreover, his speed is getting faster and faster, and the sword intent can't do any harm to him at all.

With the last sword swing, Xu Miao stepped out of the sword intent channel.He looked around, it was a small room, and there was a bed in the middle of the room, which was exactly the jade bed that Xu Miao lay on in his dream.

Xu Miao walked a few steps, there was no one on the jade bed, and there was no place to hide anything around.Taking advantage of Tang and Zheng not coming out, Xu Miaofu lay down on the bed heartily.

(End of this chapter)

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