Chapter 245
Tang Song and Zheng Zhan struggled to get out of the passage, and all they saw was Xu Miao lying on the jade bed, and countless spiritual power poured into Xu Miao's body from the jade bed.

Jade beds have been stored here for millions of years.Due to the special nature of the jade bed, the spiritual power inside did not overflow, but became more pure as time went by.

The purity of the spiritual power in the jade bed is even more refined than the purity of the spiritual power in the core area of ​​the top-grade spiritual veins in Tang Song's sect——Qianyangmen.

Tang Song and Zheng Zhan's eyes were red. They looked at each other, and they both saw murderous intent and greed in each other's eyes.They rushed straight to the jade bed, the spiritual power in their bodies was surging, and the natal magic weapon unleashed the strongest blow.

But Xu Miao regretted it the moment he lay down on the jade bed. This jade bed was engraved with some kind of magic circle. As soon as he lay on it, his body was imprisoned and he could not move.

The spiritual power in the jade bed kept pouring into his body, and he could only be forced to accept it.Fortunately, these spiritual powers were eliminated by superb means, and he was able to lie down safe and sound until now.

Otherwise, the spiritual power attributes repel each other and are forcibly transported into the body. Xu Miao will explode and die if he can't hold on for a while.Xu Miao didn't know how much spiritual power was stored in the jade bed, his body simply couldn't hold so much spiritual power.

In desperation, Xu Miao could only gather the spiritual power pouring into her body into her dantian, directly hitting the Golden Core stage.

Xu Miao's behavior can be described as quite bold. All late-stage foundation-building monks will make all preparations when they advance to the Golden Core, including looking for Ningdan Pills, finding a suitable place for forming pills, and adjusting their bodies and mental states.

And Xu Miao had just experienced a fight across time and space from the sword intent channel, and her mood was still in the confusion of the ancient times. Behind her were Tang Song and Zheng Zhan, who were watching covetously.

No matter from which point of view, it is not suitable for alchemy.Xu Miao is most aware of her current situation, her emotions are chaotic, her spiritual power is mixed, if she rushes to attack the golden core, it is very likely to fail.

Failure to attack the golden core for the first time will cause the difficulty of the second impact to the golden core to increase exponentially.Therefore, without complete preparation, monks would rather suppress their cultivation than choose to advance to the Golden Core.

At this time, Xu Miao has already ignored all kinds of preliminary preparations. He only knows that if he doesn't attack the golden core, he will immediately be exploded by the majestic spiritual power and die.Riding a tiger is hard to get off, you can only choose the most favorable situation.

The attack of Tang Song and Zheng Zhan was right in front of him, Xu Miao couldn't move his whole body, let alone raise his sword to fight back and prop up Fu Yu's helmet.Xu Miao opened her eyes, neither sad nor happy, calmly looking at Tang and Zheng, who had ferocious faces.

Suddenly, a solid barrier was formed on the jade bed, which blocked Tang Song and Zheng Zhan's full attack at the critical moment.Xu Miao didn't expect such an event, and Tang and Zheng didn't even expect it.

They were not retreated by the barrier of the jade bed, and they struck harder, and their spiritual power swayed out as if they didn't need money.Under the attacks of the two, the barrier was constantly deformed and dented, but it was never broken.

Xu Miao glanced outside the barrier. Tang and Zheng, who were attacking with all their strength, had mocking smiles on their lips, and said, "Keep going, don't let up."

After finishing speaking, Xu Miao closed her eyes and fully absorbed the spiritual power given to him by the jade bed.The majestic spiritual power entered from all directions of the body, Xu Miao opened all the acupuncture points, pores, and meridians of the whole body to accommodate the spiritual power into the body as soon as possible.

There is no need for Xu Miao's precise control of spiritual power, which has no attributes. It only needs to send all the spiritual power into the dantian.The dantian received too much spiritual power in a short period of time, and it began to penetrate into various objects continuously.

The range of the blue sky and the blue sea expanded in an instant, and the two merged into one, forming a scene of the same color of water and sky.The red sun in the center of the blue sky gradually moved to the east, while to the west, with the concentration of spiritual power, a full moon changed from dim to bright.

The bright moon like a white jade plate is opposite to the red sun, hanging above the blue sky together.The radiance of the red sun is overwhelming, but it cannot cover up the brilliance of the bright moon.

The seven reefs on the blue sea are formed in the order of the Big Dipper, emitting the light of stars.Like a star falling on the sea, without losing its light.

The cang tree in the middle of the blue sea, with its roots going down and its stems going up, has doubled in size.The crown of the tree continues to extend and expand, as if it wants to cover the sky and the sun.

After the evolution of the object is completed, the remaining spiritual power is gathered in the middle of the red sun and the bright moon.Xu Miao compressed all the spiritual power together and urged it to form a golden pill.

Compression of spiritual power is the key, failure of compression means failure of alchemy.All the spiritual power in the dantian is in a liquefied state, and only by compressing the gaps between the spiritual powers to the limit can a golden elixir be formed.

Xu Miao didn't know how long it took to compress, but the spiritual power was still not liquefied.Xu Miao frowned, determined to absorb more spiritual power, and squeezed out the golden pill with the most spiritual power.

This method is very dangerous, and it will do great harm to the monks.It takes a long time for monks to form alchemy normally, slowly compressing and condensing their spiritual power, and finally form a golden alchemy.

Xu Miao didn't have time to condense. Outside the barrier of the jade bed, there were two almost crazy monks. He had to form a golden core as soon as possible.Otherwise, at some point, the barrier of the jade bed would be broken by those two people, and then all that awaited him was death.

He took the initiative to absorb spiritual power, making the already surging spiritual power even more turbulent.A large amount of spiritual power entered the dantian, compressing the already compressed spiritual power to the extreme again.

The prototype of the golden pill was formed, and Xu Miao's face showed no expression of any information.In a short period of time, condensing the golden core will pose a huge test for monks.

Xu Miao ignored the severe pain in her dantian and kept compressing her spiritual power.The liquefied spiritual power began to solidify, but it was far from enough. Xu Miao turned on the suction of spiritual power again.

The core of the prototype of the golden elixir is continuously stacked with spiritual power, the rough appearance of the prototype slowly recedes, and the light golden color is reflected on the ball.The aura around Xu Miao is getting stronger and stronger, and she is getting closer and closer to Jin Dan.

The change in Xu Miao's momentum was clearly felt by Tang Song and Zheng Zhan who were closest to him.The two of them suddenly stopped their attacks and began to think about how to interrupt Xu Miao's alchemy.

Both of them are talented and beautiful people, and they thought of a way in an instant.The two cooperated to blast open the barrier in a bursting manner.Although the power produced by this method is strong, the damage to the caster is also huge.

If it weren't for this moment, Tang and Zheng would never use this method.The two were determined, and since they thought of a solution, they immediately put it into action.

Most of the spiritual power stored in the jade bed was taken away by Xu Miao, and the remaining spiritual power could only support the barrier.Under the full-strength bombardment of Tang Song and Zheng Zhan, the barrier was finally completely broken.

The barrier was connected to the jade bed, and the jade bed was connected to Xu Miao. When the barrier was broken, Xu Miao was immediately hit and spit out a mouthful of blood.The spiritual power in the body was chaotic for a moment, but Xu Miao stabilized it with strong control.

The remaining spiritual power was enough to form a golden pill. Xu Miao stared coldly at the two kneeling on the ground who were injured by the bombardment barrier.

Xu Miao forcibly increased her speed while suppressing the injuries in her body.The last sliver of spiritual power in the jade bed merged into the dantian, and the embryonic form receded completely, and the dripping golden elixir quickly spun in the dantian, with traces of spiritual power lingering around the golden elixir.

Golden elixir success means that Xu Miao has entered the golden elixir stage.It's just that he is very clear that this time the alchemy is too hasty, and he is not ready in many aspects. If he continues like this, it will cause him to stop at the golden alchemy for the rest of his life.

Only after leaving the ancient secret realm, passing through the catastrophe, and consolidating one's cultivation, can one be completely stable in the golden core.With Xu Miao's current strength, there is still a slight gap compared with the real top Jindan early-stage monks, but it is easy to deal with ordinary Jindan early-stage monks.

As for the foundation-building monks like Tang Song and Zheng Zhan, Xu Miao didn't pay much attention to them.The injury in her body was aching and there was no time to heal it. Xu Miao used her spiritual power to suppress the injury temporarily.

The two people in front of him almost interrupted his alchemy, which is unforgivable.The spiritual power of Xu Miao's hands quickly condensed, and the coercion belonging to the Golden Core cultivator was fully displayed.

Tang Song and Zheng Zhan showed fear for the first time, and Xu Miao was already on par with them in the foundation building stage.Now that Xu Miao's cultivation has improved further, they will not be Xu Miao's opponents.

Tang and Zheng were panicked and wanted to leave this place, but found that the bronze door next to them couldn't be opened at all, no matter whether they bombarded with spiritual power or charged with magic weapons.

Xu Miao walked behind the two step by step, and the two of them pressed their bodies against the wall.After clearly seeing the killing intent in Xu Miao's eyes, they had no choice but to join forces to fight against it.

Xu Miao was injured because of the broken barrier, Tang Song and Zheng Zhan were not injured because of the broken barrier.Both of them are the strongest monks of the same level in their respective continents, and they have a lot of cards in their hands.

Even if the two are injured, they can still fight against the Jindan stage monks when they join forces.It's just that this Golden Core cultivator needs to add an attributive, an ordinary Golden Core cultivator.

Xu Miao advances to the golden core as the strongest foundation building, as long as his cultivation level stabilizes, he will be the strongest golden core.Although there are some fluctuations in cultivation now, they are more than enough to deal with Tang and Zheng.

The two shot first, and two brutal attacks rushed towards Xu Miao.The spiritual power condensed in both hands of Xu Miao shot out violently, dispelling the opponent's attack like a cripple, and continued to attack the two of them.

The three of them came and went in the narrow room, and their spiritual powers collided continuously, causing the room to vibrate and shake violently.Impatiently, Xu Miao continued to play cat and mouse with them. He drew out the Mist Condensing Sword and swung it out with the Broken Star Sword Technique.

How could a swordsmanship that could shatter stars not shatter the attacks in front of him.Tang Song and Zheng Zhan's natal magic weapon was directly damaged in front of the broken star sword technique.

The natal magic weapon is connected with the cultivator's mind and mind, and if the natal magic weapon is damaged, the monk is also severely injured.

(End of this chapter)

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