Chapter 247
When the monks of Xilu heard the news, they were all overjoyed, just like celebrating the New Year.The monks in Zhonglu and Donglu looked like they were mourning their concubines, their shoulders slumped, and they looked hopeless.

Xu Miao was about to enter the Sword Intent Passage with a few people, but was stopped by a Zhonglu cultivator: "Xu Miao, if you can take us away from this place, I will definitely speak to the sect when I return to Zhonglu. looking for your trouble."

When Xu Miao heard the words, she turned around and looked directly at the speaker: "Are you trying to threaten me?"

"Don't dare." Cultivator Zhonglu said sternly, "If you kill Zheng Zhan, Tang Song, and Qianyangmen, the Nanjing Sect will definitely trouble you. Only with our mediation can Xilu be safe."

Xu Miao snorted coldly: "What kind of thing are you? You can talk about Qianyangmen, but Nanjing Sect won't do anything?"


"Also, who told you that I killed both of them?" Xu Miao left behind a group of monks who were at a loss, and led the monks of Xilu, turned around and entered the sword intent passage.

When Xu Miao returned to the room, Tang Song had already woken up and stared at Xu Miao with hatred.Xu Miao turned a deaf ear and didn't even pay attention.

Seeing Tang Song and Zheng Zhan leaning against the wall, the monk Xilu burst into smiles.Before they entered the ancient secret realm, they were told by their master Qian and Wan not to confront Shangzhonglu and Donglu cultivators, let alone anger them.

They firmly kept these words in their hearts, and did not dare to overstep the rules in their actions, for fear of bringing disaster to the sect and Xilu, causing them to be angry after entering the secret realm.

But ever since they met Xu Miao, the object of their anger has changed drastically.With a strong posture, Xu Miao crushed Zhonglu, and the monk Donglu couldn't lift his head, and now he let the strongest man of the opponent lean to the side weakly.

They are all taught and grown up as the most important disciples, who can bear the constant anger and cannot resist.Looking at the other person's appearance, what could be more refreshing than picking up a treasure.

"Xu Miao, you'd better remember what you did today, and I will repay you a hundred times in the future!" Tang Song raised his hand to cover his dantian, the injury was too serious, so he had no choice but to do so.

Xu Miao asked He Xiao to take the lead and go down the steps, and he came to the rear.When he finally entered the steps, he gave Tang Song a sideways glance and said, "I hope you can stand and say this to me at that time."

After speaking, Xu Miao walked straight to the steps without looking at the other party.This step seems to be specially prepared for monks who have passed the trial. They have passed all the steps without encountering any obstacles along the way.

When he got to the end, Xu Miao could see clearly that the end point of this road was the water pool where he obtained the spirit source stone before.

All the water in the pool was sucked away by him, leaving behind a film of light that even Taoist Li Huan could not decipher.The strange thing about this light film is that it cannot be cracked and entered from the outside, but it can come out directly from the inside without any action.

The group of people finally left the palace hidden deep in the ground, and when they saw the blue sky and white clouds again, several monks shouted out of excitement.

Xu Miao also breathed a sigh of relief. They had spent too long, and there were only a few days left before the ancient secret realm was closed.A few days are too little time, and the secret realm is too big. After discussing with He Xiao, Xu Miao decided to go to the exit and wait for the secret realm to reopen.

Xu Miao was leaning against a big tree, and was about to open the wooden box to see what was inside, when a sound transmission jade pendant suddenly lit up.

This is a pair of sound transmission jade pendants, one of which was given to Ye Qianqian by Xu Miao.At that time, he had promised the other party that if he was in danger, he could use the sound transmission jade pendant to seek his help.

If you promise to the other party, you must do it, not to mention that the other party is still a beautiful woman.Xu Miao told He Xiaozhao to take good care of the other Xilu monks, and then turned into a ray of light and flew towards the place indicated by the sound transmission jade pendant.

Fortunately, Ye Qianqian's location is not far from the exit, otherwise it would take too long to go back and forth, and she would directly miss the opening of the secret realm.He didn't think that the elders of the Central and Eastern Continents would spend their spiritual power to open another secret realm for the sake of a few monks from the Western Continent.

Xu Miao's speed was extremely fast, but he arrived at the destination in a short while.Ye Qianqian was alone, and she didn't know what kind of inheritance she had accepted, her whole body's spiritual power was surging, and she was extremely unstable.

Opposite Ye Qianqian were five monks, three of whom were Zhonglu monks, and two were Donglu monks.In the ancient secret realm, continents are used as the unit. Normally, monks on the same continent should watch over and help each other.

It's just that in the current situation, it is obvious that Ye Qianqian is isolated and is dealt with jointly by Zhonglu and Donglu.A trace of anger flashed across Xu Miao's face, and she raised her hand with a sword, knocking away the magic weapon of a female cultivator from Donglu.

At the same time, a cultivator in Zhonglu recited the formula, and a mysterious thunder fell from the sky.It was too late for Xu Miao to block Xuan Lei with her sword, so she could only wrap her arms around Ye Qianqian's waist and lead her back quickly.

The Xuanlei exploded in front of the two of them, leaving a few streaks of thunder circling in the sky.Ye Qianqian tried her best to resist the monk in front of her before, but she didn't notice Xu Miao's arrival.

When Xu Miao shot in time, Ye Qianqian seemed to let go of the burden in her heart, and she relaxed and leaned on Xu Miao's shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Xu Miao asked softly, tilting her head.Ye Qianqian shook her head, but buried her face in Xu Miao's shoulder.Xu Miao had no choice but to keep holding Ye Qianqian and ask her what happened.

Ye Qianqian told Xu Miao through voice transmission that she had accepted an inheritance here, but when she was about to finish accepting it, she was interrupted by a group of monks gathered by a female cultivator named Li Bishu in Donglu, causing the spiritual power in her body to be chaotic.

Xu Miao raised her eyes to look at the person Ye Qianqian was talking about, and it turned out to be the woman who hit her just now.Xu Miao was not interested in the grievances between Ye Qianqian and Li Bishu, all he knew was that Li Bishu had touched his people, and he couldn't be forgiven.

Xu Miao's concentration of spiritual power and imposing manner at this time are both at the level of Jindan monks. Just standing still can cause great pressure on others.

Li Bishu never expected that Ye Qianqian would know such a person.Although she and Ye Qianqian belonged to two sects, but because their masters had intersected for a long time, they often met each other.

There are many faces, and naturally there are conflicts.Li Bishu is jealous of Ye Qianqian's good luck, she always gets praise from her elders, but she is always scolded.

But later, since Ye Qianqian returned from a trip to Westland, she seemed to be a different person.I don't pay attention to cultivation, and I don't take the initiative when encountering things.From what her master said, Ye Qianqian seemed to have a crush on a certain monk in the west land.

To practice this way, one should concentrate on one's mind. A little distraction will affect the cultivation of immortality and prevent one from reaching a higher level.She excitedly thought that Ye Qianqian would never be as good as her and would be left far behind by her.

After this trip to the ancient secret realm, from Ye Qianqian's expression and behavior, she knew that the person Ye Qianqian secretly admired was a person named Xu Miao, and his strength was firmly seated as the number one foundation-building cultivator in the Western Continent.

At first she didn't care, Xilu's level of comprehension was obvious to all.So what if Xilu is number one? When comparing several continents together, Xilu is nothing.

It's just that she didn't expect that Xu Miao, the No. [-] in the West, would be so powerful that Xia Bofei in Zhonglu would even be defeated by his sword.Her mentality was once again out of balance, she must not make Ye Qianqian look good.

She used all her means and used huge profits to gather a group of people to deal with Ye Qianqian.Xu Miao interrupted what he thought was easy to do.

Ye Qianqian still looked like a little girl, snuggling up to Xu Miao's body, which made Li Bishu grit her teeth even more.She does not allow Ye Qianqian to live better than her, she will never allow it.

Li Bishu flipped his hands and took out a bunch of bells, walked towards Xu Miao gracefully, and smiled charmingly: "Senior Xu, I have some conflicts with this girl, please don't participate in it, let us solve it by ourselves."

Xu Miao, who is already a Jindan cultivator, can bear the seniority of the foundation cultivator.

Xu Miao protected Ye Qianqian, and said coldly, "Fix it yourself? What are those four people doing?" Xu Miao raised her chin, signaling to the four monks behind her.

Li Bishu's smile immediately froze, and he said with a dry smile, "That's the little girl's friend, please come and help me out, I don't intend to do anything."

When Xu Miao heard the words, the coercion belonging to the Golden Core cultivator instantly pressed against Li Bishu, and she replied: "I am also here to help, and I have no intention of doing anything."

Li Bishu's smile finally couldn't be maintained, and she lowered her face, staring at Ye Qianqian intently.Ye Qianqian was held in Xu Miao's arms and smiled brightly at him in a relaxed manner.

The cultivator who established the foundation was facing the cultivator who was on the golden core, and the five of them were able to enter the ancient secret realm, so they were all naturally talented people.Ordinary Jindan monks, with the strength of five people, might not be able to win.

But the person in front of them was not an ordinary Golden Core cultivator.Instead, he was able to defeat Xia Bofei's monstrous genius with his own strength.Such people, after advancing to Jindan, they will not be their opponents at all.

Except for Li Bishu, the remaining four people all started to retreat, but they still didn't dare to take any action.Acting casually in front of Jindan monks is tantamount to courting death.

"The four of you are leaving now, and I will not pursue it." Xu Miao glanced at the four people behind Li Bishu.The four of them turned around and ran away hastily as if they had received an imperial edict, without even saying hello to Li Bishu.

Li Bishu stomped her feet resentfully, but she couldn't stop the other party. She could only watch helplessly as the helper left and the items she had previously paid for the four of them.

The general situation is over, it is not good to stay here.Li Bishu rolled his eyes, and Yi also planned to turn around and leave.Xu Miao raised her hand and sent a wave of spiritual power to trap the opponent.

"How do you want to deal with this girl?" Xu Miao asked Ye Qianqian in her arms.

"Kill it." Ye Qianqian replied without warmth, full of heartlessness.Xu Miao didn't think there was any problem. The other party wanted to kill him, so why should she pretend to be a virgin and bypass the other party?

(End of this chapter)

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