Chapter 248
Since Ye Qianqian's spiritual power is unstable now, Xu Miao took the matter of killing Li Bishu onto herself.A burst of spiritual power was shot out, and Li Bishu fell to the ground in response.

After the threat in front of her was resolved, Xu Miao immediately let go of Ye Qianqian's hand, held Ye Qianqian's shoulders, and let her sit on the spot to heal her injuries.Ye Qianqian felt the warmth of pulling away, and there was an unconcealable loss in her eyes.

Xu Miao didn't seem to see Ye Qianqian's expression, but gently told her to heal her injuries, and he would protect her.After explaining, Xu Miao walked aside and opened the wooden box.

Inside the wooden box was half a drop of sealed blood and a jade slip.Affected by the seal, Xu Miao was unable to detect whether the blood belonged to humans or monsters, as well as the spiritual power content of the blood.

He tried to break the seal, but found that the seal was extremely strong, and it was simply not something he could break with his current cultivation.

"Boy, this seal must at least have a cultivation level above the Void Refinement Stage to open it." Taoist Li Huan's tone was full of gloating.

Xu Miao ignored Taoist Li Huan. If the cultivation base of the Void Refinement Stage must be required, it also shows that he does not have enough strength to withstand the power of blood.

Seeing that Xu Miao was not affected at all, Taoist Li Huan couldn't help but wondered: "The things you worked so hard to get from those two guys can't be used at all, so you must not be angry or disappointed at all?"

"Li Huan, I found out that you have only grown your cultivation base and not your IQ for so many years." After Xu Miao said this, she didn't care about Li Huan who was furious.

Blood cannot be used, and jade slips can always be read.Xu Miao took out the jade slip and sank her spiritual consciousness into it.

"My son, there have been many major events in the Tiandingmen recently. I think that father is not far away from the great turmoil in the cultivation world. In order to strengthen your strength, I left the "Reincarnation Nirvana Jue" and half a drop of immortal blood."

"Immortal blood cannot be refined and fused unless it is in the void refining period, so remember."

The words on the jade slip confirmed what Taoist Li Huan said, that Xu Miao put the lid of the wooden box with only half a drop of blood left on it, and placed it in the position with the highest spiritual power concentration of the Hunting Stone, so as to imitate the environment of the jade bed and maintain the characteristics of blood.

It is recorded in the Jade Slips that "Reincarnation Nirvana Jue" corresponds to "Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue", both of which are the secret skills of Tiandingmen. They are the same, they are all heaven-level top-grade exercises, and they all require extremely high talents, aptitudes, and roots of practitioners.

However, the practice of reincarnation Nirvana Jue is more difficult than Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue. In Tianding Sect, there are many monks who have successfully practiced Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue, but they have never been able to successfully practice Reincarnation Nirvana Jue.

Reincarnation Nirvana Jue requires not only talent and other requirements, but also requires monks to have perseverance.Cycle Nirvana, as the name suggests, will experience multiple Nirvana.

Phoenix Nirvana, rebirth from the ashes, the pain that Nirvana needs to endure is not something ordinary people can bear.Even in the Heavenly Cauldron Sect, where there are many geniuses, there are very few monks who have successfully practiced the reincarnation Nirvana Jue.

After Xu Miao read all the formulas and precautions, she knew that this cycle of reincarnation and Nirvana cannot be cultivated in a short while. It needs to find high-temperature areas and retreat for enough time to barely meet the necessary conditions for cultivation.

This set of exercises does not require a monk's spiritual root, and any monk with a spiritual root can practice it, but for Xu Miao, it is too difficult to practice.

With a single different double spiritual root, or the spiritual root of wind and water, practicing for a long time in a high temperature environment will cause great harm to the body.If the cultivation is unsuccessful, the impact on the spiritual root will be unpredictable.

He put away the jade slips, his expression flickering indistinguishable.At this time, the chaotic spiritual power in Ye Qianqian's body has been completely controlled, as long as he returns to the sect and consolidates his stability.

Ye Qianqian walked towards Xu Miao, seeing Xu Miao's expression, hesitated to speak.Seeing that Ye Qianqian had returned to normal, Xu Miao didn't say much, and directly motioned for Ye Qianqian to follow behind her and return to the exit.

With only half a day left until the exit opens, Xu Miao needs to return as soon as possible.The light came suddenly, but the exit was no longer as calm as when it left.

The monks of the three continents fought on their own, fighting in the dark, the light of countless magic weapons shone in the air, and countless strands of spiritual power collided in the air, sending out shock waves.

Xu Miao saw at a glance that Yang Lin was besieged by three Donglu cultivators, who severely injured Yang Lin and lost his spiritual power.Xu Miao was furious, and raised her hand to strike a sword, Liuying swordsmanship swept away, blocking the joint attack of the three for Yang Lin.

Yang Lin had already closed his eyes, gave up resisting, and waited for the attack to arrive, but found that the attack had not landed on him for a long time.He opened his eyes in surprise, and saw Xu Miao standing in front of him, with the same determination as before.

The three Donglu monks naturally knew Xu Miao's prestige. After defeating Xia Bofei, Tang Song and Zheng Zhan, their strength ranked first in the three continents.If it is said that among the three continents, the one who does not want to confront him the most is Xu Miao.

"Xu Miao, we don't want to be your enemy. As long as you get out of the way and hand over the people behind you to us, we will never be your enemy." The leading monk among the three said.

Xu Miao looked sideways at the person who spoke: "What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me? Do I send you three enemies?" The tone should be as arrogant as it is, and the expression should be as contemptuous as possible.

In front of him, Xu Miao did not draw his sword on the spot to actually ask him to hand over someone, which is already an excellent self-restraint.

The face of the leading monk changed suddenly, knowing that Xu Miao would not take the initiative to hand over someone.The three of them discussed quickly through sound transmission, and decided that one of them would stop Xu Miao, and the other two would use the fastest speed to capture Yang Lin.

After succeeding, he immediately hid aside and gathered the strength of other monks to block Xu Miao.With a certain plan, the three of them started at the same time.The leading monk is the strongest among the three, so naturally he blocks Xu Miao.

When Xu Miao saw that the three were divided into one and two, she found out the opponent's scheme.He moved directly to Yang Lin's right, blocking two of them.

Yang Lin knew that he was seriously injured now, and it was not easy to block the next one, so he confronted the leading monk as good as he could.The three of them did not expect Xu Miao to behave like this, and wanted to change the formation again, but it was too late.

Due to the instability of the spiritual power in the golden core period, Xu Miao's previous strength was somewhat hidden, and he kept his cultivation at the late stage of foundation establishment.Now that Yang Lin was to be saved, he had to make a quick decision.

The spiritual coercion of the Jindan stage monk erupted instantly, and a sword slashed across, hitting the dantian of the two monks in front of him.When the two felt Xu Miao's golden core cultivation base, their expressions changed drastically, and they just wanted to leave.

How could Xu Miao do what they wished and set up a wall of spiritual power behind them so that they could not retreat.In the blink of an eye, the two monks were seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Seeing Xu Miao's true strength, the leading monk complained in his heart, why no one told him that Xu Miao had advanced to the Golden Core stage.

He knocked Yang Lin back with a sword, and wanted to leave.Xu Miao stabbed out with the sword, and hit the opponent's right side of the back of the heart.Immediately, a piercing wound appeared on the leading monk's body, bleeding profusely.

The sword intent left over from the sword move was still killing his flesh and blood, and the leading monk turned his head in horror to look at Xu Miao, who was like a god.My life is over, and there are only these four words left in his heart.

He was able to advance to the Golden Core stage in front of so many people in the secret realm, how could he provoke such a person.Although Xu Miao didn't reap the lives of the three of them directly, he knew best what to do.

Within a quarter of an hour, if no Golden Core cultivator healed the wounds of the three, the three would surely die.For a quarter of an hour, the exit was not even opened, let alone the Golden Core cultivator was found.

From the explosion of Xu Miao's aura to the defeat of the three Donglu cultivators, it was only a matter of breath.Such a strong movement made all the monks who were fighting stop one after another.

They were a little terrified, some showed jealousy, and some were furious. Xu Miao saw the expressions of these people one by one, and laughed in her heart.

With a Golden Core cultivator in the west land, no one dared to target the monks in the west land, and the monks in the middle land and the east land did not attack easily, and the exit suddenly became very peaceful.

Xu Miao was hurt by Donglu monks. As the person in charge of Donglu, Zheng Zhan couldn't just watch the three Donglu monks die.He bit the bullet and walked in front of Xu Miao, and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu, can you let the three of you go?"

Xu Miao glanced at Zheng Zhan and said, "First, my cultivation level is at the Golden Core stage, so you should call me senior; second, those three people have evil intentions, and they bully more than others, so it's only natural for me to teach them a lesson."

"What's more, I have stopped now, and I have not continued to target the three of them."

Zheng Zhan's face turns blue and white, very exciting.He never thought that there would be a monk like Xu Miao in the little-known Xilu cultivation world.

"Those three people were seriously injured, I'm afraid their lives will not be long—"

Before Zheng Zhan finished speaking, Xu Miao interrupted: "Are you blaming me for being too heavy?"

"Don't dare, please senior to help." Zheng Zhan's senior said the words especially emphatically, almost gnashing his teeth.

The monks in Xilu felt extremely comfortable when they heard Zheng Zhan's words.The monks in Zhonglu were dissatisfied, angry, and fearful. Various emotions were intertwined, which was very complicated.

The old man Xu Miao pointed at the three of them on the ground: "If you ask me to do it, should there be some reward? You can't let me do it for nothing." Xu Miao is best at raising prices.

All the opportunities to make money are presented to him, if he doesn't seize them, Xu Miao will feel sorry for himself.

"How about 5 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones?" The cultivation resources in the Eastern Land are much richer than those in the Western Land, and the monks' net worth is relatively richer.

5 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, not counting evildoers like Xu Miao, ordinary Western Land Foundation Establishment cultivators, including He Xiao and others, cannot take it out for a while.

"Cultivator Donglu is so worthless? Tsk tsk tsk, I really feel sorry for the three of you, working so hard, it's only worth 5 yuan in middle-grade spirit stones."

When the three people on the ground heard this, it was not Xu Miao who resented, but Zheng Zhan.

(End of this chapter)

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