Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 249 Black Backed Wolf

Chapter 249 Black Backed Wolf

They wouldn't think that Xu Miao was going too far, they would only think that Zheng Zhan was too stingy and didn't want to save them.

"Zheng Zhan, if you don't save me and the other three, go back to Donglu and see how you will explain to our master!" The leader of the three lay on the ground, threatening Zheng Zhan.

Zheng Zhan couldn't help being furious. He didn't hesitate to put down his figure and asked Xu Miao for help, but he didn't expect to be made things difficult by the three of them.With a flick of his hand, he walked directly to the side, ignoring the three of them.

With a smile on the corner of Xu Miao's mouth, she looked at what happened in front of her with great interest.

"Senior Xu, as long as you are willing to help us, we will definitely thank you!"

What Xu Miao was waiting for was his words. Yang Lin had already told him through voice transmission that he had obtained a magic weapon at a certain location, but this magic weapon was composed of several small magic weapons, and if any of them were missing, the magic weapon would be damaged. power.

Most of this magic weapon was in the hands of the three, and the remaining small part was snatched by Yang Lin, which was also the reason why the three besieged Yang Lin before.

"In that case, let's take out that magic weapon." Xu Miao said lightly.

The expression on the face of the leading monk immediately froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched, wanting to reject Xu Miao's offer: "Senior, do you think it's better to replace it with spirit stones, how about 10 yuan middle-grade spirit stones?"

Xu Miao sighed quietly: "It seems that the magic weapon is more important, then I can only wait for a quarter of an hour after you are dead, and then get the treasure myself."

The undisguised threat, but the three of them could not refuse.No matter how important the magic weapon is, it must be enjoyed with one's life.The three had no choice but to hand over the rest of the magic weapon.

Xu Miao raised her chin slightly, motioning for Yang Lin to take the things away, and after checking that they were correct, Xu Miao treated the three of them.As long as the sword intent in the three people's bodies is withdrawn and supplemented with spiritual power, the lives of the three people will be safe.

All the monks felt extremely complicated when they saw Xu Miao surpass them and walk in front of them.

There was a sudden violent shock in the secret realm. Xu Miao thought that the exit was opened in advance, but was surprised to find that the exit had not been opened, and there was something wrong with the secret realm.

The shock became more and more serious, towering trees were uprooted one after another, and the flat ground became uneven, with some towering high and some sinking deeply, forming deep invisible cracks.

Some monks didn't react enough, and fell directly into the crack, with nothing but screams.

With a wave of Xu Miao's hand, he took the monk Xilu up into the air, temporarily avoiding the danger on the ground.I thought it was only the ground that was the problem, but after taking off, I found the mysterious thunder and flames falling from the sky.

Xu Miao circulated the spiritual power in her body to expand the range of Fu Yu's helmet and protect all the Xilu monks around her.The power of Xuanlei and Yanhuo is so strong that even Fu Yu's armor cannot easily resist it.

"Wow——" Xu Miao turned her head when she heard the sound, and saw a black-backed wolf the size of a hill.Black-backed wolves are different from ordinary wolf monsters. They don't like to be in groups and prefer to act alone.

The howling of wolves has a huge impact on the monk's mind. If the mind is weak, it will directly lose its reason and fall into madness.Fu Yu's helmet could block the falling thunder and flames, but it couldn't block the howling of wolves.

A few monks from small sects obviously couldn't hold on, their eyes were red, their heads were in their hands, and there were ferocious expressions on their faces.

That black-backed wolf is a seventh-level monster. With Xu Miao's current strength, if he confronts him, he will definitely die.But looking around at all the people around, except for him, no one is suitable to face the black-backed wolf.

Xu Miao suddenly felt that the heaven would send a big job to the people, he smiled freely, told He Xiao and others to take care of the other monks, and flew directly to the black-backed wolf.

One of the paws of the black-backed wolf was about to slap a cultivator in the middle land on the ground. That cultivator was bleeding from all seven orifices. If he was struck by this paw, he would have to go to see the king of Hades.

Xu Miao's right hand was pointing inward, and she pointed at the black-backed wolf's claw fiercely, and the fog-condensing sword rushed towards the wolf's claw that was about to fall like an arrow from the string.

The sword intent of the Ningwu Sword is awe-inspiring, coupled with the sharpness of the material of the sword body, it instantly cut through the claws of the black-backed wolf.After a successful blow, Xu Miaofei stepped forward, grabbed the Mist Condensing Sword, and stabbed at the wound just created.

When the black-backed wolf was stopped by a low-level monk, it roared angrily, raised its claws high, and was about to slap Xu Miao.Xu Miao did not meet the enemy head-on, but squatted down and grabbed the monk behind him, and led him out of the attack range of the wolf claws.

It's just that Xu Miao still underestimated the monsters living in the ancient secret realm. The moment the wolf's claws landed, a strong aftermath was set off, blowing towards the two people not far away.

Xu Miao immediately propped up Fu Yu's helmet, still being affected by the aftermath, and retreated dozens of steps in a row, before completely relieving the attack brought by the wolf's claws.

Without the catastrophe, Xu Miao's golden core cultivation base was not stable enough, and when he met Tang Song and Zheng Zhan's Nascent Soul, the injuries in his body were repeated repeatedly, and he never completely healed.

Now suddenly facing the black-backed wolf of the seventh level, all the hidden wounds in the body exploded, directly making Xu Miao completely unable to parry.He stuck the Mist Condensing Sword on the ground to support his crumbling body.

The Zhonglu cultivator also saw that it was Xu Miao who saved him, so he hurriedly got up and supported Xu Miao.Xu Miao looked at the black-backed wolf that was roaring, and raised his hand to push Cultivator Zhonglu away.

"Meet your companions right away, don't stay here, hurry up!" Cultivator Zhonglu was pushed back to a stagger by Xu Miao, and he wanted to say something, when he saw Xu Miao draw out his sword and meet the black-backed wolf again.

Cultivator Zhonglu looked at Xu Miao's back with complicated eyes. It was clear that before Zhonglu and Xilu it was either you or me.

Xu Miao could turn a blind eye and just protect the monks in Xilu, but he took the risk to rescue himself from the wolf's claws.Such a monk, he can be sure, can reach a height that no one in a secret realm can reach.

The strength of the black-backed wolf is too strong, just like the pangolin, it is more than twice as strong as the same level as the outside world.Xu Miao held the hand of Ningwu Sword, trembling uncontrollably, the spiritual power in her body was constantly being impacted by the demonic power of the black-backed wolf, unable to suppress it.

What gave Xu Miao the most headache was the golden pill in his dantian.It used to be shiny and golden, but now it has become dull and dull.If it continues, the golden core may not be guaranteed to crack, and the cultivation base will fall to the late stage of foundation establishment.

But he can't retreat, if all the monks behind him die, even if he can successfully leave the secret realm, what awaits him is the wrath of Zhonglu and Donglu.

For the sake of stability, the Xilu cultivation world will never protect him.Instead of facing a group of Nascent Soul cultivators, or even cultivators who have transformed into spirits, it is better to face this seventh-level black-backed wolf.

The anger of the black-backed wolf became more and more intense. The ant-like human being in front of him could obviously be killed by his claws, but until now, he has not died yet.

Slippery hands, really hateful.The black-backed wolf opened its big mouth, its fangs were filled with fishy saliva, which was disgusting.Xu Miao gave up short-distance fighting with the black-backed wolf and chose to fight long-distance.

Anyway, he has already cultivated the sword intent, as long as the distance is within the attack range of the sword intent, the strongest effect can be achieved.All the objects in the dantian were running to the limit, and the golden core was running crazily, sending spiritual power into the fog-condensing sword.

Because of the sufficient spiritual power, the Ningwu Sword exudes an icy chill.The Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue was born in response to the challenge, and both eyes turned into boundless black.

Xu Miao used the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue as a basic skill, and on the basis of the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue, he used other sword moves to expand the power of the sword move again.

This is a method he has only recently discovered, but he has not used it yet.Today's battle with the black-backed wolf just tested this method.The awe-inspiring aura unique to the Heaven and Earth Silence Jue was slowly revealed from Xu Miao.

"Human, you are very interesting. I haven't seen a person like you for a long time." The black-backed wolf closed and opened his mouth, and said a cruel sentence, "Unfortunately, from today onwards, we may never see you again." Here comes the interesting person."

Xu Miao performed Yunlong Leap and stood in mid-air to avoid the giant claws of the black-backed wolf.

"There are so many interesting things about me, and I'm even more worried that your life is too short to see all the interesting things." Before he finished speaking, the tyranny that belonged to Xu Miao was completely aroused, Even the spiritual power carries this breath.

The black-backed wolf's red eyes suddenly widened: "Is this the breath of Wuwu? What's your relationship with Wuwu?"

Xu Miao flipped her wrist flexibly to avoid the giant claws of the black-backed wolf, and her backhand was a star breaking sword technique, followed by Liuying sword technique.Every move, every style, is all hard work.

"Want to know? Unfortunately, I won't tell you." Xu Miao took advantage of the moment when the black-backed wolf was in a daze, and stabbed the black-backed wolf in the eyes with his sword.

Sensing Xu Miao's intentions, the black-backed wolf deftly turned its huge head, avoiding the tip of the Ningwu Sword, and said loudly, "Human! You are courting death!"

Xu Miao thought inwardly that it was a pity that he could blind the black-backed wolf just a little bit.The injuries on his body were too serious, and his speed was inevitably affected, with more energy than energy.

The black-backed wolf was completely irritated by Xu Miao's actions again and again, and the powerful monster power of the seventh-level monster shot out without reservation, attacking Xu Miao from all directions.

Fu Yu's helmet was already opened at the first time, but the gap between the two sides was too large, and Fu Yu's helmet instantly shattered into dots of light, scattered in mid-air.

At the critical moment of life and death, Xu Miao quickly took out the scales presented to him by the pangolin.The scales rapidly expanded in Xu Miao's hands, and became about the size of a person.

The black-backed wolf's attacks all rushed to the scales. This time, Xu Miao didn't even retreat to ease the attack. The scales of the super eight-level monsters blocked the full attack of the seventh-level monsters. The hit survived.

The defensive effect of the scales is limited, and the blow just now has caused the scales to be scarred.With another blow, this scale will completely exhaust its power and turn into nothing.

The black-backed wolf noticed the scales in Xu Miao's hands, and showed an incredulous expression: "Pangolin scales, you, a human being, can actually get his approval."

(End of this chapter)

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