Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 250 Detonating the Golden Elixir

Chapter 250 Detonating the Golden Elixir
"But so what, that pangolin will still stand up for you! He is trapped in the duststone palace and cannot get out of it for life. Even if he senses that you have met me, he has nothing to do. Hahahaha——"

The arrogant laughter of the black-backed wolf pierced through the eardrums, causing Xu Miao's chest to churn again.Xu Miao had already guessed what the black-backed wolf said about being trapped.Otherwise, there is really no reason for a monster beast above level eight to stay in the palace.

"When I smash this scale, I'll see what you can do to resist it!" The black-backed wolf once again accumulated demon power and attacked Xu Miao.Apart from pangolin scales, Xu Miao has no other effective defensive magic weapon.

If he was the only one, he could take out the empty wings and spread his wings to leave.But now, there are still many monks behind him. Whether they can survive depends entirely on how long Xu Miao can last.

He couldn't retreat, he couldn't run, he could only grit his teeth and hold on.He enlarged the scales again to resist the roaring attack of the black-backed wolf.Xu Miao placed both hands on the scales, providing the scales with insignificant spiritual power.

Finally, the last trace of the scale's demon power was exhausted, and the defensive effect completely disappeared.Xu Miao, who had lost his scale defense, could only hold his sword across his chest, and use the remaining spiritual power to make a final move to offset part of the demon power.

The rest of the monster power rushed straight to Xu Miao's chest. Xu Miao heard the sound of ribs breaking and spit out a big mouthful of blood uncontrollably, forming an arc and falling heavily to the ground.

Severe pain came, but Xu Miao couldn't even express the pain.

"Human, you are down, the humans you want to protect have no defense ability, and they will all become my dinner in the end, hahaha!"

When Xu Miao heard this, her dark eyes were flooded with blood after she stopped performing the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art and returned to normal.The heart was beating vigorously in the chest, and the spiritual power pumped out was instantly transmitted to the whole body.

He beckoned with difficulty, held the Wu Ning Jian in his hand, and with the help of the fixed point on the ground, Xu Miao stood up panting heavily.

"As long as I'm still alive, it's impossible for you to get past me and deal with them." Xu Miao slowly raised her hand, the pain caused by the dislocation of bones was so painful that he could hardly stand up.But his hand holding the sword was unusually steady.

Xu Miao stood alone in front of the crowd, her robe was blood-stained and mutilated, blowing non-stop with the north wind.His back is not strong, but he can make everyone believe that as long as he is still there, they can live.

Tang Song, Zheng Zhan, He Xiao... walked towards Xu Miao one by one, each holding a magic weapon in their hands, and stood beside Xu Miao resolutely.

At this moment, there is no distinction between Zhonglu, Donglu, and Xilu, only the difference between humans and monsters.Either you die, or I die.Let Xu Miao face the seventh-level monster alone, they can't do it.

Xu Miao suddenly smiled when she saw the person standing beside her.Before that, they fought each other to the death, after that, they fought side by side.

"You are not his opponents, leave quickly. There is still a quarter of an hour, and the exit will open, and then you can leave." Xu Miao did not want the black-backed wolf to know the real opening time of the secret realm, and said through voice transmission.

"Your current physical condition, how can you persist for a quarter of an hour. Let's help, and we will leave together in a quarter of an hour!" Tang Song retorted first.

Xu Miao didn't have the strength to fight with them anymore, he had already informed them that if they wanted to stay, let them stay.

Xu Miao took a step forward and proudly faced the huge black-backed wolf.There was no trace of panic in his expression, as if the one standing in front of him was just an ordinary low-level monster, and what he was about to face was not a life-and-death battle.

He drank a large bottle of spiritual source water, and the majestic spiritual power poured into his dantian instantly.Even if Xu Miao's spiritual power is exhausted, he only needs to drink a small bottle of spiritual source water to recover completely.

However, this time, he drank a large bottle of spiritual power in one go, and the spiritual power that he could not absorb at all immediately filled the meridians.A large amount of extra spiritual power continuously hit the meridians, the meridians could not hold such a large amount of spiritual power, and scars appeared soon.

Xu Miao's face remained unchanged, and outsiders could not tell from his expression that he was undergoing inhuman torture.All the spiritual power condensed near the golden core, and the golden core spun rapidly, and according to Xu Miao's will, the spiritual power was transported to the fog-condensing sword.

The Ningwu Sword was erected by Xu Miao, with the tip of the sword pointing upwards, continuously accumulating momentum.Tang Song and the others shot out their spiritual power at the same time and flew towards the Wu Ningjian.Xu Miao understood what they meant and gathered everyone's strength together.

Almost all of everyone's spiritual power was drained and gathered on the Mist Condensing Sword.The sword power of the Ningwu Sword is getting stronger and stronger, and the sword intent is also getting stronger and stronger, far exceeding the level that the Jindan monk who has just advanced can achieve.

The black-backed wolf looked at what Xu Miao and the others were doing, and said, "Humans, give up, even if you exhaust each of your spiritual power, you won't be my opponent."

Xu Miao half-closed her eyes, and swung the Fog Condensing Sword, the strongest move in the star-breaking swordsmanship - breaking the sky, and the powerful spiritual power poured out.

The sky can be shattered, let alone other things, this move, Xu Miao is determined to do everything, he will stop the black-backed wolf at all costs.

This sword, lived up to Xu Miao's expectations, and directly hit the black-backed wolf several times in a row.At the same time, there was also the howling of wolves resounding through the secret realm.

At this time, a crack appeared in the sky next to it, and it continued to expand until it could accommodate one person in and out.The exit of the secret realm opened, and Xu Miao persisted until now.

It's just that all the people have exhausted their spiritual power and have no strength to move. Xu Miao swallowed the spiritual source water, but couldn't absorb the spiritual power. He reluctantly mobilized the scattered spiritual power, turned around and sent everyone around him into the Export.

"Xu Miao, come quickly!" Ye Qianqian stood at the exit and shouted to Xu Miao.

As the last person, Xu Miao was about to fly into the exit, but was blocked by a black-backed wolf that suddenly jumped out.Xu Miao's spiritual power has been completely exhausted, his meridians are completely damaged, and even the spiritual source water cannot replenish his spiritual power.

"Go—" Xu Miao borrowed the last bit of spiritual power from Ningwujian to send Ye Qianqian away from the secret realm.The black-backed wolf was furious when he saw that the fat in his mouth was gone, and slammed into Xu Miao viciously.

Xu Miao didn't have the strength to resist at all, was knocked straight, flew into the air involuntarily, was bitten off by the fangs of the black-backed wolf, and was directly pierced by the fangs in the waist and abdomen, bleeding Mi flowed out.

The black-backed wolf threw Xu Miao aside, looked at him angrily, panting continuously: "Human, you made me so angry that you sent everyone away."

"Since they don't have the blessing to be my food, you can be my food!" As he said, the black-backed wolf opened its mouth and bit Xu Miao's head.

How can Xu Miao let the black-backed wolf succeed? He has been waiting for the black-backed wolf to approach, and when he can clearly see the black-backed wolf's esophagus, he throws all the magic weapons and talismans snatched from others into it.

At the same time, he forcibly forced out the golden pill, and in a flash, sent the golden pill into the black-backed wolf's esophagus, detonating the golden pill.The monk's golden elixir, together with a large number of magic weapons, and the explosion of the talisman directly destroyed the inside of the black-backed wolf's body.

There was a violent roar and the howling of the black-backed wolf, and Xu Miao finally couldn't hold it anymore and passed out.


Outside the exit of the ancient secret realm, a group of Nascent Soul monks looked at the monks who came out. Without exception, every monk who came out had exhausted their spiritual power and was sluggish.

Cultivator Nascent Soul was shocked and angry, what happened to make all the disciples like this.

The Nascent Soul of Xilu was looking forward to it, but when the exit was closed, there was no trace of Xu Miao.Peng Tianjie grabbed He Xiao and hurriedly asked what happened.

He Xiao did not avoid the monks from other continents, and recounted in detail what happened last in the secret territory.At the end, He Xiao's eyes turned red uncontrollably.

All the Nascent Soul cultivators were silent when they heard this.According to what these disciples said, Xu Miao is powerful and has taught many people a lesson in the secret realm.

In any case, Xu Miao never killed anyone.The most serious thing is to seriously injure the other party.Now that all the monks are sent out safely, both Zhonglu and Donglu owe Xu Miao a favor out of love and reason.

When Peng Tianjie heard what He Xiao said, his heart ached.He valued Xu Miao even more than he valued He Xiao.When he set off for the secret realm, he also specially asked Xu Miao to help the monk Xilu a lot.

Xu Miao did it, fulfilling his promise at the cost of his life.It even changed the image of Xilu in the hearts of Zhonglu and Donglu, and made the two continents owe Xilu.

No one thought that Xu Miao could survive in that situation.Only Yang Lin stood up and objected: "Xu Miao will not die. He was hunted down by monks in the late stage of foundation establishment during the Qi refining period, and he did not die."

"Now, he will definitely not die." Yang Lin clenched his fists tightly. There is a natal magic lamp in the sect, so he just needs to go back and ask for proof.

A group of Nascent Soul cultivators shook their heads and did not speak.Whether Xu Miao is dead or alive now, he is already dead.The ancient secret realm has been completely closed and can no longer be opened.

Even if Xu Miao is still alive, he can only stay in the ancient secret realm, what is the difference between this and death.The three monks left here silently, leaving no one behind.

Only the green mountains and green waters at the entrance of the secret realm have witnessed the changes of this place for many years.


Xu Miao didn't know when he fell asleep. When he woke up, he felt pain all over his body, wishing he could faint again.

The dantian was empty, and there was no trace of spiritual power. He smiled wryly and looked at the sky.The black-backed wolf doesn't know whether it is dead or alive, and the environment here is not quite like the exit of the secret realm.

Xu Miao always felt that after he detonated the golden pill, the magic weapon, something happened that he didn't know about.Fortunately, it's just that there is no spiritual power, but the consciousness is still there.

(End of this chapter)

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