Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 251 Who is Water 3

Chapter 251 Who is Shui San
Originally, I wanted to ask Xiaotian what happened, but because of the detonation of the golden core, the external monitoring function of the Huntian Stone was directly turned off. Now Xu Miao's eyes are darkened, and she is staring at the surrounding environment in bewilderment.

Except for the movement of the eyeballs, Xu Miao's whole body could not move up and down.He had no choice but to ask Xiaotian to feed him Shujingdan, the elixir that heals the meridians, and then think about other things.

The elixir enters the abdomen, and its power quickly travels through the meridians of the whole body.To Xu Miao's surprise, his meridians showed no signs of improvement at all.

The medicinal effect of Shu Jing Dan can be used even by Golden Core cultivators, let alone Xu Miao.However, no matter how many pills he took, it had no effect.The power of the medicine did go up along the meridian, but it seemed to go through a cutscene, and it didn't work at all.

Peng Tianjie also knew his situation. Once the spiritual power was used excessively, it would cause damage to the meridians, so he prepared a lot of Shujing pills.After several times of use, although there are not many Shu Jing Dan left in Xu Miao's hand, it is enough to repair the meridians.

Xu Miao was caught off guard by the loss of efficacy of the pill.With the meridians injured to such an extent, the spiritual power in the dantian is empty, even if he wants to use the Bihai Qingtian formula to repair it.

Even if you drink the spiritual source water, spiritual power enters the body, without the coordination of the meridians, it will only cause more serious damage to the body.Xu Miao was helpless, staring at the sky in a daze.

"Xu Miao, I'm going to check the situation nearby. If I can find the spiritual herbs that heal the meridians, it might be useful." Before Xu Miao could stop, Xiaotian had disappeared from his sight.

The elixir was ineffective, his spiritual power was exhausted, and his limbs were paralyzed. Which monk would get into his situation? Xu Miao sighed with a wry smile.

"Li Huan, why doesn't the medicinal pill have any effect on my body?" The cultivator of Huashen is well-informed, so he might have a different opinion.

"I've never seen a situation like yours. Pills can produce medicinal effects on all monks, even monsters. Your current situation is more like a legendary situation."

"Legend? What is the content?"

"The golden elixir was first formed, but it was smashed immediately, and the golden elixir was cultivated again, and it was able to jump out of the three realms, not in the five elements."

"Jump out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements? You tell stories!"

Li Huan snorted before explaining: "After all the monks have cultivated the golden core, there will be a record of heaven that you can't see, which proves that this monk has stepped into the golden core stage."

"However, there will also be monks who fail to form alchemy, and the alchemy will be shattered and people will die. Similarly, there will be records of this monk, which proves that this monk failed to form alchemy and is dead."

Xu Miao understood what Taoist Li Huan meant: "That is to say, Heaven has already regarded me as a dead person, and I am no longer a living being belonging to this world?"

"Yes, this is the only explanation that makes sense. However, these are just legends, and there have never been real examples. Many monks failed to form alchemy for the first time, but Heaven did not recognize them as dead. Success doesn't affect anything."

Indeed, as Li Huan said, there are many monks who fail to form pills, but no one has the situation that the pills are ineffective.As for those who blew up their golden cores, they all died without exception.

Xu Miao forced Jindan out of her dantian and blew herself up outside her body, just avoiding the power of Jindan's self-explosion.Perhaps by mistake, Tiandao mistakenly thought that he was dead.

Everything is just a guess, and Xu Miao doesn't want this guess to come true.If this is the case, he will not even be able to take pills when he is injured in the future, and he will not have an advantage at all.

Xiaotian found the spirit grass and hurried back: "Xu Miao, this is one of the main spirit herbs of Shu Jing Dan. Although the effect is not as good as Shu Jing Dan, it can also repair the injured meridians."

Xu Miao's limbs could not move, and Xiaotian still fed them into his mouth.Unsurprisingly, the spirit grass did not have any effect.Xu Miao looked at Xiaotian's worried face, with a comforting smile on her lips.

Suddenly, a white afterimage burst out from diagonally behind.Xu Miao couldn't move, so Xiaotian immediately stood in front of Xu Miao, making seals with both hands to block anyone who came.

The white afterimage deftly bypassed Xiaotian and rushed to Xu Miao's side.When the afterimage stopped, Xu Miao realized it was the little white tiger.The little white tiger leaned on Xu Miao's body affectionately, sticking out his tongue to lick Xu Miao's face.

Xu Miao was very surprised, Xiaobai was obviously handed over to Teng Snake by him, how could he appear here.According to the black-backed wolf, the monsters in the palace were trapped by some means by the monks of the Tiandingmen, and they couldn't come out easily.

Since he couldn't leave the palace, how could Teng Snake know that he was in danger and let the little white tiger come out.

Xiaobaihu should be able to answer these questions for him: "Xiaobai, how did you get out?"

"The blood contract between me and the master fluctuated, and I realized that the master was in danger, and it was Uncle Teng Snake who sent me out."

"Senior Teng Snake, can he leave the palace?"

Xiaobai didn't know the intention of Xu Miao's question, so he answered honestly: "No, Uncle Teng Snake said that he was punished and must stay in Yuanshui for the rest of his life, and he was not allowed to leave."

According to Xiaobai's words, Teng Snake sent him from the palace. If Xiaobai didn't have a sense of crisis, Teng Snake would not be able to notice what happened outside the palace.So who moved him from the exit of the secret realm and came here?

"Are you awake?" A figure came out from behind a tree.

Xu Miao frowned. His injury was indeed serious, but there was nothing wrong with his consciousness.After coming here, he also deliberately borrowed Li Huan's consciousness to observe the environment here, and found no other living beings present.

Moreover, when he was talking to Xiaobai, he also used his own consciousness to monitor the surrounding situation, but he also did not find the existence of this person.

This person can avoid the monitoring of spiritual consciousness and appear in front of him without knowing why.Xu Miao was vigilant all over, Xiaobaihu and Xiaotian sensed Xu Miao's repulsion, and put themselves on the defensive.

The visitor didn't seem to notice Xu Miao's vigilance and defense, and walked up to him.Xiaobai and Xiaotian attacked him at the same time, but were trapped in place by the palm of the man, unable to get out.

"Who is your Excellency?" The person in front of him was covered by a black cloth from top to bottom, so his true identity could not be seen.

"Shui San." After the visitor said two words, he didn't continue to speak. Instead, he stretched out his hand and placed it on Xu Miao's wrist, as if he was checking the pulse.

Xu Miao is a monk. Whether a monk's body is good or bad can be known at a glance with his spiritual sense. There is no need for ordinary people's methods.The two words the visitor just said should be telling Xu Miao his name.

Shui San's exposed hand was skinny, if it wasn't for the layer of skin on it, Xu Miao would have thought it was a skeleton talking to him and checking his pulse.

"Self-exploding golden core, now I have lost all my cultivation, as well as my consciousness—"

"I know all of this. You don't need to repeat it again. I want to know something that I don't know." Xu Miao interrupted Shui San's speech.

Shui San's words were interrupted by Xu Miao, without showing any impatience on his face, he pondered for a moment, and said, "There is an iceberg not far away, which can help you recover your cultivation."

"However, at most, it can only be restored to the level of the late stage of foundation establishment. It is impossible to restore to the level of the Jindan stage."

"It was you who shot me, saved me, and sent me here?"

"Yes." Shui San's words were concise and clear. If Xu Miao didn't ask, she could almost keep silent.

"Why did you save me?" This was the biggest question in Xu Miao's mind at the moment. Judging by Shui San's appearance, it was obvious that he was dressed as an ancient monk.

If he guessed correctly, people who can be named after numbers are servants of certain monks.Just like He Xiao's servants before, they are also named after numbers.

When Shui San heard Xu Miao's words, his always expressionless face finally changed, and he took it for granted: "Master is in trouble, and Shui San will naturally help with all his strength."

Shui San's words were like a thunderbolt hitting Xu Miao directly.He had never been to this place before, let alone accepted the person in front of him as a slave.

It's just that Xu Miao didn't bluntly tell Shui San that he was not his master.This Shui San's strength is unfathomable, even Taoist Li Huan can't see the depth of the other party.

If he rashly reveals that he is not his real master, it is difficult to guarantee that Shui San will not suddenly attack.Since Shui San mentioned that there is an iceberg not far away, which can restore his cultivation, he naturally wants to go there.

It is necessary to restore strength as soon as possible before Shui San discovers the clue.At that time, even if Shui San knows the truth, he will have the power to escape. As long as he can escape into the palace, he will be blessed by the Soaring Snake.

In an instant, Xu Miao's thoughts changed, she thought about many things, and made many decisions.

"In that case, you can take me to the iceberg." Xu Miao calmly ordered Shui San with her expression unchanged.

Shui San seemed to have gotten used to Xu Miao's tone. He knelt down on one knee and said yes. With both hands, the teleportation array immediately appeared under Xu Miao.Once the familiar teleportation fluctuations passed, the surrounding environment changed, and the eyes were all white.

The surrounding temperature is very low, almost the same as the situation in Hokuriku recorded in the Jade Slip.It's just that the cultivation environment in the North Land is worse than that in the West Land, and the concentration of spiritual power is extremely low, which is not suitable for monks to cultivate and survive.

This place is completely different from Hokuriku, with very strong spiritual power. Although it cannot be compared with the jade bed in the palace, it is not much different.

Xu Miao couldn't help laughing out loud as she was put on a cold stone bed by Shui San.Why does this person in Tiandingmen like to practice on the bed?Moreover, these beds are very expensive, the value of the bed under him alone is no less than the entire belongings of a small sect.

Lying on the cold stone bed, the rich spiritual power entered Xu Miao's body through the cold stone bed.The strange thing is that even the spiritual power contained in the spiritual source water cannot stay in his body, but the spiritual power here can be successfully stored in the dantian without harming the meridians.

Regardless of the reason, at least Xu Miao's spiritual power began to recover.With spiritual power, Xu Miao can run the Bihaiqingtian formula to restore the meridians.

(End of this chapter)

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