Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 252 Special space

Chapter 252 Special space
The attribute of spiritual power here is obviously water attribute, and there is no other attribute of spiritual power except water spiritual power.Xu Miao didn't know how the owner of Shui San did it, but he couldn't absorb too much water spirit power.

Xu Miao has experienced the consequences of the imbalance of wind and water spiritual power, and almost died.Therefore, Xu Miao only absorbed the spiritual power to maintain the operation of the Bihai Qingtian Art, and gave up the extra spiritual power directly.

The Bihai Qingtian Jue is indeed a heaven-level middle-grade exercise, and the meridians that were almost broken have been repaired to be as smooth as ever.When all the damage to the meridian was recovered, Xu Miao transferred the excess spiritual power to the broken bone.

The healing ability of water spirit power is comparable to that of wood spirit power, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be healed.After fully recovering from her injuries, Xu Miao stopped absorbing spiritual energy and left the cold stone bed.

Shui San didn't understand why Xu Miao was like this, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he stood quietly by the side without speaking.Xu Miao ignored Shui San and walked around the place.

The place is completely covered by severe ice, and there is no trace of a single land.The spiritual power is rich and pure, and it is the best place for cultivation for monks with single water spiritual roots.

But for Xu Miao, a cultivator with two different spiritual roots, it was a place of death.Shui San quietly followed behind Xu Miao, in a guarding state.

"Is there only water spiritual power here?"

Shui San shook his head and said, "There is still wind power."

When Xu Miao heard this, her eyes lit up. According to the concentration of water spiritual power here, if there is still wind spiritual power, the concentration of spiritual power will definitely not be lower than that of water spiritual power.Then he can restore his cultivation to the level of the late foundation establishment stage in the shortest possible time.

"where is it?"

Shui San pointed to the cold stone bed that Xu Miao just lay on, and said, "It's on the cold stone bed."

Xu Miao turned around as she said, and returned to the cold stone bed.The jade bed in the palace has a mechanism to store the wooden box. In turn, this cold stone bed should also have a mechanism to control the wind energy.

"Turn on the wind power." Xu Miao ordered Shui San.

Shui San rarely showed a troubled expression: "Only the master and Shui Yi can switch the wind power, I have not been told."

Xu Miao really became interested in Shui San's master, and opened up a place for his own cultivation in the trial place of Tiandingmen, and set up a cold stone bed to draw out the wind spirit power from below.

With such intelligence and scheming, he must be a peerless disciple in the Tiandingmen.Appreciation is appreciation, Xu Miao still couldn't help but slander that person for not telling Shui San about the switch of Feng Lingli.

Xu Miao searched according to the mechanism of the jade bed, and found the switch.Unlike the jade bed, the switch of the cold stone bed can be easily turned.

With a "click", there was the sound of the mechanism turning, and then, a strong wind power gushed out from the bottom of the cold stone bed.Xu Miao had no time to rejoice, turned over and sat cross-legged on the cold stone bed, closing her eyes to absorb spiritual power.

The wind energy enters the body through the meridian of the left hand, and the water energy enters the body through the meridian of the right hand, from the small circulation to the large circulation, and then flows into the dantian.The image of the dantian is the same as that after the advanced golden elixir, and has not changed because of the bursting of the golden elixir.

It's just that due to the loss of cultivation base, all the objects are covered by a layer of white mist, making it hard to see clearly.Xu Miao took a deep breath and continued to use her spiritual power.

The cultivation base starts from the first level of Qi Refining, and continues to climb, the second level of Qi Refining, the third level...the early stage of foundation establishment, the middle stage, and the late stage.

The blue sky, the blue sea, the red sun, the green trees, the westerly wind, and the reef, with the influx of feng shui spiritual power, show their vitality again.Only tomorrow is always shrouded in white mist.

Mingyue is an object produced only at the advanced Golden Core stage. Now that my cultivation base is only in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, naturally I cannot reproduce this object.

Xu Miao never expected to be able to return to the late stage of Foundation Establishment in such a short period of time.During the period when he just woke up, he even thought that he would lose his cultivation forever, and live in a daze in the secret realm, without life or death.

Although Shui San had told him that he could only recover to the late stage of foundation establishment at most, Xu Miao still wanted to try to see if he could re-form the golden core.

Xu Miao opened all the meridians and pores, and a large amount of spiritual power flowed into the body.After successfully forming a pill once, Xu Miao is familiar with it, introducing spiritual power into the dantian, compressing the spiritual power, and solidifying the spiritual power.

However, no matter how much spiritual power Xu Miao absorbed and compressed, he could not form a golden pill.Xu Miao had to stop absorbing spiritual energy and give up forming pills.

Shui San was right, he could only reach the late stage of Foundation Establishment now, and forming an alchemy was simply unrealistic.He opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely sharp, but this sharpness was quickly hidden by Xu Miao.

Xu Miao's current lifespan, he himself is not sure how much.At first, there were more than 50 years of life left, and later, after forming a golden pill in the palace, it was extended to 500 years.

According to common sense, he has now fallen back to the late stage of foundation establishment, and his lifespan should become 50 years.But not only did he not feel the urgency of the remaining 50 years, he also could not feel the 500-year lifespan.

What Taoist Li Huan said before reappeared in his mind again.Jumping out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements, could it be that he was really certified as dead by the Dao of Heaven?
After Xu Miao took out a pill and took it, it still couldn't work.If it is not recognized by the Dao of Heaven, how can it break through and become a Jindan cultivator.

Teng Snake is one of the sub-divine beasts, he may know something inside.Xu Miao was about to go to the palace, but was stopped by Shui San.Xu Miao swept her eyes, and Shui San immediately knelt down on one knee.

"Master, don't you plan to advance to the Golden Core stage?"

"I can't break through the golden core here, you told me that." Xu Miao's voice was cold and her mood was extremely bad.

Shui San lowered his head when he heard the words: "There is a space here that can help the master re-enter the golden core."

Xu Miao felt as if she had discovered a treasure somewhere, a chance to heal her wounds, a chance to restore her cultivation, and even a way to help her form alchemy.

He is very clear that he can get so many conveniences thanks to Shui San's master.I should be very similar to the legendary master.The more you get, the more risks you take.

Xu Miao suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and ordered: "Take me there." Shui San nodded in agreement, and while the spiritual power was flowing, a teleportation array appeared under his feet.

Different from the teleportation array arranged by Shui San earlier, this teleportation array belongs to a type that spans space, not distance teleportation.No wonder Shui Sanhui said that it is a space, not a place.

The teleportation array disappeared, and the place where Xu Miao was standing was a small airtight space, which could be seen at a glance.

"This place is arranged by the master, and it is specially given to people for advanced use." Shui San introduced to Xu Miao.Xu Miao heard it, but thought it was a little funny, but Xu Miao didn't show it.

Although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, the confined space here is small, but all the supporting facilities are fully prepared.Including the futon for meditation and the spirit-gathering formation, they are all set up, and they are only waiting for the monks to enter.

Xu Miao walked to the spirit gathering and sat down cross-legged.Open the eight extraordinary meridians, absorb the dual spiritual power of Fengshui, and launch an impact on Jindan.Just like what happened on the cold stone bed, no matter how hard Xu Miao tried, he still couldn't condense it into a golden pill.

"Shui San!" Xu Miao's tone was full of hidden anger that he didn't even realize. When he realized it, Shui San was already half-kneeling beside him.

Xu Miao let out a foul breath, adjusted her mood, and said, "I still can't advance to Jindan."

"Master, don't worry, you only need to refine the three laws of heaven and earth in the space, and then you can step into the golden core." Shui San's tone remained unchanged.

Xu Miao was taken aback when he heard the words "Laws of Heaven and Earth". During the Qi refining period, he had indeed obtained one and a half Laws of Heaven and Earth, and with the help of the Laws of Heaven and Earth, he directly entered the tenth floor of Qi Refining that no one had stepped into for many years.

As a result, his strength in the foundation building stage far surpassed that of monks of the same level. Even if he met a genius monk like Tang Song and Zheng Zhan, he could defeat him.

However, when he obtained the law of heaven and earth, it was only with Xiaotian's full help that he could obtain that law.To this day, Xu Miao has not been able to completely refine the one and a half laws in her body.

Today, Shui San proposed that as long as he refines the three laws of heaven and earth, he can re-advance the golden elixir.This temptation is not insignificant, but Xu Miao is not sure about refining the laws of heaven and earth.

Standing in this confined space, he could not feel the so-called laws of heaven and earth at all.Xu Miao stared at a certain point in a daze, thinking about the way to refine the laws of heaven and earth.

There is already one and a half laws of heaven and earth in the body. It may be feasible to use this one and a half laws to attract other laws, but the problem is that Xu Miao cannot control the laws in his body at all.

When confronting Taoist Li Huan, if he can control the laws of heaven and earth, he won't be taken over by the Li Huan dove and almost die.

"I can't feel the existence of the law of heaven and earth, and I can't refine it." Xu Miao calmly stated his real situation. He could see that Shui San didn't mind that his master didn't understand anything at all.

Sure enough, Shui San told Xu Miao how he felt the laws of heaven and earth and how to refine it.Xu Miao didn't know whether to feel lucky for herself or feel sad for Shui San's owner.

According to what Shui San said, Xu Miao touched the laws of heaven and earth under the blue sea with her spiritual consciousness.This time, the law of heaven and earth did not turn a blind eye to Xu Miao's touch, but followed the divine sense to leave Bihai and appear beside Xu Miao.

The sudden appearance of redundant laws of heaven and earth in a stable space will cause chaos in the laws of the confined space here, thus causing the originally seamless laws of heaven and earth to scatter.

With the help of the timing of the dispersion of the laws, mix the three laws with the laws you own, and finally refine them.Shui San's introduction was extremely simple, but for Xu Miao, it was enough.

Xu Miao, who sat cross-legged in the center of the Spirit Gathering Formation, clearly felt the shock of the space.This is a sign of chaos in the laws of heaven and earth. Xu Miao calmly used his consciousness to find the laws of heaven and earth that suit him.

Refining the laws of heaven and earth in the Rift Valley Secret Realm is to divide a law into several parts and refine them in batches to reduce the difficulty of refining.The current Xu Miao is different from him in the Qi refining period. Both his cultivation base and his spiritual consciousness are far superior to those of the past.

(End of this chapter)

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