Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 253 Past Life

Chapter 253 Past Life
The most important reason why a whole law of heaven and earth can be refined here at once is also related to the space here.This confined space is the owner of Shui San, and it was specially arranged for monks to advance.

Xu Miao is not very clear about how the monks advanced in ancient times, but it seems to be the same, it is nothing more than a few ways.One of them is almost extinct in today's comprehension world, through refining the laws of heaven and earth to break through the realm.

Because it is a specially built space, the laws of heaven and earth in it have also been screened, which is very suitable for monks to refine, and will not cause harm to monks' bodies.

Xu Miao pointed at the same time with both hands, raised his shoulders obliquely, and guided the first law of heaven and earth into the body, and began to refine.As soon as the law of heaven and earth entered the body, both spiritual power and blood became boiling.

This is a necessary step to refine the laws of heaven and earth.Xu Miao let the changes in her body take place and focused on refining the law with her spiritual consciousness.

The golden law was introduced into the dantian, and was gradually refined under the impact of divine consciousness.Xu Miao did not expect that the refinement of this law would be so smooth without being hindered at all.

After the whole law has been refined, leave the dantian again, merge with the previous one and a half laws, and continue to affect the remaining two laws.

Xu Miao refining the law is like swallowing jujubes wholeheartedly, without a deep understanding of the meaning contained in the law.For this, Xu Miao has always regretted it.

If others knew about this, they would only look at Xu Miao as a monster.The laws of heaven and earth belong to heaven and earth, and human monks forcibly refining them are against the sky.

The infinite Taoism contained in the law can only barely touch the superficial Taoism of the law when one reaches the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul, and only a higher level of Taoism can be comprehended.Xu Miao is now able to refine the laws of heaven and earth alone, which is already an extremely amazing thing.

The drop of blood in the heart suddenly appeared in the dantian, blending with the laws of heaven and earth introduced into the dantian.This drop of blood has always been in the heart, and it has not appeared for a long time, so long that Xu Miao almost forgot its existence.

With the appearance of blood, all the laws of heaven and earth entered the dantian.Xu Miao watched the law of heaven and earth enter her body, but she couldn't stop it, fearing that it would harm her dantian.

However, after feeling the breath of blood, the law of heaven and earth merged with the blood very quietly, allowing the golden law to be dyed blood red.

Although the law and blood are fused in Xu Miao's dantian, Xu Miao is completely a bystander. Except for the first law of heaven and earth that he refined himself, the remaining two laws are all controlled by him. Blood does it for you.

It was originally the laws of heaven and earth processed by the three masters of water. Now the blood is fused at an extremely fast speed. In just one day and one night, the laws and blood are completely fused.

The remaining blood was obviously more than twice as small as before, and it wobbled along the blood vessels and returned to the heart.A ridiculous idea came to Xu Miao's heart, that drop of blood might become a sperm.

Thanks to the confined space, the three laws of heaven and earth were successfully refined without any hindrance.The four-and-a-half principles left the dantian and appeared on Xu Miao's head, circling there, exuding a thick and mysterious atmosphere of heaven and earth.

Xu Miao didn't feel anything about it. After refining the laws of heaven and earth, he was about to hit the golden core stage again.Fengshui spiritual power entered the dantian at the same time, and the spiritual power was quickly compressed to the extreme.

This time, with the help of the law of heaven and earth, Xu Miao successfully compressed the spiritual power into the prototype of the golden elixir.The golden pills at this stage cannot be called golden pills, they are just young pills.

The color of the young pill is off-white, dull and dull. Only when the spiritual power is constantly recharged, can the color of the young pill become brighter and finally become golden.

The spirit-gathering array played a role in time, and all the spiritual power in the space was gathered here to help Xu Miao advance.A large amount of spiritual power poured into the young pill, solidifying the young pill.

As time passed by, the four and a half laws above Xu Miao's head rotated more and more rapidly, and it didn't even seem that there were several laws on it, only a glittering golden circle could be seen.

With Xu Miao as the center, a small spiritual power vortex was formed.The young pills in the dantian were shrouded in strong spiritual power, and it was impossible to see the specific condition of the young pills.

As the spiritual power gathered to its peak, the young pill inside finally shone with a ray of golden light, passing through the enclosure formed by the spiritual power, and shining on the green leaves of the Cangmu.The white mist covering the bright moon also began to thin out, and gradually the appearance of the bright moon could be seen clearly.

The speed of the spiritual power was getting faster and faster, and the golden glow of the young pill became more and more dazzling. Suddenly, all the spiritual power surrounding the young pill was absorbed, and the complete golden pill appeared in front of Xu Miao.

The golden core rotated at a steady speed and reappeared on the cang tree. Xu Miao once again felt the majestic spiritual power of the golden core monk.At this moment, the space finally couldn't support it and began to crack.

Shui San quickly moved to Xu Miao's side, set up a teleportation array, and took Xu Miao out of the confined space.Xu Miao has recovered his Golden Core cultivation, but he still can't detect Shui San's real cultivation. One can imagine how powerful that man is as the master of Shui San.

"Shui San, do you know how to leave this secret place?" Xu Miao asked in a very casual tone.He didn't think that Shui San would know how to leave, otherwise Shui San would have left on his own earlier.

"As long as you have five tokens, you can leave through the gate." Shui San replied solemnly, but Xu Miao was stunned.The other party actually knew the way to leave the secret realm.

Xu Miao took out a token and asked, "Is this the token?" What Xu Miao was holding was the token he had obtained inside the branch hall of Tiandingmen.

At that time, he got a lot of yuan, and finally deducted three yuan privately, plus the one allocated to him, now he has four yuan in his hand, which is one yuan short of the five yuan that Shui San said.

Looking at the four tokens stacked together in her hand, Xu Miao's expression was tangled, only one token was missing.If I had known that killing a few monks from other continents and snatching their storage bags, I could get tokens.

correct!Although he didn't kill others, he took away the storage ring from Tan Yujin.Xu Miao turned out the storage ring, and sure enough, he found a token.

With five tokens in hand, Xu Miao is expected to leave the secret realm.After he sent the little white tiger back to the palace, he followed Shui San to the gate he said.

Different from the direction you came in, this place was obviously decorated by monks from Tiandingmen.A long road paved with white jade, on both sides of the road are towering white jade pillars, standing majestically.

At the end of the road is a door made of white jade.There is a round platform under the door, five holes are cut out on the platform, the size is just about the same as a token.

Looking at these buildings, Xu Miao kept slandering in her heart, luxury, it's really too extravagant.If these white jades were sold outside, they would be sold at sky-high prices.

As soon as Xu Miao rolled her eyes, she wanted to pry off the handrails on both sides of the road, but the white jade was one piece, no matter how hard Xu Miao tried, she couldn't buckle it off.

Shui San noticed Xu Miao's movements, stopped, and said: "These buildings are carved from a whole block of white jade, and are maintained by the high-ranking monks in the school with magic power, so they cannot be separated easily."

When Xu Miao heard this, she looked at her subordinate Bai Yu sadly.It's all spirit stones, it's all money, it's all under my nose, and it can't be taken away, it's really heartbreaking.

Reluctantly, Xu Miao took out the Condensing Fog Sword, slashed and knocked at the handrail beside it, and there was not even a sword mark on the white jade.

"Can you get these white jades away together?" Xu Miao turned to Shui San and asked Shui San. Shui San was so powerful that he must order him around more while he was still regarded as his master.

Shui San bowed his head and replied: "No, I only have the cultivation base of the early stage of Jindan now, and I can't decompose the white jade laid by the monks of the Mahayana period."

Xu Miao couldn't believe it, Shui San's strength seemed so unpredictable, how could it be possible that he only had the early stage of Jindan.If he really only has the golden core cultivation base, he can detect it no matter what.

"You only have the initial stage of Golden Core cultivation?"

"In order to prevent the subordinates from rebelling against the master, the master once set up a seal. The master's cultivation level is the same as the subordinate's cultivation level."

Xu Miao touched her chin when she heard the words. It seems that this master is still very smart, unlike some monks who only grow in cultivation but not brains.

No, Xu Miao's eyes suddenly opened, Shui San's cultivation was the same as his master's, and his master speculated that at least he had a cultivation level above that of transforming gods, so how could it be the same as his own cultivation base.

"What was your cultivation level before?"

"It's the late stage of foundation establishment." Shui San's words hit Xu Miao like a bolt from the blue.He raised his hands to cover his eyes, suppressing the stormy waves in his eyes.

"So, I am your master." Xu Miao thought she would tremble when she spoke, but she spoke with unusual calmness.

Shui San looked up suspiciously, and said, "You have always been my master."

Why, I have always been your master, cheating!What happened to a subordinate who fell from the sky? This subordinate still acted like it was a matter of course.

"What's my name?" Xu Miao looked directly into Shui San's eyes, trying to see the panic in his eyes.But Shui San remained calm from the beginning to the end, without any change in expression.

"Master's name is taboo Xu Miao." Following Shui San's words, Xu Miao recalled the dream when he was leaning against the sky pillar in the palace.

Maybe it wasn't a dream at all, but his previous life.In his previous life, he was a disciple of Tiandingmen, he had a cultivation level of the Void Refinement Stage, and he was not doing his job properly every day, playing with cats and dogs.

His parents seemed to be monks in the Heavenly Cauldron Sect, and he clearly remembered that his mother died in his father's arms in his previous life.Later, he was sent to the jade bed of the Sky Formation...

It turned out that these were all things he had personally experienced, not a hallucination, nor a dream.It has been millions of years from the present him, going around and going around, and finally came to the secret realm of Tiandingmen, where he met his former subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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