Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 254 The Belated Tribulation

Chapter 254 The Belated Tribulation

Since there is Shui San, there will naturally be Shui One, Shui Two... Shui San will sense his existence and appear here: "Where are the others?"

"The other people were assigned to different places by the master, and no one knew about it except the master. Only the subordinates were arranged here to wait for the master."

I don't know what I thought in my previous life, but I was able to arrange so many back-ups.Xu Miao pondered the thoughts of her previous life and walked towards Baiyumen.

Xu Miao raised her right hand, and the five tokens fit perfectly into the five depressions.A vast spiritual force emerged from the platform, covering the token.

Then, a deafening sound appeared, and the towering jade gate slowly opened to both sides, revealing a width for people to pass through.Xu Miao stepped in, and Shui San, who followed behind, took back the five tokens and stepped into the Yushi gate.

When Xu Miao walked out of the Yushi Gate, the Yushi Gate behind her disappeared without a trace in an instant, and there was no trace of it ever appearing again.He looked around and saw a completely unfamiliar scene.

Whether it's the surrounding environment or the scattered monks in the distance, it's completely different from the Westland cultivation world.Yushimen sent him to another continent, but he didn't know whether this continent was the Eastern Continent or the Central Continent.

Before Xu Miao figured it out, dark clouds shrouded the top of his head, and the dull thunder sounded in layers of dark clouds.Xu Miao was very familiar with this movement, it was a sign of catastrophe coming.

But according to Taoist Li Huan, he has already jumped out of the Three Realms, is not in the Five Elements, and is not controlled by the Dao of Heaven, so why would he invite a catastrophe.

Even if Li Huan's words were unreliable, he really couldn't use the medicinal power of the elixir for his own use, and it was also true that he couldn't feel the length of his life, so what went wrong.

Heavenly Tribulation will not give Xu Miao time to think, the thunder roars, and the first Heavenly Tribulation is about to fall.Xu Miao stood where she was, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, exuding a strong sword intent all over her body.

Seeing Xu Miao's calamity coming, Shui San looked calm, took out a sword of invisible material, stood beside Xu Miao, and defended him.

The catastrophe can only be borne by the cultivator who caused the catastrophe. If someone else acts on his behalf, the person who acts on his behalf will be punished more severely.

As an ancient monk, Shui San was also his subordinate in his previous life, so he would not be ignorant of this matter.At this time, he stood firmly beside him, and it was impossible not to be moved.

Heartbroken, Xu Miao sternly said: "Shui San, stay away from here immediately until you leave the scope of the Heavenly Tribulation!" Shui San was stunned, but she didn't expect Xu Miao to issue such an order, she nodded and retreated quickly.

Judging by Shui San's appearance, in his previous life, his subordinates such as Shui San were often used to help him through the catastrophe. He is really a playboy.It's just that he in this world, how can he let others do things like a catastrophe.

As soon as Shui San left the range of Heavenly Tribulation's attack, the first Heavenly Tribulation fell.The power of the first Heavenly Tribulation was not strong, Xu Miao raised his hand and shot out a burst of spiritual power, which collided with Heavenly Tribulation in the air.

The two made a crackling sound and shone brightly.Xu Miao did not completely dissolve the first catastrophe, but left a small part of the thunder that the body could bear, allowing the thunder to enter the body along the right hand that was raised high.

The sky thunder is a test for the monks, and it is also a condensed body for the monks.As soon as Tianlei entered his body, Xu Miao smelled an indistinct burnt smell.

He circulated the spiritual power in his body, guiding the sky thunder to swim around his body, strengthening his body's strength and toughness.Although the sky thunder is good, it cannot be contained in the body for a long time, otherwise it will have an irreversible impact on the monks.

After the sky thunder that just entered the body was completely refined, the second sky thunder came in an instant.The intensity of the second thunder was more than double that of the first, and Xu Miao's complexion immediately became ugly.

Based on the strength of the second thunder, Xu Miaobi didn't care about it. He was worried about the thunder behind him.

It's just the second thunder, and its intensity has already increased by multiples. Who knows how strong the next few thunders will increase.

The sky thunder flashed white light, and fell straight from the dark clouds to the top of Xu Miao's head. Xu Miao didn't move, and suddenly raised his head, looking directly at the fast falling sky thunder.

He raised his hand casually, and shot out a wave of spiritual power twice as strong as the first time.The two collided again in the air. This time, both the thunder and the spiritual power were twice as strong as the first time, and the power of the impact immediately increased.

Xu Miao stood at the place closest to the center of the impact, facing the shock wave directly.He didn't even support Fu Yu's helmet, but resisted with his body.

Tianlei rushed towards Xu Miao with spiritual power wrapped around him. Xu Miao's expression froze, all the muscles in his body tensed, waiting for Tianlei to enter his body.This sky thunder is different from the first one, it can also have an effect on bones.

Xu Miao immediately felt the uninterrupted pain of thousands of needles piercing the bone, and the spiritual power in the dantian was transferred to the position of Tianlei, using the body as a battlefield to defuse Tianlei.

The biggest difference between the golden core stage and the foundation stage is that the images in the dantian can be externalized and displayed in the outside world, and anyone can see it.

At this time, the spiritual power in Xu Miao's dantian surged, and the blue sea immediately turned outside, Xu Miao seemed to be standing on top of a vast ocean.No matter how the waves rolled, he remained motionless.

The rest of the sky thunder fell on the blue sea, and was swallowed by the sea water, leaving only a few faint thunder lights flashing on the blue sea, and finally disappeared.

The second thunder made one of his objects externalize, which is not a good sign.The dark clouds above the head are getting thicker and thicker, almost reaching the level of covering the sun.

The thunder that came from inside the dark cloud also pierced the cloud and cracked rocks.The movement here gradually attracted the attention of monks in the distance. When they saw the appearance of the robbery cloud, they knew that there was a monk crossing the catastrophe.

In today's comprehension world, ordinary monks will only experience catastrophe when they advance to the Nascent Soul.When they advance to Jindan, they will not encounter catastrophe.

As for those outstanding genius disciples, when they advanced to the Golden Core, they would receive the attention of the Heavenly Dao, thus sending down thunder from the Heavenly Dao.When these monks saw the movement of the catastrophe, they guessed that it was a Jindan monk who was crossing the catastrophe, or a powerful monk.

The onlookers had their own thoughts, and some wanted to make friends with Xu Miao and leave a good relationship.Those who can encounter a catastrophe when they advance to the Golden Core will definitely not be unknown people, and they may be able to get support in the future.

Some wanted to attack Xu Miao so that he could not survive the catastrophe.Such monks must have a wealth of wealth, as long as they die in the catastrophe, the rest can be their own.

One of the deer-headed monks rolled his eyes and prepared to approach Xu Miao secretly.He also knew that if he accidentally stepped into the range of Heavenly Tribulation, it would cause indiscriminate attacks from Heavenly Thunder.

Therefore, he paid great attention to propriety, carefully stood on the edge, and only waited for Xu Miao to have a problem before making a move.His idea was very good, but he didn't know that Shui San existed.

Although Shui San was not ordered to directly help his master overcome the tribulation, he would not allow others to hinder him.When the monk was looking around, Shui San had already noticed him.

Before the monk could move, Shui San had already killed him with a sword strike.Shui San loyally protects the lord, and will not show mercy to anyone or anything that threatens Xu Miao.

Especially when Xu Miao is going through a catastrophe, he will not allow people with evil intentions to get close to Xu Miao.He stood outside the range of Heavenly Tribulation with a vicious aura, looking coldly at all the monks who were about to move.

While paying attention to Heavenly Tribulation, Xu Miao's consciousness also paid attention to the surrounding situation. After seeing Shui San's actions, she felt even more satisfied.He restrained his mind and focused on dealing with the third thunder.

A trace of gold can already be seen in the robbery cloud, which means that the power of the sky thunder is constantly increasing.Xu Miao still hasn't summoned the Fog Condensing Sword. He wants to know his general strength through the sky thunder.

The third thunder came as promised, and Xu Miao clasped his palms together, and the majestic spiritual power surged upwards along with the palms.The spiritual power was shaped by Xu Miao into the shape of a sharp blade, and stabbed at Tianlei.

Xu Miao wants to break up the complete Tianlei so that it cannot maintain the strongest strength.Countless sharp swords rushed towards Tianlei from Xu Miao's hands, and the first batch of sharp swords were destroyed by the power of Tianlei without exception.

Xu Miao looked at the scene in front of him calmly, keeping his palms up, and the Cangmu gradually appeared beside him. He stood under the canopy of the Cangmu, and continued to issue his sharp sword.

After successive batches of sharp swords died without a problem, this batch finally played a role, and the complete thunderbolt was divided into four parts.Xu Miao stretched out her long arms, and pushed her palm forward, and the west wind appeared instantly.

The west wind entangles the divided Tianlei and prevents the Tianlei from reintegrating.Xu Miao put one foot on the canopy of the Cangmu tree, and jumped towards one of the Tianlei.

Putting his palms together, he swung down violently, and a thick spiritual force slashed at Tianlei.This sky thunder was cut straight, scattered into bits and pieces of broken light.

Xu Miao didn't have time to catch her breath, so she changed her figure again and flew in front of another piece of Tianlei. Another wave of spiritual power chopped down the skylei, and it could no longer pose a threat to it.

The remaining two copies of Tianlei were wrapped by the west wind and couldn't get close to Xu Miao.Xu Miao stood on the cang tree again, raised both hands at the same time, and shot out two spiritual powers, completely smashing the sky thunder.

The third sky thunder was solved by Xu Miao's tricks, but this method can only be used this time.The next sky thunder will be even stronger, and the sharp sword formed by spiritual power alone is no longer able to fight against the sky thunder.

Xu Miao drew out the Mist Condensing Sword and hung it above his head, while he himself sat cross-legged on the canopy of the tree to recover his spiritual power.Due to the existence of Jieyun, the spiritual energy within a hundred miles was expelled, unable to provide spiritual power for Xu Miao.

He took out the spiritual source water, raised his neck and drank it.Now that he has been discovered by Tiandao, the spiritual source water can play a role.Sure enough, the spiritual source of water entered the abdomen, and the rich spiritual power immediately nourished the dantian that had consumed most of it.

During the Foundation Establishment Stage, he only needed a small bottle to replenish his spiritual power, but now at the Golden Core Stage, he needed a large bottle to replenish his spiritual power.

When Xu Miao's spiritual power was fully charged, the fourth sky thunder also began to form and fall.

(End of this chapter)

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