Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 257 See through the trick

Chapter 257 See through the trick
The most suitable town for hunting at sea is Haibin City. If you want to go from Guanxi City to Haibin City, you need to go through several teleportation arrays to reach Haibin City.

It is equivalent to going from the westernmost point of the Eastern Continent to the easternmost point. If you don’t have a certain net worth, you won’t even be able to make up the travel expenses.Needless to say Xu Miao's wealth, he generously threw a few spirit stones and used the teleportation array with a few people.

After going through more than ten teleportation arrays, Xu Miao and others arrived at Haibin City.As soon as Xu Miao came out of the teleportation array in Haibin City, he saw a group of monks crowded in the teleportation hall.

Most of them are Jindan, foundation-building monks, and only a very small number of Qi-refining monks.The coastal city full of high-level monks is not suitable for the survival of monks in the Qi refining period, and they will all choose another town.

As for the Nascent Soul monks, they have a special teleportation formation, and they don't need to queue up with low-level monks just to wait for the teleportation.Xu Miao followed Zhang Yu out of the teleportation hall and went directly to the beach.

At the seaside, there are still monks recruiting companions.Xu Miao glanced at it and stopped paying attention.Zhang Yu seems to have acquaintances here, and Xu Miao and four are standing by a railing to wait for someone.

"Zhang Daoyou, aren't we the only five in the team?" Qian Yongkang was the first to be unable to restrain himself and asked.

"Yes, we are going to a deeper sea area, the five of us are not enough, and there are monks to join." Zhang Yu explained.

Wan Fu twisted his waist, dissatisfied: "Zhang Daoyou, you didn't say that when you were in Guanxi City."

Zhang Yu didn't seem to see the displeasure on Wan Fu's face, and still smiled and groaned: "I didn't explain clearly, I only said to recruit four people in Guanxi City, but didn't say that after arriving in Haibin City, there will be Someone."

However, Xu Miao heard something unusual in the question and answer of the three of them. Since Zhang Yu has acquaintances here, why bother to find a companion in Guanxi City? The reason for finding someone.

The four of them have nothing in common in terms of background or spiritual power attributes, so what Zhang Yu likes is that they all come from Guanxi City.Guanxi City is a remote town in the Eastern Continent. Even if a monk dies accidentally, no one will follow him.

If a few monks from Guanxi City died in Haibin City, no one would take it seriously.However, it is strictly forbidden for monks to fight in the seaside city. Once discovered by the monks on duty, they will be expelled from the seaside city immediately, and they will not be allowed to enter the city again for life.

If you don't do it in the seaside city, you will do it in the middle of the sea. After all, when hunting sea beasts, it is very normal for a few monks to die, even if the whole team dies.

This Zhang Yu must have sacrificed the four of them, and Zhang Yu and the people who will come here later are the beneficiaries of this operation.

After roughly guessing Zhang Yu's purpose, Xu Miao did not leave directly.Zhang Yu would not hesitate to travel thousands of miles to find four late-stage foundation-building monks from Guanxi City. There must be good things. He will wait for Zhang Yu to be exposed, and finally kill Zhang Yu.

Xu Miao asked calmly: "Zhang Daoyou, I wonder what kind of cultivator will join us later?"

"It will scare you all if you say it." Zhang Yu pretended to be mysterious, "It's a monk in the golden core period!" neither.

If they accidentally angered the other party, they could take their lives by raising their hands. Both Wan Fu and Qian Yongkang had the idea of ​​quitting.

At this moment, Zhang Yu suddenly pointed in a direction, and a monk quickly approached Xu Miao and the others.Xu Miao took a closer look, and it was indeed a monk at the Golden Core stage, but the person who came was a monk at the early stage of Golden Core, just like Xu Miao.

Xu Miao was even more at ease when there was only one Jindan early-stage monk.Judging by the fluctuation of the opponent's spiritual power, he is not very strong, otherwise he would not have figured out a way to find the monks of Guanxi City.

Only Shui Sanyi can cut him under the sword, not to mention Xu Miao is by his side, Xu Miao is more interested in the purpose of this trip.

When Wan Fu and Qian Yongkang saw the Jindan cultivator approaching, their complexions instantly turned pale.It was impossible for the Foundation Establishment cultivator not to be nervous in front of the Golden Core cultivator, but the calm performance of Xu Miao and Shui San attracted the attention of the visitors.

Zhang Yu introduced: "This is my uncle, Xiang Han." Xiang Han nodded friendly to the four of them, and the four of them quickly returned the salute.With the existence of Jindan monks, Wanfu and Qian Yongkang did not dare to propose to quit, they could only pretend to be happy.

Sensing the reluctance of the two, Xiang Han said gently: "If you are willing to help me, I will naturally not let you suffer. As long as the trip goes well, each person will get 500 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones."

"As for the sea beasts you caught on the road, I will never get involved, and let you dispose of them yourself."

For ordinary monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, 500 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones is already a lot of money, not to mention that Xiang Han promised them not to move their spoils.

This trip to the sea not only has the help of Jindan monks to ensure safety, but also earns extra spirit stones, so why not do it.Wan Fu and Qian Yongkang were overjoyed and agreed again and again.

Xu Miao sneered in her heart, feeling that the two of them were really stupid, their eyes were covered by the spirit stone.In order not to stand out, Xu Miao also pretended to be grateful.Shui Santian had a paralyzed face, and Xu Miao didn't force him to make an expression.

Xiang Han was a little concerned, and looked at Shui San a few times. Xu Miao could only explain that her younger brother was born like this, so Xiang Han gave up.With Xiang Han, the dominance of the six-member team changed from Zhang Yu to Xiang Han.

The five followed Xiang Han to a thatched hut. At the door was an old man who was about to decay.Xu Miao found out that the old man's strength was at the later stage of Jindan's cultivation, so he was more cautious to prevent his flaws from being exposed.

Xiang Han exchanged greetings with the old man, he didn't know what to say, the old man took out a boat and handed it to him.When everyone left, Xu Miao obviously felt that the old man gave him an extra look. Just this one look made Xu Miao's hairs stand on end.

Even Xu Miao did not have such an experience when facing the monks in the early stage of Yuanying.He stabilized his mind and left behind a few people in silence.

Seeing that the six people had completely disappeared from his sight, the old man smiled ferociously: "The little guy at the Jindan stage, how dare you be so bold..." The old man's voice was too low, and the rest of his words were dissipated in the sea breeze.

Xu Miao has been paying attention to the old man. Hearing what the old man said, he is sure that the other party is talking about him.Not knowing what the other party intended, Xu Miao could only be more careful.

Xiang Han threw the sea boat handed over to him by the old man into the sea, read the mantra, the sea boat rose with the wind, and immediately became a size that could accommodate six people.The six people landed on the boat, each of them searched for a position, and the boat started.

Along the way, Xiang Han steered the ship to brave the wind and waves, and moved forward quickly, without any intention of stopping.Xu Miao carefully wrote down the route of his boat, and found that the other party was constantly making detours, as if he was guarding against someone's pursuit.

Wan Fu saw that Xiang Han had been manipulating the ship, but he didn't stop.She didn't dare to ask Xiang Han, so she had to ask Zhang Yu via voice transmission, why he didn't stop and let them hunt the sea beasts.

Zhang Yu only said that he should finish his uncle's work first, and then hunt animals.Xu Miao's current consciousness is enough to detect the sound transmission of the monks in the Foundation Establishment period. Hearing Zhang Yu's words, he kept sneering in his heart.

Although this sea boat looks dilapidated, it is very stable and extremely concealed during sailing.Since I have traveled to a deeper sea area, there are six or seven-level sea beasts appearing nearby from time to time.

But these sea beasts didn't seem to notice the ship at all, allowing the ship to pass by them.Xu Miao couldn't figure out the relationship between the old man and Xiang Han, so he could only wait and see what happened.

When reaching a certain sea area, Xiang Han finally stopped.He took out four pills and signaled Zhang Yu to distribute them to Xu Miao and the others.

"This is the Water-Repelling Pill, which I specially developed for this operation. It can guarantee the water-repelling effect for three days and three nights. The four of you take it quickly, and enter the water with me."

Xu Miao took the elixir that Zhang Yu handed him, and penetrated with her spiritual sense, and found that it contained good water-repelling ingredients, but it also had spirit grass ingredients that soften muscles and bones.It's just that this elixir has been adjusted to the spirit grass, and it takes two hours to take effect.

Xu Miao became more and more sure that Xiang Han and Zhang Yu wanted to sacrifice the four of them, and this elixir was the best proof.Xu Miao pretended not to understand and asked, "Why doesn't Zhang Daoyou need to take this pill?"

Zhang Yu was at a loss for Xu Miao's sudden question.Fortunately, Xiang Han responded in time, saying that Zhang Yu was pregnant with water-repelling beads and did not need to take any more pills.

Wan Fu and Qian Yongkang were convinced of this. After all, with their strength, they couldn't detect the problem with this water-avoiding pill.In front of Xiang Han, Xu Miao swallowed the water-avoiding pill with her mouth open.

Avoiding water is indeed effective. As for the medicine for softening muscles and bones, it is only effective for foundation-building monks, and has no effect on Golden Core monks at all. It only needs to be burned for a while with the Golden Core's pill fire to offset the medicine's effect.

Seeing the four of them swallowing the water-avoiding pill honestly, Xiang Han nodded in satisfaction, jumped into the sea first, and dived to the bottom of the sea.Xu Miao became more interested in the things hidden in the deep sea.

He followed behind the three of them, exchanged a glance with Shui San, and jumped into the sea.With the help of the Water-Repelling Pill, as soon as Xu Miao entered the seawater, his body spontaneously formed a water-repellent mask to prevent the seawater from eroding the monk's body.

Xiang Han ordered the five people: "Don't take the initiative to attack sea beasts, and don't take the initiative to find out your consciousness, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!" This Xiang Han was probably worried that killing sea beasts, or spreading his consciousness at will, would attract other people. The sea beast's attention affected his plan.

Xu Miao restrained her breath, followed Xiang Han closely, and saw the deeper seabed, and could vaguely see the appearance of a steeple of a house.Xiang Han was overjoyed, speeded up, and swam to the roof.

The roof is covered with seaweed, shells, and some small fish and shrimps that have not yet been cultivated into sea beasts.Cultivators are not easy to move under the water, Xiang Han ordered five people to carefully clean the roof, Xu Miao had no choice but to hold back his temper and clean it up.

Seeing Xiang Han leisurely by, Xu Miao was very upset.

(End of this chapter)

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