Chapter 258

Xu Miao turned her back to Xiang Han, and when no one noticed him, she pointed at Xiang Han's Qihai acupoint and fired a burst of spiritual power.Qihai Point is closely connected with Dantian, if Qihai Point is attacked, it will directly affect the operation of spiritual power in Dantian.

The spirit force that Xu Miao shot out was fast and ruthless, and without Xiang Han noticing it, it hit the Qihai acupoint.Xiang Han suddenly felt a sharp pain in his dantian, and there was an immediate problem with the operation of his spiritual power.

On the bottom of the sea, even if a monk has water-avoiding beads, or water-avoiding skills, spiritual power is needed to make it work.Now Xiang Han's spiritual power is not running smoothly, the effect of avoiding water has disappeared, and he choked several times.

It's a pity that I can't see Xiang Han choking on water with my own eyes. Xu Miao continued to work in a good mood.

Xiang Han stabilized his spiritual power, and looked suspiciously at the five people in front of him. They were indeed only at the foundation establishment stage, and it was impossible to attack him.Who was secretly attacking him? In a rage, Xiang Han forgot that he could not use his consciousness on a large scale under the sea.

His spiritual consciousness swept out, covering a thousand feet around.In the Qianzhang sea area, there are not only Xiang Han and others, but also high-level sea beasts.

It's just that these sea beasts don't like to surface, and prefer to sleep on the bottom of the sea.Now someone suddenly disturbed my dream, how can I get around the culprit.

A few powerful divine senses counterattacked instantly, and Xiang Han realized that he lost his mind in anger and caused a catastrophe.

Although human monks can hunt and kill sea beasts, they will not provoke high-level sea beasts.These sea beasts are like high-level human monks, and they cannot be easily provoked by ordinary monks.

Therefore, in order for the next thing to proceed smoothly, Xiang Han hastily apologized to the high-level sea beasts with his spiritual sense, and smiled with him.

Xu Miao watched coldly, laughing until her stomach ached, but she couldn't show it.Xiang Han got angry with the high-level sea beast, so he naturally wanted to find someone to vent his anger on.

Apart from Xu Miao and the five Foundation Establishment cultivators, there was no one else to be found here.But four of the five people were useful, and I couldn't vent my anger on them, so Xiang Han was so angry that he fell on his back and cursed at the side.

"I don't know who it is, but it still doesn't accrue virtue when it comes to this place." A strange voice suddenly came, and Xu Miao raised her eyebrows, quietly waiting for the speaker to arrive.

Hearing this voice, Xiang Han's unattractive face became even more ugly: "Han Shanxu, you actually followed me!"

What the two of them said was all carried out through sound transmission. The sound transmission of the Golden Core cultivator could not be detected by the Foundation Establishment cultivator. The two of them did not use any means to shield Xu Miao and the other five, but Xu Miao took advantage of it.

"Xiang Han, I haven't told you that I've found something good and just want to keep it for myself. How dare you turn around and bite me."


The two of them fought for a long time, but they actually talked nonsense and never got to the point.Just as Xu Miao was about to add fuel to the flames, another person appeared here.

"Both of you are not good people. Dogs bite dogs here. Is it interesting?" The person who came was a female cultivator, and her cultivation base was the same as the other two, both of whom were at the early stage of Golden Core.

"Qiu Ningpei, didn't you come here at the will of your ancestors?" Xiang Han said after deliberation.

Qiu Ningpei stretched out her hand charmingly, pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, and said, "That's natural, my ancestor dotes on me, of course I listen to my ancestor's words, unlike you two, who are in Cao Ying and have a heart in Han. "


After listening to the three of them verbally litigating for a long time, Xu Miao roughly sorted out the whole story and the relationship with the three of them.The three were at odds, and behind them was a Nascent Soul cultivator known as the Patriarch.

Among them, Xiang Han discovered this place first. After some exploration, he found out that monks who needed similar sacrifices, so he returned to Binhai City and found Xu Miao and the others through Zhang Yu.

Xiang Han thought that all this was done extremely secretly, but he didn't expect that Han Shanxu and his ancestor knew about it.Han Shanxu followed Xiang Han secretly, and wanted to share the treasures here with Xiang Han.

Qiu Ningpei was instructed by the ancestor to come to receive the treasures here and kill Xiang Han and Han Shanxu at the same time.What Xu Miao is worried about now is not Xiang Han's three early Jindan monks, but the ancestors behind them.

According to the conversation between the three, Xu Miao could guess that the ancestor was suspicious and cruel by nature. Although he doted on Qiu Ningpei, he didn't know that he also treated Qiu Ningpei as a pawn and threw it away when he was done using it.

If Qiu Ningpei was really asked to do something, he should order the other party to act after Xiang Han got the treasure.Appearing in a hurry now not only makes Xiang Han vigilant, but also may not get the final thing.

Therefore, Xu Miao was sure that the ancestor was hiding somewhere nearby.If monk Yuanying didn't want people to find out, it would be very difficult to find Xu Miao's trace based on Xu Miao's revealed cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment.

Although he can borrow the consciousness of Taoist Li Huan, he can't search in a large area and attract the attention of high-level sea beasts.After thinking about it for a while, Xu Miao still decided to stand still.

While the three were choking on each other, Xu Miao and five had already cleaned up the place, exposing a clean corner of the roof.At this point, whether Xiang Han wants to or not, he needs to activate the mechanism and bring Han Shanxu and Qiu Ningpei inside.

After Xiang Hand fumbled here and there, a corner of the roof began to slowly turn, gradually revealing a dark entrance.Xiang Han ordered Xu Miao and five people to enter first, Wan Fu and Qian Yongkang showed hesitation.

What the three Golden Core cultivators coveted together could not be resisted by their Foundation Establishment cultivators.Under Xiang Han's severe reprimand and coercion, Zhang Yu led the way into the tunnel.

There are quite a few sea beasts in the passage, and when they saw someone entering, they rushed forward to attack regardless.Xu Miao could only take out low-level magic weapons to resist and slash.

He secretly recorded the distance traveled, and did not float up until he had walked for a quarter of an hour.

Xu Miao calculated the distance between their diving and surfacing. This place is obviously still deep in the seabed.But at the end of this passage, there is no water, it is an empty cave, and there is a longer passage beside the cave.

"The stuff is inside." Xiang Han pointed to the road and walked forward first.Xiang Han has been here once, and he is very familiar with the situation here. He also knows that this road is not dangerous except for sea beasts in the water passage.

Xiang Han was the first to walk, Han and Qiu hurriedly followed, and Xu Miao and five became the end of the team.Xu Miao suddenly noticed that the waterway was approaching with a very faint breath, and she was even more sure that it was the ancestor.

He sneered in his heart, but pretended not to know on his face.Along the way, Xu Miao could clearly see traces of the mechanism being cracked and the formation being cracked.

Xu Miao was the last to walk through this passage, and the five stone pillars that were as tall as an adult man came into view.There are iron chains wrapped around the stone pillars, obviously used to restrain monks.

Wan Fu and Qian Yongkang didn't realize the danger yet, and looked at the stone pillar with relish.On the contrary, Zhang Yu's face turned pale when he saw the five stone pillars.

He always thought that Xiang Han found him because he was looking for four foundation cultivators to make sacrifices.At that time, Xiang Han also told him that only four were enough, and his existence was to reassure the four new monks.

Fortunately, he still believed what Xiang Han said to him. Now it seems that all of them are lies. What don't worry, what only four characters are used are all bullshit.Xiang Han lied to him from beginning to end, and he was also one of the sacrifices.

Zhang Yu turned around and wanted to run away, but Xiang Han noticed Zhang Yu early on and stood in front of Zhang Yu.

"Zhang Yu, I didn't want to deceive you, but it was because of the situation. I hope you can forgive me for my painstaking efforts." Xiang Han's face was heavy.

Wan Fu and Qian Yongkang also reacted at this time, wanting to run towards the exit.Although Han Shanxu, Qiu Ningpei and Xiang Han had conflicts, they also knew that these foundation-building monks were specially recruited by Xiang Han as sacrifices.

If you let them go, it is tantamount to giving up the treasure here.In their eyes, they are just a few foundation-building monks, and they don't care about them just like the weeds on the side of the road.

Han Shanxu and Qiu Ningpei also flashed and stopped in front of Wan Fu and Qian Yongkang.

"Zhang Yu! You deceived us, you will die!" Wan Fu didn't dare to curse at the Golden Core cultivator, so he could only scold Zhang Yu loudly.Zhang Yu had a baby face, with anger shining in his eyes.

Of the five Foundation Establishment cultivators present, only Xu Miao and Shui San remained calm.Qiu Ningpei noticed that these two people were unusual, raised his hand and cast a forbidden spell, got Wan Fu and three people onto the stone pillar, and bound them with chains.

Immediately afterwards, Xiang Han pushed the heads of the three people to the top of the stone pillar, and at the same time poked a hole in the head of the three with his fingers, allowing blood and brains to flow into the small depression on the top of the stone pillar.

"You two don't seem to be surprised or worried at all." Qiu Ningpei's gaze intertwined with Xu Miao's. It is obvious that she is only a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, and the person she can crush to death with a single finger is actually let There was a sudden palpitation in her heart.

Xu Miao looked up and glanced at the other two Golden Core cultivators, and said, "Of course I'm not surprised, I'm afraid it will be you who are surprised in the end." Xu Miao's words were meaningful and seemed to point, but Qiu Ningpei didn't understand what he said. deep meaning.

"Who are the two of you!" Xiang Han's face darkened, and he said sharply.

Han Shanxu didn't make a sound, but moved directly in front of Xu Miao, and fought with Xu Miao.Seeing this, Shui San immediately dodged to block Han Shanxu's attack.

Xiang Han beckoned to take out the talisman, a giant hammer, raised it high, and smashed it down heavily on Xu Miao.Xu Miao moved deftly, moved behind Qiu Ningpei, and directly pushed Qiu Ningpei forward, below the attack range of the giant hammer.

Qiu Ningpei's complexion changed drastically. She knew the power of Xiang Han's giant hammer best. If she was hit by the hammer, she would lose half her life if she didn't die.

Seeing the change of objects under the giant hammer, Xiang Han didn't intend to stop, and smashed down even harder.Qiu Ningpei is not a good thing either, and he can take this opportunity to get rid of it, which makes him feel more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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