Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 259 Unknown Taunt

Chapter 259 Unknown Taunt

"Xiang Han! You dare to attack me. Aren't you afraid that the ancestor will investigate you later!" Qiu Ningpei rolled under the giant hammer a few times in embarrassment.The giant hammer hit the ground heavily, and the masonry on the ground immediately shattered into several pieces.

Xiang Han raised the sledgehammer again, and wanted to attack Qiu Ningpei again, but Han Shanxu stopped him: "Xiang Han, if there is any disagreement between the three of us, it is time to join hands with the outside world, and we cannot start internal strife at this time."

Hearing Han Shanxu's words, Xiang Han also reacted.He looked at Xu Miao again, and saw a mocking smile on the corner of Xu Miao's mouth.

Xu Miao seemed to be seeing Xiang Han for the first time, looked him up and down, and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, well-developed limbs and simple mind, I'm afraid it was tailor-made for you."

Xiang Han was furious when he heard the words, and swung a sledgehammer at Xu Miao again.Although the giant hammer is powerful, it is inflexible.Xu Miao possesses a wind-attributed spirit root, and in terms of agility, no monk of the same level can surpass him.

He moved his body flexibly, avoided the giant hammer, and appeared behind Xiang Han.Xiang Han noticed that Xu Miao was standing behind him, and he really wanted to turn around to resist.

But the sledgehammer was just in the state of being smashed, and he was in the time when the old power was gone and the new power was not born, so he couldn't turn around in time.Xu Miao seized this opportunity, pinched the bone-piercing needle between her two fingers, and stabbed decisively at the back of Xiang Han's neck.

This needle just pierced Xiang Han's Fengfu point and directly paralyzed his nerves.Xiang Han, who was able to carry the tripod just now, could only let go of the sledgehammer and fell limply to the ground.

When Xu Miao finished Xiang Han, Shui San had already drawn several deep scars on Han Shanxu's body. Han Shanxu could only lean against the wall, panting heavily.

"Shui San, tie these two people to the stone pillar." Xu Miao ordered.

Seeing the sudden change in the situation before him, Qiu Ningpei couldn't help turning pale.He is obviously only a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, why is he so powerful, especially the handsome monk in front of him, who knocked Xiang Han down with just one move.

He must not be their opponent, Qiu Ningpei wanted to quit.She took advantage of Xu Miao watching Shui three hands, and wanted to slip away with oil on the soles of her feet.

How could Xu Miao do what she wanted, when Qiu Ningpei just moved his footsteps, the Ningwu Sword suddenly appeared, pointing directly at the position between Qiu Ningpei's eyebrows.

"Fellow Daoist Qiu, are you in a hurry to leave?" Xu Miao asked casually, making it impossible for Qiu Ningpei to guess what he was thinking.

Qiu Ningpei settled down, smiled charmingly, and thought she was charming, but in fact she didn't fall in Xu Miao's eyes at all, it was a waste of time.

"Of course not in a hurry, I'm very interested in the things on the front!" Qiu Ningpei blinked, and a red light flashed in his eyes.That red light is not accidental, it has a charming effect on monks.

Since Qiu Ningpei learned this charm technique, he has never missed a monk of the same rank.Xu Miao was disdainful in her heart, but still pretended to be confused.

He squinted at Qiu Ningpei, his eyes kept rolling, and in the eyes of outsiders, he wished he could take off Qiu Ningpei's clothes.

Qiu Ningpei waved to Xu Miao, and Xu Miao walked over "obediently", and at the same time stretched out her hand to hold Qiu Ningpei in her arms.Qiu Ningpei groaned and was about to fall into Xu Miao's arms.

Xu Miao noticed a silver needle hidden in Qiu Ningpei's right hand, shining with silver light.It's just that in Qiu Ningpei's view, Xu Miao has been completely absorbed by her, and she no longer has the heart to be vigilant.

Seeing Xu Miao's behavior like this, Qiu Ningpei couldn't help showing a proud expression on his face.The cultivator in front of him is really powerful, and he was able to hide from the noses of the three of them until now.

It wasn't until later that he showed his strength and knocked Xiang Han down in one move.Such a character, bowing down under her pomegranate skirt, how can she not make her excited and proud.

When Qiu Ningpei didn't notice, Xu Miao's hand pressed on the back of Qiu Ningpei's neck.Qiu Ningpei suddenly felt heart palpitations. When she raised her head to look at Xu Miao, Xu Miao's eyes were still lewd, and there was no sign of waking up.

Qiu Ningpei had no choice but to suppress the palpitation in his heart, and carefully approached Xu Miao's dantian with his right hand.Qiu Ningpei made a sudden attack, the silver needle was about to pierce Xu Miao's dantian, Xu Miao's left hand suddenly held Qiu Ningpei's wrist.

Xu Miao's spiritual power was so strong that Qiu Ningpei's hands were clamped and he couldn't move at all.At the same moment, Xu Miao's right hand pressed Qiu Ningpei's neck, and with the flow of spiritual power, she could break her neck at any time.

Qiu Ningpei's complexion suddenly changed, she looked at Xu Miao's eyes again, those eyes were not half bewitched by her, the eyes were clear, there was nothing but killing intent.

Xu Miao exerted strength with her left hand and directly crushed the bones of Qiu Ningpei's right hand. She lifted Qiu Ningpei with her right hand and slammed her against the wall.Qiu Ningpei hadn't recovered from the pain of the shattered bone in his right hand, when the spine touched the stone wall, there was another loud noise, and the spine was also shattered.

Qiu Ningpei was covered in cold sweat, she raised her head unwillingly, her eyes were filled with flames of anger, and there was an imperceptible trace of disbelief in her eyes.

She had obviously succeeded in bewitching Xu Miao, how could Xu Miao remain sober, she couldn't believe it.

"Surprised? Confused? Not reconciled, are you?" Xu Miao's cold eyes fell on Qiu Ningpei, causing Qiu Ningpei to shudder involuntarily.

Qiu Ningpei's white teeth were stained red with blood, and when he spoke, he looked even more ferocious: "How did you get rid of my confusion? I never missed it!"

"Hmph - since you are not deceived, how can you talk about getting rid of it. With your level of deception, you have the nerve to fight in front of me."

Xu Miao's words clearly told Qiu Ningpei that her bewitching failed, and she didn't succeed at all.Xu Miao's previous expressions were all about planning.

What Qiu Ningpei is best at is the technique of bewitching. With this skill, he has killed countless monks.Today, she was defeated by the skill she was most proud of.Qiu Ningpei's face turned pale, and she closed her eyes in despair.

Xu Miao didn't bother to talk to her, and focused on observing the round platform among the stone pillars.Shui San had already tied both Xiang Han and Han Shanxu to the stone pillar, followed Xiang Han's action, and poked a hole in their heads to let blood and brains flow into the hole.

As the aura of the five people tied to the stone pillar became weaker and weaker, a gap appeared in the middle of the round platform in the middle of the stone pillar, and it continued to expand to both sides until a teleportation circle appeared.

This teleportation array is very simple, it is a short-distance teleportation array, and its structure is not complicated. It belongs to the product of this era.It's just a teleportation circle, but it requires the blood sacrifice of five monks.

The monk who arranged the formation here is really ruthless.Xu Miao asked Shui San to take Qiu Ningpei through the teleportation array together.The cultivator who arranged the magic circle will find a blood sacrifice here.

There is no guarantee that after entering the interior, a monk's blood sacrifice is required.Take Qiu Ningpei with you to be prepared.Xu Miao threw a few spirit stones, and the teleportation array started to activate.

The teleportation light flashed, and the three of them had already appeared in another stone room.As soon as Xu Miao stood firm, her backhand destroyed the teleportation array under her feet.

That patriarch has been hiding in the dark and not attacking, it is always a crisis.Facing the Nascent Soul cultivator, Xu Miao would rather be cautious than trust her.The teleportation array is relative, as long as one of the teleportation arrays is destroyed, the teleportation array at the other end will naturally lose its effect.

This stone room is empty, except for the teleportation array under the feet, there are no other decorations.Xu Miao pushed open a stone door, and five stone pillars appeared in front of her.Exactly the same as the outside, the chain, the hole at the top of the stone pillar, and the round platform in the center of the stone pillar.

Qiu Ningpei trembled uncontrollably when he saw the stone pillar.She looked at Xu Miao in fear, for fear that Xu Miao would tie her to the stone pillar as a sacrifice.

Xu Miao raised her chin slightly, and before she could say anything, she heard Qiu Ningpei begging for mercy constantly: "This fellow Taoist, please forgive me, I will definitely repay you in my next life."

Xu Miao gave Qiu Ningpei a disgusted look, and asked Shui San to put him aside and study the round platform with him.If he guessed correctly, there should be other ways to open this round table besides the blood sacrifice.The spiritual consciousness covered the round platform, looking for the flaws of the round platform.

Shui San stretched out his hand and groped continuously on the round platform, looking for a movable mechanism.Xu Miao was sure that the round platform did not have the effect of isolating the spiritual consciousness, and his spiritual consciousness did not detect the fluctuation of the teleportation array under the round platform.

He turned around and walked towards the five stone pillars, and found that one of the stone pillars was not fixed on the ground, but could move.Xu Miao rotated the stone pillar once, and saw that the round platform was completely removed, revealing the downward passage.

Did the monks who set up these organs have their brains caught by the door at that time, it was so troublesome.Xu Miao complained secretly, and walked down the steps with Shui San.

The passage became shorter and shorter, and finally, Xu Miao had to squat down and lower the height to barely pass.After finally passing through this passage, Xu Miao saw a line of words carved on the wall.

"Thank you for coming here, but it's a pity that there is nothing here, hahahaha!" Seeing this line of words, Xu Miao instantly had the urge to draw his sword.

"Xu Miao, there are things I am familiar with here!" Xiaotian suddenly appeared.Shui San already knew of Xiaotian's existence, so Xiaotian didn't shy away from Shui San.

Things that can make the Artifact Spirit of Hunting Stone familiar should not be ordinary items, and it is not in vain to waste my hard work to come here.Xu Miao stood there looking at the arrogant and mocking words, and remained motionless, letting Xiaotian search elsewhere.

This line of words was written on this wall with a finger.Between the fonts, you can still feel the spiritual power that has not dissipated.Xu Miao pointed her right hand together, trying to write on the wall, but found that the spiritual power could not penetrate the wall at all.

Although he is only a monk at the early stage of Golden Core, his true strength is equivalent to that of an ordinary mid-stage Golden Core monk. He will not have any difficulty in writing on a wall.

But no matter how he used his spiritual power, he couldn't write a single word.

(End of this chapter)

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