Chapter 260
It is necessary to concentrate all the spiritual power to make a depression on the wall. As for drawing a coherent line, it is impossible to do it at all, let alone write handwriting smoothly.

Xu Miao pressed her finger on the first word, and stroked down along the handwriting.He kept tracing the writing on the wall, not paying attention to other things at all.

"Xu Miao, I feel the trace of the Chaos Stone, it's here!" Xiaotian pointed to a corner in the room.It's just that Xu Miao's mind was completely immersed in the handwriting, shielding everything from outside.

Xiaotian wanted to hold Xu Miao's hand and let him focus on himself, but was stopped by Shui San: "The master is comprehending the exercises on the wall, wait a moment."

Although Xiaotian had followed the monks of the Mahayana period, she had never seen a practice like this, which was engraved in the words of ridicule.Although he didn't know the specific situation, Xiaotian still quietly stood aside, waiting for Xu Miao.

Xu Miao's eyes were red, and these words were all in her mind.The speed at which he traced the inscriptions on the text was getting faster and faster. Xiaotian and Shui San couldn't even see Xu Miao's position clearly, and could only see a vague afterimage.

Whether it is the words on the wall or the words in my mind, they are all separated at this moment and become a series of moves.Xu Miao can clearly see that these moves can not only be used by sword repairers, but also by monks who use other magic weapons.

In the world of self-cultivation, there are many kinds of exercises, but these exercises have obvious requirements for monks. Sword cultivators can only study the exercises of sword cultivators, and Dharma cultivators can only study the exercises of Dharma cultivators.

If you forcibly practice other monks' skills, it is easy to have poor spiritual power, and eventually lead to madness.But the moves contained in this line of text do not have such a barrier like a natural barrier.

Just like the monk who wrote this line of text, he wrote it on the wall with his fingers instead of using any magic weapon.

Xu Miao belongs to Dharma and sword practice. Now that he knows a set of extremely aggressive moves, he naturally transforms them into sword moves to make them more powerful.

A horizontal, a vertical, a swipe, a swipe, and a dot in the text are all fierce sword moves.Xu Miao kept repeating these moves in her mind to get a mastery of the moves.

Xu Miao's hand was pressed on the notch of the text, her face was calm, but she couldn't hide the surging sword intent all over her body.The illusory sword intent almost materialized and hit the wall.

Such a powerful sword intent did not leave deep marks on the wall, only a few shallow sword marks.Xu Miao suddenly stopped tracing the words, pointed to the sword, waved her arm, and repeated the sword move.

The whole body was shrouded in sword intent, and even spread to the surroundings.Xiaotian is just a weapon spirit and has no strong defensive means. After seeing Xu Miao start practicing sword practice, he immediately turned into a ray of light and returned to the Huntian Stone.

Shui San retreated to the entrance, guarding Xu Miao while guarding against Qiu Ningpei.

Xu Miao didn't notice anything about it.The speed of the arm changing moves is getting faster and faster, and only the arm can produce a strong sword intent.Xu Miao was so intoxicated by this set of moves that she completely forgot the passage of time.

When the speed reached its peak, Xu Miao's speed suddenly slowed down, and her arms moved slowly, like a breeze blowing on her face, without any sharp momentum.If someone didn't know the situation and suddenly stepped forward to try at this moment, Xu Miao would definitely kill him with his bare hands.

Slow enough, extremely fast, and aided by body skills, Xu Miao thoroughly integrated this set of moves, which is more suitable for his situation.He was already some distance away from the wall, but at this moment he suddenly jumped in front of the wall.

Raising his hand and pressing under that line of text, after writing the same line of text, the solid wall burst open, and a secret room behind the wall was exposed in front of Xu Miao.

Surprised, Xu Miao walked around a pile of stones and walked towards the secret room.The closed room is similar to the retreat environment of ordinary monks, whether it is furnishings or decoration.

The only thing that caught Xu Miao's attention was a scroll of paintings on the table.He slowly unfolded the picture scroll, and a powerful breath rushed towards his face.Xu Miao propped up Fu Yu's helmet like a conditioned reflex, and retreated quickly.

When all the defenses were arranged, the aura suddenly weakened, and a figure appeared on the scroll.This figure is a young cultivator, with a handsome face showing indifference, and his attire is completely in line with the four characters of celebrity and romantic.

"Someone actually came to this secret room." The young monk looked at Xu Miao in amazement.Xu Miao didn't know the opponent's intentions, and was still on the defensive, looking at the young monk cautiously.

"Little friend, it's really good to be able to break through the outer wall at the early stage of Jindan's cultivation. It is true that there are talents from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years." The young monk said this with a very flirtatious expression. Can't help but hold the forehead.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you build such a place on the bottom of the East China Sea?"

The young monk smiled, looking a bit indistinguishable: "My name is Xie Ling'an, and I am a monk in this world. As for why I arranged this place, I just don't want to tell you."

Xie Ling'an, Xu Miao was very familiar with this name, he was sure he had heard it somewhere.By the way, Xie Ling'an is on the list of monks who have ascended to the upper realm.

A monk of the Nanjing Sect in the Eastern Continent ascended to the upper realm ten thousand years ago.The Nanjing Sect was not originally the number one sect in the Eastern Continent, but it was because of Xie Ling'an that it became the number one in the Eastern Continent.

In Xie Ling'an's era, no monks of the same level in the lower plane could stand out.No matter in terms of strength, means, mind, or appearance, he surpassed the monks of the same generation.

From the moment he stepped into the world of comprehension, Xie Ling'an has belonged to a person with great luck. As long as he participates in the exploration and adventure, he will always be the biggest winner.Walking on the road, there will always be magic weapons falling from the sky, and many spirit beasts are willing to be driven by him.

Xie Ling'an is a mythical existence, even now, Xie Ling'an's name will still be mentioned in Donglu.

"It turned out to be Senior Xie." Xu Miao didn't know Xie Ling'an's current real cultivation level, whether the other party was dead or alive, but Xie Ling'an was a cultivator who reached the peak in this plane ten thousand years ago, so he deserved his respect.

"Since you can detect the moves on the wall, it means that you and I are destined, and I have never hesitated to teach the younger generation who are destined. You will use the Wubi style, and I will give you some pointers."

Many exercises have been handed down to this day, and the monks who created them have already turned into bones.Even if a monk obtains the exercises, he can only rely on his own understanding of the exercises to practice, and no one will give advice.

And by chance, Xu Miao met the founder of the practice, and the founder also offered to give advice to Xu Miao.Xu Miao knew that this opportunity was missed, so she would never have it again.

He took a deep breath to calm down, and in front of Xie Ling'an's clone, he performed the move on the wall, which was the wallless pose that Xie Ling'an called.

At the beginning, Xie Ling'an's eyes were still careless, he didn't pay too much attention, and just wanted to give some pointers casually, so as to take advantage of this opportunity.But I didn't expect that Xu Miao would reach such a state after using a set of skills.Xie Ling'an's eyes became brighter and his face became more and more appreciative.

After Xu Miao showed the whole set of no-wall poses once, she saw Xie Ling'an's strange eyes. She didn't know whether it was excitement or something else.Xie Ling'an noticed Xu Miao's expression on him, coughed a few times, and pointed Xu Miao in a deep voice.

According to Xie Ling'an's suggestion, Xu Miao did deal with several obscure changes, and also changed the position of the force of several moves, making the power of the wallless style even stronger.

"Thank you senior for your guidance." Xu Miao said respectfully.

"We are also half-teachers, and now I want to ask you to do something for me, are you willing?" Xie Ling'an's voice was a little erratic, not as calm as before.

Xu Miao nodded, expressing her willingness. Regardless of Xie Lingan's intentions, at least she was instructed by the other party, and she should do something for him to repay the favor of passing on skills.

"In the Ning'er Mountains in the Eastern Continent, there is a tomb of a person. Go and worship for me. The exact location is in this picture scroll."

"Call me out when you reach the tomb." After saying this, Xie Ling'an's figure returned to the scroll.Xu Miao looked at the scroll, and after remembering it in her heart, she carefully put away the scroll.

After he leaves the bottom of the sea, he can head to the Ning'er Mountains to look for graves.Xu Miao scanned the inside of the secret room and decided to leave after confirming that there were no other useful items.

"Xu Miao, there are Chaos Stones here!" Xiaotian was sure that Xu Miao was about to leave, and hurriedly appeared to stop him.

"Chaos stone? A material to help Ningwujian advance?" The current grade of Ningwujian is a low-grade Houtian spirit tool, which is more than enough to use during the foundation building period, but Xu Miao is already at the Jindan stage. The possibility of becoming a monk is also increasing.

If the Mist Condensing Sword is still at this level, it will inevitably suffer losses in future battles, so it is very important to upgrade the Mist Condensation Sword.

However, the Condensing Mist Sword is different from the Huntian Stone. The Huntian Stone has fallen due to heavy blows, and only needs a small amount of materials to restore its rank.

The Ningwu Sword is the magic weapon of Xu Miao's self-refining. To upgrade the grade, one must find a lot of materials and refine it through pill fire to closely connect the magic weapon of life with the monk.

It took Xu Miao a lot of effort just to find the materials for the first refining of the Fog Condensing Sword, not to mention the fact that the materials needed to improve the grade of the Fog Condensing Sword are even more difficult.

This time, he learned the Wallless Pose by mistake and got Xie Ling'an's guidance, which is already a great fortune, and he didn't expect that there would be a surprise.

Chaos stones are almost extinct in today's practice, except for one or two treasures in some sects.There are no Chaos Stones circulating in the outside world.

Xiaotian pointed to a location and signaled to Xu Miao: "It's just below this." Xu Miao called Shui San, and the two used their spiritual power to dig this place together.However, the two dug for a long time, but they couldn't find the Chaos Stone that Xiaotian said.

"Xiaotian, do you feel wrong?" The further you dig down, the wetter the stones will be, which means that you will soon reach the bottom of this space.

(End of this chapter)

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