Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 261 Misjudgment

Chapter 261 Misjudgment
"It is indeed under this, and I will definitely not feel wrong. One of the materials used to refine the Chaos Stone is the Chaos Stone, and I can clearly feel it." Xiaotian said firmly.

Xu Miao and Shui San could only continue digging until the seawater gradually seeped in through the gaps in the excavation.If Xiaotian didn't feel wrong, then the Chaos Stone should be in a deeper seabed.

At the very edge is a layer of waterproof mask, but due to years of disrepair, even if it was arranged by Xie Ling'an, its effectiveness is gradually decreasing.

Xu Miao pointed at the sword and swiped downwards, the waterproof mask completely shattered.Xu Miao didn't realize that the water-repelling pill she took had lost its effect until she came into contact with sea water.

Without the water shield formed by the water-repelling pill, Xu Miao could only rely on holding her breath to ensure that she would not be choked by the water.Golden core monks can only stay in the water for at most one hour without breathing.

If the time is longer, even the Jindan cultivator will not be able to hold on, and will definitely be suffocated to death.Xu Miao only has one hour, and must speed up to find the Chaos Stone.

Xu Miao wandered out of the stone room, wanted to determine his location, but found that the current location was completely different from the place he first entered.

Xu Miao felt a little helpless that the teleportation array had sent him to nowhere.At that time, he had clearly seen the teleportation array, which was obviously only a short-distance teleportation array, and the longest distance that could be teleported would not exceed a hundred feet.

However, Xu Miao opened her eyes wide and looked carefully. Within a hundred feet, she didn't see the corner of the roof where she first entered.Xu Miao couldn't help admiring Xie Ling'an's formation skills, and played a trick under the nose of the visitor.

Whether it is the coercion of the teleportation or the time of the teleportation, it can only be mistaken for a short-distance teleportation.It is this illusion that has created the current situation.

Xu Miao dived down while thinking miscellaneously in her mind.He carefully restrained his breath, so that the sea beasts in this sea area would not find him.

Xiaotian's sensibility in the sea water was greatly reduced, and he had to show up outside to investigate clearly. The two of them continued to go deeper into the seabed together.

"The fluctuation of the Chaos Stone is getting bigger and bigger, and it's almost here." Xiaotian's excited voice came.The closer to the Chaos Stone, the more careful Xu Miao became.

The value of Chaos Stone is known to everyone, including all monsters.For sea beasts, the Chaos Stone is also an excellent item, and it will not be easily snatched away by others.

Although Xu Miao was not sure how far this sea area was from the seaside city, he was sure that the sea beasts in this sea area would not expose the Chaos Stone to the outside like this.

There are only two possibilities for the Chaos Stone to appear here.One, the Chaos Stone already has an owner, and the owner of the Chaos Stone just happened to take out the Chaos Stone, which was discovered by Xiaotian.

Second, the environment around the Chaos Stone is complicated, and sea beasts cannot get it, so they can only expose the Chaos Stone to the outside.However, no matter which possibility it is, it is not good news for Xu Miao.

Xiaotian's ability to hide her breath is too poor, so Xu Miao asked her to go back to the Huntian Stone first, and he and Shui San played by ear.

As Xu Miao's subordinate in his previous life, Shui San has a unique skill to hide his aura.Once Shui San is cast, even Xu Miao's spiritual sense cannot determine his position.

Xu Miao carefully leaned behind a rock, not daring to use her spiritual sense, so she poked her head out quietly and looked around.Xiaotian has already introduced the Chaos Stone to Xu Miao, it is a stone mixed with white and black.

And the outside of the stone is shrouded in a layer of yellow-white mist.With this feature, Xu Miao found the Chaos Stone easily.At the same time, there were two eighth-level sea beasts.

The eighth-level sea beasts are obviously different types, one is a big whale and the other is a big turtle.The two sea beasts lay quietly next to the Chaos Stone, without sticking to it.

The yellow-white mist emitted by the Chaos Stone is extremely attractive to sea beasts.Looking at the appearance of whales and sea turtles, they can't take away the Chaos Stone, they can only get close to the Chaos Stone as much as possible.

Neither the whale nor the sea turtle noticed Xu Miao's existence. They closed their eyes and absorbed the yellow-white mist.Not long after, another giant octopus came here from afar.

The octopus waved its tentacles, moved to the side of the Chaos Stone, and said, "Old turtle, you've been sucking for long enough, let me take your seat, it's my turn."

The tortoise opened its mung bean-sized eyes and glanced lazily at the octopus: "Dead octopus, get out!"

The octopus and the tortoise fought directly next to the Chaos Stone without saying a word.The whale next to it didn't move at all, and continued to absorb the chaotic gas leisurely.

Xu Miao hid behind a rock and watched the two level [-] sea beasts fight, and the waves they set off rushed towards the surroundings.The stone where Xu Miao was located was also affected.

He didn't dare to make too much movement, he buckled tightly on the stone and observed the situation.As long as another sea beast comes and attracts the whale away, he can take advantage of the chaos and snatch the Chaos Stone.

However, Xu Miao waited for a stick of incense, but no sea beast came.The other low-level sea beasts didn't dare to come here because they sensed the movement of the two eighth-level sea beasts fighting.

There are limited high-level sea beasts in a sea area. Xu Miao is worried that the area is limited, and there are only three eighth-level sea beasts.He didn't have the water-avoiding beads, nor did he have related water-avoiding skills, so he could only keep it for an hour.

Excluding the time spent swimming here, he now has less than half an hour left.This place is close to the bottom of the sea, Xu Miao still needs to calculate the time to swim out of the water, and the remaining time is even less.

Xu Miao had to race against the clock, so he could only take a risk.He knew that Shui San was on the other side, dormant quietly, and just waiting for his order, he could rush out to block the whale and win him the chance to take away the Chaos Stone.

But after all, he is not his previous life, and he can let Shui San fight for him without any grievances at the cost of his life.Xu Miao pondered for a while, and gestured to Shui San.

In order to prevent the high-level sea beasts from finding their tracks, Xu Miao and Shui San specially set the meaning of the gestures.The meaning of Xu Miao's gesture is to tell Shui San to get the Chaos Stone, and he will stop the whale.

Shui San turned pale with shock, he was already ready to block the whale, but he didn't expect that the actions of the two were completely adjusted.

The most important reason why Shui San was able to be arranged in the ancient secret realm by Xu Miao's previous life was that no matter what instructions Xu Miao gave, no matter how much he didn't understand Xu Miao's instructions, he would not hesitate to accept them. to finish.

Including the order Xu Miao gave to him just now, Xu Miao and Shui San shot out at the same time.The spiritual power that has been hidden all this time is running violently at this moment, swimming in different directions.

The movements of Xu Miao and Shui San could not pose a threat at all in front of the three eighth-level sea beasts. They could kill them with just one move.It wasn't until Xu Miao and Shui San came in front of the whale that they changed their minds.

When Shui San was about to meet the whale, he turned a corner and swam towards the Chaos Stone.And Xu Miao drew the horizontal sword out of its sheath before the whale made any move, and attacked the whale with the most powerful move of the broken star sword.

No matter how unexpected Xu Miao's behavior was and how powerful this move was, he was facing an eighth-level sea beast after all.The battlefield where sea beasts are best at is the seabed, and Xu Miao's moves on the seabed are already at a disadvantage.

The whale's big tail slammed to the ground, its upper body jumped up, and rushed towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao only felt the overwhelming power, but could not escape.

He bit the tip of his tongue violently, forcibly regained control of his body, and rolled on the spot following the direction of the waves, avoiding the blow from the whale.

Although he was not hit by the whale, the aftermath of the whale's pressure also affected Xu Miao.A mouthful of blood gushed out of her throat immediately, Xu Miao suppressed the churning of her chest, and raised her sword again to stab the whale.

Shui San is already trying to take away the Chaos Stone, Xu Miao must buy time for it.At this time, the whale also noticed that the two low-level human beings in front of them were using the strategy of turning the tiger away from the mountain.

He angrily spit out a string of blisters, even if they were just blisters, they contained powerful animal power, and Xu Miao raised his sword to pierce the blisters.It's just that Xu Miao couldn't let the sword move as he wanted because he was in the sea water.

The sea water was the biggest obstacle, which made him fail in several moves and was hit by water bubbles.

"Big whale, you are really useless. You can't even deal with two humans. Let me help you." The octopus suddenly left the fighting turtle and rushed towards Xu Miao's position.

Faced with the last one, she was about to die, let alone two eighth-level monsters together, Xu Miao's complexion changed suddenly.The tentacles of the octopus stretched out quickly, Xu Miao couldn't avoid it, and was entangled by the tentacles, unable to move.

The eighth-level octopus has a huge body. Correspondingly, his tentacles are also very large. Just one tentacle is equivalent to half the size of his person.

The tentacles became tighter and tighter, and Xu Miao's hand bones and ribs were directly crushed.Seeing Xu Miao's situation, Shui San immediately gave up the Chaos Stone that he couldn't get out for a long time, raised his sword and looked at the octopus' tentacles.

Although Shui San's true strength is far superior to Octopus's, his current cultivation level is only on par with Xu Miao's.Facing an octopus is like hitting an egg against a rock.

Regarding the fact that the octopus was going to kill Xu Miao, the other two eighth-level sea beasts had no objection, and they continued to lie down next to the Chaos Stone to absorb the Chaos gas.

The octopus stretched out its second tentacle, and this time it went straight to Xu Miao's head.As long as the head is squeezed and burst, the gods cannot be saved.

At the moment of life and death, Xu Miao calmed down instead.He closed his eyes and silently mobilized the laws of heaven and earth in his dantian.Even level eight monsters are afraid of the laws of heaven and earth.This is the innate characteristic of Fang Tianyu's creatures, which cannot be overcome.

Professor Shui San's method played a big role at this time. The four and a half laws of heaven and earth flew out of Xu Miao's head in an instant, and the tentacles wrapped around Xu Miao's body immediately felt that human beings became extremely hot, and quickly let go of the tentacles.

As soon as Xu Miao was freed, she used her spiritual power to restore her injured bones.Fortunately, the octopus was only squeezed with brute force and did not use the exclusive power of the eighth-level monster, otherwise he would have no chance to summon the laws of heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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