Chapter 262
With an idea, Xu Miao connected the separated four-and-a-half ways into a whole way. With a swipe of his finger along his body, the laws of heaven and earth surrounded him tightly, and neither octopuses nor whales could get close to Xu Miao.

The octopus felt aggrieved because the turtle refused to give way.Finally, a human monk appeared and was about to crush him to death with his own hands, so as to vent his anger, but suddenly several laws of heaven and earth that he was afraid of appeared.

"Damn human! It's just the law of heaven and earth. I want you to know that even with the protection of the law of heaven and earth, you can't save your life under my hands!"

The octopus didn't wrap its tentacles around Xu Miao anymore, but opened its mouth wide and sprayed out a stream of black ink.The sea beast itself would be afraid of the laws of heaven and earth, but the out-of-body mana would not be afraid of the laws.

As soon as Hei Mo left the octopus' mouthparts, Xu Miao found that the light suddenly dimmed, making it impossible to see the surrounding situation clearly.Black ink can not only obstruct the line of sight, but also affect the consciousness.

The thick black ink trapped Xu Miao in it, and she couldn't even get out her consciousness. It was sealed tightly, and Xu Miao became blind for life.The space is too small to draw the sword.

Xu Miao simply used her finger as a sword, and performed the wallless pose to write directly on the wall formed by the black ink.The Wallless Pose, taught by Xie Ling'an himself, has surpassed the confinement of cultivation and exerted a more powerful power.

As long as writing is left on the black ink wall, that piece of black ink will become thinner uncontrollably.Xu Miao's hand speed was almost against the sky, like an afterimage, writing quickly around.

Every word contains a fierce sword intent, even if the words just written can't affect the black ink, the sword intent that appears after that will have a continuous effect on the black ink wall.

The tortoise, who had been watching coldly, saw that the black ink was gradually getting lighter, and said mockingly: "Fat octopus, you are so useless, you can't even solve a human being."

The octopus, which was already in a bad mood, became even more furious when it heard this, and sprayed out black ink one after another, reinforcing the black ink wall that had been almost destroyed by Xu Miao.

The suddenly thickened wall, even as calm as Xu Miao, is very angry. I can't beat you, can't I scold you to death!

"Fat octopus, you are really useless. After so many years of cultivation, you can only use this extremely shameless method to deal with me, a low-level human monk."

Hearing this, the octopus flipped its eight tentacles at the same time, disturbing the tranquility of the seabed: "Human, I can just crush you to death, believe it or not!"

"Cut! I don't believe it. You could just crush me to death. How could you trap me by spitting ink. Your sophistry shows your incompetence even more." His tone was full of disdain and sarcasm.

"Ah - okay, I'll take back the black ink and convince you to lose." The octopus pouted its mouthparts and sucked away all the black ink around Xu Miao.

The moment Xu Miao was free, she drew her sword and stabbed the octopus.He can hold his breath for only two quarters of an hour, the situation is stronger than others, and the Chaos Stone can only be considered next time to take it away.

Shui San attacked the octopus at the same time Xu Miao drew his sword.The two of them, one behind the other, pinched the octopus.The light in the octopus' eyes flickered, and it was waving its eight tentacles, about to make a good show.

But he found that the moment the two humans approached him, they changed direction and swam towards the sea.Both Xu Miao and Shui San Linggen have water attributes, and they swim much faster than ordinary monks on the bottom of the sea.

But the pursuer behind them is the eighth-level sea beast—the big octopus. In the eyes of the other party, the speed of this level is mediocre.Xu Miao did not intend to beat the opponent in speed, but chose another method.

Any living being in the cultivation world will cultivate spiritual consciousness, and sea beasts are no exception.Spiritual consciousness will affect the behavior of sea beasts, if the spiritual consciousness is injured, even sea beasts will suffer extremely.

Xu Miao directly enlisted the consciousness of Taoist Li Huan, and the consciousness of cultivator Huashen swept across the octopuses following them in an instant.At this time, the octopus found that it had been deceived by two hateful humans, and was about to reach out its tentacles to catch humans.

Then I felt a needle-like pain in the head, which directly affected the speed of the octopus, and gave Xu Miao and the others a chance to breathe.

The two desperately went upstream, not much distance from the sea level.Suddenly, the tortoise and the whale approached Xu Miao from two other directions.

"Damn it!" Xu Miao cursed, speeding up.The attack with Taoist Li Huan's consciousness just now had a considerable impact on his own sea of ​​consciousness.

Xu Miao couldn't repeat the divine consciousness attack in a short period of time, otherwise his own consciousness would collapse before the enemy's spiritual consciousness had any problems.

At the critical moment, Xu Miao heard Qingjiao's lazy voice: "Boy, where did you go to get into trouble again, attracting so many eighth-level monsters?"

Xu Miao had no time to answer Qingjiao's question. He concentrated his consciousness, ready to strike the approaching eighth-level monster at any time, so as to earn himself a chance to escape.

The whale was faster than the turtle and approached Xu Miao earlier.Enduring the pain of the sea of ​​consciousness, Xu Miao was about to launch a consciousness attack on the whale when Qing Jiao suddenly appeared in front of him.

At this time, the Qingjiao did not use a human body, but displayed it in front of the sea beast as a prototype, showing the strength of half-step transformation into a god.The half-step deity transformation is stronger than the eighth-level sea beast.

When the whale saw the green jellyfish, it was stunned on the spot, and quickly swung its tail to stop its advancing trend.The tortoise squinted Mung Bean's eyes, swam to the side of the whale, and confronted Qingjiao.

"Jiaolong?" The tortoise asked tentatively.

Qingjiao's body wraps Xu Miao around the pillar in a protective posture: "It's just a Jiao, not a dragon."

Jiao can transform into a dragon, this is common sense in the cultivation world.However, there are so many Jiaos, and very few of them truly transform into dragons.Even so, Jiao's status is still extraordinary, no matter monsters or sea beasts, as long as there is no conflict of interest, they will not easily anger Jiao.

The tortoise rolled its eyes for a long time, and turned its head to swim to the deep sea first. The whale was alone and waggled its tail, but gave up chasing and killing Xu Miao.The two eighth-level sea beasts left, and the octopus knew that the situation was over. It gave Xu Miao angrily a look, and moved its eight tentacles to leave.

With the blessing of Qingjiao, Xu Miao finally got rid of the pursuit. Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, his face suddenly turned red.The breath-holding time has reached the limit, and it will be difficult for Xu Miao to survive if she does not float to the surface of the water.

Qingjiao clearly sent out a Jiaolin, signaling Xu Miao to hold it in her hand.As soon as Xu Miao met Jiao Lin, she found that the feeling of being out of breath disappeared.

"My scales are much better than those water-repellent beads. As long as the scales are not damaged, you can stay on the bottom of the sea for as long as you want." Xu Miao looked at the Jiaolin in his hand and couldn't help but laugh. He was really carrying a treasure without knowing it.

If Qingjiao hadn't woken up and rescued Xu Miao this time, he and Shui San would both be buried in the sea.It's just that Qing Jiao's move is also very risky.

Qingjiao's injury has not improved. Last time, in order to help Xu Miao fight against Taoist Li Huan, he made more injuries.I finally woke up today, and my injuries have not recovered.

In order to put pressure on the eighth-level sea beast in the first place, Qing Jiao suppressed the injury and forcibly showed the strongest strength. The direct result was that the injury aggravated again.

The cyan scales became dull, leaning softly on Xu Miao's body.Rather than saying that he was protecting Xu Miao, it could be said that he used Xu Miao as a fulcrum and relied on Xu Miao to support his body.

Without the threat of the eighth-level sea beast, Xu Miao sent Qingjiao back to the Hunting Stone.He took Shui San to dive again and came to the side of Chaos Stone.

This chaotic stone seemed to grow here, the eighth-level sea beast did not take it away, and Shui Sanbai tried everything, but he did not take it away.Xu Miao looked at the Chaos Stone with a headache, unable to do anything.

"Xu Miao, what the Mist Concentrating Sword needs is the chaotic gas inside the Chaos Stone, as long as the chaotic gas is absorbed enough, the Chaos Stone doesn't matter." Xiaotian reminded.

After Xu Miao pondered, she took out the Condensing Fog Sword and placed it next to the Chaos Stone, activated the Fog Condensing Sword to actively absorb the chaotic gas.However, the speed at which the chaotic gas overflowed was very slow. Xu Miao was worried that other level eight sea beasts would come over before the Mist Condensing Sword could absorb enough.

With Qingjiao's current injuries, he would not be able to show the strength of the half-step transformation god again to threaten the eighth-level sea beast.At that time, it will really be called "every day should not be done", and the ground will not work.

Xu Miao watched Wu Ningjian slowly absorb traces of chaotic gas, and inexplicably felt absurd that the emperor was not in a hurry, but the eunuch was in a hurry to die.

Because he was too close to the Chaos Stone, Xu Miao also inhaled a trace of Chaos Gas.The chaotic gas can strengthen the monk's physique and improve the monk's cultivation level, but all of this will only happen under the premise that the monk can withstand the chaotic gas.

Since the world of self-cultivation, there has never been a precedent of Jindan cultivators absorbing chaotic gas. On the contrary, Nascent Soul cultivators absorbed chaotic gas, their bodies couldn't bear it, and finally exploded and died.

As soon as the chaotic gas entered the body, Xu Miao realized that it was not good.The meridians of the whole body are agitated, the flesh and blood swell, and the spiritual power in the dantian is constantly circulating like crazy, absorbing the spiritual power in the sea water.

Xu Miao had already been pushed away from the Chaos Stone by Shui San, but the influence of the Chaos Gas on him could not be eliminated.All parts of the body kept swelling, falling, and rising again.

Xu Miao wanted to control the chaotic gas and then expel it from the body.But the chaotic gas seemed to have spiritual intelligence, and Xu Miao didn't let Xu Miao catch it at all.

Chaotic gas travels through the body along the meridians, and the original order in the body will be disturbed by the chaotic gas.Xu Miao could only summon the law of heaven and earth again to fight against it.

The law of heaven and earth, which is usually invincible, has no way to suppress it when it encounters chaotic gas.Xu Miao wanted to cry, but Shui San approached the Chaos Stone, but he didn't see him absorbing the Chaos Gas.

Xu Miao's mind turned, he was looking for all available means.In addition to the laws of heaven and earth, he also has the blood in his heart.Before Xu Miao mobilized the half drop of blood, the blood left the heart by itself.

This half drop of blood can instantly appear anywhere in Xu Miao's body, and now it appears in front of that trace of chaotic gas.

(End of this chapter)

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