Chapter 263
The arrogant chaotic gas, feeling the half drop of blood, turned around and ran away.Xu Miao looked inside his body and watched the whole process, and he came to a conclusion that this trace of chaotic gas must have become a spirit, producing his own consciousness.

The chaotic gas wanted to run, but half a drop of blood wouldn't give it a chance to escape, so it teleported in front of the chaotic gas.The blood is constantly approaching the chaotic gas, making the chaos inevitable.

With the suppression of the blood, the chaotic gas no longer caused discomfort to Xu Miao's body. He watched with great interest how the blood taught the chaotic gas and how the chaotic gas retreated step by step.

When Xu Miao was watching the play, she received a call for help from the chaotic gas, and she could faintly translate it into words: "Hero, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, let that drop of blood let me go!" Bar."

The chaotic gas conveyed the idea of ​​admitting its mistakes and asking for help, but the blood didn't let it go at all, so it could only ask Xu Miao for help again.

"I really know I'm wrong. How about I take away the Chaos Stone for you, and let the blood let me go, and don't swallow me." Xu Miao raised her eyebrows, and the conditions offered by the Chaos Gas were indeed very attractive.

No wonder even the eighth-level sea beast couldn't take the Chaos Stone. It turned out that this Chaos Stone had self-awareness and prevented foreign objects from moving it.

"You are so cunning, how can I believe what you say." Xu Miao temporarily stopped the blood from swallowing the chaotic gas, but did not let the blood return to the heart.

"It's very simple, I'll put the Chaos Stone in your hand right now." The Chaos Gas responded hastily, and the Chaos Stone, which was so strong that it couldn't move, lightly left the sea mud and fell into Xu Miao's palm .

Xu Miao lowered her head, looked at the Chaos Stone in her hand, and unceremoniously sent it into the Huntian Stone.If it is put into the Chaos Stone, this Chaos Stone can escape, which means that even if he gets it, it is useless.

As soon as the Chaos Stone was in hand, Xu Miao stopped fighting with the Chaos Gas and immediately left the seabed with Shui San.The three eighth-level sea beasts were not the only ones who knew that the Chaos Stone was here.

Xu Miao wanted to leave before other high-level sea beasts arrived.Seeing the blue sky and white clouds again, I feel very comfortable.The blood is still staring at the chaotic gas, just wanting to swallow it.

Xu Miao even heard the voice from the chaotic gas again crying: "I told you to take away the Chaos Stone, why don't you let this drop of blood go away!"

Xu Miao ignored the chaotic gas, but asked Xiaotian: "According to the speed at which the Condensing Fog Sword absorbs the unconscious chaotic gas in the Chaos Stone, how long will it take to absorb it completely?"

Xiaotian said that it will take at least one year, and it cannot be interrupted halfway, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted and you will have to start all over again.Xu Miao rubbed her chin, thinking about the time given by Xiaotian.

One year, as his natal magic weapon, it is very difficult not to use it for a year, unless he finds a place to retreat and guarantees that he will not use it for a year.

"If the release speed of the chaotic gas can be faster, the time will be shortened accordingly. Of course, it will take half a year at the shortest time. After all, the tolerance of the fog sword to the chaotic gas is limited."

With a general idea of ​​time, Xu Miao directly transmitted the voice into the chaotic gas, saying: "Speed ​​up the speed at which the chaotic stone releases the chaotic gas. After half a year, I will make the blood no longer threaten you, and even allow you to regain your blood." free."

"Speed ​​up, I'll be very tired." Chaos Gas complained.

Xu Miao didn't argue with the chaotic gas, and directly let the blood press against the chaotic gas.As soon as Chaos Gas saw the blood approaching, he agreed: "Speed ​​up, speed up, I'll let the Chaos Stone release faster, don't let the blood get so close to me!"

Xu Miao nodded in satisfaction, and let the blood slowly retreat some positions.With the guarantee of refined chaotic gas, the speed of absorbing unconscious chaotic gas by the Mist Sword has more than doubled.

According to this speed, it may not take half a year to fully absorb it.Xu Miao's figure appeared on the sea. He looked around and couldn't even find the direction of the seaside city.

Xu Miao took out a map of the East China Sea that Zhang Yu had given him before. It recorded only the content of the near sea, and there was no record of the geographical conditions further away.

It is impossible to judge the specific location, if you fly rashly, you may get into trouble with difficult guys.Now that the Fog Condensing Sword was absorbing the chaotic gas, Xu Miao didn't want to use such a conspicuous magic weapon as the Nirvana Sword.

Therefore, he randomly found a desolate island that was not inhabited by sea beasts nearby, and set up a defensive formation, waiting for the fog sword to absorb it.Originally Xu Miao wanted to identify the location of the west according to the stars in the sky.

But when he looked up at the stars, he found that the stars in the east land were completely different from those in the west land, and the characteristics of the stars in the past could not be used in the east land at all.

In desperation, his daily task, apart from waiting for the Fog Condensing Sword, was to detect the surroundings, looking for traces of passing monks.

Half a year has passed in a flash, and the absorption of the chaotic gas by the fog sword has reached saturation.When Xu Miao swung his sword, he could even feel the vast aura of ancient times.

This kind of aura is brought by the chaotic gas, and the sword moves contain the chaotic gas, which can gain an advantage in the competition of spiritual power.As for other specific advantages, Xu Miao needs to test it himself to know.

The refined chaotic gas met the conditions Xu Miao set out, so Xu Miao naturally had to fulfill the promise.He spread his palm, and the Chaos Stone was taken out from the Hunting Stone.

He transmitted the chaotic gas and said: "The Chaos Stone is here, you can leave my body and go wherever you want with the Chaos Stone, I will never stop you."

The chaotic gas seemed to have just woken up, and the tone was still vague: "Where are you going, I won't go anywhere." Xu Miao suddenly felt helpless when she heard this.

He let the blood directly press against the chaotic gas, and the chaotic gas, which was in a drowsy sleep, woke up immediately as if someone had stepped on its tail, and said aggrievedly: "I have accelerated the release of gas, why are you scaring people with blood. "

Xu Miao shook her head amusedly: "I have collected all the chaotic gas, you can leave now."

"I won't go! Follow you to eat delicious food..." Chaos gas babbled for a long time, Xu Miao concluded that the other party didn't want to leave, so she had to follow Xu Miao.

He has never seen a treasure of heaven and earth with such a temperament that he insists on following humans.Anyway, it was delivered to the door, so don't want it for nothing, Xu Miao thought so, and put the Chaos Stone back into the Hunting Stone.

At the same time, let the chaotic gas leave the body, and enter the Chaos Stone together with the Chaos Stone.Just after Xu Miao solved the Chaos Stone, he found two people riding the light and approaching the island where Xu Miao was.

The people who came were a man and a woman, who seemed to be a Taoist couple.Xu Miao stood there calmly, watching the two approaching in embarrassment.

When the female cultivator saw Xu Miao, she was overjoyed and said loudly, "Fellow Daoist, help! The sea beasts behind are chasing after me and my husband, please help me, fellow Daoist!"

Xu Miao half-closed her eyes and saw the sea beasts behind the two of them, which were a group of sixth-level sea beasts.These two people are both at the early stage of Jindan, and they don't know how to provoke so many sixth-level sea beasts.

And looking at these sea beasts, they all look similar, and they are obviously sea beasts of the same ethnic group. This pair of Taoist couples probably destroyed each other's lair.

Xu Miao is not a helpful person, there is no benefit, and it is not his style to get into a big trouble for nothing.Xu Miao turned her head and wanted to leave, but she didn't expect the nun to speed up and block Xu Miao's way.

"Fellow Taoist, please help us because we are all human monks!" The nun's eyes flashed, she still looked pitiful, if it fell into the eyes of others, It is really pitiful.

But she can only work hard for Xu Miao.Xu Miao snorted coldly and said, "Human monks? There are too many fights between human monks, why should I help you?"

At this time, when the female cultivator heard the screams of her Taoist companion, her face changed, and she threw out a long whip, clearly intending to trap Xu Miao, and then throw Xu Miao into the group of sea beasts to resist the pursuit of sea beasts.

The female cultivator in front of her was not very strong, but she had a lot of eyes. Xu Miao didn't even bother to pull out the fog-condensing sword, so she moved directly behind the female cultivator, and pushed the female cultivator into the group of sea beasts in one chapter.

The female cultivator screamed, and flicked the long whip vigorously, and with the reaction force of the long whip, retreated to the male cultivator's side.A man and a woman looked at Xu Miao unkindly, and they all wanted to attack Xu Miao, but they couldn't do it because of the sea beasts behind them.

The two looked at each other, and this time it was the male cultivator who attacked Xu Miao.The two of them just took a fancy to Xu Miao, who was also at the early stage of Jindan, and was still alone. As long as they dragged on for a while, they could distract the attention of the sea beasts to Xu Miao.

Shui San was sent out by Xu Miao to investigate the surrounding situation, so he was the only one on the island.In the eyes of this couple of monks and Taoists, they seem to be alone and alone, and it is best to bully them.

Not to mention a pair of Taoist couples, but another pair. With this level of strength, Xu Miao can kill them all with one blow, without the help of Shui San.Xu Miao has no grievances or enmities with her, but she will be dragged into the water by the other party.

How could Xu Miao let the two of them succeed? There was a dark tide in his eyes, and a cruel smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.He stretched out his right hand, and the Fog Condensing Sword appeared in his hand instantly.

Xu Miao held the Ningwu sword, and raised her hand to perform a move of Liuying swordsmanship. The sword intent and the energy of chaos merged together, hitting the male cultivator with unstoppable force.

The male shave's face sank like water. He didn't expect that the delicate-looking monk in front of him would be so powerful, and he was wounded with just one sword strike.To make matters worse, Xu Miao left the wound on his body, and the sword intent attached to the wound continued to aggravate the wound.

When the female cultivator saw that the male cultivator was injured, she lifted the long whip and was about to throw it out, but the male cultivator stopped him with his hand: "Friend Daoist is very powerful, I was the one who was reckless."

Xu Miao looked at the two of them coldly and didn't reply.

(End of this chapter)

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