265 Escort

"I've heard a lot of things about thank you very much recently, but the final thank you didn't come to me." Xu Miao lightly threw this sentence at the elder.

The elder looked at Xu Miao deeply, and Xu Miao looked at him indifferently, as if the person in front of him was not a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator, but an early-stage cultivator of the same level as him.

The two of them stared at each other for more than a cup of tea. Under the gaze of a middle-stage monk, an ordinary early-stage Golden Core cultivator would have been embarrassed and defeated.

And Xu Miao has a relaxed posture from the beginning to the end, without the slightest reluctance.Although this has something to do with the injury of the elders, it has more to do with Xu Miao's own strong strength!

The elder nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Old man Kong Gengze, this is my granddaughter Kong Ruier. When she went out to hunt sea beasts this time, she was betrayed by her companions, and she barely survived until now."

"This old man is just a humble life. If he dies, he will die. But Rui'er is still very young, and he only has a cultivation level in the middle stage of foundation establishment. Please bring Rui'er back to the seaside city."

As Kong Gengze said, he took out a key made of unknown material and handed it to Xu Miao.

"This key can open a box hidden in my house. Only Ruier knows where the box is placed. As long as you can bring Ruier back to Seaside City safely, Ruier will hand over the box to you."

"Grandpa, it was left by my parents—" Kong Ruier wanted to stop Kong Gengze's words, but was interrupted by Kong Gengze's stern eyes.

Xu Miao pondered for a moment, then said: "I want to know more, how strong are the people who betrayed you, and why did they betray you?"

Kong Gengze showed appreciation when he heard Xu Miao's question.The monk in front of him didn't rush to agree, and asked about the box, including what was in the box, but asked about key information.

He even believed that this monk at the early stage of Jindan would protect his granddaughter and return to the seaside city.

"Their cultivation bases are all in the mid-stage Golden Core, and there are three of them in total. As for the dispute, it's not because of the box left by Rui'er's parents."

"Presumably you can also hear that Rui'er can't keep that box with her own strength. Instead of being taken away by those three people, it's better to give it to you."

"I have no other request, I just hope that Rui'er can survive, that's all." Kong Gengze talked too much in one breath, consumed too much energy, and coughed continuously.

Kong Rui'er's eyes were filled with tears, she reached out and patted Kong Gengze's back: "Grandpa, Rui'er don't leave you!
The expression of a monk in the Foundation Establishment period cannot be hidden from the Jindan monk.Xu Miao glanced over and knew that the worry on Kong Rui'er's face could not be faked.

Kong Gengze sternly said: "Stupid! Why are you following me, an old man who is dying!" Kong Ruier was frightened by Kong Gengze's words, but she still looked at Kong Gengze stubbornly.

"Old man Kong, you are not dead yet. You are really lucky. I feel so sorry for your flowery granddaughter!" The voice quickly approached from a distance with a flash of light.

When Kong Ruier heard this voice, her complexion changed drastically, she took out a string of bells, her whole body was agitated with spiritual energy, ready to fight.Xu Miao could tell just by the power brought by his voice that the other party was a monk in the mid-stage Golden Core.

Comparing Kong Rui'er's cultivation base in the middle stage of foundation establishment is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.Xu Miao stepped forward and stood in front of Kong Ruier, keeping the girl behind her.

Seeing this situation, Kong Gengze secretly heaved a sigh of relief.Soon, he forced himself up, flew into the air, and said in a deep voice: "Yu Xiaoyou, I will entrust Ruier to you, and I will stop this person as much as possible for you."

"For the rest, please leave everything!" Kong Gengze wrestled with the visitor as soon as he finished speaking.

"Old man Kong, you are just stubborn, give me that box, and marry your granddaughter to me, and we can kiss each other, what a wonderful thing, but I'm dead-brained, I don't agree, now I'm going to die, it's too early Know why today is the beginning."

Hearing these words, Kong Gengze struck even harder: "You're dreaming! Even if I die, I won't let you take Rui'er away!"

Xu Miao asked Shui San to take Kong Rui'er and leave first, and he came to check the situation later.However, Kong Rui'er was unwilling in every possible way and insisted on looking at Kong Gengze, so Xu Miao could only nod in agreement.

Kong Gengze's injury was too serious, and he has been at a disadvantage since the fight.Xu Miao pulled out the fog-condensing sword and blocked the fatal move for Kong Gengze.

When the visitor saw Xu Miao who appeared suddenly, he gave a little surprise and said, "Old Kong, you are so stupid that you rushed to the doctor in such a hurry, even a kid in the early stage of Jindan would dare to come here."

Xu Miao didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, and made the other party shut up with a move without a wall.Seeing Xu Miao's strength, Kong Gengze felt more at ease.

Kong Gengze's spiritual power was exhausted, but he still persisted. He had to wait for the remaining two people to appear before making the final blow.To Kong Gengze's surprise, three more Golden Core cultivators came, including a late Golden Core cultivator!

Kong Gengze's already ashen face looked even more haggard.When Xu Miao saw the monks in the late stage of Jindan, his expression was not good.He can face up to two mid-stage Jindan monks at most, but he can only maintain a state of circling, unable to defeat them.

Now there are monks in the later stage of Jindan, it is difficult for him to protect Kong Rui'er's safety under such circumstances.Kong Gengze noticed Xu Miao's face, and said via voice transmission: "Yu Xiaoyou, you don't want to go back on what you promised me, do you?"

There was no threat or persecution in Kong Gengze's words, only a deep plea.Xu Miao smiled freely and said, "Don't worry senior, since I promised you, I will never break my promise."

Kong Gengze glanced at Xu Miao, then turned his head to look at Kong Rui'er for the last time, and threw himself at the late Golden Core cultivator with the highest cultivation level, wanting to blew himself up.

Only by relying on the self-detonation power of the golden core, can the footsteps of the later cultivators be stopped and Kong Ruier win the chance to escape.Xu Miao didn't expect Kong Gengze to be so decisive, he had no time to stop, Kong Gengze exploded into pieces in the air.

"Grandpa—" Kong Ruier screamed.

Xu Miao turned around and grabbed Kong Rui'er, then asked Shui San to temporarily stop the two middle-stage Jindan monks, and finally meet up in the seaside city.Xu Miao herself took the wings of the sky, and when she spread her wings, she fled away like lightning.

The late Jindan monks also did not expect that Kong Gengze would explode himself to stop him. After he finished dealing with the aftermath of Kong Gengze's explosion, he found that Xu Miao was nowhere to be seen.

After Shui San successfully stopped the two monks in the middle stage of Golden Core, he also chose a direction to flee away.The late Jindan cultivator became furious, and slapped it hard with his palm, causing the sea to stir up thousands of layers of waves, which alarmed many sea beasts.

These sea beasts knew that it was the late Jindan cultivators on the surface of the sea, and they hid quietly on the bottom of the sea one by one, not daring to show their faces.

"Ho Bi, Priest of Huo Sickle, is so angry, that girl and that early kid, they can't run away." A mid-stage cultivator showed a sinister smile.

Daoist Huosiam is the monk in the late stage of Jindan, and he was puzzled when he heard this: "Oh? How do you say it?"

"I've put the swallowtail powder on that girl for a long time. With my swallowtail here, why don't you worry about not finding that girl?"

The anger on Daoist Huo Lian's face was wiped away, and he showed a smile: "That's right, it's really hard, let's release the swallowtail soon and find that girl. That old man Kong Gengze has no skills himself, but the granddaughter he gave birth to has a very negative physique. It’s a waste to make a furnace.”

A few people smiled obscenely and followed the released swallowtail, turning into a light and leaving.

Kong Lingyi consumes a lot of spiritual power. Xu Miao just flapped his wings a few times and exhausted [-]% of the spiritual power in his body. He had to stop and drink the spiritual source water to replenish the consumption.

This place is not far from the seaside city. According to the flying speed of Kongling Wing, it will take ten days and a half months to fly.He can hold it, but Kong Ruier can't.

He found a small island, put Kong Ruier on the island, let her rest first.It's just that Kong Rui'er had just seen her beloved grandfather pass away, and had undergone major changes, so she had no intention of resting at all, her eyes were wide open, and she looked extremely fragile.

Xu Miao took out a jade bottle of spiritual source water, handed it to Kong Rui'er, and comforted her: "Your grandfather won't want you to go on like this forever. He protected you with his life. You should cherish your own life more."

Kong Ruier's eyes were full of sadness, holding the jade bottle Xu Miao gave her, buried her head between her knees, and sobbed softly.

Xu Miao had never coaxed a girl before, and originally wanted to comfort her, but ended up crying.He had no choice but to arrange a simple defensive warning formation around Kong Rui'er, and walked aside to observe the situation.

I didn't feel it when I seldom used the empty wings before, but this time I used it too many times, and Xu Miao felt the side effects.The arm seemed to have been crippled, and I couldn't even lift it.

Whether it is healing with spiritual power or using elixir, it can't have any effect on the arm.

"Don't look at the Kong Lingyi as a middle-grade Houtian spirit tool, but in fact the Kong Lingyi is most suitable for monks at the late stage of the Golden Core. You have used it so many times with the cultivation base of the early stage of the Golden Core, but the arm is weak, which is already a good result. "Xiaotian told Xu Miao the reason.

He originally thought that Kong Lingyi only had high requirements for spiritual power, but he didn't expect that the requirements for cultivation were also high.According to his current situation, the empty feather wings cannot be used any longer, and he can only fly with the Escaping Light.

If found by those few people, the situation will become very bad.Xu Miao frowned, secretly worried.Before Xu Miao could think of a solution, Taoist Huojian and three mid-stage Jindan monks came to find him according to the instructions given by Swallow Die.

In order to let Kong Ruier vent her sadness, Xu Miao deliberately left her alone.At this time, Xu Miao heard the piercing sound of the warning array arranged.

Something happened to Kong Ruier, so Xu Miao hurried to the place where Kong Ruier was.As soon as he passed by, Xu Miao saw Taoist Huo Lian and three mid-term monks.

They grinned and approached Kong Ruier, but Kong Ruier bravely took out the magic weapon and confronted them.

(End of this chapter)

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