Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 266 Leaping Levels 1 Battle 3

Chapter 266
If Kong Rui'er had Xu Miao's strength against Jin Dan, she would have a chance to escape, but she didn't.When Kong Rui'er confronted the four of them, it was like a mayfly shaking a tree.

"Rui'er, right? You look so upright and well-groomed. You still follow me, Taoist Huoyam. Don't dare to say anything else. Get a condensed pill to ensure that you can advance to the golden elixir." Taoist Huoyam said Then he approached Kong Rui'er.

Yu Shan, who was instructed by his grandfather, brought himself here, and after setting up the formation, he disappeared.Yu Shan was able to bring her here because he had done his best. If he confronts a monk in the late and mid-stage Golden Core, that person will not end well.

Kong Rui'er had the thought of mortal death, and a bunch of random thoughts flashed through her mind.The bell in her hand suddenly became bigger. This is her talisman - the golden bell, which was forged by her grandfather with great painstaking efforts.

Today I can only go to die with her, Kong Rui'er's eyes flashed a trace of pity, but it quickly turned into determination.The golden bell rang loudly, and the magic weapon was full of spiritual power.

She knew that no matter how strong Jinling was, she couldn't stand up to the Huojian Taoist in the late Jindan period.Once she falls into the hands of Taoist Huosiam, her life will be worse than death.Rather than being tortured by Taoist Huosiam, it is better to blew himself up and died now.

"Want to die? To commit suicide in front of me is so whimsical!" Taoist Huo Lian snorted coldly, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Kong Rui'er.

Suddenly, a fierce sword move came from the other side, attacking with a frightening sword intent and a vast aura.Xu Miao flew over after receiving the warning from the formation.

Fortunately, Kong Ruier didn't blow himself up, otherwise he would have no face to face Kong Gengze.

Taoist Huojian discovered the sword move, even though he withdrew his hand, he was still scratched by the lingering sword intent on the back of his hand, bleeding profusely.

"Boy! Heroes saving beauty are all stories in story books. There are no such good things in real life! If you are sensible, get out of here immediately!" Taoist Huosi raised his other hand to caress the scar on the back of his hand, but found that the scar could not heal.

His brows immediately twisted into a word: "Sure enough, you have some skills. I am very interested in your swordsmanship. Hurry up and offer it with both hands, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood!"

Xu Miao didn't even look at her. He walked up to Kong Rui'er and said in a gentle voice, "No matter what happens in the future, don't try to solve the problem with death. It will only hurt the loved ones and make the enemies quicker."

When Kong Ruier saw Xu Miao who suddenly appeared like a god, her beautiful eyes were full of tears and her lips trembled.It turned out that he didn't abandon himself, it turned out that he was willing to fight Taoist Huosiam and the others for himself.

It's just that Kong Rui'er was wrong, Xu Miao would help her, not for Kong Rui'er, but for the box that Kong Gengze promised him.It must be a good thing to make the middle-stage Golden Core and even the late-stage Golden Core monks interested, no matter how much or how little.

After all, Kong Rui'er saw the deal he made with Kong Gengze with his own eyes, so he naturally thought that Kong Rui'er knew about it, so he didn't say much, turned around holding the sword, and faced Taoist Huo Lian.

Due to the excessive use of the empty feathers, Xu Miao's arms can only be kept drooping to minimize the burden on the body.Standing in front of Kong Rui'er, he was tall and tall, and the temperament of his body alone was not comparable to Taoist Huo Lian.

Taoist Huojian couldn't help being furious when he saw that Xu Miao had ignored him from making moves to standing opposite him.A small Jindan early-stage monk dared to go crazy in front of him.

"Boy, since you don't listen to the advice, don't blame me for being merciless!" Taoist Huosiam's sinister voice sounded.

Xu Miao sneered, with a face full of sarcasm: "Advice? Your attitude can also be called advice? Who enlightened you? Is it the butcher next door to your house?"

"Zhuzi is arrogant!" Before Taoist Huoxian could speak, a black-clothed monk standing on the left side of Taoist Huosickle scolded, and with his hands into claws, he rushed towards Xu Miao.

Xu Miao raised the sword, gathering the sword force with the palm of the hand inward, and the tip of the fog-condensing sword pointed directly at the palm of the black-shirted monk.The black-clothed monk grasped the fog-condensing sword with both hands at the same time, trying to break the fog-condensed sword.

The black-shirted monk has no talisman, and his hands are his best weapons, which are always beneficial.He can even grab the magic weapon of a monk of the same level with his bare hands, not to mention that the one in front of him is only a monk at the early stage of Jindan.

However, when the black-clothed monk's hand was just close to the Mist Condensation Sword, the sword intent of the Mist Concentration Sword ravaged his hands, leaving deep and shallow sword wounds.

The black-shirted monk frowned, his bony hands were slightly retracted from his side, and he grabbed the fog sword again.How could Xu Miao allow him to succeed, the water spirit force frantically poured into the Wu Ning Sword, and the temperature around the Wu Ning Sword dropped a lot.

The coldness of the fog-condensing sword invaded the hands of monk Heishan, making it impossible for the opponent to get close to the fog-condensing sword.The Taoist robe on Xu Miao's body fluttered, and the sword pointed at the monk Heishan, looking sacred and inviolable.

Another middle-aged male cultivator saw that the black-shirted monk hadn't taken Xu Miao down for a long time, and couldn't help but sneered: "Old Hei, when did your strength drop to this level? You can't even do an early stage one. It's embarrassing." .”

Hearing this, the black-shirted monk was furious: "I was just trying to test that kid. When I capture him, I must teach him a lesson!" After speaking, the black-shirted monk suddenly disappeared before Xu Miao's eyes.

"Old Black is playing this trick again, really bullying children, hahaha!" Xu Miao looked coldly at the speaker, who was a short monk.

The little monk saw Xu Miao's eyes, and for some reason, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if the person looking at him was not an early-stage monk with a weaker cultivation base than himself, but a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

He was so surprised that he rubbed his eyes, and when he looked at Xu Miao again, Xu Miao had already moved his eyes away.At this moment, Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness has been completely dissipated. The black-shirted monk thinks that the strength of his spiritual consciousness is also higher than his own because of his higher level of cultivation.

There was a cruel smile on the corner of Xu Miao's mouth, it wasn't his bragging, he really didn't pay attention to a monk of Lao Hei's level.Xu Miao, who had been standing still, with her head half down, was silent and silent.

Suddenly, Xu Miao moved. He raised the fog-condensing sword and stabbed it from an unexpected direction. The sound of "pu" was the sound of the fog-condensing sword piercing through the opponent's body.

Xu Miao looked up and saw the unbelievable eyes of the monk in black.The other party opened his eyes wide, looking at Xu Miao, then lowered his head stiffly, looking at the Ningwu Sword piercing through his body.

Wind spirit power and water spirit power entered into the fog condensing sword at the same time. Xu Miao wanted to take this opportunity to abolish this black-shirted monk so that he could not become an effective combat power.

The cold wind entered the body, and the black-shirted monk's eyebrows and hair immediately formed a thick layer of hoarfrost.He felt a bone-piercing cold. He wanted to back up and pull out the Mist Condensation Sword from his body, but he was frozen by the cold and could not move.

Also stunned were the middle-aged monk and the short monk. The two of them looked at each other, put away the indifference in their hearts, and shot at the same time, jumped behind Xu Miao, about to attack from behind.

Xu Miao didn't turn around, but supported Fu Yu's helmet with her backhand, perfectly blocking the two attacks from Fu Yu's helmet.The spiritual power pouring into the Wu Ningjian from his right hand did not stop, and the sword intent continued to grow.

Under the double attack of sword intent and spiritual power, the black-shirted monk's face became more and more ugly, and his breath became weaker and weaker.Whether it is a short monk or a middle-aged monk, they all have a life-threatening friendship with the black-shirted monk. They cannot watch Xu Miao kill the black-shirted monk.

As the spiritual power of the two continued to grow, cracks inevitably began to appear in Fu Yu's helmet.Xu Miao was under tremendous pressure, and at the same time facing the mid-stage Sanming Jindan cultivator, the spiritual power in her body seemed to flow without money.For Jindan early stage, it is an impossible task.

The island here is desolate, and even the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth is very thin. Xu Miao can't absorb the spiritual energy from the heaven and the earth to supplement her own spiritual power consumption.

He had to get rid of the black shirt before he could free up one hand to take the Lingyuan water.A fierce flash flashed in Xu Miao's eyes, the golden core in the dantian spun wildly, and the blue sea directly turned outward.

The Jindan cultivators here are also well-informed, but when they saw the blue sea, their faces showed fearful expressions.Of course they know that Jindan monks can externalize objects and directly use objects to fight against the enemy.

However, monks at the early stage of Golden Core can only externalize the simplest object, and it cannot produce an effect on the enemy. Even those disciples of famous schools, very few people can use objects to fight against the enemy at the early stage of Golden Core.

But the people in front of them completely overturned their previous cognition. The blue sea under Xu Miao's feet was just a wave that rolled up the monk in black.The black-shirted monk was first attacked by the fog-condensing sword, and then attacked by the sword's intent. He was almost unable to hold on.

Now being attacked by Xu Miao's dantian object, he completely lost the strength to resist, fell down, and Bihai disappeared instantly.The spiritual power has been exhausted to the limit, so Xu Miao seized the opportunity to take out the spiritual source and drink it with water.

In just a split second, the person whose spiritual power was almost exhausted just now regained his spiritual power.The short monks and middle-aged monks knew that at this time, they couldn't use common sense to look at the Jindan early-stage monk in front of them.

When Xu Miao's spiritual power was fully recovered, she quickly backed away and returned to Taoist Huosiam.They all have a common thought, no matter how strong Xu Miao is, it is impossible to be stronger than the Huojian Taoist in the late Jindan stage.

As long as the two of them join forces with Taoist Huojian, He Chou can't kill Xu Miao who is in the way, and then get Kong Rui'er...

Xu Miao turned around, ignored the two middle-stage Jindan monks beside Taoist Huoxian, but looked directly at Taoist Huoxian.Taoist Huo Lian is more interested in Xu Miao than Kong Rui'er.

A person with this kind of strength must not be an unknown person, but is very likely to be a disciple of some great sect.Although Taoist Huosiam is a casual cultivator, he has also heard of some Jindan cultivators who are now in the limelight.

Among those Jindan cultivators, there was no one named Yu Shan in front of him. He directly regarded Xu Miao as a disciple of Zhonglu's sect, and came here to travel and encountered this matter.

The cultivators in Zhonglu have more cultivation resources than Donglu, and there are many good things.

(End of this chapter)

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