Chapter 267
As long as he is captured and restrained, first search for his items, and then search for his soul.Although the sect set up restrictions in the sea of ​​knowledge of the disciples to prevent them from revealing the sect's important skills when they were defeated and searched for their souls.

But at least some information can be obtained from Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness. Thinking of this, Taoist Huojian's heart is burning.Xu Miao looked at Taoist Huojian inexplicably, as if looking at a piece of fat.

He didn't know about Huo Lian Taoist's brain power, but he intuitively felt that Huo Lian Taoist's killing intent was constantly increasing.Xu Miao clenched the fog-condensing sword in her hand, before the sword move was made, the sword intent was completed.

Taoist Huosiam noticed the Mist Condensing Sword, he was not like the uninformed black-shirted monk.This sword alone is worth a lot of money, and looking at the appearance of Ningwu Sword full of sword intent, it is definitely a rare and good magic weapon.

Because the Fog Condensing Sword is too dazzling, Taoist Huosiam attributed the reason why the Fog Condensing Sword can produce sword intent to the Fog Condensing Sword itself.Daoist Huojian is fine with other things in his life, which are dispensable, but for high-quality magic weapons, he must get them.

He raised his hand and took out a sickle, above which a hot flame was constantly burning.Taoist Huojian loved the magic weapon so much that he took the name of the magic weapon of his own life as his Taoist name.

The sickle in the hands of Taoist Huosiam is very huge, standing on the ground, it is taller than a person.The blade on the top of the sickle is made of unknown material, and it can continue to burn flames.

"Boy, hand over the magic weapon in your hand, and tell me the exercises you have practiced. I will never embarrass you. I may also consider taking you as a disciple and let you worship under my sect."

"You are not ashamed, all you ask for are magic weapons and exercises, and you still want me to worship you as your teacher in a foolish way. Is your brain flooded or burned by the fire of your sickle?"

Taoist Huosiam's complexion sank, and he turned the sickle in his hand.In Xu Miao's eyes, the sickle was very heavy, but Taoist Huojian could easily turn it in his hand.

Although the brain of this Taoist Huosiam is not good, his strength should not be underestimated.Xu Miao raised her sword to meet him, and fought with Taoist Huosiam.

When Xu Miao was fighting the black-shirted monk, Taoist Huosi didn't do anything, but just watched.But when Xu Miao and Taoist Huo Lian were fighting, the short monk and the middle-aged male cultivator took the opportunity to pounce on Kong Rui'er.

How could Kong Rui'er be the opponent of the two mid-stage Golden Core monks? She stood there in a panic, holding the golden bell tightly in her hand, and launched a few innocuous attacks.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness has been paying attention to Kong Rui'er, and found that when the two monks made a move, their spiritual power was wanton in their hands, and they slashed at Taoist Huo Sickle with a sword. Short monks and middle-aged monks.

The worst-case scenario came true. Xu Miao had to face a late Golden Core monk, two mid-Gold Core monks, and protect a middle-stage Foundation Establishment monk at the same time.

Xu Miao had to go all out just to face Taoist Huosiam.Now there are other situations, Xu Miao is completely powerless.Except for the sky-hunting stone, he has no storage magic weapon that can accommodate human monks.

Once he takes the risk of sending Kong Ruier to the Hunting Stone, he must kill all three people in front of him.Otherwise, the matter of his space magic weapon will be leaked out.

The magic weapon of space is many levels higher than the magic weapon of storage, and it is the magic weapon that monks dream of.If the wind leaks out, it is likely that not only the Golden Core cultivator, but also the Nascent Soul cultivator will be chasing and killing him.

Xu Miao couldn't take this risk, the thought of moving Kong Rui'er into the Hunting Stone flashed by.He stood in front of Kong Ruier, retreating while fighting.

Except for Taoist Huosiam who came straight at him, the attacks of the other two mid-stage monks fell on Kong Ruier, and Xu Miao was almost dizzy in a hurry.

He can only externalize the objects, and the objects in the dantian reappear.The water curtain formed by the blue sea blocked the three of them, slowing down their progress.

Suddenly, two rays of light flew from a distance at the same time, and quickly landed on the island where Xu Miao and others were.Xu Miao noticed two female cultivators out of the corner of her eye, one in red and the other in green.

The female cultivator in red wears heavy makeup and is extremely enchanting. The female cultivator in Tsing Yi puts on a little makeup, which is elegant and dusty, with one red and one blue, and the contrast is obvious.Xu Miao didn't care about their looks or makeup, only cared about their cultivation.

Like Taoist Huosiam, they are all at the late stage of Jindan.There are three Golden Core Late Stages and two Golden Core Middle Stages. Xu Miao also brings a mid-Foundation Establishment cultivator with him, so he can't compete with him at all.

"Huo Lian, you are a late-Golden Core Renlian and two mid-Golden Cores, bullying an early-stage monk, you are becoming more and more heroic." The female cultivator in red swung her waist and walked to Huo Lian.

Taoist Huojian saw the two female cultivators, and a hint of impatience flashed across his face: "It's so nice to say, you came here just to take advantage of the fire."


Xu Miao watched the two quarrel, he grabbed Kong Ruier's hand, and stepped back cautiously.Taoist Huojian seems to be at odds with each other, but in fact they are very familiar with each other. The final result must be the cooperation of the three late Jindan monks.

The woman in red suddenly turned around, flung her hair enchantingly, and said: "The little guy at the early stage of Jindan, that fire scythe is very rude, please follow my sister, she will definitely treat you well and let you be the first servant, how about it?" ?”

Shijun is an existence similar to a maid in the realm of comprehension.Some female cultivators with special hobbies will look for male cultivators with outstanding looks everywhere to be their servants, just like the servants in the mortal world.

Xu Miao raised her eyes to look at the woman in red, her eyes were full of dark tides, and no one had ever dared to say to him, accepting him as a servant: "Servant? It's a pity, you are so ugly, I really can't let go mouth."

Women hate people who dislike their looks the most, even female cultivators in the cultivation world are no exception.When the woman in red heard Xu Miao's undisguised mockery of her, she immediately became furious, and raised her hand to shoot dozens of needles.

Xu Miao quickly swung the fog-condensing sword, the fog-condensing sword collided with the golden needles and made a crisp sound, and then knocked the overwhelming golden needles to the ground one by one.

The female cultivator in red moved her figure and got close to Xu Miao, ready to use money to kill Xu Miao.Xu Miao performed Yunlong Yue, deftly avoiding the golden needle between the fingers of the woman in red.

"I said you were too ugly to get close to you, but you still have the audacity to post it—" Xu Miao didn't finish her sentence, but his meaning had already been conveyed.

Xu Miao had to wait for the female cultivator in red to show her flaws in her rage, and that would be the time for him to fight back, otherwise he could only keep dodging to protect Kong Ruier from being affected.

The female cultivator in red was satirized by Xu Miao again and again, and could no longer suppress the anger in her heart, and accidentally revealed a flaw when she stabbed a golden needle.

This flaw is very concealed, if not for Xu Miao's strong spiritual sense, she would not have discovered this flaw at all.The moment the flaw appeared, the Ningwu Sword stabbed out, pointing directly at the flaw of the female cultivator in red.

The female cultivator in Tsing Yi and the female cultivator in red are twin girls. Seeing that the female cultivator in red was found by Xu Miao, she planned to stop Xu Miao.The female cultivator in Tsing Yi lightly moved her lotus steps, and when she was about to intercept successfully, the tip of the Mist Sword had already pierced that flaw.

With this sword, Xu Miao did not show any mercy, and pierced with all her strength. The sharp sword intent and vast chaotic gas all poured into the body of the female cultivator in red.

The female cultivator in red suddenly lost all her strength, she could only let out a painful scream, and leaned softly on the female cultivator in blue.The female nun in Tsing Yi didn't have the slightest expression on her face, she looked at Xu Miao without blinking.

"If you look any further, your eyes will become cross-eyed." Xu Miao didn't stop mocking the female cultivator at all. Such a femme fatale is really not worth talking to.

A layer of red appeared on the jade-like face of the nun in Tsing Yi. She placed the nun in red next to a stone, and moved in front of Xu Miao in an instant with strange steps.

Xu Miao has already discovered that this woman in Tsing Yi has a wind spirit root, otherwise she would not have such a swift movement.It's just fast. Could it be that the young master is slower than you?

The wind energy quickly poured into both feet, and moved in front of the opponent at a speed no less than that of the female cultivator in Tsing Yi.The female cultivator in Tsing Yi saw Xu Miao's externalized image before, and thought he was a monk with water spirit root, but she didn't expect that he still had wind spirit root in her body.

Biting her lower lip lightly, it was because she underestimated this early Golden Core cultivator.But when she and her sister came here, they were ordered by their master to take Kong Rui'er away, so as to obtain the box left by Kong Rui'er's parents.

The female cultivator in Tsing Yi quickly made a tactic with both hands, and two wind blades appeared in her hands.Cultivators with wind spirit roots usually choose long-distance combat, but this female cultivator in front of her unexpectedly chose melee combat.

Xu Miao's horizontal sword blocked the wind blade of the female cultivator in Tsing Yi, but the angle of the wind blade was too tricky, sometimes from above, sometimes from below, in all directions, where the wind blade could appear.

Compared with the wind blade that can condense out and disappear at any time, Xu Miao's fog condensing sword is not so flexible.The female cultivator in Tsing Yi also knew this. She used her advantages in cultivation and the characteristics of the wind blade to keep suppressing Xu Miao.

Xu Miao was always on the defensive. The person in front of her was a late Jindan, and behind her was a Huosi Taoist with intact combat power. Xu Miao would not fight to the death with the female cultivator in Tsing Yi for a moment.

That's not Xu Miao's fighting style. It's more in line with Xu Miao to get the most benefit with the least effort.He chose to defend because he wanted to find the wind blade's flaws.

He didn't believe that the female cultivator in Tsing Yi could still maintain a complete reserve of spiritual power by continuously condensing the wind blade.As long as the wind blade of the female cultivator in Tsing Yi slows down for half a moment when it condenses, he will seize the opportunity.

Sure enough, at this moment, Xu Miao did not wait too long.Using the wind blade consumes a huge amount of spiritual power, and even the thickness of the spiritual power in the later stage of Jindan cannot support it for a long time.

When the wind blade stabbed Xu Miao's chest, it did not appear in time.

(End of this chapter)

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