Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 268 Kill Tsing Yi

Chapter 268 Kill Tsing Yi
Xu Miao turned sideways and grabbed the wrist of the nun in Tsing Yi.The Ningwu Sword was sticking to the female cultivator's men, and pointed towards the female cultivator's dantian.Xu Miao has never bothered with gorgeous moves when he starts a move, and his request has always been to be quick, precise and ruthless.

Use whichever move can solve the opponent the fastest.Wherever you attack the opponent, you will attack where you can cause the most damage to the opponent.

As for those situations where you give me a sword and I give you a sword, it doesn't exist in Xu Miao's case.When the opponent gave a sword, it is natural to return it with ten thousand swords. Those who are moral are often the fastest to die.

The female cultivator in Tsing Yi did not expect Xu Miao's sword to be so fierce, hitting her dantian directly.Her complexion changed drastically, and she waved her hand to transform into a wind blade, slashing at the fog sword, trying to change the attack route of the fog sword.

Xu Miao ambiguously touched the female cultivator's wrist in a very rogue manner, which made the female cultivator in Tsing Yi's face flush.Xu Miao's move made the wind blade of the female cultivator in Tsing Yi powerless, and she could only watch helplessly as the Ningwu Sword pierced into her dantian unstoppably.

After all, the nun in Tsing Yi is a late-stage Golden Core cultivator. She has been immersed in the Golden Core Stage for a long enough time and knows how to use mana to have the most effect on herself.

A wind shield suddenly appeared in front of the Wu Ning Sword, blocking the attack of the Wu Ning Sword.Seeing that it was impossible to attack the dantian, Xu Miao decisively turned back the sword and turned to the side, cutting off the sleeve of the right hand sleeve of the nun in Tsing Yi, leaving a deep sword wound with bone visible.

The sword wounds caused by the fog-condensing sword will leave sword intent, causing continuous damage to the wounded.The white jade-like arms of the female cultivator in Tsing Yi were exposed in front of everyone, and the blood from the wound on her shoulder made her skin whiter.

Xu Miao had already pushed away some distance, rubbed her chin, and made a false comment: "Oh, this skin feels like silk and satin, which is fascinating."

The female cultivator in Tsing Yi was furious, but there was no extra clothes in the storage bracelet, which could cover her exposed arms and block the lewd eyes of these men.

She could see clearly that among the four male cultivators here, except for Xu Miao who was pretending, the desire in the eyes of the other three was too obvious and did not hide it.

With frost in his eyes, he said, "I'll dig out your eyeballs again!"

The two middle-stage Jindan male cultivators heard the threat from the late-stage cultivators, so naturally they didn't dare to look directly at them.Xu Miao didn't care, it was his torn clothes, if he dared to tear them then, he dared to look at them now.

"You are shameless!" Although the cultivation world does not have such strict defenses between men and women as in the mortal world, except for those female cultivators who specialize in dual cultivation techniques, other female cultivators will not let outsiders see their bodies easily.

"I'm shameless? Are you not shameless when you bully an old man who is dying and his granddaughter because of your advanced cultivation and the large number of people?"

"Isn't it shameless to keep chasing and killing the woman's life that the old man bought with his life?"

"Obviously I have reached the extreme level of shamelessness, but I still accuse others of being shameless. Who the hell is shameless!" Xu Miao said coldly, changing her lewd expression just now.

He has no interest in the female cultivator in Tsing Yi, and the expression he showed just now was just to make the female cultivator in Tsing Yi look ugly.

Everyone was speechless for a moment, Kong Ruier looked at Xu Miao with bright eyes, and her heart was full of admiration.

"You—" the female cultivator in Tsing Yi pointed at Xu Miao, her fingers trembling with anger, but she couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Xu Miao walked a few steps and said, "What am I? You don't think I'm really overwhelmed by your so-called looks, do you? After seeing you, I might as well sleep with a sow, which is more comfortable to touch."

The female cultivator in Tsing Yi's face was flushed, and she had long since lost her original "fairy" posture.She recklessly transformed into a wind blade and attacked Xu Miao.

People whose brains are occupied by anger will lose their minds, let alone a female cultivator who was ridiculed for her appearance.Xu Miao also compared the other sows, which made the nun in Tsing Yi even more angry.

At this moment, her wind blade lost its original power. Because the female cultivator in Tsing Yi was too angry, which affected the operation of her spiritual power, the light of the wind blade flickered in and out.

Xu Miao slashed at the vulnerable Wind Blade with his horizontal sword. Under the dual effects of chaotic gas and sword intent, the Wind Blade in this state was no match for Xu Miao at all.

At the moment of contact, the wind blade was shattered by the fog sword and dissipated into the air.The female cultivator in Tsing Yi stared at the wind blade disappearing, and was stunned for a moment.

This time period is very short and fleeting.But for Xu Miao, it was enough.It was enough for him to defeat the female cultivator in Tsing Yi, and Yun Longyue used it to the extreme, and he immediately disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Even Taoist Huojian, who had been on the sidelines, couldn't find Xu Miao with his spiritual sense.When the female cultivator in Tsing Yi realized it, Xu Miao's sword had already pierced through the opponent's dantian, turning the inside of the dantian upside down along the way, and there was no possibility of recovery.

The female cultivator in Tsing Yi lowered her head in a daze, and saw the Ningwu Sword crossing from behind, with an expression of disbelief on her face.Her expression has remained unchanged, because she has lost her vitality and has no way to make any more expressions.

Xu Miao drew out the Ningwu Sword neatly, pulled a sword flower in the air, and swung the blood left on the Ningwujian sword to the ground.All the monks present were stunned. A monk at the early stage of Golden Core actually killed a monk at the late stage of Golden Core just like this.

This is simply impossible, and their three views have been subverted.Everyone looked at Xu Miao like a monster. Xu Miao held the sword calmly and looked up at everyone.

The series of moves just now looked very easy to outsiders, but it took Xu Miao a lot of spiritual knowledge to calculate the possible reactions of the nun in Tsing Yi and the countermeasures he should make.

Confronting Jindan in the late stage, Xu Miao dare not relax in the slightest.The use of spiritual power in each move has been accurately calculated, so that no trace of spiritual power will be wasted.

Until Xu Miao killed the female cultivator in Tsing Yi under the sword with the last blow, at this moment he had exhausted the last trace of spiritual power in his dantian.Now he can still stand firmly on the ground, supporting almost with the will of his whole body.

While everyone was in a state of astonishment, Xu Miao quickly took the time to drink the Lingyuan water to restore her spiritual power.

The red-clothed female cultivator was the first to react. She threw herself on the Tsing-clothed female cultivator, continuously channeling her spiritual power, trying to save the Tsing-clothed female cultivator back.

But there are some things that people can't realize.When Xu Miao pulled out the Mist Condensing Sword, she had already confirmed the death of the Tsing Yi female cultivator, and there was no possibility of her surviving.

The female cultivator in red also knew that she was weak, so she glared at Xu Miao angrily.Xu Miao looked back at the other party's eyes indifferently, completely ignoring his anger.

The female cultivator in red didn't know what to think, she stood up slowly, the sadness on her face had all disappeared: "Yu Shan, I will use your life to pay homage to the soul of my sister."

Before she finished speaking, the female cultivator in red raised her hand and shot a large golden needle.There are too many golden needles, and it is impossible to shoot down all of them with the fog sword.Xu Miao performed Yunlong Yue, flexibly dodging in other directions.

At the same time, use the Frozen Sword to block the nearby golden needles.The female cultivator in red saw that she couldn't make a move, so she spread her palms, and a red flag kept rising from her hand, growing bigger.

The disgustingly strong smell of blood immediately spread to the entire island, and even spread to the nearby waters, attracting many sea beasts.The sea beasts that are about to move keep showing up near the island, hoping to eat some human monks.

The coercion of the late Jindan monks spread to the surroundings while the red flag became bigger.The sea beasts that were excited just now immediately became depressed and returned to the bottom of the sea one after another.

Kong Rui'er on the island was the first to be unable to resist. She couldn't even withstand the coercion of the monks at the early stage of Jindan, let alone the indiscriminate oppression of the monks at the later stage.

Xu Miao sensed Kong Ruier's discomfort, and immediately released her spiritual consciousness to protect Kong Ruier underneath.Seeing that Xu Miao was completely unaffected and could take care of Kong Ruier by the way, the female cultivator in red opened her mouth slightly in surprise.

For a moment, the female cultivator in red almost thought that Xu Miao was also a late Golden Core cultivator, but now she was just pretending to be an early Golden Core cultivator.

However, she quickly dismissed this idea. If the other party is really a late-stage Golden Core cultivator, why bother to deal with them so much, it would be better to show their identities directly.

The female cultivator in red settled her mind, shaking her arms, and the red flag in the air kept shaking with her arms.The smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and this smell could be smelled even if the sense of smell was turned off.

Except for Kong Rui'er, the two Golden Core mid-stage monks couldn't stand the smell.The smell from the red flag was not only bloody, but also mixed with the smell of corpses.

The salty smell mixed with the sea breeze was really unbearable. Later, even Taoist Huo Lian frowned and walked a few steps away from the female cultivator in red.

Up to now, the complexion has not changed, except for the female cultivator in red herself, and Xu Miao.The bloody and cruel scenes Xu Miao has seen and smelled in countless illusions are much more serious than this.

He was able to walk through it safely at that time, and now he can naturally treat the smell calmly.

"Yu Shan, you are really extraordinary, but you will eventually die under my blood cloud banner." The blood cloud banner is the name of the red banner, and when the flag is fully unfolded, the sky seems to be covered by blood clouds.

The female cultivator in red raised her right hand high and swung it downward. The blood cloud banner immediately flew towards Xu Miao, and the huge banner wanted to press down Xu Miao.

Xu Miao is temporarily unsure of the strength of the blood cloud banner, and whether the fog condensing sword can tear it into pieces. He did not choose to face it head-on, but moved his feet to leave the attack range of the blood cloud banner.

Under the control of the female cultivator in red, the blood cloud banner grew bigger and bigger until it covered the entire island, making Xu Miao unable to escape.

The female cultivator in red looked at Xu Miao's way of dodging, and she felt very happy: "Yu Shan, you have nowhere to hide, become a part of the blood cloud banner, your soul will be trapped in the blood cloud banner forever, Can’t figure it out, hahahaha.”

(End of this chapter)

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