Chapter 269
"Old witch, you're a pervert." Xu Miao cursed loudly without slander in her heart.

The female cultivator in red heard Xu Miao's scolding voice, her eyes turned sideways, and she moved her arms faster: "I tell you to scold, I tell you to scold!" The blood cloud streamer followed the swinging speed of the female nun in red's arm, constantly Press down.

The blood cloud banner will have hallucinations on the monk's mind, thus attracting the monk to approach the blood cloud banner proactively, so that the blood cloud banner can absorb the monk's blood essence and strengthen the power of the blood cloud banner.

If you encounter a monk with an extremely determined mind, a special magic circle will be generated to force the monk into the blood cloud streamer.Once a monk is restrained by the blood cloud banner, he will be absorbed for three days and three nights.

During these three days and three nights, the monks could not survive or die.Can only continue to wail and generate resentment.The resentment generated by the monk in the painful torture of dying will also be provided to the blood cloud banner and become its tonic.

With such an evil magic weapon, even if the nun in red has a beautiful face, in Xu Miao's eyes, it is just dazzling and ugly.

The blood cloud banner can't affect Xu Miao's mind and make it hallucinate, so it can only be controlled by force.The female cultivator in red took out a short sword and cut open her wrist forcefully, sending the bleeding blood into the blood cloud streamer.

Because it became too large, the blood cloud banner, whose power had declined, became terrifying again, as if it had received a great tonic.Xu Miao looked up at the female cultivator in red, her face flushed sickly.

This blood cloud banner obviously needs the cultivator himself to be fed with blood essence in order to maintain its power.Xue Yunfan got the blood essence of the female cultivator in red, and screamed to suppress Xu Miao.

The blood cloud banner came so fast that Xu Miao was almost trapped by the blood cloud banner.If it wasn't for his agility and fast speed, he would definitely not be able to dodge the blow from Xue Yunfan just now.

Seeing that the blood cloud banner was still unable to take down Xu Miao, the female cultivator in red was impatient, her breathing became more and more rapid, and a crazy look flashed in her eyes.

"Yu Shan, don't run away if you have the ability, and if you kill my sister, don't think about it!" the red-clothed female cultivator said at the end, almost hoarse.

Xu Miao evaded the pursuit of the blood cloud again, and said coldly, "Your sister died by herself. Her cultivation base is much higher than mine. If I hadn't calculated everything, I would have died. I can't bear the word harm." .”

The newly opened wound on the wrist of the female nun in red had solidified and could no longer bleed.Seeing Xu Miao's indifferent expression, she was burning with anger, her eyes were red, she gritted her teeth and separated them.

The blood cloud banner can only receive the owner's blood once within three days.If within three days, the blood cloud banner is fed with blood several times in a row, the blood cloud banner will completely turn against the owner.

When the female cultivator in red got the blood cloud banner, she knew about it.However, Yu Shan, who killed her sister, is still alive and well, can speak and breathe, how can she swallow this breath.

Even if she will be backlashed by the blood cloud in the end, before that, she must kill Xu Miao and be buried with her sister!This time, the wound on the wrist did not solidify immediately, but continued to bleed out blood, which was absorbed by the blood cloud streamer.

A large amount of essence and blood flowed away in a short time, even a monk in the late stage of Jindan couldn't bear it.Although his face was already pale to a certain extent due to blood loss, it still showed a strange red color.

With the uninterrupted supply of blood from the nun in red, Xue Yunfan finally showed its true strength.All the banners rushed towards Xu Miao, and Xu Miao could only attack.

Facing the blood cloud banner, Xu Miao didn't dare to be careless for a moment, and shooting was the strongest move.The Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art is working in the body, and the eyes immediately turn into a waveless black, which is in stark contrast to the red eyes of the red-clothed female cultivator.

The banner has been pressed down, and the spiritual power in the body is running to the limit.The blue sea instantly melted away, diluting the bloody water in the blood cloud streamer with sea water, and then blowing away the blood energy with the westerly wind.

The downward momentum of the blood cloud banner has temporarily eased, Xu Miao did not relax, these are just tactics to delay the attack.If you want to get rid of the blood cloud banner completely, you must completely destroy the blood cloud banner.

The Wallless Form and the Broken Star Sword are used alternately and alternately, and the awe-inspiring sword intent continues to grow and grow stronger.Under the vibration of the sword intent, the flat blood cloud banner became uneven.

However, no matter how Xu Miao used his sword moves and how powerful his sword intent was, he still couldn't tear the blood cloud banner apart.Although the power of the blood cloud banner has weakened, it did not stop after all.

The blood cloud banner was played to the extreme by the red-clothed female cultivator, and the banner and flag were fluttering. The difference from the blood-clothed female cultivator is the current state of the red-clothed female cultivator.It looks terrifying and powerful, but it has actually been drained of blood by the blood cloud banner.

When the red-clothed female cultivator decided to cut the second knife, she already knew her end.It's just that she hasn't seen Xu Miao die under the blood cloud, she can't die yet.

She supported her body and tried to open her eyes wide until the scene in front of her eyes became blurred. She didn't know whether Xu Miao was dead or not.

Instead of fighting with this blood cloud banner, it is better to kill the female cultivator in red directly.After the death of the master, no matter how powerful the magic weapon is without the power of the monk, it is just a piece of rag.

Xu Miao quietly moved behind the female cultivator in red, and she could still hear the female cultivator in red muttering to herself: "Yu Shan, are you dead? Are you dead? Sister, sister is about to avenge you .”

"Unfortunately, I'm not dead yet." Xu Miao's voice appeared in the ear of the red-clothed female cultivator, causing the red-clothed female cultivator to shut her mouth instantly. She wanted to turn around and shoot the golden needle, but she didn't even have the strength to turn around now. .

Xu Miao snorted coldly: "You miss your sister so much, then go and accompany her." Xu Miao cut the throat of the female cultivator in red with a sword, because the essence and blood in her body had already been drained by the blood cloud streamer, and her arteries were blocked. There was no blood flow from the cut.

The female cultivator in red opened her eyes wide, filled with resentment and bewilderment, and died resentfully.The blood cloud banner that lost its owner spontaneously shrank and fell to the side of the red-clothed female cultivator.

Taoist Huo Lian turned his eyes and was about to accept the blood cloud banner.It's just that Taoist Huosiam is separated from the female cultivator in red after all, unlike Xu Miao who is directly beside the female cultivator in red.

He quickly took away the blood cloud flag and the storage bracelet on the wrist of the nun with the red seal.In the eyes of any Golden Core cultivator, the net worth of a late Golden Core cultivator is extremely attractive.

What's more, what Xu Miao took away were the storage bracelets of the female nun in red and the female nun in blue, including the terrifying blood cloud banner.

Although the two middle-stage Golden Core monks really wanted to snatch it from Xu Miao's hands, they still hesitated after seeing the other party kill two late-stage Golden Core monks.

The two of them hesitated, but Taoist Huojian did not hesitate.He swung the huge sickle and slashed at Xu Miao's head.Xu Miao rolled on the spot, narrowly avoiding the scythe.

The clothes on his body were scorched by the flames from the sickle, and the body under the clothes was also involved, causing a dull pain.Xu Miao used her spiritual power to eliminate the burning pain.

Xu Miao was able to kill two women in a row just now, but he took advantage of certain characteristics of female cultivators.Now facing Taoist Huojian, his method cannot be used.He also won't get any benefit if he hits head-on.

The situation on the island returned to the original situation again. Xu Miao confronted Taoist Huo Lian, and two middle-stage Jindan monks dealt with Kong Ruier. Xu Miao could only devote part of his mind to take care of Kong Ruier.

Xu Miao was always alone. After two consecutive battles, he was exhausted mentally and mentally. Even though he had abundant spiritual power, the fatigue from his spiritual consciousness was unavoidable.

These people only thought that he easily killed two late-stage female cultivators, but they didn't know how much their spiritual consciousness played a role in it.Under excessive fatigue, Xu Miao made a dodge, giving the short monk an opportunity to take advantage of.

The short monk put a knife on Kong Rui'er's neck, and shouted at Xu Miao: "Yu Shan, this girl is in my hands, if you dare to move, I will immediately kill her by the knife." !"

Xu Miao thought in her heart that something was wrong, but she didn't show anything on her face.He shrugged indifferently, and said, "If you kill her, you won't get the exact location of that wooden box."

The short monk obviously didn't expect this, and in a hurry, he just wanted to find something that could threaten Xu Miao.But he didn't think that killing Kong Rui'er would not benefit him.

Xu Miao said sadly: "With your brain, how can you learn from others to rob and kill monks? You should find a private school and learn 36 tricks to increase your intelligence."

"In order not to be thought by those sea beasts, all human monks are as stupid as you, I really can't afford to lose this person." Xu Miao's face was full of disgust.

The short monk said stubbornly: "I just search for the soul, a monk in the foundation period, once I search for the soul, I know everything!"

Xu Miao noticed Shui San who came up from behind the island, and continued to deal with him: "You still don't believe that you are stupid, Kong Gengze can't think of things that you can think of with your IQ?"

"There must be a special restriction. When you search for the soul, not only will her consciousness explode, but it will also affect your consciousness. If you are a wall, I will help you paint it."

The short monk didn't understand Xu Miao, and looked at the middle-aged monk beside him in confusion, but seeing the middle-aged monk's expression of smiling or not, he felt very uncomfortable.

No matter how stupid he was, he knew that Xu Miao would mock him again. The middle-aged monk didn't want to offend the short monk, and he didn't want to explain his confusion. Instead, Kong Ruier, who was restrained by the short monk, said crisply: "The wall of dung It’s unbelievable, I’ve never heard of this, it’s really stupid!”

Dare to call him a piece of shit, the short monk was furious, and pressed the knife on Kong Rui'er's neck even harder, drawing a bloodstain.

"Is it wrong to say that you are a piece of shit? You go on and kill her, and we will break up." Xu Miao waved her hand and walked aside.

Xu Miao's position was extremely clever, just standing in front of Taoist Huosiam's line of sight, blocking the situation in this direction.Xu Miao and Shui San have a special master-servant contract, they can communicate directly without the need for divine consciousness.

They must have made a plan and shot at the same time. Xu Miao's horizontal sword swept across the Huosi Taoist and the middle-aged monk, and Shui Sanyi's sword chopped off the short monk.

(End of this chapter)

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