Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 273 Albacore Tuna

Chapter 273 Albacore Tuna

Before leaving, Tang Rui informed everyone of the location of Taoist Feihong's cave, so that no one would get lost in the deep sea, lose their direction, and be unable to return to the seaside city.

When going to the East China Sea, what needs to be paid attention to, apart from sea beasts, is the specific direction.When the sea and the sky become a line, even a monk with great powers can find it difficult to distinguish the direction.

Just like when Xu Miao obtained the Wallless Pose last time, she lost her way and didn't know where she was at all.If he hadn't met the pair of unlucky monks, Xu Miao would not be able to find his way quickly.

The display of Xu Miao's strength made the flight a lot quieter along the way. Although Shen Ling always hated Xu Miao, she never did anything to Xu Miao.

Xu Miao would not take the initiative to attack him unless he took the initiative to provoke him.A group of people passed the offshore sea without incident and arrived in Zhonghai.Most of the sea beasts in Zhonghai are level five or six, and they will not be afraid of Xu Miao and others like the sea beasts in the sea.

Since Xu Miao and the others were flying at high speed all the time, even if some sea beasts were about to move and tried to deal with them, they couldn't keep up with their speed, so they had to give up.

After flying for ten days in a row, everyone was obviously tired.Especially Shen Ling, on the ninth day, she was exhausted and wanted to rest.Although a monk's spiritual power can be replenished all the time, it is impossible to restore the exhausted energy only by relying on pills and spirit stones.

Only by meditating and resting can you restore your energy to the maximum extent.After thinking about it, Tang Rui led everyone to land on a desolate island to rest temporarily.

There are many islands in the East China Sea, and different islands have different situations.Due to the expensive caves in the seaside city, many monks took the next best thing and built islands on islands.

Therefore, islands with sufficient aura have been seized by monks.Even those islands with meager spiritual energy will be occupied by many monks.

An island that is unoccupied is an island without aura.Neither monks nor sea beasts would like such an island.

The island that Tang Rui chose was very small. It is more appropriate to say that it is an island rather than a few stones gathered together.Everyone seized the time, found a stone one after another, and meditated to rest.

Just telling the flight, Xu Miao was not particularly tired like everyone else.While meditating, he allocated part of his consciousness to focus on the vicinity of the island.

In the East China Sea, monks were often attacked by sea beasts. Xu Miao didn't want to be one of those monks.However, the fluctuations in the distance made him vigilant.

He observed intently for a long time, and determined that the fluctuation was coming in this direction.

"Friend Tang, there is a herd of sea beasts in the distance, and that herd of sea beasts is likely to come towards us." The monks will hunt and kill sea beasts, and the sea beasts will also hunt and kill monks. The weak prey on the strong, which is very fair.

Before Tang Rui could answer, Shen Ling said with a chuckle: "Yu Shan, have you never been out in the sea, none of us here have noticed that there is a herd of sea beasts in the distance, why did you notice it?"

"Don't try to show off, be careful that it will end up ugly." Shen Ling turned her head to Tang Rui: "Tang Rui, don't believe that Yu Shan, he must be scaremongering."

When Xu Miao heard Shen Ling's words, she waved her sleeves and shot out a wave of spiritual power, which went straight to the boulder under Shen Ling's feet.How could the boulder withstand Xu Miao's spiritual power, and instantly shattered into small pieces.

Shen Ling didn't react for a while, and fell into the water screaming. When she opened her mouth and wanted to say something, Xu Miao directly interrupted: "I don't hit women, but if some people don't look like women, I don't Mind doing it."

This sentence was full of brutal murderous intent. Xu Miao's eyes were cold. When Shen Ling met Xu Miao's gaze, she didn't know whether it was because of Xu Miao's undisguised murderous intent or the cold sea water. shiver.

Tang Rui ignored Shen Ling who was being taught by Xu Miao, but lowered his eyes, thinking about Xu Miao's words.He really didn't feel the existence of the sea beasts, but he had seen Xu Miao's strength with his own eyes. If he could kill two middle-stage Golden Cores, his strength must be extraordinary.

"How sure is Fellow Daoist Yu that he detected the group of sea beasts?" Tang Rui's words obviously doubted Xu Miao's spiritual sense.

Xu Miao seemed to be smiling but not smiling, the murderous aura on her body hadn't dissipated, her eyes also made Tang Rui's heart palpitate: "Ten percent." The confident words came out of Xu Miao's mouth, and even the late Jindan cultivator Wang Ye frowned. brow.

The spiritual consciousness of late monks is far greater than that of early monks. It makes no sense that early monks can detect it, but he can't.Tang Rui's eyes fell on Wang Ye, hoping he would say a word.

Wang Ye was silent for a moment, and his consciousness swept the nearby sea area again, but still found nothing: "I really didn't notice—" Wang Ye's words suddenly stuck in his throat, because he felt the strong fluctuation.

This kind of fluctuation is chaotic and uneven, and only sea beasts can produce this kind of fluctuation.Moreover, the group of sea beasts moved in exactly the same direction as Xu Miao said, towards their location.

Wang Ye put his hands on his temples, and said bitterly: "It is indeed a herd of sea beasts. You Daoyou said that the score is not bad." Everyone turned their heads to look at Xu Miao in surprise, but they did not see any proud expression of Xu Miao, but worried .

"The leader of this group of sea beasts seems to be a seventh-level sea beast, but the opponent's level is not obvious. It should have just advanced to level seven, and the level has not yet stabilized."

Xu Miao's powerful spiritual sense gave him accurate information, which explained why the group of sea beasts came to them.From the sixth level to the seventh level, although ordinary sea beasts will not encounter catastrophe, they will still shed a layer of skin.

What can make the seventh-level sea beast recover quickly is not only some special spiritual herbs, but also the flesh and blood of monks.Seventh-level sea beasts are most suitable for taking the flesh and blood of monks in the golden core stage.

Only then did Tang Rui realize that he had encountered a big crisis.But after a moment of panic, he immediately calmed down.He ordered Wang Ye to hold back the seventh-level sea beast, and the rest of them went to kill the sea beast.

"If a large number of its kind die, the seventh-level sea beast may give up hunting human monks." Tang Rui said calmly, unable to hear the panic in his heart.

Xu Miao glanced at Tang Rui and said, "But there is another possibility. The seventh-level sea beasts simply come and do nothing. Anyway, so many of their kind have died, and they will kill all humans directly."

The possibility mentioned by Xu Miao also exists, and the possibility will not be lower than that mentioned by Tang Rui.As long as the high-level sea beasts are still there, there is a chance to regroup and lose some of their kind, which is normal for them.

Tang Rui said cautiously: "Both possibilities exist, but we only have one choice, which is to kill the sea beast with all our strength. No matter what, we must win this battle."

As soon as the words fell, the vanguard of albacore had arrived.Xu Miao raised his eyes and saw a half-man, half-fish monster in the middle of the albacore.

After the sea beast reaches the seventh level, it can choose to change form.Judging by the appearance of the albacore, the injury was quite serious, which led to the transformation to half, barely maintaining the appearance of half a man and half a fish.

The seventh-grade albacore didn't make a move, so Wang Ye didn't. He wanted to preserve his strength and fight against it.As for low-ranking monks like Xu Miao, they would naturally fall into a fight immediately.

Xu Miao and Shui San took care of each other and entered the group of albacore tuna.The Wu Ning Sword was in Xu Miao's hands, and the speed of swinging it reached the limit. If they hadn't seen the real body of the Wu Ning Sword at the initial stage, they would not be able to see this magic weapon at all.

As soon as Xu Miao showed her strength, everyone was shocked.It's just that the movement of spiritual power fluctuations is almost the same as that of Shen Ling and Sun Lianyi. This is still the case that Xu Miao didn't do his best.

With one move of sweeping the sword, all the albacores surrounded in front of him were repelled.Sea beasts are not stupid, they know that persimmons should be picked soft.Xu Miao was so strong that Albacore didn't want to get in front of him at all, and they all went to deal with other monks.

This made Tang Rui and the others complain endlessly, but they couldn't say that we suffered because you were too strong.At this time, Wang Ye and the seventh-grade albacore tuna fought each other, and they were undoubtedly at a disadvantage.

Xu Miao just glanced at it, and then continued to crush her.Although albacore is a sixth-level sea beast, it is a relatively weak one among the sixth-level sea beasts.

It is estimated that the real level is about the same as that of the fifth-level sea beast. Because of this reason, Xu Miao completely has the upper hand and has no pressure.He followed the albacore that was blocking the way in front of him, and went all the way, almost without any effective blocking.

A large number of albacore tuna turned their belly, floating on the surface of the sea.The seventh-level albacore tuna was furious, he simply left Wang Ye who was fighting with him, and rushed towards Xu Miao.

Xu Miao's consciousness was scattered all the time, and she immediately noticed the fast-approaching seven-level albacore.He pierced through the nearest albacore with a sword, and met the seventh-level sea beast.

"Human, you actually killed so many of my kind." The albacore's eyes were already big, but they became even bigger under the rage.

Xu Miao shrugged indifferently: "Are you stupid? If I don't kill you, you will kill me. How could I sit and wait for death."

Wang Ye's eyes were straightened. Facing the seventh-level sea beast, he still had this expression, without the gesture of putting the opponent in his eyes at all.Wang Ye felt bitter. Could it be that his own strength was too weak?
Xu Miao didn't bother to pay attention to Wang Ye's mood, and slowly raised her hand, pointing the tip of the sword at the albacore, and the sword intent circled around the sword continuously.

The tail of the albacore tuna slapped the surface of the sea violently, and rushed towards Xu Miao at a very fast speed.The most suitable battlefield for sea beasts is the ocean, and the characteristic of albacore tuna is the speed of swimming like light.

This level [-] albacore tuna used the advantage of speed to keep suppressing Wang Ye, making it impossible for him to fight back effectively, but Xu Miao would not let him treat him in the same way.

Albacore is indeed fast, but his Wind Spirit Root is not slow either.Xu Miao's figure also became an afterimage, attacking the opponent, and the albacore tuna broke apart immediately.

In the blow just now, Xu Miao roughly understood the true strength of the albacore.Due to the opponent's injuries, he was far from the strength of the Nascent Soul's initial stage.

(End of this chapter)

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