Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 274 3 wins in 2 games

Chapter 274
Even so, Wang Ye was still unable to compete with albacore, and Xu Miao really disliked Wang Ye's strength in his heart.Albacore also understood Xu Miao's strength. As a sea beast, his instinct told him not to fight this seemingly low-level cultivator in front of him.

But he looked around, and all the bodies floating on the sea were the corpses of the ethnic group.If this human being is not killed, even if he returns to the bottom of the sea, he will be despised by other sea beasts.

The body of the seventh-grade albacore was shining with light, and the half-man, half-fish appearance had disappeared, and what Xu Miao showed was a complete albacore.It's interesting that it returned to its original shape, Xu Miao raised the corner of her mouth.

Restored to its original shape, it can maximize the advantages of sea beasts. The seven-level albacore tuna revolves around Xu Miao continuously and rapidly.With Xu Miao as the center, a vortex gradually formed.

The width and depth of the vortex continue to expand with the rotation of the seventh-grade albacore.The rest of the albacore tuna also joined in the action of the seventh-class albacore tuna, giving it a helping hand.

This vortex grew rapidly and spread to Tang Rui and others.Shen Ling was disturbed by the vortex for the first time, and entered into the vortex involuntarily, following the vortex.

"Yu Shan! Look at you, you did a good job! You provoked the seventh-level sea beast, but you implicated us!" Shen Ling was in the vortex, her consciousness was almost lost, and she could only scream loudly.

Xu Miao's face sank like water, this person repeatedly and again and again made provocative words, whether it is tolerable or unbearable, the voice transmission said: "You have said so, let's get involved to the end."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Miao's whole body was agitated with spiritual power. Instead of using spiritual power to stop the vortex around him, he added strength to the vortex, completely submerging Shen Ling.

"Yu Shan—" before Shen Ling finished speaking, she was choked back into her mouth by the sea water.When she heard Xu Miao's voice transmission to her, fear finally arose in her heart.

That sentence had an obvious murderous intent, and she knew that this person had murderous intentions, and she wanted to use Albacore's hand to kill her.She wanted to call out to Tang Rui loudly and ask him to save her.

But the sea water continued to pour into her mouth and nose, and with the power of the powerful seventh-level sea beast, not only could she not express what she was thinking, but she also couldn't tell others through sound transmission.

Xu Miao's killing with a borrowed knife was so secretive that even the seven-level albacore couldn't detect it, not to mention that other people could detect the abnormality.Shen Ling's body swelled rapidly due to the large amount of sea water poured into it, making it extremely ugly.

Shen Ling's face became hideous because of the pain.The clothes he was wearing couldn't be stretched because his body got bigger, so they were directly torn into pieces by the sea water, leaving only a glistening, white body spinning continuously with the vortex.

At this time, Xu Miao sent out a burst of spiritual power to protect Shen Ling with his last breath.He would not let Shen Ling die so easily, he wanted to let Shen Ling live to see the way other people looked at her.

Shen Ling admired Tang Rui, so he let Tang Rui see Shen Ling's current appearance clearly, and let Shen Ling die in despair, shame and anger.

The seven-level albacore would not care if a human was trapped in the vortex. His purpose was to kill Xu Miao, and the others were just accessories.

The vortex is turning faster and faster, even Xu Miao needs to prop up the helmet of Fu Yu to resist the violent sea water fluctuations.The seawater inside the vortex rushed towards Xu Miao, and under the control of the seven-level albacore tuna, attacked Xu Miao.

Xu Miao was born with a water spirit root, and his understanding of water was no less than that of sea beasts.He closed his eyes, calmly felt the drive of the sea water, and looked for the weak point in it.

Sea water is not invincible, it also has a weakness, but this weakness is very small and fleeting.A monk who doesn't understand the sea will be suppressed by the sea and unable to resist.

Xu Miao's huge spiritual consciousness quickly swept across the surrounding sea water, and suddenly her closed eyes opened, and a gleam of light flashed in the eyes, that's where it was.

He turned his head to look at the flaw found by his spiritual sense. Xu Miao's attack was the strongest star-breaking swordsmanship. With one hit, the violent and violent vortex immediately collapsed.

A group of albacore tuna that were still swimming at high speed remained, and the seventh-grade albacore tuna looked at the disappearing vortex in astonishment, as if they didn't understand why this vortex was easily broken by people.

Xu Miao moved her body and stood on the body of the seventh-grade albacore.Albacore felt the human monk standing on his body, twisting his body frantically, trying to throw Xu Miao off his body.

However, when Xu Miao twisted his body for the first time, he inserted the fog condensing sword into his head.Along the backline of the albacore, stroke down hard, directly splitting the albacore in two.

The seventh-grade albacore tuna died in Xu Miao's hands, and there was no possibility of recovery.Xu Miao looked around coldly at the other albacores surrounding the carcass of the seventh-grade albacore, and unreservedly released a biting evil spirit.

Albacore, which had lost its leader, showed panic in its eyes. Seeing that Xu Miao didn't continue to attack, he quickly turned around and fled to the distance, for fear of being too slow and becoming a ghost under the sword of the fog sword.

Shen Ling was protected by Xu Miao's spiritual power until now, and she can still breathe, but this breath is already very weak.Her eyes were wide open, and these eyes, which were usually full of autumn water, looked extremely ferocious and terrifying at this moment.

Several people gathered together, looking at Shen Ling's appearance, the expression in their eyes was not pity, but faint disgust.No matter who sees Shen Ling's current state, his face will not look good.

Sensing the eyes of several people, Shen Ling tried her best to turn her eyes to check her body. When she saw clearly, her complexion changed drastically, and her already ugly face became even uglier.

She looked at Tang Rui, trying to see a trace of pity in his eyes, but there was nothing but disgust.She didn't even have the strength to look at Xu Miao angrily, so she could only open her eyes weakly, leaving this world unwillingly and in despair.

No one would doubt Xu Miao, they all believed that Shen Ling was killed by the seven-level albacore, and only Tang Rui had the real headache.He invited Shen Ling, but let Shen Ling die in the East China Sea. How to explain it is a very headache.

But all of this has nothing to do with Xu Miao, he only cares about the ticket that Tang Rui promised him.After Tang Rui disposed of Shen Ling's body, he took the others and continued to fly to Taoist Feihong's cave.

For the rest of the journey, Xu Miao and the others were never attacked by sea beasts again, until they approached Taoist Feihong's cave and saw Tang Rui's fourth younger brother, Tang Cheng.

Tang Cheng and his entourage consisted of only four people, and the one with the highest cultivation was also at the late Golden Core stage. Except for Tang Cheng who was at the early Golden Core stage, the other two were all at the Middle Golden Core stage.When Tang Cheng saw Tang Rui's fellow monks, his eyes clearly showed disdain.

"Second brother, you are really useless. You can't even invite a middle-stage Golden Core, so forget it. You actually found two early-stage Golden Core monks in a row. You don't think that the advantage in numbers can make up for it. Weakness in quality."

Except for Xu Miao and Shui San's facial expressions not changing, Tang Rui and the others all looked at Tang Cheng as if they were mentally handicapped.If it is said that they also had Tang Cheng's mentality at the beginning, but when they saw Xu Miao kill the seventh-level albacore so easily, they would never have this idea again.

Xu Miao and Shui San were definitely not easy to mess with, so they just watched Tang Chengzuo quietly, and it was something they liked to see when he died.

Tang Rui didn't care about Tang Cheng's words. Tang Cheng didn't know Xu Miao's strength, but he knew how strong Xu Miao and Shui San were.He also had a bold idea. If the two joined forces, they might be able to kill that late Jindan cultivator.

In fact, Tang Rui's idea was not bold enough, because Xu Miao could kill a late Jindan cultivator by himself.Xu Miao is strong on the one hand, and on the other hand, the late Jindan monks he met in Haibin City are too good to compare with those people.

"You look down on the person I invited so much, you might as well fight." Tang Rui said indifferently.

Tang Cheng rolled his eyes, and said directly: "Anyway, Taoist Feihong's mansion is not far away. We will compete here. We will win two out of three rounds. Whoever wins will go to greet Taoist Feihong. How about it? Do you dare to accept it?" Brother's challenge?"

"I don't dare to do anything, just do it like this!" Tang Rui and Tang Cheng made the oath of heaven at the same time, and then they began to discuss the order of the monks.

Tang Rui recognized Tang Cheng's Jindan late-stage cultivator, and the opponent's strength was definitely not weak, and he was already half a point stronger than Wang Ye.In addition, after fighting with the seventh-grade albacore tuna on the way, he was still injured.Comparing the two, Wang Ye doesn't look like he can win.

Tang Rui's eyes fell on Xu Miao, Xu Miao looked calm and didn't care at all which battle Tang Rui put him on.Shui San next to him was even calmer, standing next to Xu Miao in a guarding state.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, I wonder if you can compete with Jiang Yi?" Tang Rui felt that something was wrong after finishing speaking, and added a sentence, "As long as your own life is safe, you don't need to defeat him."

"Tian Ji horse racing?" Xu Miao looked up at Tang Rui.Tang Rui nodded and explained his strategy to everyone.Xu Miao faced Jiang Yi, Wang Ye, and Sun Lianyi, who were in the late stage of Jindan, and competed with the opponent's two mid-stage Jindan.

With everyone's consent, Tang Rui told Tang Cheng the order of the competition.As soon as Tang Cheng heard it, he knew what Tang Rui was planning.But Tang Cheng did not raise any objection, but nodded instead.

The first game was a competition between Wang Ye and the middle-stage Jindan monks, and Wang Ye won without any suspense.Tang Ruizhi looked at Tang Cheng complacently, but Tang Cheng's expression was not in the slightest anxious.

The second match was between Sun Lianyi and a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator. Originally, the two were evenly matched, and Sun Lianyi still had the upper hand. However, the opponent's mid-stage Golden Core cultivator took out a top-quality Houtian Spiritual Artifact, and directly beat Sun Lianyi until he couldn't get up.

Tang Rui's face was very ugly, and Sun Lianyi also knew that he had disrupted Tang Rui's plan, so he stood aside nonchalantly, not daring to say anything.In Tang Rui's heart, even if Xu Miao defeated the seventh-level albacore before that, it still took the opportunity of the opponent's serious injury.

(End of this chapter)

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