Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 275 The key battle

Chapter 275 The Crucial Battle

There was absolutely no chance of winning against the Jindan late-stage monks that Tang Cheng had specially invited with a lot of money.Tang Rui gave Tang Cheng a look of resentment, and Tang Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked back.

It was only then that Tang Rui knew why Tang Cheng agreed so simply to the competition he proposed.It seemed that he wanted to use Tian Ji's method of horse racing to defeat Tang Cheng.

In fact, Tang Cheng took all the circumstances into account.He knew that Wang Ye would win, but so what, Sun Lianyi lost, he didn't believe that the monk at the early stage of Jindan could beat Jiang Yi at all.

After Tang Cheng learned that Tang Rui had invited Wang Ye, he specially found Jiang Yi, who was more powerful, just to overwhelm Wang Ye.Tang Cheng's eyes could not hide the excitement, the winning ticket was in his hands, and he was about to become the young patriarch, which was really exciting.

Tang Rui already knew that he would lose, and kept blaming himself in his heart. If Xu Miao had been allowed to compete with the opponent's mid-stage Jindan monk, he might have won this match, but it's too late to say anything now.

He also didn't intend to let Xu Miao play: "You Daoist Yu, I plan to give up the third match, lest you get hurt when you fight Jiang Yi."

Xu Miao looked up at the dejected Tang Rui, and said with a smile, "Friend Tang, are you sure that I will get hurt?"

Tang Rui shook his head: "Anyway, I already know the ending, why bother to do those useless efforts—" Tang Rui wanted to continue to say something, but was interrupted by Xu Miao.

"How do you know if you haven't tried it? It's not certain who will win. After all, I need that ticket very much." Xu Miao took a deep look at Tang Rui, walked past the crowd, and walked to the middle of the temporary competition field.

Xu Miao looked at Tang Cheng and said loudly: "Three battles and two victories, now there are only two battles, the last one, don't you plan to send someone?"

Tang Cheng almost laughed out loud, he had seen rampant ones, but never seen such rampant ones.A person at the early stage of Golden Core actually took the initiative to compete with someone at the late stage of Golden Core.

"Of course I want to send someone. Some people want to die, so how can I not do it?" Tang Cheng nodded to signal Jiang Yi to step forward, "Jiang Yi, make a quick decision, don't let Taoist Feihong wait for a long time."

Jiang Yi walked to the middle, without looking at Xu Miao, and said in a rough voice: "Young boy in the early stage, call quickly, so that I can end the battle as soon as possible."

Xu Miao felt it was amused, he took out the Fog Condensing Sword and held it in his hand, he was just accumulating the power of the sword and had no intention of attacking.He had to let Jiang Yi make the first move, and get a general idea of ​​Jiang Yi's strength, so that he could think about countermeasures.

Jiang Yi waited for a long time, but he didn't see Xu Miao making a move, so he couldn't help being irritable.Jiang Yi raised his hand and summoned a purple-gold sword with a blade about one foot wide.It looks very bulky, but when waved in Jiang Yi's hands, it looks like a tiger.

Jiang Yi held the handle of the knife with both hands, jumped up and slashed at Xu Miao.Before the knife arrived, the wind of the knife had arrived, and the bitter wind of the knife blew towards Xu Miao's face.Xu Miao circulated her spiritual power, and her figure instantly disappeared from under the knife.

The heavy sword was extremely flexible in Jiang Yi's hands. When he saw Xu Miao disappear suddenly, he changed the direction of the sword and slashed at Xu Miao from the other side.Xu Miao just held the sword, blindly dodging, and always kept on the defensive.

Jiang Yi only felt that this low-ranking monk was slippery and very difficult to deal with. He said depressedly: "Boy, you just run away. If you escape from the scope of this competition, you will lose."

Before the competition, Tang Rui and Tang Cheng delineated the scope of the competition, as long as someone leaves the specified scope, it will be counted as defeat.Although Xu Miao kept dodging, she never stepped out of that range, which made Jiang Yi very distressed.

Jiang Yi's sword technique consumes much more spiritual power than Xu Miao's Yunlongyue. Compared with Xu Miao's contentment, Jiang Yi looks much more tired.

"Jiang Yi, spread the attack range over the entire venue, making it impossible for the opponent to avoid it." Jiang Yi's authorities were confused, and Tang Cheng was a bystander, so he reminded Jiang Yi through sound transmission.

Xu Miao noticed that the moment Tang Cheng transmitted his voice, he gave Tang Cheng a cold look, which made Tang Cheng take a step back involuntarily.

There was a ferocious look in that look, Tang Cheng's heart beat like a drum, and a feeling of fear arose spontaneously.He couldn't imagine why the other party would bring him such palpitations of fear as he was also an early-stage Golden Core cultivator.

Originally, Tang Cheng wanted to continue the voice transmission to remind Jiang Yi, but Xu Miao's look made him completely afraid.Even though he didn't transmit the voice again, he still felt that Xu Miao's eyes followed him like a shadow, which made him feel a lot of pressure.

Jiang Yi was reminded by Tang Cheng's sound transmission, and suddenly came to his senses.His large-scale attack moves are very mana-consuming, but at this time, he doesn't care much.

The most important thing is to force this annoying Xu Miao out of the competition venue as soon as possible.Jiang Yi suddenly raised the sword high, and spiritual power quickly poured into the sword.

The aura of the big knife is getting stronger and stronger, sweeping the entire competition venue.Xu Miao looked at Jiang Yi's sword calmly, as if he was not the one who was about to face the knife.

Although Jiang Yi's sword looks very powerful, he hasn't even cultivated his sword intent.For a monk like Xu Miao who had already cultivated sword intent, the opponent was just a paper tiger with vast spiritual power, but in fact he had no more powerful moves.

As soon as the sword fell, the entire venue was flooded with powerful sword moves.The expressions of the two people on the periphery are completely different, one is frowning, the other is smiling.

When Xu Miao fell with the big knife, he didn't continue to move his body, but directly externalized the blue sea, controlled the blue sea to form a water curtain, and firmly protected him in the middle of the water curtain.

And Xu Miao, who was in the middle of the water curtain, also knew that the blue sea alone could not completely resist the power displayed by the big knife.After all, the person who uses the big sword is a monk who is two small realms higher than him.

At the same time, Xu Miao propped up Fu Yu's armor, with two layers of defense, blocking all Jiang Yi's saber moves.When the saber gesture passed and the surroundings returned to calm, Xu Miao slowly put away Bi Hai and Fu Yu's helmets, and stood opposite Jiang Yi, not even moving her robes.

Seeing Xu Miao's appearance, Jiang Yi almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.He worked so hard to perform the strongest move, and consumed most of his spiritual power, but it didn't have any effect on Xu Miao.

"Have you run out of spiritual power?" Xu Miao asked with a smile, Jiang Yi instinctively shuddered, he had a bad premonition.

"You're done fighting, it's my turn." Xu Miao jumped up, flipped the Mist Sword in his hand, and the Mist Sword, which had been accumulating sword momentum, suddenly produced a strong sword intent.

Jiang Yi stared dumbfounded at the sword intent. He only felt the sword force just now. He thought that the person in front of him hadn't cultivated the sword intent yet, and his cultivation level was low, so he didn't take it to heart at all.

But now it seems that the opponent has not only cultivated the sword intent, but also cultivated the sword intent early, and the current sword intent has reached an extremely terrifying height.

The move was not even displayed, and the sword was already full of violent sword intent.Xu Miao raised her sword and stabbed directly at Jiang Yi, and the sword intent crazily hit Jiang Yi.

Xu Miao's move was so fast that Jiang Yi didn't even have time to escape, so he could only gather the Zijin Broadsword.A knife and a sword collided together, making a crisp sound.

Xu Miao followed the back of the knife and approached Jiang Yi's body.The distance between the two was quite close, and the Wu Ningjian didn't need to make too many movements, and the sword intent on the sword could directly threaten Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi quickly drew his knife, wanting to retreat.Xu Miao was faster and appeared behind Jiang Yi before he backed away.The Ningwu Sword struck out again, and Jiang Yi twisted around to block the knife behind him.

This time, Xu Miao did not withdraw the sword, but used her spiritual power to press hard on Jiang Yi's sword.Jiang Yi's hand is holding the knife in a very unnatural position, unable to exert its strength to the extreme.

And Xu Miao holds the sword in her forehand, which can maximize the sword's intent.Moreover, Jiang Yi's spiritual power had already been consumed by half, and he did not swallow the pill in time to replenish his spiritual power. In the process of stalemate with Xu Miao, he had no advantage at all.

Xu Miao slashed at Jiang Yi with one sword after another.Jiang Yi was able to barely parry at first, but later on, it was very difficult for him to even parry.The spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was running wildly, and the Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art was displayed.

The aura around him has completely changed, tyrannical and bloodthirsty, Jiang Yi just saw Xu Miao's eyes, he felt afraid, and he was vain before fighting.

Xu Miao didn't care whether Jiang Yi was false or not, what he wanted was victory in this competition.The Heaven and Earth Jue and Liuying swordsmanship combined into one, sweeping across the world, mixed with infinite sword power and lingering sword intent, rushed towards Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi was forced by this trick to keep retreating, and finally withdrew from the scope of the competition.Xu Miao withdrew her sword decisively and stopped attacking.Seeing Xu Miao stop attacking, Jiang Yi was about to fight back, but saw Xu Miao's mocking expression.

When he turned his head and saw Tang Cheng's exasperated expression, he realized that he had lost to the early Golden Core cultivator in front of him.Jiang Yi was so angry that he raised the knife again, wanting to teach Xu Miao a lesson.

Xu Miao blocked the horizontal sword, swung Jiang Yi back a few steps, and said coldly: "If you lose, you want to teach me a lesson. Who gave you the courage? If there is a second time, you don't have to live This world is over."

The blatant threat was uttered by Xu Miao like this, but no one thought it was wrong.This is the crushing of strength. Jiang Yi's cultivation base is high, but his strength is not as good as Xu Miao's. He deserves to be threatened.

As soon as Tang Rui changed his depressed face, he flew to Xu Miao's side excitedly, and thanked him again and again: "Friend Yu, thanks to you, otherwise I would lose to my fourth brother..."

Tang Rui chattered to express his gratitude, and Xu Miao quickly raised his hand to stop him: "Just remember to give me two tickets to the auction." Tang Rui nodded hurriedly, reassuring Xu Miao.

In sharp contrast to Tang Rui's joy, it was Tang Cheng's people.Tang Cheng looked at Xu Miao, wishing he could cut Xu Miao into pieces.Xu Miao has long been used to such eyes, and doesn't care at all.

"Second brother, I would like to congratulate you on becoming the young patriarch." Tang Cheng gritted his teeth, but stared at Xu Miao intently.The position of the young patriarch who had already been handed over was about to be handed over to others, how could he swallow this breath.

Tang Cheng rolled his eyes and had an idea in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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