Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 276 Pursuit

Chapter 276 Pursuit
"Second brother, no matter what, we are all brothers, and the bones are still connected. It is better to have my younger brother to accompany Taoist Feihong this time. Don't worry, second brother, the younger brother will never overwhelm the host."

Tang Rui didn't know what Tang Cheng's plan was, but since he said so, he couldn't refuse.If he refused firmly, Tang Cheng complained to the patriarch when he returned home, and he would not get any good.

Seeing that Tang Rui nodded, Tang Cheng led Jiang Yi and the three of them to follow behind Tang Cheng, pretending to be his servants in a humble manner.Xu Miao ignored the conversation between the two, and the dark tide was raging.

Those with vested interests in the cultivation family, as well as others, will always have an unaccountable account.He was not interested in this, and would not get involved, and followed Tang Cheng to meet Taoist Feihong.

Taoist Feihong had already noticed Tang Cheng and others, and he also received a voice transmission from the current patriarch of the Tang family, knowing some inside information.Seeing Tang Cheng and Tang Rui appearing at the same time, he was a little surprised.

It's just that Taoist Feihong hid his surprise so well that no one noticed.When his eyes fell on Xu Miao who was beside Tang Rui, his eyes froze for a moment, but he quickly turned his eyes away.

Xu Miao noticed the change of Taoist Feihong. He said that he felt a sense of familiarity when he came in. It turned out that Taoist Feihong was the ancestor behind the three of Xiang Han.

At that time, he noticed the breath of the ancestor and carefully identified it.During the exploration of the underwater house, Xu Miao paid close attention to this ancestor all the time with fear, for fear that the other party would suddenly attack him.

No one expected what happened later. After the blood sacrifice, the teleportation array was opened, and Xu Miao destroyed the other end of the teleportation array, making it impossible for Taoist Feihong to enter the interior.

Until the end, Xu Miao left through another exit, and Taoist Feihong was separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.Taoist Feihong blew his beard and stared angrily when he found out that Xu Miao had disappeared.

How could Daoist Feihong swallow this breath after losing three Golden Core cultivators and yet to get the rumor that it was a treasure left by Xie Ling'an.

Tang Rui didn't notice the change in Taoist Feihong's eyes, but Tang Cheng has been good at observing words and expressions since he was a child. When he saw Taoist Feihong's eyes, he knew that Taoist Feihong might have some disagreements with this person named Yu Shan.

Tang Cheng was telling Taoist Feihong that Xu Miao was pregnant with a treasure, so he defeated Jiang Yi who was at the late stage of Jindan with his cultivation at the early stage of Jindan.

Xu Miao looked on coldly, Tang Cheng was saliva flying, and he looked impassioned, as if he was preaching Taoism.Tang Cheng didn't know at all that he was already on Xu Miao's blacklist and included among those who must die.

After exchanging pleasantries, Taoist Feihong took a boy with him to Seaside City with Tang Rui and Tang Cheng.With a monk in the early stage of Yuanying sitting in the town, there are no monsters on the road who dare to easily come and provoke everyone.

In the middle of the journey, Taoist Feihong stopped suddenly, and told the two brothers Tang Rui that he still had some things to do, and that he would not go back to the city with them, and would go back to the city by himself later.

Regarding the request of the Nascent Soul monk, Tang Rui naturally did not dare to neglect, and nodded repeatedly in agreement.Just as he was about to leave, he heard Taoist Feihong say: "I heard that this young friend from Yushan is very powerful, is Tang Rui willing to give up his love and let him follow this old man temporarily to do some things?"

Taoist Feihong's words seemed to be asking for Tang Rui's approval, but as a Nascent Soul cultivator, he was really asking, it was just a notification.

Tang Rui looked at Xu Miao in embarrassment, not knowing whether to agree or disagree.Disobeying a Nascent Soul cultivator will not end well.If the other party returned to the seaside city and said something more to the patriarch, it would be very bad for him.

Xu Miao smiled softly, and said, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Tang. Senior Feihong invited me, so he naturally thinks highly of me. But don't forget, Fellow Daoist Tang, to promise me two admission tickets."

When Tang Rui heard that Xu Miao agreed, he was also relieved, and turned around to leave first.Tang Cheng gave Xu Miao a meaningful look, his eyes full of gloating, and he also left.

Xu Miao didn't even look at Taoist Feihong, but stood with Shui San, the old god was there, and didn't take Taoist Feihong to heart at all.

"Yu Shan, in the late stage of Foundation Establishment and early stage of Golden Core, your cultivation is well hidden." Taoist Feihong looked at Xu Miao and said bitterly.

Xu Miao waved her hands nonchalantly, and said, "Senior Feihong has won the award, because his peers set it off well." These words are all ironic, his attendants are incompetent, and by the way, they even mocked him.

The spiritual power instantly gathered in the palm of his hand and hit Xu Miao.Xu Miao raised her hand to support Fu Yu's helmet, and at the same time her body kept retreating to defuse Taoist Feihong's sudden attack.

Taoist Feihong is a genuine early Yuanying cultivator, but he cannot be compared with the severely injured Level [-] albacore. Xu Miao dare not be careless in the slightest.

At the same moment, Shui San drew his sword and slashed at the spiritual power, in order to slightly reduce the power of the spiritual power.The two of them attacked and defended, and they cooperated seamlessly, successfully receiving Taoist Feihong's blow.

Taoist Feihong frowned, thinking that this kid does have some strength.Without stopping, the spiritual power continuously condensed into a ball and hit Xu Miao.

Xu Miao nimbly maneuvered in the air to dodge, and summoned the fog-condensing sword, and slashed at the spiritual light ball in front of him.It's just that the power of the ball of light is too great, Xu Miao hasn't solved one, but the second one has arrived suddenly.

The speed is too fast, Xu Miao can only dodge.There is a big difference between the two, the late stage of Jindan is not good against the early stage of Yuanying, not to mention that Xu Miao is only at the early stage of Jindan.

Xu Miao resolutely decided to run away. Although there was still some distance from Haibin City, as long as he was fast enough, he still had a chance to escape under the hands of Taoist Feihong.

Shui San received Xu Miao's order, and the two separated.Taoist Feihong's target was Xu Miao, so he ordered the little boy beside him to follow Shui San and try to kill him.

Xu Miao turned into a ray of light and quickly crossed the sky.The Nascent Soul cultivator's speed of controlling the escape light is more than twice as fast as that of the Golden Core cultivator.

Although Xu Miao has the wind spirit root, the gap in cultivation cannot be made up by the spirit root.It is even more difficult for a late-stage monk with a single-wind spirit root Golden Core, and an early-stage monk with a five-spirit root Yuanying to escape.

Xu Miao immediately took out the empty feathers and put them on, flapped them, and his speed was more than doubled, roughly comparable to that of Taoist Feihong.

Taoist Feihong didn't expect Xu Miao to have such a flying magic weapon, so he underestimated him.Taoist Feihong also took out a leaf and shot out a burst of spiritual power. The leaf immediately became larger and grew to a size that could accommodate a monk standing up.

He stood on the leaves, and the leaves carried Taoist Feihong quickly approaching Xu Miao.After finally maintaining the distance, he was once again pulled closer by Taoist Feihong.

Xu Miao kept flapping the wings, completely ignoring the side effects of the wings.His arms, including his back, obviously felt stiff. This stiffness not only targeted the muscles, but also targeted the meridians.

If the meridians are stiff, Xu Miao's spiritual power will not be able to function smoothly. At that time, it will be even more difficult to escape from Taoist Feihong.Xu Miao externalized things like the west wind, stimulated his spiritual power, increased the wind power of the west wind, and let the wind push him forward.

With the help of Kong Lingyi and Xifeng, Xu Miao finally saw the seaside city.Taoist Feihong frowned. He didn't expect that this monk not only possessed the root of wind spirit, but could also externalize objects and act on himself at this stage.

Fighting and fighting are forbidden in the seaside city. Once he enters the seaside city, he can't deal with this kid openly.Taoist Feihong put a little leaf under his feet, and the leaf expanded again, and his speed also increased significantly.

During the flight, Xu Miao suddenly felt a chill on the back of her neck, instinctively lowered her head, and narrowly escaped Taoist Feihong's attack.

Taoist Feihong was already close at hand, Xu Miao bit the tip of her tongue fiercely, and used blood to activate her spiritual power, making the west wind stronger.It's just that his speed has reached the limit, but Taoist Feihong is still approaching him, and his outstretched hand is about to hit Xu Miao's back.

Xu Miao suddenly turned her head and grinned: "Senior Feihong is so hot on his heels, could it be that he is looking down on you?" Taoist Feihong staggered when he heard the words, which made Xu Miao seize the opportunity and fly a little further away.

"It's a pity that I'm not interested in male cultivators, let alone someone as ugly as your Excellency." Xu Miao's words completely aroused Taoist Feihong's anger.

Taoist Feihong was attacked by sky fire when he was young, leaving a deep scar on his face.Whether in the mortal world or later in the cultivation world, because of this scar, countless people ridiculed her.

What's even more hateful is that he still can't get rid of this scar, even though he has reached the Nascent Soul stage, he still has nothing to do.This scar has almost become his reverse scale, and all the people who laughed at him because of this scar finally died under his palm.

Taoist Feihong's furious voice came: "Yu Shan, you must die if you speak so outrageously!"

Xu Miao waved her hand back indifferently, and said, "Cut! You're going to spare my life if I don't talk about your scar. How ridiculous!"

The appearance of the seaside city became bigger and bigger in the eyes, indicating that Xu Miao was getting closer to the seaside city.Taoist Feihong slapped Xu Miao in the back in a rage.

In order to be able to enter the seaside city at the fastest speed, Xu Miao did not set up any obstacles behind her. All her spiritual power was poured into her feet, and at the same time, she increased the wind force of the west wind.

Xu Miao didn't know how powerful the furious palm of a monk in the early Yuanying period would be, but now he knows.That long stroke hit his back heart, and he was directly beaten until he spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the bones on his back were cracked into several pieces.

The spiritual power in the dantian was even more chaotic, all the spiritual power was out of control, running wildly in the meridians, damaging the meridians.Severe pain swept through his whole body in an instant. Contrary to the bad situation on his body, the corners of Xu Miao's mouth curled up, revealing a smug smile.

(End of this chapter)

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