Chapter 279
The magic power around Qingjiao's body was chaotic, and the originally monstrous face became even more ghostly.Xu Miao didn't know if Qingjiao reacted like this when he saw the same kind of dragon tendons.

He pressed Qing Jiao's shoulder, and the soothing water spirit power flowed into Qing Jiao's body along the place where one person and one demon touched.Feeling Xu Miao's concern, Qing Jiao suddenly collapsed on the chair as if she was exhausted, closed her eyes, but there was obvious pain on her face.

Xu Miao didn't speak, and waited silently for Qing Jiao to speak up.

"That's my dragon tendon!" Qing Jiao finally opened his mouth, slamming every word, every word contained a monstrous anger.Xu Miao knew that Qingjiao had been deceived by a human monk after staying in the Land of Trapped Demon for tens of thousands of years.

He pulled out his dragon tendons, and in order to prevent him from retaliating, he was also trapped with multiple restraints and chains.If it wasn't for Xu Miao's mistake, Qingjiao would still be trapped in the trapped demon land, without seeing the light of day.

Xu Miao said in a deep voice: "I will help you get back your dragon tendons, don't worry." He promised Qingjiao, and he will definitely do it.Qingjiao saved him in distress several times, and out of emotion and reason, he would do whatever it takes to get this dragon tendon.

Only by getting the dragon tendon can Qingjiao recover from his injuries, otherwise, Qingjiao will be seriously injured until the end of his life.

Xu Miao looked at the auction stage again, and Liu Yuan picked up one end of the dragon tendon and showed it to everyone.He clearly knew that this was just a necessary process for displaying the auction items, but he also felt a surge of anger in his heart.

"The function of the dragon tendon, I don't need to say more, you must know better than me. I don't want to talk nonsense, this dragon tendon has a base price of 1 yuan—"

Liu Yuan deliberately paused, seeing the eyes of everyone, and then continued: "High-grade spirit stone!"

"Each price increase must not be less than 1000 yuan for high-grade spirit stones, and the auction starts now!" As soon as Liu Yuan finished speaking, the entire auction venue went into a frenzy.

What is the concept of 1 yuan of high-grade spirit stones? When converted into middle-grade spirit stones, there are a total of 100 million yuan, and each price increase must be higher than 1000 yuan, which means that at least 10 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones will be added upwards.

The base price alone has already discouraged many casual cultivators, small sects, and families.At this price, it is very difficult to get it with all your knowledge.Only larger sects and families are eligible to participate in the auction.

"1000 yuan!" The price of dragon tendon is too high, and the people who raised the price did not increase the price significantly.

"1 yuan!"


"2 yuan!" The price rose steadily to 2 yuan, which already made many monks dizzy.At this price, I'm afraid I have never seen so many spirit stones in my life.

Xu Miao also began to participate in the auction when the price of dragon tendons reached 2 yuan.

"2 yuan!" This was the first time that Longjin directly added 2000 yuan to the price of a high-grade spirit stone.Everyone was in an uproar again, looking at the room where Xu Miao was in surprise.

Hidden jade, wind-attribute skills, and up to now, the dragon tendons will overwhelm the audience every time they bid.Everyone was guessing Xu Miao's identity, which family's disciple he was, and who would be so rich.

"Twenty-three thousand yuan!" An old voice sounded.

Xu Miao followed closely behind: "5000 yuan!" Xu Miao still maintained the price of 2000 yuan for top-grade spirit stones, and he wanted to directly overwhelm the bidders psychologically.

"3 yuan!" The old voice did not participate in the bidding, but a younger voice joined.

Xu Miao snorted coldly and said calmly, "3 yuan."

"Dare to ask such a price, you are quite capable!" The young voice mocked.

Someone recognized the owner of the voice, Shen Yan, the young patriarch of the Shen family.

One or two members of the Shen family are not good people, and Xu Miao's impression of the Shen family is getting worse and worse.A Shen Ling, a Shen Yan, always against him.

"I don't know if the ability is not small, but the spirit stone is not small." Xu Miao went back directly.When Shen Yan heard the other party's words, he didn't look at him at all, and became even angrier.

Unable to hold back, Shen Yan shot out a burst of spiritual power and flew straight to the room where Xu Miao was.Before the monk responsible for maintaining the order of the auction house could react, Xu Miao also sent out a burst of spiritual power.

In this move, Xu Miao used Xia Bofei's sword in the world, and anyone with knowledge would recognize it.And the people present really lived up to Xu Miao's expectations, and someone immediately exclaimed: "The sword is in the world!"

"The sword of Zhonglu Jingyangzong is in the world?"

"Exactly! When I was traveling in Zhonglu, I was fortunate enough to see a monk of the Jingyang Sect perform this trick of sword in the world. Looking at that monk, he has a deeper understanding of the sword in the world than I have seen before."

The corners of Xu Miao's mouth curled up into a smile, that's what he wanted.The sword is in the world, and only the core disciples of the Jingyang Sect can practice it.

If it wasn't for that idiot Shen Yan who couldn't hold his breath and took the lead in attacking, he would still be worrying that there would be no place to tear Jingyangzong's tiger skin.As a result, the other party directly sent this opportunity to Xu Miao, how could Xu Miao miss it.

By casting the sword in the world, I want to give a warning to all the monks present, that I am the core disciple of Jingyang Sect.Zhonglu sects are the most defensive, among which Jingyangzong is the most serious.

No matter which continent the monks are from, they all know that they would rather mess with the monks of Qianyangmen than the monks of Jingyangzong.Qianyang Sect won't cling to you, but Jingyang Sect doesn't have to.As long as you mess with them, they will chase you endlessly.

Shen Rong, the head of the Shen family, learned that the person bidding with his son was the core disciple of the Jingyang Sect, and he was so regretful that his guts were green.They are just a small family attached to the Tang family, and they also followed the orders of the Tang family to bid this time.

No matter how strong the Tang family is, they are only some forces in the East Sea, and they are nothing in the hinterland of the East Land, let alone the Jingyang Sect, the most powerful sect in the Central Land.

Shen Rong was so angry that he slapped Shen Yan loudly on the spot for everyone to hear.Xu Miao sneered in her heart, this Shen Rong was able to bend and stretch, knowing that this is the best time to take a step back.

It's just that Shen Rong knew this truth, but Shen Yan didn't.Shen Yan shouted angrily: "Father! How could you beat me because of outsiders!"

All the monks present laughed, and even Liu Yuan, who was in charge of the auction, had a look of ridicule in his eyes.Shen Rong was too lazy to argue with Shen Yan, so he directly cast a silencing curse, making Shen Yan unable to speak again.

At the same time, Shen Rong stood up, walked out of the protective light shield, and bowed respectfully to the place where Xu Miao's room was, and said, "The dog has nothing to do with it, and I hope Fellow Daoist Jingyangzong will forgive me."

Xu Miao was delighted in her heart, Jingyangzong's tiger skin is really useful, just one move of sword in the world makes everyone respectful, for fear of offending him.

"It's just a child's temperament, too impulsive, I don't care about these." Xu Miao's calm voice came out, Shen Rong let out a long sigh of relief, and then retreated into the protective mask.

Then, Shen Rong said to Liu Yuan: "The dog was messing around just now, and the 3 yuan high-grade spirit stone was barked by him ignorantly. Please forgive me, Fairy Liu Yuan."

Shen Rong's meaning was very clear. Shen Yan's bid just now was voided, and the price of the dragon tendons would remain at Xu Miao's original price of 5000 yuan.

While Liu Yuan was hesitating, she received a prompt from the organizer and agreed to Shen Yan's method.Liu Yuan said in a clear voice: "Naturally, the price of dragon tendons is 5000 yuan for high-grade spirit stones. Is there a higher price?"

Everyone murmured in their hearts, even if there was a taller one, they didn't dare to call out, who would dare to offend people from the Jingyang Sect.The venue was quiet, but Xu Miao did not expect that the filming of Longjin would be so smooth.

Liu Yuan didn't talk about the price a few more times, and directly announced: "Dragon tendon, 5000 yuan, a deal!" Xu Miao almost emptied all his family's money, and added the number of top-quality spirit stones to make up 5000 yuan. Top grade spirit stone.

Fortunately, Shen Rong had a wink and voluntarily gave up the price increase, otherwise he would have to take out the spiritual source stone to pay off the debt.Xu Miao took the dragon tendon from the hand of the maid in a good mood, and put it into the Hunting Stone.

Qingjiao gently stroked the dragon tendon that had returned to him with excitement and emotion, and he solemnly said: "Xu Miao, thank you, if it wasn't for you, I would never have the chance to get back my dragon tendon in my life."

Xu Miao said cheerfully: "You have helped me too many times, so I naturally want to repay you. Hurry up and integrate the dragon's tendons." After speaking, Xu Miao withdrew the consciousness in the Hunting Stone, and the green dragon returned to its original shape , and began to fuse the dragon tendons into the body.

The auction of dragon tendons was over, and there were still a few items like Peiying Pill that needed to be auctioned. Xu Miao decided to leave after a moment of deliberation.He and Shui San followed the maids one by one and left the auction venue quietly.

The moment she walked out of the venue, Xu Miao felt someone following her.He bent into a small alley, changed his face instantly, and lowered his clothing to reach the late stage of Foundation Establishment.Immediately afterwards, he walked into the street with the most traffic and mingled with a group of people.

While everyone was not paying attention, he changed his face again, took off his outer robe, and continued to lower his cultivation until he reached the initial stage of foundation establishment.He walked in the street calmly, and changed his voice to bargain with the stall owner.

The thing to buy was the magic weapon needed in the early stage of foundation establishment. The price was agreed, and he showed a very heartbroken expression. He took out the spirit stone, handed it to the stall owner, and quickly put the magic weapon into the storage bag on his waist.

Every movement is exactly the same as that of ordinary foundation-building early-stage monks.The following monks saw Xu Miao, but they didn't connect him with the people who spend a lot of money in the auction venue.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.He walked back in the direction he came from, passing by the following monks.The other party didn't notice him at all, and only regarded him as an ordinary monk.

No matter the aura fluctuations or facial expressions, there was nothing abnormal, and Xu Miao perfectly avoided the pursuit of several people.Xu Miao didn't take it lightly, she still wandered around the streets, and when she saw something, she would sigh that she couldn't afford it.

Completely integrated with the low-level monks in the street, after all the pursuers left the street, Xu Miao's face remained unchanged, and she calmly found an inn to stay and waited for Shui San.

(End of this chapter)

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