Chapter 280
Shui San left the meeting place after Xu Miao. Since Xu Miao had drawn everyone's hatred, Shui San didn't attract anyone's attention when he left. He met Xu Miao at the inn smoothly.

Not only that, but Shui San also brought news: "Martial law has obviously begun in Haibin City. I heard from other monks that it may be because the dragon tendons were photographed by the monks of Jingyang Sect."

When Xu Miao heard this, she frowned: "The Tang family wants to get back the dragon tendons?"

"It's just some monks talking about it, the specific situation is not clear." Shui San shook his head.

Xu Miao tried to extract useful information from Shui San's words.The Tang family wanted to keep the dragon tendons for themselves, and at the same time, in order to make a fortune from the auction, they used the dragon tendons as a gimmick to attract more monks.

As one of the sponsors, the Tang family is not suitable to take the initiative to participate in the auction, but the Tang family's affiliated family, the Shen family, is different, and they will not be subject to any restrictions.

Even if there are gossips, Nai Tang's family can't do it.However, the Tang family's plan was very good, and the design was very careful, but Xu Miao appeared out of nowhere.

Pretending to be the core disciple of the Jingyang Sect, no one in Donglu even dared to openly confront the Jingyang Sect, let alone the seaside city on the border.Therefore, the person in charge of the Tang family allowed Xu Miao to slap the dragon tendons openly, and planned to find Xu Miao secretly and kill him.

Xu Miao made a big splash at the auction at that time. All the monks knew that the disciples of the Jingyang Sect were wealthy and well-to-do, and they could auction anything.

After figuring out the general joints, Xu Miao is not in a hurry, he wants to do the opposite.Everyone, including the Tang family, will think that he has taken such a big advantage this time, and will definitely leave this place immediately.

But Xu Miao wanted to stay in Haibin City. Until the limelight passed, he would leave Haibin City in a big way, and no one would doubt him.

"Xu Miao! The hidden jade came out, a super perfect piece of jadeite!" Xiaotian's excited voice came, and Xu Miao sank into his consciousness immediately, and saw a piece of jadeite as tall as half a person.

As for the small piece of average-quality jadeite exposed outside, it is just an impurity of the perfect jadeite inside.This time it was really a bargain, the price of this piece of jadeite alone was more than 5000 yuan.

If this piece of jadeite is sold in Duobao Pavilion now, Xu Miao will be priced at 50 yuan, and someone will buy it.Such a huge jadeite is enough for more than a dozen defensive magic weapons.

There are special methods for refining jadeite. Xu Miao originally wanted to go out and buy related jade slips, but then thought about it, there should be people guarding the refining shops and places selling jade slips around the coastal city.

As long as the jade slips are related to jadeite, they must be closely watched.If he went out rashly, it would be very bad if he was caught by the Tang family.

Xu Miao thought of Taoist Li Huan who temporarily lived in his Sea of ​​Consciousness. After living so long, he must know the refining method of jadeite: "Li Huan, how should jadeite be integrated into the magic weapon of defense?"

Li Huan was imprisoned by Xu Miao somewhere in the Consciousness Sea. As long as Xu Miao didn't take the initiative to undo the restriction, even Li Huan couldn't forcefully break through the restriction.Therefore, until now, Li Huan didn't know that Xu Miao had participated in the auction and bought back a bunch of expensive things.

"Jadeite? Did you get something good?" Li Huan's tone was full of envy. When he was practicing, he was not like Xu Miao, who could get all kinds of treasures.

"Is there a way?" Xu Miao ignored Li Huan's question.

Li Huan didn't make any detours, and said directly: "Jade jade is very easy to solve. Use the pill fire to burn continuously. Anyway, a small piece of jadeite can be made into a liquid state after two or three years. When the time comes, you How you want to integrate, how to integrate."

Xu Miao was silent for a moment, then said, "If it's half a person's tall jadeite, how long will it take to melt?"

This time the silent person turned into Li Huan, after a long time, Li Huan said: "I didn't hear clearly just now, tell me again, how big is the jadeite?"

"Half the height of a man."

Xu Miao could even hear Li Huan gasping for air, followed by Li Huan's mixed cries of depression and jealousy.He didn't urge Li Huan, and waited for Li Huan to calm down.

"The jadeite that is half a person's height has not been around for 30 to [-] years. With your current strength, it is impossible to melt all of it."

"Can you divide the jadeite and only take the parts you need?"

"Impossible. Jadeite is naturally grown. It is one of the strongest objects in the world. Unless you have chaotic gas, you have a chance to divide it."

"The jadeite sold in the market is a whole piece of jadeite that is melted by a special person, and then the liquid is separated and sold after it solidifies." Xu Miao suddenly looked a little strange when he heard Taoist Li Huan's words.

"What?" came the dissatisfied voice of Taoist Li Huan, "You kid still doesn't believe what I say, don't you don't believe it, just talk about your fog-condensing sword, you can't—"

Xu Miao put the fog-condensing sword into the Huntian Stone, and cut it at the jadeite, a neat cut appeared, and a small piece of jadeite fell down.What Taoist Li Huan left, he just choked it back into his stomach.

The air suddenly became quiet, and Xu Miao took out a small piece of jadeite and put it in her hand.

"Impossible! When you refined your Fog Condensing Sword, you didn't add Chaos Stone. How could it cut jadeite!" Taoist Li Huan's irritable voice sounded from the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and Xu Miao immediately set a restriction. Disillusioned complaints.

Xu Miao told Shui San to pay attention to the surrounding situation, and he was going to start melting the jadeite.Xu Miao shot out a burst of spiritual power, and the jadeite floated in the air.He raised his hands, and Pill Fire appeared in his palms.

Xu Miao kept the jadeite at a distance of three inches from the palm, and kept burning it with the pill fire.Time is like running water, fleeting.When this small piece of jadeite completely melted into liquid, three years had passed.

Move one hand away, and keep the other hand in a state of burning Danhuo.The free hand took out the slug skin, output spiritual power, and shaped the slug skin into the shape he needed.

The slug skin is not big enough for a robe, just enough for a vest.Xu Miao didn't care, and slowly manipulated the jadeite liquid to fuse onto the slug skin and spread it evenly.

The last spiritual power was withdrawn, and the slug vest was completed.The vest shone with a dark golden light. When Xu Miao reached out her hand, the slug vest was worn on her body, and it fit tightly with her body without any gaps.

Taking advantage of the time when no one disturbed him, Xu Miao also completely healed the injuries caused by Taoist Feihong, and he was no longer there on shore.

Four years have passed, and Xu Miao reckons that the Tang family's martial law has become less severe.He took Shui San out of the seaside city with his true colors.Sure enough, as Xu Miao expected, all the Tang family monks at the gate of the city had already dispersed.

However, Xu Miao counted thousands of times, and still counted one person out, and that was Taoist Feihong.Taoist Feihong was tricked several times by Xu Miao, and this time he would rather spend a lot of time just to wait for Xu Miao at the gate of Haibin City.

After Xu Miao walked some distance from the seaside city, Feihong Taoist appeared.

"Yu Shan, I've been waiting for you for a long time, you can really hide." Taoist Feihong walked towards Xu Miao step by step with a gloomy expression.Taoist Feihong appeared in a very ingenious position, just blocking the necessary passage to enter the city.

Xu Miao didn't talk to Taoist Feihong at all, and turned around and ran away.The road to the hinterland of Donglu was blocked, so Xu Miao could only run towards the East China Sea.

Xu Miao, who has practiced "Feng Hui Yun Duan", is more than twice as fast, and can roughly maintain the same level as Taoist Feihong.Taoist Feihong did not expect that in just four years, Xu Miao's strength had reached a new level.

He raised his hand to summon the leaf magic weapon, and drove the leaf magic weapon to chase Xu Miao.Xu Miao was flying desperately ahead, but suddenly found a very strange problem.

The number of sea beasts in the offshore area suddenly increased, and the fifth and sixth-level sea beasts that had never appeared in the offshore area were also mixed in.

Ordinary low-level sea beasts will avoid Jindan monks when they see them.But this time, the sea beast jumped out of the sea recklessly and attacked Xu Miao.Taoist Feihong was also attacked.

The level of these sea beasts is too low, but after the number is large, it will also greatly affect the speed.Xu Miao took out the Fog Condensing Sword and swept across the world with one move, killing all the sea beasts blocking the way in front of him.

With such an intimidating move, even a level five or six sea beast would hesitate.However, these sea beasts seemed to have gone crazy, they were not afraid of death at all, and rushed towards Xu Miao one after another.

Taoist Xu Miao and Taoist Feihong were stopped by two groups of sea beasts, and they couldn't meet each other.Xu Miao was also happy with the current situation, and drove the sea beast to Taoist Feihong.

The momentum around Taoist Feihong suddenly increased, and there was a sound of sea water bursting. All the sea beasts near him died. Xu Miao's side was also impacted, and a large number of sea beasts died.

Although sea beasts are not afraid of death, there must be enough sea beasts.Taoist Feihong's blow killed all the low-level sea beasts in a radius of a hundred miles, and even some low-level monks were affected.

"Yu Shan! You can't escape!" Taoist Feihong's eyes were like maggots on tarsal bones, firmly stuck to Xu Miao's body, and at the same time, Taoist Feihong's consciousness suddenly pressed over.

Sensing the pressure, Xu Miao immediately enlisted the consciousness of Taoist Li Huan and fought back forcefully.A look of surprise flashed in Taoist Feihong's eyes, obviously he did not expect Xu Miao to have such a powerful spiritual sense.

It is easy to release the spiritual consciousness and it is difficult to withdraw it. When there is no competition for the spiritual consciousness, the two just use spiritual power.Once the consciousness is involved, as long as one party takes back the consciousness, it will be immediately suppressed by the other party, thus destroying the sea of ​​consciousness.

Taoist Feihong insisted on using his divine sense, while Xu Miao was stuck on the back of a tiger.If he withdraws his consciousness, he will definitely die. If he does not take back his consciousness, using the power of his consciousness for a long time will have a serious impact on the sea of ​​consciousness.

Xu Miao's back was completely soaked in cold sweat, and her body even trembled slightly.He took a deep breath to stabilize his shaking body.

Taoist Feihong also realized that Xu Miao had used the power of consciousness that did not belong to him, and the color in his eyes was obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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