Chapter 284
"After returning to the city, immediately report the situation here to the high-level monks, and ask them to send people to support quickly!"

Hearing Xu Miao's order, most of the monks immediately flew towards the direction of the seaside city under the control of the light.Except for the late Jindan monks who took the initiative to stay, the other monks left one after another.

They didn't dare to stay or hesitate, and the spiritual power in their bodies was running wildly, just to go faster, faster!They knew very well that Xu Miao and the later cultivators stayed behind so that they could return to the seaside city safely.

They have seen and felt the strength of the bigeye fish and Taiman fish with their own eyes.Even if they are as strong as Xu Miao, they can't compete with them.They had to bring supporting monks before Xu Miao and others could no longer support them, so as to live up to Xu Miao's painstaking efforts.

A monk at the early stage of Jindan was entangled by a sixth-level sea beast when he left, and he couldn't resist, and he would be decapitated in the next moment.Xu Miao sent out a sword light in time to force the sixth-level sea beast back.

The early-stage monks gave Xu Miao a grateful glance, Xu Miao nodded, and at the same time used his spiritual power to say loudly: "All the early-stage and mid-stage monks just retreat, don't look back, we will stop the threat behind you for you!"

The leaving cultivators were so excited that they wished they could turn around and kill the sea beasts, but they kept in mind Xu Miao's order and flew towards the seaside city.

The late Jindan monks followed Xu Miao's instructions to protect the retreating monks. For a while, this dark sea area shone in the dark night because of the light of the magic weapon.

Only the three Jindan early-stage monks who went out at the beginning did not receive any help from anyone.Xu Miao stood by and watched, and the others would not help either.

The three of them watched the other monks escape with the help of Xu Miao. They could only look desperately at the sea beast approaching step by step, and finally died unwillingly.

No one would criticize Xu Miao, they all took Xu Miao's actions for granted.Everyone else wants to kill you, so why don't you go save that person?This is a disease and cannot be committed!
"Late-stage monks must not confront the big-eyed fish or Taiman fish. Once they do, they must withdraw immediately!" The remaining Jindan late-stage monks also knew the importance of Xu Miao's confession.

Xu Miao was stronger than them, even he dared not confront him, let alone them.

"Three people form a unit, kill the sixth-level sea beasts except for the two big guys, and try to kill a sea beast as much as possible!" Xu Miao gave the order very quickly, before the sea beasts approached, All his orders have been given.

Next, it was a matter of life and death, and he had to try to stop two seventh-level sea beasts.Fortunately, there were only these two level seven sea beasts, and the others were level six sea beasts, which gave Xu Miao and others a chance.

Xu Miao was in charge of the big-eyed fish alone, while Shui San joined forces with Du Yingyu to stop the Taiman fish.The human monks were completely suppressed, and there was no possibility of counterattack.

If Xu Miao hadn't refined the slug skin early on, she would definitely not be able to support it now.The big-eyed fish's double-eyed beam attack is too sharp, and the shooting time is long and powerful. Xu Miao can only dodge it with body skills.

Despite the support of the "Feng Hui Yun Duan" exercise, Xu Miao's body was shot through several holes, and blood gushed out from several holes.

In addition to enough spiritual power, there is enough blood to support the monk's movements.The amount of blood is not enough, and the movement obviously begins to become sluggish.

The beams of the bigeye's eyes not only penetrate the body at one moment, but also produce a continuous burning effect.With Xu Miao's current level, unless he used spiritual power to repair for seven days and seven nights, he could barely stop the continuous burning.

As for complete recovery, it will take longer.Xu Miao could only take out the spiritual source water when the light beams of the big-eyed fish's eyes stopped temporarily, otherwise the spiritual power would not be enough.

This is the absolute crushing of cultivation base strength, even if you want to resist, you can't resist.Xu Miao had just drank the spiritual source water, before she could change her position, the big-eyed fish attacked again.

Xu Miao forcibly twisted her body to avoid the beam's attack at her heart, but a hole was pierced in her left arm.The pain caused by the piercing injury was heavy, but Xu Miao didn't even raise her eyebrows.

His face was serious, and if he continued like this, before the arrival of the support monks, he would directly kneel down due to lack of blood.To change the method, think of a place where the walleye cannot attack.

Xu Miao dodged while thinking.The bigeye can attack everywhere, but the bigeye can't attack his own body.As long as he can stay on the big-eyed fish, the big-eyed fish will not pose a threat to him.

Xu Miao's eyes lit up, and the spiritual power in his body was running wildly, and the west wind instantly externalized, accelerating his speed, and he was about to approach the big-eyed fish.The big-eyed fish seemed to be aware of Xu Miao's thoughts, and with a flick of its tail, the distance between the two was widened.

Want to hide?It's not that easy!Can someone who is being targeted by him, Xu Miao, still hide?Xu Miao took the initiative to attack after facing the big-eyed fish, and the fog-condensing sword appeared in his hand immediately. Xu Miao raised his hand and swept the world with one move.

It's just that the goal of sweeping the world with this trick is not the big-eyed fish, but the place where the big-eyed fish must go to retreat.The sea beast would avoid this seemingly dangerous place due to instinct.

At the moment when the big-eyed fish was hesitant, Xu Miao seized the opportunity, and all the power of the Wu Ning Sword appeared. The chaotic gas, sword intent, wind blade, and ice were perfectly fused together to strengthen the power of the Wu Condensing Sword. .

The golden core in the dantian spun rapidly, and the spiritual power of the whole body poured into the Ningwu sword.After all the preparations, Xu Miao raised the fog-condensing sword high and thrust it into the big-eyed fish's body.

This sword contained Xu Miao's strongest strength at this stage. Even the tough skin of the big-eyed fish was pierced by the fog-condensing sword.

In order to ensure that the Mist Condensing Sword can be stuck inside smoothly, Xu Miao circulated water-attribute spiritual power to freeze all the flesh and blood near the sword body.The big-eyed fish hadn't been injured for many years, let alone being injured by a low-level human monk today.

Big Eye Fish, who had always been high above, rolled his body furiously, trying to throw Xu Miao and Ning Wujian off his body.How could Xu Miao do what he wished, the continuous influx of water spirit power was just to freeze the place where the Wu Ningwu sword and the big-eyed fish were in contact.

Xu Miao turned her body over and rode on the big-eyed fish with the help of the fog-condensing sword.The bigeye fish is now furious, and the beams of its eyes are constantly firing.

As long as he can control the direction in which the big-eyed fish's head swings, he can use the big-eyed fish's binocular light beams to affect sea beasts.Xu Miao sent voice transmission to Shui San and Du Yingyu, directing their movement direction.

"Left!" The two moved perfectly to the left according to Xu Miao's instruction.Xu Miao slammed down the fog-condensing sword, causing the head of the big-eyed fish to turn to where the Taiman fish was because of the pain.

The power of the light beams in both eyes is so great that even the Taiman fish can't resist it, and was pierced through a hole by the light beams.The Taiman fish quickly swung its tail and moved away from its original position.

Xu Miao sneered, wanting to run?Can you escape?He held down the fog-condensing sword again, and the big-eyed fish turned his head again involuntarily, and hit the beam of eyes again.

This time, the Taiman's tail was pierced with two big holes.The fish tail affects the swimming speed of the sea beast, once the fish tail is injured, the speed of the sea beast will be affected.

Xu Miao promptly ordered Shui San and Du Yingyu to go up and make up for the knife. Instead of looking for other positions, they just looked for the three holes in the Taiman fish and attacked fiercely.

"Big eyes! You are crazy, why did you hit me!" The sound of the Taiman fish's collapse sounded, making the two human monks grab the sore spots on their bodies, and the feeling of constantly attacking was too bad.

The big-eyed fish was also very uncomfortable, being stabbed by the fog-condensing sword, he couldn't get rid of the person on his body, and was used as a spear by a human monk. He had never been so angry.

The more he thought about it, the more angry Bigeye Fish suddenly realized that human monks could not stay in the sea for a long time, so he simply dived to the bottom of the sea, intending to suffocate Xu Miao to death.

"Humans! When you get to the bottom of the sea, let's see how you can play tricks! I can't kill you! Hurry up and take the sword off my body, and I'll leave you as a dead body!" Big Eyed Fish said angrily.

If it was before, Xu Miao would indeed be in a hurry. He didn't avoid water drops, nor did he practice special techniques to avoid water.But it is different now, he has the scales given by Qingjiao, even if he does not leave the bottom of the sea for the rest of his life, he will not suffocate to death.

Xu Miao sneered again and again, and said, "Okay! I want to see if you can suffocate me to death!" Xu Miao was in the water, and it was easier to use the Ice Spell.

He kept condensing the nearby seawater, making it look like an ice pick, piercing the big-eyed fish's eyes.Although the eyes of the big-eyed fish have strong attack power, their defense power is very poor, and any sharp object touching the eyes will cause damage.

Big Eyed Fish didn't expect that this seemingly insignificant human being would be so difficult to deal with. For the first time, he regretted how he had provoked such a person.

The closer to the bottom of the sea, the more boulders there are, and Bigeye suddenly thought of a plan.Anyway, he has rough skin and thick flesh, so he is not afraid of being hit. This thin-skinned monk must not be able to withstand the violent impact.

The bigeye fish carried Xu Miao and quickly approached the sharp boulder.Seeing the big-eye fish's intentions, Xu Miao snorted coldly. On the way the big-eye fish was moving forward, the sea water condensed continuously, forming huge blocks of ice, blocking his way.

In order to kill Xu Miao, Big Eye Fish spared no expense.He slammed into the ice violently, and finally got close to the boulder. A lush tree suddenly appeared. The lush branches and leaves perfectly offset the force of the impact, and Xu Miao was intact.

"What other moves do you have? Stupid fish?" Xu Miao dismissively said, the way this big-eyed fish dealt with him was really easy to crack.Don't blame the big-eyed fish either. Human monks are born with much higher intelligence than other creatures, and they are very talented.

Big Eye Fish was originally a headache for Xu Miao, but when he heard this stupid fish sound, he became even more furious.His IQ ranks high among the eighth-level sea beasts. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be selected by the sea king to become a pioneer.

(End of this chapter)

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