Chapter 285
"Human! You dare to underestimate my IQ. How could I be so stupid, eh?" Big Eyed Fish said in a rough voice, being so stimulated by Xu Miao's words that he lost his former calmness and just planned.

"With your IQ, you are still asking me why you are stupid. Isn't that enough to prove that you are stupid?" Xu Miao talked to the big-eyed fish while controlling the ice pick to approach the big-eyed fish's eyes carefully.

In order to maximize the effect of the ice picks that pierced the eyes of the big-eyed fish, Xu Miao hid a trace of chaotic gas in each ice pick.The chaotic gas is invincible, if it can successfully touch the opponent's eyes directly, it can destroy the beams of his eyes in an instant.

After all, the bigeye fish is a level seven sea beast, and soon discovered the existence of the ice pick.He twisted his body to avoid the ice pick.Xu Miao also specially placed a piercing needle in the nearest ice pick, double insurance.

As the ice pick got closer and closer to the bigeye fish, the speed at which the bigeye fish dodged became faster and faster.At this moment, Xu Miao pressed the Wu Ning Sword hard, causing instant severe pain to the big-eyed fish.

This burst of pain will cause the big-eyed fish to pause for a very short time. Xu Miao seizes this pause and controls the ice pick to penetrate the big-eyed fish's eyes.

The big-eyed fish's screams came immediately, and the body began to twist violently. The pain caused by the fog-condensing sword was not as painful as the pain of the eyes being pierced.

Xu Miao withdrew the water spirit power on the Wuning Sword, raised her hand and pulled out the Wuning Sword.The big-eyed fish, which fell into madness, swayed its body crazily, and the sediment on the bottom of the sea was turned upside down by him, affecting Xu Miao's sight.

Xu Miao really wanted to pursue the victory and kill the blind big-eyed fish at the bottom of the sea, but even if a part of the body of the seventh-level sea beast was severely injured, it still had spare strength.

After the big-eyed fish stirred the sand, while Xu Miao couldn't see clearly, he flicked his tail and quickly swam to the far sea.The biggest threat left, and Xu Miao stayed behind for a while, swimming towards the sea level.

When he appeared on the surface of the sea, the smile on his face hadn't receded, and he saw more sea beasts coming to this sea area.There are too many seventh-level sea beasts. Just injuring a big-eyed fish is about to exhaust me to death, not to mention so many seventh-level sea beasts.

The monk who was worried about Xu Miao's safety couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Xu Miao returned safely.Xu Miao's appearance allowed the remaining monks to quickly find their backbone.They all gathered behind Xu Miao, waiting for Xu Miao's order.

The red sun has risen, dispelling the panic brought about by the dark night.

"Our mission has been completed, everyone started to retreat in batches!" Xu Miao gave orders in an orderly manner, and the rest of the monks responded immediately.

The monk flew high in the sky, and streaks of silver light flashed across the sky.Most of the sea beasts couldn't get out of the sea for the time being, sticking their heads out of the sea and swimming quickly towards the seaside city.

Only a few sea beasts escaped from the water and flew into the air, chasing the retreating monks.When Xu Miao was flying, she kept turning around and drawing a sword to block the sea beast a little bit, buying more time for the other monks to retreat.

Except for the direction back to the seaside city where there are no sea beasts, all other directions are densely packed with sea beasts, like dumplings, completely occupying the sea surface.

Several sea beasts swimming on the surface of the sea suddenly turned into human figures and chased after Xu Miao.A jet of water hit Xu Miao's back, Xu Miao felt the presence of the jet of water, Fenghuiyunduan cast it, disappeared from the spot in an instant, and appeared in another place.

Several water jets were fired at the same time, Xu Miao reversed her body and propped up Fu Yu's helmet.A sea beast capable of transforming must have at least level seven strength.The moment Xu Miao's Fu Yu's armor was propped up, it was broken through.

The water column had no resistance and rushed directly to Xu Miao's body.The size of the refined slug skin can only barely protect the vital organs of the body, and the limbs cannot be scrupled.

These jets of water attacked from different parts of Xu Miao's body. Xu Miao raised his sword to strike at the jets of water, but he couldn't split all the jets of water at the same time.In the end, there were three water jets, hitting Xu Miao's dantian, right hand, and left leg.

With the help of slug skin, the dantian only caused a shock of spiritual power, and there was no other danger. Instead, the right hand and left leg, without any defense, were hit by the water column.

Xu Miao's figure immediately became unstable, her right hand lost strength, and she almost couldn't even hold the Ningwu sword.Xu Miao stopped almost all the seventh-level sea beasts that shot, and gave other monks a chance to survive.

Shui San had already received his order to escort the other monks into the city, and he should have arrived at Haibin City by this time.Even without him continuing to stop him, he could safely return to Seaside City.

Xu Miao let go of the heavy burden in her heart, put away the spiritual power released from her whole body, and clung to her body tightly.Then he used a heavy drop, and it looked as if he was about to die, and fell heavily to the surface of the sea.

With the IQ of those sea beasts, they would not think that Xu Miao was pretending to be dead, but would believe that he was really dead.Sea beasts don't like to eat dead human flesh, so as long as Xu Miao doesn't release a trace of breath, the sea beasts won't attract their attention.

Xu Miao fell into the sea, but no sea beasts noticed him.He quickly sank down and walked until he reached the bottom of the sea, before he found a hidden place and hid in it.

His body is full of scars now, if he can barely support the competition with the seventh-level sea beast, he will only die under those fierce water jets.It's better to retreat and hide in the bottom of the sea by pretending to be dead, and return to the seaside city after the injury recovers.

This place is close to the seaside city. All the sea beasts near this sea area have almost come out of their nests. There will be no sea beasts left here. Xu Miao can recover from his injuries safely.

He arranged a few small hidden warning circles outside a few stones.After everything was ready, Xu Miao sat cross-legged, closed her eyes, palms up, and recovered with closed eyes.

Since it is on the bottom of the sea, most of the aura is water aura, and it is not easily absorbed by human monks.After Xu Miao absorbed the water aura in the nearby sea water, he slowly renewed the sea water so that outsiders could not see any abnormalities from the sea surface.

As the sea water continued to change, the water spiritual power continued to enter Xu Miao's body, and began to repair the injuries caused by the big-eyed fish and the water column just now.

To be on the safe side, Xu Miao absorbs water spiritual power very slowly, and the speed of recovery from injuries is also very slow.There is a special way of sensing between Xu Miao and Shui San, through which both parties can know whether the other is alive or not.

After Shui San entered the city, he didn't feel anything unusual, and knew that Xu Miao was still alive.According to Xu Miao's instructions, he stayed in the seaside city and continued to learn about the latest situation.

The tide of beasts has completely erupted, and there are eight-level sea beasts in the waters near the seaside city.As soon as these level eight sea beasts came out of the water, their incomparably huge bodies were undoubtedly revealed.

Just from the visual point of view, it caused a great psychological shock to the monks.Haven't played yet, and lost half a point first.

Xu Miao stayed at the bottom of the sea calmly, and could feel the seawater on the bottom of the sea becoming turbulent from time to time. He could probably guess that the battle on the sea surface should be very fierce.

Compared with the movement of him absorbing the spiritual power of water from the sea water, it is really nothing compared to this kind of movement.Xu Miao lost her worries and began to change the sea water on a large scale to absorb spiritual power.

A large amount of water and spiritual power entered the body, and the Bihai Qingtian Art began to repair the body.Under the continuous operation of spiritual power, the injuries were finally fully recovered after three years.

At this time, the battle between the sea beast and the monk entered a fierce stage.On the beast killing list, Xu Miao's names with only a few thousand points have been left far behind, and the shiny names with hundreds of thousands of points at the top are all disciples of the famous sect in the East.

As long as they are famous monks on the list, no matter they used to be unknown or famous, they are all well-known in the Eastern Continent now.Du Yingyu, as an ordinary late-stage monk, does not have the strength to enter the list of killing beasts.

But he knows that if there is one person who is still there, he will definitely be at the top of the list.At least when he came back that day, Yu Shan's name was at the top of the list of beasts killed by Jindan stage monks.

All Golden Core cultivators need to look up to Mount Yu.Because his score is too high, other people can only have a score of 4000 at most, but Yu Shan has reached a height of more than [-] points with him alone.

At that time, Yu Shan's sudden rise caused great repercussions in Haibin City.Everyone was guessing about Yu Shan's origin, asking around the monks of famous sects, all of them said that there was no such person in their sect.

The final result is very obvious. Yu Shan was identified as a loose cultivator, and he also became the target of worship for all Jindan and lower level casual practitioners. Everyone is learning from Yu Shan.

Because everyone knows that with Yu Shan's strength, he can return to Seaside City safely.But he fell because he saved the other monks who walked with him.

With the help of Yu Shan, none of the monks died during the retreat.This is something that has never happened since the beast horde, and Yu Shan made it a reality.

Some casual cultivators occasionally see the rankings of the beast killing list, and they will secretly mutter: "If fellow Daoist Yu is still there, how can we allow them to be so rampant."


Xu Miao, who was at the bottom of the sea, didn't know about these things. What he was thinking about now was how to return to the seaside city.

Xu Miao has been able to determine from the sea water whether there is a battle above the sea. He did not choose to return to the seaside city when the two sides ceased fighting.

Because when the two sides truce, the gates of the seaside city must be closed.When he leaves the seabed, he will be exposed to all sea beasts. If the city gate is not opened in time, he will definitely die.

Only when the battle between the two sides was in full swing, he appeared to kill the sea beast, would he have a legitimate reason to return to the seaside city with the other monks.

He sat in the crack, quietly waiting for the sea to surge again.Xu Miao didn't wait too long for this special time.In about ten days, the two sides fought again.

(End of this chapter)

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