Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 286 The Return

Chapter 286 The Return
Judging from the fluctuations in the sea water, the battle above was not very intense.If he hadn't guessed, it should be just a warm-up station for the sixth-level sea beasts and Jindan stage monks.

Usually at this time, both sides will send out people with low cultivation bases to fight in a tacit understanding.After a period of time, when both sides are red-eyed, higher-level sea beasts and higher-level monks will fight.

If you go out at that time, it is easy to be accidentally injured by their mana.Xu Miao would not make such a stupid decision, he quickly collected the nearby formations, and immediately floated to the surface of the sea.

When he was about to get close to the surface of the sea, a sixth-level sea beast with a keen sense found him, and a harpoon-like thing stabbed at Xu Miao.

Sea beasts knew how to use harpoons. Xu Miao was amused, but his subordinates were unambiguous, avoiding the tip of the harpoon, holding the position of the harpoon shaft, and dragging the sixth-level sea beast below the surface of the sea.

The sixth-level sea beast obviously didn't expect that the human monk who appeared suddenly would have such strength, and Xu Miao snatched the harpoon by surprise.

Xu Miao didn't wait for the sixth-level sea beast to retreat, and threw the harpoon vigorously, hitting the sixth-level sea beast's chest.Dead sea beasts will float on the surface of the sea, and this sixth-level sea beast is no exception.

His belly was turned out and he was floating on the surface of the sea, with a harpoon of the sea beast stuck in his snow-white belly.This change caused both sides in the war to stop.

The sea beast side was in shock, the leading sea beast ordered the subordinate sea beasts to check the situation, while the human monks stood aside temporarily, waiting for the situation to be clarified before making a decision.

The sea beast who checked the situation began to approach Xu Miao, and Xu Miao almost wanted to laugh when he saw his cautious look.

Xu Miao followed the moving direction of the sea water, and approached the opponent flexibly from under the sea water, and shot out a wave of water spiritual force, creating a hole in the sea beast's body.

The sea beast also blazed into the bottom of the sea, Xu Miao approached him from behind the sea beast, raised his hand to kill the sea beast, and then let the sea beast's body float to the surface of the sea.

This time, the group of level six sea beasts were frightened.In the past three years, although they have not won many battles, they still maintain the upper hand, and they have never seen anyone who dared to plot against them at the bottom of the sea.

The leading sixth-level sea beast was in doubt, and while hesitating, Xu Miao condensed the chaotic gas on his finger, swiped his backhand, and the highly concentrated chaotic gas, like a sharp sword, pierced into the chest of the leading sea beast, and instantly harvested it. his life.

Unprepared by surprise, Xu Miao has the indestructible chaotic gas in his hands, and dealing with a few sixth-level sea beasts is just like playing.The rest of the sea beasts were completely frightened. They gathered together and lowered their heads, but they didn't dare to go deep into the sea.

Xu Miao swaggered to the water where a group of sea beasts were located, took out the fog-condensing sword, and after sweeping the world with several moves, all the sixth-level sea beasts were staggering and unable to form a complete combat power.

The sixth-level sea beast was attacked before it had a match with the human monks, and even suffered heavy losses.This is something that sea beasts cannot tolerate, and a seventh-level sea beast was sent out to observe the situation.

This seventh-level sea beast is not any other sea beast, but the big-eyed fish that Xu Miao stabbed and blinded before.Somehow, one of the eyes returned to normal, but the other was forever trapped in darkness.

The big-eyed fish stared at his bull-like eyes, observing the surrounding situation: "Who the hell? Dare to attack my sea beast, are you impatient?"

The human monks also paid close attention to the situation here. When they saw the appearance of the seventh-level sea beast, a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul also appeared here.Big Eye Fish didn't take the initiative to make a move, and neither did the human monks.

A slightly mocking voice appeared: "Stupid fish, are you looking for me?" Xu Miao slowly rose from below the sea surface until it was above the sea surface, at the same height as other monks.

Big Eyed Fish was stunned for a moment. From his birth till now, the only person who would call him a stupid fish was the one who stabbed his eyes.

If it wasn't for Yu Shan, he wouldn't be punished by Sea King. In order to cure his eyes, the family almost tried their best to restore one of his eyes.

The hatred of blindness is irreconcilable.Big Eye Fish turned around angrily, looking for Xu Miao's trace.Xu Miao's robe swayed with the wind, looking relaxed and unrestrained.

"Stupid fish, turn this way, I'm here." The big-eyed fish immediately turned around when he heard the words, and before he could say anything, he heard Xu Miao's ridicule: "It's really stupid, if you are told to turn, you can turn. "

Before Xu Miao could finish speaking, the Wu Ningjian sword in her hand was full of sword intent, stabbing at the healed eye of the big-eyed fish.Bigeye was once bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of well ropes. Although he hated Xu Miao in his heart, he still flinched when he saw Xu Miao's sword.

This is what he wanted. The Fog Condensing Sword was just a cover-up, and what he wanted to cover was the bone-piercing needle that contained a trace of chaotic gas.

Xu Miao raised the piercing needle, and before the big-eyed fish could react, it crippled his eye, which had been healed with great difficulty.

The monks on the side stared dumbfounded at a monk at the early stage of golden core fighting against a seventh-level sea beast, and hearing the tone of the seventh-level sea beast, he had suffered a disadvantage at the hands of this early-stage golden core monk.

They didn't quite believe it before, but now they do.With just one move, the cultivator at the early Golden Core stage in front of him easily blinded one of the big-eyed fish's eyes.

"Human! I will definitely kill you!" The bigeye wagged its tail angrily, and its mana rioted.Xu Miao has no doubt that if she gets close to the opponent now, she will be torn to pieces by the opponent's magic power in a moment.

Xu Miao's nonchalant voice sounded: "You said you were going to kill me three years ago, and I blinded you in both eyes. Three years later, you still didn't kill me, and you were blinded by me. A good eye."

"Tsk tsk tsk, God is so pitiful." Although Xu Miao said so, she didn't mean to feel sorry for the other party.


This seventh-level sea beast is different from the big-eyed fish. He likes the appearance of humans, so he also likes to transform into a human when walking outside.

"In the early days of Jindan, it turned out to be your eyes with big eyes." Looking at it from Xu Miao's point of view, the human form of the sea beast in front of him is barely passable in appearance, but the dress is really a bit hot-eyed.

Xu Miao saw the horrible look on the monk next to him from the corner of his eyes, and knew that she was not the only one who disliked the other's attire.

"Hana hat! You must help me kill that human being!" The big-eyed fish's angry voice sounded, and through the words of the big-eyed fish, Xu Miao knew that the original shape of this sea beast was a flower hat jellyfish.

Hanagasa jellyfish took out a handkerchief that she got from no one knows where, and wiped the sweat that didn't exist on her forehead: "It seems that you look good, and I want to peel off your face for collection."

"However, look at the big-eyed mood, he will not allow me to do this, as long as you are smashed into thousands of pieces." Every time the jellyfish said a word, she had to wipe her sweat with a handkerchief. Xu Miao was really hard to see. go down.

He raised his hand to stop the jellyfish's words: "Putting aside the grievances between me and the big-eyed fish, have your family members and friends told you that your outfits and postures are really eye-catching. "

The flower hat jellyfish stared, waved the embroidered handkerchief, chopped off its right foot, and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will tear you to pieces if you dare to say that about me?"

Xu Miao twitched the corners of her mouth, despairing at the IQ of the sea beast in front of her: "You just said that you were going to tear me into pieces."

As soon as the words fell, the two shot at the same time. The handkerchief of Hanagasa Jellyfish was made of unknown material, but it could be stretched in an instant and become an attack weapon.

Xu Miao blocked the attack that was right in front of him, and the early Nascent Soul cultivators on the human side also attacked.The opponent's seventh-level sea beasts all moved, so there was no reason for him not to move.

When the seventh level and Yuan Ying met, there was nothing wrong with Xu Miao.Xu Miao wandered back to the human camp leisurely, enjoying the attention of everyone.Xu Miao is definitely the first one who dares to talk to the seventh-level sea beast and can speak bluntly.

"Yu Shan!" Du Yingyu was originally at the rear of the camp, and when he heard the people next to him talk about a person who came out of the sea and blinded the eyes of a seventh-level sea beast, he guessed that Xu Miao had returned.

Sure enough, he saw Xu Miao's temperament that was different from ordinary people. Although he couldn't say it accurately, he just thought Xu Miao was different from ordinary people.

Xu Miao followed Du Yingyu back to the back of the camp, and listened to the other party's account of what happened in Haibin City during the three years he was absent.Now the highest level of battle occurs between the eighth-level sea beast and the great monk of the late Nascent Soul, and there is no appearance of the level of transformation for the time being.

Du Yingyu also told him about the beast killing list, and kept asking him to kill more sea beasts to raise the score ranking to No.1, and slapped those sect disciples hard.

Xu Miao also learned from Du Yingyu that casual cultivators are not happy to cooperate with monks from those sects, and there are often conflicts. If there were no high-level monks forcibly suppressing it, I am afraid that the coastal city was not destroyed by sea beasts, but by civil strife.

And the situation in the seaside city is very bad now, whether it is medicine pills or magic weapons, they are almost running out, which is not enough for monks to fight.However, those big sects and big families are arguing at this time and are unwilling to provide items.

Du Yingyu looked around, no one noticed here, and then he said via voice transmission: "Actually, those sects and families are not willing to provide materials, they are not willing to provide materials for us casual practitioners!"

"Our elixirs and magic weapons are exhausted, and there are so many monks from the famous sect that they can use elixirs. Every time I leave the station, I don't see what they lack!"

(End of this chapter)

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