Chapter 287
Xu Miao sorted out all the information Du Yingyu told him, and got a general understanding of the current situation.

The contradictions between Sanxiu and the famous disciples of Donglu Center, and the monks of large cultivation families are almost irreconcilable.

Because Donglu is close to the ocean, the power of casual cultivators in Donglu is stronger than that of other continents.There are only so many cultivation resources in Donglu. If multiple people share the cake, the cake that the rest of the people can share will naturally decrease.

Therefore, taking advantage of Donglu's encounter with the beast horde, the sect and family joined hands to suppress casual cultivators.Although the casual cultivator has the backing of the casual cultivator alliance, they can't help but exert pressure from many parties, and they can only let the casual cultivator's situation get worse and worse.

"Look at the rankings on the beast killing list, the top [-] don't have a place for our casual cultivators at all, they are all those cultivators whose eyes are higher than the top."

"The tallest one is your brother Yu Shuisan, who ranks No. 30. If we have enough medicine reserves, we can also break into the top ten, or even higher rankings." Du Yingyu's face was full of dissatisfaction. convinced.

In terms of ranking, Xu Miao didn't care about these things, no matter how high the ranking was, it was just giving some useless rewards.

Du Yingyu hated Tiebuchenggang: "It's not three years ago now, those sects and families gave very generous rewards to the top [-] in order to show themselves!"

"If they can enter the top ten, monks in the golden core stage may get top-grade Houtian spiritual weapons, as well as pills, talismans...but those things ended up in their own pockets."

Xu Miao's eyes lit up when he heard that the reward was generous.He rubbed his chin, thinking about the possibility of scoring points.Although he doesn't lack magic weapons and pills, Shui San and Du Yingyu will.

If Shui San had enough pills, he wouldn't stop at No. 30 on the beast killing list.What's more, now that items are scarce, he can still sell what he gets to supplement the consumption of spirit stones.

Originally, his net worth was quite rich, but after that auction, in order to bid for Qingjiao's dragon tendons, he had used up all the spirit stones, and he returned to the point of embarrassment.

"Oh! Poor, so poor!" Du Yingyu nodded in sympathy when he heard Xu Miao's words.

A well-dressed monk flew through the air, and he knew: "All casual monks, prepare to set off to meet the sea beast!"

A casual cultivator next to Xu Miao muttered in a low voice: "Isn't it just a good backer? What's the air?" Xu Miao did not participate in their complaints, adjusted his robes, and set off for the front line with Du Yingyu.

Different from the monks in the previous battle, this group of monks who were attacking were all casual monks, dressed in different clothes, and walked towards the assembly point sparsely.

Loose cultivators are used to doing their own thing, unwilling to be restrained, and unwilling to obey orders. If they maintain this state, it will be difficult to gather combat power, and it will be even more difficult to exert the true strength of rogue cultivators.

In order to get a good ranking on the beast killing list, Xu Miao decided to punish this group of casual cultivators.He has no prestige now, so he has no right to speak.

The establishment of prestige needs to rely on the display of strong strength. Among the casual cultivators in Haibin City, except for Shui San, there are only a few monks who can do it for the time being.And these monks also acted independently for their own interests, and did not gather all the forces that could be won together.

Shui San's performance was good, and he even threatened some famous monks. Therefore, he was kept in the city by some high-level forces for various reasons.

In addition, Shui San was not interested in killing sea beasts. He obeyed Xu Miao's instructions and waited for him to return in the city, so he would not easily win over the monks.

As soon as Xu Miao arrived at the front line assembly point, through his contract with Shui San, he notified Shui San to come here quickly.If a monk is willing to take the initiative to participate in the battle, others cannot stop it.

Shui Sanyi was uncharacteristically planning to go out of the city, which really surprised the monks who were called guards but actually monitored Shui San.Shui San usually kept silent, but this time his attitude was tough, and no one else could stop him.

A disciple of the Ye family who was in charge of notifying casual cultivators of the battle, saw that Xu Miao and others had not started to attack the sea beast, and said anxiously, "Why don't you enter the battlefield quickly!"

As long as one person does not move, other casual cultivators will follow his actions.Xu Miao sat firmly on a rock by the coast, no matter how urged by the other party, she did not move.

Seeing that Xu Miao didn't take his words to heart at all, that Ye family disciple was furious, and immediately used the magic weapon in his hand.

This disciple of the Ye family just came out of the seaside city. He didn't see Xu Miao's suppression of the big-eyed fish, but simply thought that this casual cultivator who had just arrived at the early stage of Jindan needed to be taught a lesson.

Xu Miao didn't even lift her eyelids, and knocked away the nearby magic weapon with her backhand, and said coldly, "Be quiet, didn't your adults teach you?"

The casual cultivator next to him was really relieved to see Xu Miao daring to ignore the disciples of the family, and even daring to teach him a lesson.

"Great job! That's what it should be done to them!"

"That's right, but the reincarnation technique is good, what are you crazy about in front of us!"


When the disciples of the Ye family heard the discussion of casual cultivators, their pale faces turned red.He recalled the magic weapon and threatened Xu Miao viciously: "You don't fight for a long time. When the time comes, the sea beast crosses the coastline and the upper-level monks will blame you. Can you bear the blame?"

His words also hit the heart of other casual cultivators' worries.If the sea beasts are allowed to cross the line, they will be severely punished, and the few pills that were originally there will be reduced.

The morale of this group of casual cultivators was high, seeing this situation, the voices of the discussion also dropped.

Xu Miao opened her eyes, squinted at the other party, and said, "That's my business, I don't need you to meddle in other people's business here."

The dispute between Xu Miao and the disciples of the Ye family attracted the attention of other sects and family monks.They gathered here one after another. Seeing this, casual cultivators spontaneously stood behind Xu Miao.

The casual cultivator who played with Xu Miao was absolutely casual.He didn't even join any of the casual cultivators who had been ranked in the beast killing list, so he could be said to be free to come and go.

At this time, Shui San received Xu Miao's order, turned into a ray of light, and flew to Xu Miao's side.

"This is Yu Shuisan!"

"Why did Yu Shuisan appear here?"

"Is Yu Shuisan going to kill sea beasts with us?"

... Whether it is a casual cultivator, or a sect, or a family monk, they are all puzzled.

One of the monks, obviously from a certain sect, took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "Friend Yu, you should be in the seaside city, not here." The monk's words clearly carried an order.

Shui San's strength is obvious to all, and they don't want Shui San to join this group of casual practitioners to enhance their combat power.

"What kind of thing are you to decide whether my brother will stay or not?" Shui San stood behind Xu Miao since he came here, completely respecting Xu Miao.

Xu Miao didn't pay attention to the sect monks at all when he said this, and the disdain and dissatisfaction in his tone were very obvious.

"Let me tell you, even the head of your sect standing here has no right to stop a monk from wanting to kill sea beasts, let alone someone of your level." After Xu Miao finished speaking, she ignored him. , took Shui San directly to the location of the seashore.

The monk wanted to refute Xu Miao very much, but Xu Miao's people had left, and a sense of aggrieved feeling that he had nowhere to exert his strength emerged spontaneously, but Xu Miao still had righteousness.

When Du Yingyu saw Xu Miao leave, he followed closely behind. Loose cultivators liked to follow the crowd the most. After two or three left, they naturally wouldn't stay here any longer. They turned into lights and followed behind Xu Miao.

This time Xu Miao and the others were fighting against level six sea beasts. The sea beasts saw that the human monks had not arrived, so they increased the number of sea beasts, but Xu Miao just took advantage of them.

During Xu Miao's three years at the bottom of the sea, he has already pushed his cultivation to the peak of the early stage. As long as there is a suitable opportunity, he can break through and advance to the middle stage of Jindan.

If it wasn't for consolidating his cultivation, Xu Miao would have already reached the middle stage of Jindan's cultivation.However, the early stage of the golden core also has the benefits of the early stage. Killing a sixth-level sea beast with the initial cultivation base can directly get ten points.

Xu Miao can quickly brush up the score to the list until she breaks into the top [-].

Xu Miao disappeared for three years. Except for a few monks who knew him, the other monks either didn't recognize him at all, or those who knew him had already died in the battle in Donghai.At least among this group of monks, no one except Du Yingyu knew about him.

I don't know him yet, but I will know him later.Xu Miao had a dispute with the disciples of the Ye family before, and it was also on purpose.In the minds of this group of casual cultivators, there was an impression of daring to fight head-to-head with the aristocratic family and the sect, and the rest was a matter of strength.

The number of level [-] sea beasts in front of them far exceeds the number of other casual cultivators who have fought against each other. Their first reaction is not to take out the magic weapon to fight, but to consider the strategy of escape.

Xu Miao saw everyone's expressions one by one, and raised the corners of her mouth.If you want other monks to join the battle, you must lead them and let them be influenced.

The Fog Condensing Sword appeared in his hand in an instant. Xu Miao held the Fog Condensing Sword and swept across the world with one move. The sixth-level sea beasts in the front were directly seriously injured, and none of them could survive the sweep of the world.

Except for Du Yingyu and Shui San, the rest of the casual cultivators were all shocked, their mouths open could almost swallow an egg.This strength, even those monks from famous sects, is rarely achieved.

A person with such a strong strength is actually a member of their casual cultivators.The way they looked at Xu Miao changed immediately. At first, it was only admiration for Xu Miao's daring to argue with Ye family disciples, but now it all turned into awe of the strong.

Xu Miao was very satisfied with the effect of this move: "The sea beasts are not invincible, they will also bleed and die, it just depends on which of you is stronger."

Xu Miao added spiritual power to this sentence, and all the monks present could clearly hear it.

"I know that you have suffered a lot at the hands of some people, but this situation will soon be reversed—"

(End of this chapter)

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