Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 288 Mobilization

Chapter 288 Mobilization
"As a monk, you are someone who dares to fight for your life. Today, what you encountered was nothing more than a group of sea beasts, which weakened your will and wiped out your courage."

"You guys like this, how can you compete with those you hate?"

"Whether you want to be a bystander of this matter, or a personal participant in this matter, the choice is all in your hands!"

After Xu Miao finished speaking these few words, she did not continue.Everyone is a smart person, if you can wake up, you will wake up immediately, if you can't wake up here, then you won't be able to wake up for the rest of your life.

"You are Yu Shan, right?" A monk broke the silence first, "It was you who saved the monk who set out with you to meet the sea beast with your own efforts, right?"

Xu Miao nodded slowly, and said, "I am Yu Shan. The last time I was able to save other people was thanks to the cooperation of all the monks. My strength alone is too small to change the course of certain things. "

"I'll do it with you. My brother was in that batch. It's just that when he went to sea for the second time, there were no monks like you. He was seriously injured and returned to Seaside City."

"At that time, he foresaw the situation today. He also said that if Yu Shan was still there, who would be willing to follow those bad people and suffer that kind of anger."

"I would like to follow you!"

Xu Miao didn't immediately express her joy: "You have to think clearly, I'm not a god, I can't pat my chest and promise that I can let you go back to Seaside City alive."

"I can only promise you one thing, as long as I, Yu Shan, don't die, you will definitely not die!"

"Are you willing to follow me?" Xu Miao looked around at everyone.

"I am willing!"

"I would too!"

"Being angry for too long, I must take it back with profit this time, and let those guys with high-spirited eyes see that we casual cultivators are not easy to mess with!"

There was an overwhelming response—all the people, once they had just set out to sea, were filled with determination and high morale.

Whether it is a battle in the mortal world or a battle in the cultivation world, morale is the most important.With morale, as long as there is not a huge difference in strength, there is a chance of victory.

The sea beasts were puzzled when they saw the monk whose aura suddenly changed.Their doubts didn't last long, because Xu Miao had already moved, and the monks following Xu Miao also started to move.

This was the battle with the highest morale on the cultivator's side in the past three years.The casual cultivators raised their magic weapons and greeted the sea beasts as if they were desperate.

When they were threatened with life and death, Xu Miao and Shui Sanhui would appear in front of them on time and block the blow of life and death for them.After this battle, their respect for Xu Miao was not only in awe of the strong, but also in gratitude to the savior.

The spiritual power of Xu Miao's whole body poured out and hit the sixth-level sea beast in front of him.From the beginning of the battle, the Ningwu Sword has not stopped.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness spread all over, paying attention to the surrounding situation all the time, even Xiaotian was pulled by him to be a strong man.

On the towering beast killing list on the coastline, a name named Yu Shan soared upwards rapidly, and the score behind the name was constantly refreshed, creating a new record.

Xu Miao has been able to use the chaotic gas flexibly.Use the least chaotic gas to achieve the strongest effect.On the battlefield, Xu Miao's whole body became an afterimage.

No one knows the exact location of Xu Miao, he will be here one moment, and will appear in another place the next moment.There is no pattern, no guesswork.

When the sixth-level sea beast sees Xu Miao, it avoids snakes and scorpions like the scariest person.How could Xu Miao, who had practiced Fenghuiyunduan, give these sea beasts a chance to dodge? Every time he swung his sword, at least one level six sea beast would die.

Xu Miao became the god of death in this sea area, no sea beast could survive encountering Xu Miao's sword.With Xu Miao's presence, Sanxiu's aura grew even higher.

They have never experienced such a hearty battle, just remember the battle!war!war!

Under the attack of Xu Miao and other rogue cultivators, there were a large number of sixth-level sea beasts on the beach, but none survived, and all turned into ghosts under the knife.Countless sea beasts turned their bellies and floated on the surface of the sea.

Xu Miao's whole body was awe-inspiring, and her blue robe was stained red with the blood of sea beasts, as if she had crawled out of hell.The rest of the casual cultivators, although not like Xu Miao, also stained their robes with blood.

They stood firmly above the sea, looking sharply into the distance.This time the human monks almost won a big victory, no monk was killed, at most they were only injured.

The record that had never been achieved before made everyone envious, and made the sea beast hate it even more.The monks who participated in this battle didn't have time to think about these issues. They killed so many level six sea beasts, but there were no casualties. One can imagine the sea beast's revenge.

Many sea beasts in the sea beast base camp couldn't sit still, they couldn't accept this kind of casualties, and even more regarded this battle as a humiliation.

A sea beast shouted: "Since the big attack, we sea beasts have suffered such a big loss! None of the human monks died, but all of our kind died under their swords!"

"Unforgivable! This is unforgivable!"

A few sea beasts remained calm: "Sea King, they are all the leading monks, who seem to be called Yu Shan, and he is also the one who blinded the big eyes."

"It's just a human monk, you are so excited." The king of the sea didn't seem to care about the life of the sixth-level sea beast at all.

"Send a few seventh-level sea beasts at random, and just kill that human. Don't bother me with such trivial matters." After finishing speaking, Sea King disappeared on the high throne, leaving a group of sea beasts looking at each other.

The sixth-level sea beasts are not the opponents of this group of monks, only the seventh-level sea beasts are sent.In this case, Haibin City will also take the initiative to send Nascent Soul monks.

Xu Miao told all the casual cultivators to stay on the defensive and not to attack easily.However, the seventh-level sea beast is already in sight, and the Nascent Soul cultivator has never been dispatched.

He frowned, his mind changing.Apart from the sects that came to support, the family's Nascent Soul cultivators and their own casual cultivators in the coastal city also had no reason to see the seventh-level sea beasts appearing and not appearing.

"Why haven't Nascent Soul cultivators come over yet?"

"Have we been abandoned?" All the casual cultivators felt a little panicked after experiencing the excitement of the first battle.Seventh-level sea beasts still appeared several at the same time, and they had no way to resist.

"If you are given up, are you going to run away?" Xu Miao's voice was cold and without any warmth, "As casual cultivators, we have never had any sect that can serve as our support and backing."

"During many adventures, if you encounter danger, will you count on someone to rescue you? Answer me!"

It was only at this moment that they realized that they were used to the Nascent Soul cultivators appearing to deal with the seventh-level sea beasts, so they didn't need to worry at all.

But they forgot that as casual cultivators, they have always been alone, without backing, without support, no matter what happens, they need to rely on themselves to solve it.

Xu Miao controlled her tone a little: "What's more, you are not alone now, you have companions standing by your side, who can watch and protect you at any time. Compared with being alone, it is much, much better."

"Now answer me, are you afraid? Are you still afraid?"

"Not afraid!" A tidy, loud answer sounded, no more hesitation, no more fear.

"I once promised you that as long as I am still alive, I will not let any of you die. At this time, this promise is still valid!"

"It's just death! What are you afraid of!"

Xu Miao looked at everyone's high-spirited faces with satisfaction, and said, "You stand behind me, ready to retreat at any time!"

"We will not retreat, Yu Shan, we will live and die with you!"

"That's right, we won't take a step back!" Xu Miao suddenly felt that it was a happy thing to save such a group of people when the selfish casual cultivator said such words.

Shui San wants to follow Xu Miao, but Xu Miao stops him and asks him to repeat the mission three years ago.Shui San had no choice but to follow suit.

Three seventh-level sea beasts appeared in front of Xu Miao. They were three transformed sea beasts, all of which appeared in human form.Their hearts were filled with thoughts of revenge, and their eyes shone with hatred.

Seeing this, Xu Miao sneered: "Don't act like you killed your whole family, if you didn't attack us humans first, we wouldn't fight back."

"Now it's just a group of sixth-level sea beasts that died. We humans have died since the beast tide started? Since this war has been launched, we must be prepared to die."

When Xu Miao came up, he used words to overwhelm others, so he prepared a lot of words and wanted to scold Xu Miao's sea beasts, but suddenly fell silent, because they had nothing to refute him.

"Why don't you talk anymore, don't you refute me? You also feel that you are being unreasonable?"

A sea beast searched its brains, and finally came up with a sentence: "The weak eat the strong, you human monks died, you can only blame you for being too weak, how can you blame us!"

Xu Miao nodded and said: "That's right, the strong prey on the weak. The group of sixth-level sea beasts died only because they were too weak. How can we blame us?"

The rebuttal words that I finally came up with were caught by Xu Miao, and the expressions of the three sea beasts were very ugly.The three sea beasts simply gave up arguing with Xu Miao and wanted to use their strength to crush them.

The three sea beasts attacked at the same time, Xu Miao was equivalent to being attacked by three early-stage Nascent Soul monks alone.In an instant, the pressure was sudden.Although in the past three years, Xu Miao's strength has improved and reached the initial peak.

But it is still very difficult to face the three seventh-level sea beasts directly.If you are not careful, you will die.The spiritual power of Xu Miao's whole body was running wildly, and all the objects in the dantian were externalized at this moment.

An attack came, Cang Mu immediately appeared and blocked the attack.It was another attack, and Xu Miao raised his hand to transform into a blue sea.

(End of this chapter)

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