Chapter 290

Zheng Zhan saw the whole process of Xu Miao summoning the blood cloud banner and killing the seventh-level sea beast.He once heard his elders say that the blood cloud banner is a magic weapon to harm people.

The person who made the bleeding cloud banner was to slaughter a sect that had offended him.The more blood essence absorbed by the blood cloud banner, the stronger the power displayed.

After so many years, the blood cloud banner has passed through the hands of several people, and its power has become weaker and weaker. Now it is powerless to kill even a seventh-level sea beast.

He didn't know how Xu Miao got the blood cloud banner. He was more worried that Xu Miao would go into evil ways than how to get it right.Although he didn't want to admit it, Zheng Zhan admired Xu Miao in his heart.

Coming out of the Westland where the cultivation resources are poor, they are stronger than those monks who have been supported by sufficient cultivation resources since childhood.

"You have seen the power of the blood cloud banner, do you want to try it too?" Xu Miao asked the seventh-level sea beast that was dealing with Zheng Zhan.

The seventh-level sea beast still remembered what happened to its companion after being wrapped in a blood cloud streamer, and died after being sucked dry of blood.The seventh-level sea beast didn't even leave a word, it repelled Zheng Zhan with one move, and fled away.

"The blood cloud banner is not a good magic weapon, so don't use it frequently." Zheng Zhan said such a sentence out of some kind of mentality.

Xu Miao had seen the backlash against the master of the blood cloud banner, so she naturally knew that Zheng Zhan's words were not groundless, so she nodded and flew back to the crowd first.

"Yu Daoyou, you are really amazing!"

"Those seventh-level sea beasts can't make a difference under your hands!"

"It's funny to think about the expressions of those famous disciples at that time, hahaha——"

The laughter stopped abruptly, they forgot that the person who came alone to help Xu Miao was a disciple of the famous sect, and a core disciple of the first sect in the Eastern Continent—Nanjing Sect.

Xu Miao smiled and waved her hands, telling them not to worry about this and sharing the joy of victory with them.

Without the help of the Nascent Soul cultivator, only the Golden Core cultivator killed a group of sixth-level sea beasts, two seventh-level sea beasts, and scared away one seventh-level sea beast.

From the beginning of the beast horde, there had never been a team fighting sea beasts with such an impressive record.The casual cultivators in the entire coastal city were completely boiling, and they all flew to the coast, waiting for Xu Miao and his companions to return.

When the figures of Xu Miao and others gradually appeared in the eyes of everyone, enthusiastic cheers sounded instantly.They were waiting for the return of the hero, the hero who made the human monks utter a sigh of relief.

These monks soon knew the name Yu Shan. Some people thought of protecting other monks from retreat three years ago, buried themselves in the bottom of the sea, and now came back strong, and admired him even more.

Everyone shouted the same name at the same time: "Yu Shan! Yu Shan! Yu Shan!" The heat wave swept the entire coast. When Xu Miao arrived at the coast, he saw such a scene.

They even ignored Zheng Zhan who was next to Xu Miao, who was wearing the Taoist robe of Nanjing sect.All eyes fell on Xu Miao, because he deserved this respect.

At this time, the monks at the early stage of the Nascent Soul appeared in front of Xu Miao with a face full of embarrassment, and he hesitated for a long time before saying: "Yu Shan, the situation in Haibin City is quite serious, and it is difficult to free up the monks at the early stage of the Nascent Soul, so I hope you can understand .”

As a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, there is actually no need to explain this to the monks in the early stage of Jindan.Even if the Golden Core cultivators were wiped out because they did not fight, no one would dare to speak out against them.

It's just because Xu Miao performed too well in this battle, and the public opinion is so, even the Nascent Soul cultivator has to come up with a reasonable reason, otherwise the seaside city will fall into internal strife and disobedience will only aggravate the seaside. City's failure.

The monk at the early stage of Yuanying came forward to explain that the other Jindan monks must stop cheering, otherwise the monk Yuanying would be angry and teach them a lesson, but the loss would not be worth the loss.

Xu Miao looked coldly at the Nascent Soul cultivator who was pushed out to explain, and the clothes should be that of a Nascent Soul cultivator from a cultivating family.Xu Miao raised her eyebrows and said, "I understand, of course I understand, some people are naturally slower."

Cultivator Nascent Soul took a deep breath, raised his hand to wipe off the cold sweat on his forehead: "It's best if you understand."

"Of course, for those who can't keep up with the heat by eating shit, I don't understand anything." When Xu Miao said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Xu Miao insulted Nascent Soul monks directly. If some Nascent Soul monks were angered, they would probably be taught a lesson by them directly, or even shot to death on the spot.

The Nascent Soul cultivator who came out to explain his face was angry, but he didn't explode on the spot. Instead, a purple-clothed cultivator who was also in the early Nascent Soul stage stood up behind him and said angrily: "Zhuzi is arrogant!"

"Arrogant? I don't think I'm so arrogant." When Xu Miao spoke, her chin was raised slightly, with a natural momentum, "If you insist on labeling me arrogant, let me tell you, what I have is arrogant. capital!"

"I didn't blame you for disregarding hundreds of Golden Core cultivators and enjoying themselves in the rear. You came here to beat them up first. This is a cultivator from the Cultivation Clan. It's really ridiculous!"

Xu Miao's words were unceremonious, exposing the family with every sentence, and the sect wanted to whitewash the peace.

When the cultivator in purple heard the words, he was furious, and directly grabbed Xu Miao's abdomen.A ferocious spiritual force came suddenly, Xu Miao raised his hand to support Fu Yu's helmet and block it.

"Did you hit your sore spot? I stepped on your tail, jumping like this. If you can do it, don't be afraid of people talking about it!"

"There are so many people in the world, you can kill me and gag me today, but there are so many people in the world, can you gag all of them?" Xu Miao's words received immediate support from his companions behind him.

They worked desperately on the seashore, but these people sitting in the seaside city didn't care about their life and death at all, wishing that they would die immediately.Such a monk, such a seaside city, is it worth their lives?
"If you have the ability, kill us all, and let the cultivation circles in the Eastern Land, Central Land, and Western Land know that in the beast tide, no human monks who died under the hands of foreign races died at the hands of the same kind."

"The reason is just because they don't want others to know, and they don't want to help." Xu Miao's words echoed loudly on the coast.

"That's right, you have the guts to kill us all! You'd better have the guts to kill all of our casual cultivators, so that there will be no more casual cultivators in the entire Eastern Continent!"

When Xu Miao heard this, she suddenly laughed out loud: "With him alone, his master would not dare to openly confront casual cultivators, let alone him."

"This kind of courage, I'm afraid that if you encounter a seventh-level sea beast, you will just run away desperately. How can you be like Yu Shan, who dares to head-to-head with a seventh-level sea beast!"

What everyone said to you, and what I said to me, completely left the purple-clothed monk speechless. He could only flick his sleeves angrily and leave the coast.When the casual cultivators saw the Nascent Soul cultivator leaving, they burst into deafening cheers.

Xu Miao became the focus of the crowd, and all the casual practitioners had to come forward to talk to him.Xu Miao changed her tyrannical and bloodthirsty fighting style, and always had a gentle smile when talking with casual cultivators.

He noticed Zheng Zhan who had been standing by, walked over and said, "If you didn't take the initiative to help me today, I wouldn't be able to kill the second seventh-level sea beast, and I might even be in crisis, thank you."

Zheng Zhan shook his head and said, "With or without me, I believe you can do it, not for anything else, just because you are Xu Miao. I have also heard about the conflicts between casual cultivators, sects, and family monks. After returning , I will speak to my uncle."

After all, Zheng Zhan left first, leaving behind all the casual cultivators who were still having fun.Xu Miao raised her head and looked at the animal killing list standing tall next to her.After a day of fighting, his score was refreshed to more than 3000 points, and his ranking has jumped to more than 100.

As long as this efficiency continues, he believes that reaching the top [-] will not be a problem.The current rewards are so rich, it is really unreasonable not to get a share of it.

Xu Miao sat quietly by the beach, looking at the sea in the darkness.The sea water kept beating against the coast, washing away the blood and chaos of the day.

A mid-Gold Core monk flew over suddenly. Xu Miao saw that he was from the City Lord's Mansion.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, the city lord and all the Nascent Soul cultivators are welcome."

Xu Miao didn't go to rest, but sat here, waiting for the city lord to find him.The owner of the city is True Lord Shuimei. Although he is a casual cultivator, he comes from a big family. Xu Miao does not know the specific information.

Judging from the deeds of the city lord that I occasionally heard, this Water Charm Lord doesn't seem like someone who would ignore casual cultivators.However, things have finally developed to this stage. Xu Miao should not go to understand the situation and win more benefits for casual cultivators.

Otherwise, if this wave of beasts continues, even though he has spiritual source water, he does not have enough spiritual stones to buy other related items.

The City Lord's Mansion in the coastal city has been opened to the outside world since the beast tide started, and it has become an important place for senior monks to make decisions and issue orders.The city lord's mansion was brightly lit, and countless monks were walking around inside, not knowing what they were busy with.

Following the mid-Gold Core cultivator, they walked through the long corridor and pushed open a wooden door. Several cultivators turned their heads to look at Xu Miao.Xu Miao walked around the room calmly: "This junior has met all your seniors."

After saluting meaningfully, Xu Miao randomly found a chair and sat down, completely ignoring other people's opinions.Countless divine senses swept over Xu Miao's body, but Xu Miao didn't care and let them observe.

"Xu Miao, it's surprising that Yu Shan is alone." An elegant female voice sounded, and Xu Miao raised her head when she heard the voice. It was a beautiful female cultivator sitting at the top. If Xu Miao guessed correctly, it should be Haibin. The lord of the city—True Lord Shui Mei.

Master Shui Mei changed his voice and became very serious: "You are too bold today to talk back to the Nascent Soul cultivator directly in front of everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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