Chapter 291

Xu Miao shrugged nonchalantly: "I just moved my mouth, I didn't even move my hands. I heard that Senior Nascent Soul is as broad-minded as the sea, and that Senior Nascent Soul would not be so fussy and embarrass juniors like me. "

"You mean it, Senior Nascent Soul?" Xu Miao turned around and looked at the purple-clothed monk with a big smile on her face.

When cultivator Yuanying in purple heard Xu Miao's words, his face became as angry as a pig's liver, but the city lord of Haibin City was here, so he couldn't get angry.

Hearing Xu Miao's words, all the Nascent Soul cultivators present vomited blood. They had seen shameless people, but they had never seen such shameless people.One senior at a time, shouting nicely, all the eyes are full of disdain!
From then on, Xu Miao knew that Zhenjun Shuimei was protecting him when she found out that Master Shuimei was reprimanding him half-truthfully.Otherwise, there is no need to speak out and reprimand, and take the lead in launching the attack.

With the cultivation level of Yuan Ying's late stage, Ren Xumiao has the ability to reach the sky, and he can't escape the imprisonment of the great monks in the late stage.Since True Monarch Shuimei didn't do anything when he saw him just now, he won't do anything after that.

Zhenjun Shuimei's attitude made some Nascent Soul cultivators very afraid.Zhenjun Shuimei used to be a member of the Ye family, but later left the Ye family because of some inhumane incidents.

However, from the beginning to the end, the Ye family never severed their relationship with Zhenjun Shuimei.Overtly and secretly, they are helping True Monarch Shuimei.The Ye family's status is the leader of the Donglu Xiuzhen family, no sect or family dares to easily offend the Ye family.

Therefore, True Monarch Shuimei's status is so detached that no one dares to provoke her, and the seaside city she built has also become a paradise for casual cultivators.If it weren't for this beast horde, other sects and families would not be able to reach this place.

As for why True Monarch Shuimei has always been a cold-eyed spectator towards the relationship between loose cultivators, sects, and family cultivators, who are constantly getting worse.

Xu Miao guessed that the other party was a late Nascent Soul cultivator after all, and as long as there was no real bloodshed, small frictions were allowed.

Until this time, there was almost a complete tearing apart between casual cultivators and sect family monks.This incident came into the sight of these people, and they began to ease the relationship between the two parties.

Xu Miao stood proudly in the meeting hall, without the slightest shyness and timidity, instead of being full of Nascent Soul cultivators here.

The purple-clothed Yuanying cultivator endured it, but a female cultivator next to the purple-clothed cultivator did not.

She stood up abruptly and said loudly: "As a junior, I have no respect for my seniors. If this person is in our sect, he will be whipped and imprisoned for ten years!"

Xu Miao patted her chest, pretending to be frightened: "I'm so scared!"

Then, his expression changed: "Your sect, which sect do you belong to, don't say I'm not from your sect, even if you invite me to go, I'm still not willing to go, don't be wishful thinking there."

Female cultivators have always been respected by everyone in the sect.Since she is a relative of a cultivator who has ascended to the sky in Donglu, no one has ever dared to refute her face to face, let alone someone like Xu Miao who directly slapped her in the face.

"Looking for death!" A circled chain suddenly appeared in the female cultivator's hand, and she raised her hand and flew towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao just looked at her coldly, without even dodging.

Some monks thought that Xu Miao was too frightened to move, but some monks could see that it was not that she didn't dare to move, but that Xu Miao knew that she didn't need to move.

Xu Miao had been watching Zhenjun Shuimei since the female cultivator made a move, and he was waiting for when Zhenjun Shuimei would make a move.

Although she knew that the opponent would definitely attack, Xu Miao herself was not unprepared.He has a vest made of slug skin, which can definitely block the chain attack of this nun.

At the same time, he also condensed his spiritual power to the attacking position of the chain, as long as the chain was close enough, his spiritual power would activate, slowing down the power of the chain.

When Xu Miao was looking directly at Zhenjun Shuimei, Zhenjun Shuimei was also looking at Xu Miao.A monk at the early stage of Golden Core, in front of the monk Nascent Soul, has absolutely no sense of fear that a monk at the early stage of Golden Core would have.

She has seen too many excellent disciples, even those monks with extreme talents, Jindan will feel afraid when facing Yuanying, when there is a big difference between them.

This does not mean that their Dao heart is not firm, nor does it mean that they are afraid of being powerful, but it is the instinct of human beings to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.The monk in front of him didn't seem to know the power of the Nascent Soul monk, and didn't care at all.

She had never seen such a monk before.Before summoning Xu Miao, Master Shuimei only admired him a little. A casual cultivator can gather morale without any help, fight against the seventh-level sea beast alone, and even dare to go head-to-head with the Nascent Soul cultivator.

But now, Zhenjun Shuimei has become interested in this low-level monk, which is something she has never felt before.

When the chain was about to fly to Xu Miao's chest, True Monarch Shuimei raised his hand and shot out a burst of spiritual power to stop the chain.

When the female cultivator saw Zhenjun Shuimei make a move, she jumped into a rage and said, "Shuimei! You must protect that kid!"

True Monarch Shuimei gave the female cultivator a light look, which contained the suppression of the late monks over the early monks: "Sects, families, and the suppression of casual cultivators are enough."

"Starting today, I don't want to see casual cultivators lacking pills and magic weapons anymore, and I don't even want to see Nascent Soul cultivators shrink back when seventh-level sea beasts appear."

"Next time, don't blame me, Shui Mei, for not being sympathetic!" Shui Mei's series of words carried the unique coercion of a late stage monk.The Nascent Soul cultivators present were all sweating and did not dare to refute.

Zhenjun Shuimei waved his hand: "Since the matter has been settled, everyone go back to rest." As soon as Zhenjun Shuimei said this, all the Nascent Soul cultivators complained.

"Solved it? Where was it solved? That disobedient kid is still standing there, not missing a single hair, how can it be called a solution!"

"Zhen Jun Shuimei's eccentricity is too far away. How can there be such a solution? Have we admitted it?"

These cultivators only dared to slander in their hearts, but they dared not speak out, to oppose True Monarch Shui Mei.They could only bow their heads silently, stand up silently, and leave silently.

Xu Miao looked at the aggrieved expressions on the faces of these monks, and felt very happy in her heart - she was crazy in front of me, because she thought she had a high level of cultivation, but now that someone with a higher level of cultivation than you has come, do you dare to be crazy?

Among the monks here, the one with the highest cultivation level is True Monarch Shuimei, and the other great monks have not come here yet.Therefore, although they were dissatisfied in their hearts, they did not dare to speak out to refute it.

Only the female cultivator who is a relative of the cultivator who transformed the gods was not convinced: "Shui Mei! Are you going to fight Fengzemen?"

This female revision was born in the Fengzemen, which is the second sect in the Eastern Continent, and is inextricably related to the Qianyangmen, the number one sect in the Central Continent.

Master Shuimei's face sank: "Ding Ou, if you insist on thinking that I am against Fengzemen, you can report to your sect. When the later stage monks of your Fengzemen arrive, discuss this matter with me. "

"As for you—" Zhenjun Shuimei rolled her eyes to the sky, but her elegance was not damaged at all, "You are not qualified to speak nonsense here!"

Ding Ou took a step forward, but under the coercion of True Monarch Shuimei, he couldn't move forward and just carried it stiffly.The precious garment on Ding Ou's body shone with dazzling light, bearing the coercion of the late monks for Ding Ou.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you big sects, from old to young, have always been like this. If you can't beat others, you go home to rescue soldiers. It's both sad and ridiculous!" Xu Miao leaned on the pillar next to the door with a look on her face. ruffian laugh.

Ding Ou really wanted to teach Xu Miao a lesson, but was suppressed by Zhenjun Shuimei, and he couldn't do it at all.Hearing this, a monk from the Fengze sect turned his head and glared at Xu Miao angrily: "Boy, what are you talking about!"

Xu Miao raised her eyes and glanced at the other party: "The cultivation base is not low, but the ears are not good. Listen clearly, I said that each of you likes to bully the less, and if you can't win others, you start to recruit soldiers."

"Did you hear clearly this time? Senior Nascent Soul with bad ears?" Xu Miao's eyes were cold and perfunctory.

This Fengzemen cultivator shot with a powerful spiritual power, which was directly in Xu Miao's face.

Xu Miao reacted extremely quickly and turned around to avoid this spiritual power. The spiritual power lost its target and hit the wall behind Xu Miao, directly colliding with the magic circle on the wall, even causing cracks in the magic circle .

This move was really ruthless, if it hit Xu Miao's face, he might be pierced directly, and he couldn't die any more.

"Hehe——Fengzemen is really powerful. The Nascent Soul cultivator took action against me, an insignificant Golden Core cultivator. It's such a grand display, such a grand gesture, and such a ruthless method!"

Xu Miao stared coldly at the Nascent Soul cultivator who shot him, without avoiding it.The Ningwu Sword was already in Xu Miao's hands, and Xu Miao didn't mind confronting this Nascent Soul in the early stages.

"I can kill seventh-level sea beasts. You, a monk at the beginning of the Nascent Soul, are also very brave. You did it in front of me!" The Nascent Soul monks were all in an uproar when they heard this.

It's fine for a Golden Core cultivator not to be afraid of Nascent Soul cultivator, but he dares to threaten Nascent Soul cultivator. When did the cultivation world become like this.

The early stage monks of Fengze Gate's Nascent Soul were about to burst into tears, raised their palms, and immediately gathered their spiritual power.True Monarch Shui Mei suddenly made a move at this time, raised his sleeves, and waved the monk back.

"Hmph——Fengze Gate, you are attacking in this lord's territory. Is it because I was too kind in the past and gave you the illusion that I am very kind!" As soon as these words came out, Zhenjun Shuimei was surrounded by violent evil spirits. .

Xu Miao had no doubt that if that Fengzemen cultivator thought of doing something again, he would be killed immediately by True Monarch Shuimei.In the cultivation world, the strong are respected, no matter how much they refuse to accept, they can only bow their heads when they meet stronger monks.

Several monks of Fengzemen turned and left the conference hall reluctantly.When he left, he gave Xu Miao a hard look.Xu Miao is not a disadvantaged person, she will make people stare blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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