Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 292 Solicitation

Chapter 292 Solicitation
"You just stare out your eyes, what can you do to me?" Xu Miao retaliated, making the hearts of several Fengzemen monks even more angry.

Unable to vent their anger, they left the conference hall in despair due to the pressure of Zhenjun Shuimei.After everyone left one after another, Xu Miao walked up to Zhenjun Shuimei and saluted respectfully: "Thank you, Zhenjun, for your help. This junior is very grateful."

True Lord Shui Mei closed his eyes, and his long eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyes.She waved her hand wearily, signaling Xu Miao to back down.Xu Miao's thanks have already been delivered, and it's none of his business whether the other party accepts or not.

When Xu Miao stepped out of the threshold, she suddenly heard Zhenjun Shuimei's words: "Be careful of the people of Fengzemen." Only this sentence, nothing else.Xu Miao nodded in understanding and left.

Shui San had been waiting outside the city lord's mansion, and when he saw Xu Miao coming out, he led Xu Miao to the residence.After staying at the bottom of the sea for three years, I almost forgot the feeling of the bed.

Every day the spirit is highly tense, and it is rare to be able to completely relax and rest. Xu Miao almost fell asleep after touching the pillow. She slept for three days and three nights before she felt full of energy.

"Master, there are three casual cultivators who want to see you." Xu Miao came together and heard Shui San's report.These three people were mentioned by Du Yingyu, some famous monks among casual cultivators.

However, the influence of these people was established by relying on the help of sects and families, promising to reward pills and magic weapons, and attracting casual cultivators.

The three of them entered the cave where Xu Miao was, and saw the man who became famous in the first battle.They murmured in their hearts, this person doesn't look very powerful, and his clothes are also ordinary, so he can't see his strength at all.

The three sat down one by one, and after introducing each other, Xu Miao really recognized the three.

A middle-aged monk with a beard, a late-stage Golden Core cultivator, named Sun Qi'an, a red-faced middle-aged monk, a late-stage Golden Core cultivator, named Tianhou, a handsome young monk, a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator, named Kang Yukun.

Among them, Kang Yukun is the youngest, with the lowest cultivation level, but the largest number of casual practitioners gathered under his command, and the strongest strength.One of the reasons is that Kang Yukun has a good relationship with Sun Zhuo, a middle-stage Jindan cultivator of the Nanjing Sect.

Except for Kang Yukun who is behind the Nanjing sect, Sun Qi'an is behind Fengzemen, and Tianhou is behind Jieshilou.The names of each sect are like thunder in Donglu.

These sects, while suppressing casual cultivators, secretly subsidize casual cultivators and let these casual cultivators work for them. It's really a good plan.

Xu Miao looked at the three people in front of her with a half-smile, especially Sun Qi'an, who had just broken up with the Nascent Soul cultivator from the Fengze Sect yesterday, and someone from the Fengze Sect came to approach them today.

He can be sure that the Nascent Soul cultivator of Fengze Sect did not publicize what happened yesterday. After all, being slapped in the face by a Golden Core cultivator in front of many cultivators is really not something worth mentioning.

And the person responsible for these casual cultivators should be the Jindan cultivator of Fengzemen, and they haven't received specific information yet.Xu Miao was looking forward to how ugly the face of the Nascent Soul cultivator would be when the Golden Core cultivator of Fengzemen told the matter to the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Just thinking about it, Xu Miao knew that the scene must be very exciting.

Xu Miao didn't take the initiative to speak out, and the three of them were a little embarrassed for a while.Kang Yukun cleared his throat, and took the lead in saying, "Fellow Daoist Yu Shan, the battle three days ago was really exciting and thrilling!"

"That's right, that's right. Fellow Daoist Yu Shan fought three seventh-level sea beasts by himself. His strength is extraordinary. He is a role model for my generation!" Kang Yukun broke the silence in the room, and the other two echoed.

Xu Miao raised her eyebrows and said, "Thrilling? Very exciting? This is a life-and-death battle. How did it become a performance in the mouths of you all?"

"I don't know, has my acting skills caught the attention of the three of you?" Xu Miao couldn't agree with this evaluation, and looked down on the three of them even more.

The rapid rise of these three people is probably due to the sect behind them seeing that the three of them are obedient.As for strength and intelligence, those are not within the scope of their consideration.

Seeing the three of them fidgeting, wanting to leave but having to stay, Xu Miao was really amused.

"I made a lie, please forgive me, fellow daoist." Kang Yukun hid the expression on his face well, "Fellow daoist Yu has formed a team, have you considered the situation of the follow-up pills and magic weapons?"

"Exactly, without elixirs and magic weapons, those casual cultivators will not willingly follow you. They may be new for a while, but after a while, if they don't see any real benefits, how can they continue to follow you?" Tian Hou Followed by pointing out the key points.

Xu Miao sneered, and said, "Those loose cultivators? They? The three monks who have claimed to be the Nanjing Sect, Fengzemen, and Jieshilou have left the casual cultivators, right?"

It's just a running dog of a few sects, and he really thinks that he has fallen into the eyes of those people, and he also considers himself a decent sect.

When Tian Hou heard Xu Miao's words, he didn't refute, and said directly: "Yes, I was helped by Jieshilou, so naturally I entered Jieshilou."

"Fellow Daoist Yu, don't look at the casual cultivators claiming that they want freedom and don't want to be controlled. It's just an excuse. If they are given the opportunity to join a sect, it's still a sect like Jieshilou, and they will rush to join."

"Tian Daoyou is sincere." Xu Miao was noncommittal to Tianhou's words.

Tian Hou stood up and said loudly: "You must have roughly guessed the reason why we came here. Without enough interests in front, it is impossible to drive those casual practitioners."

"As long as Fellow Daoist Yu is willing to join our Jieshilou, then all the resources of Jieshilou will be open to fellow daoists. Whether it is magic weapons or pills, you can send them to fellow daoists immediately if you just say it!"

Xu Miao picked up the tea in her hand, took a sip and said, "What's your condition?"

An expression of appreciation flashed across Tian Hou's face: "You Daoist Yu is worthy of being a smart person. As long as you follow Jieshilou's command when necessary, you will naturally get all the benefits."

"Fellow Daoists don't need to worry about freedom. In normal times, it is absolute freedom."

Xu Miao didn't nod or shake her head. She looked at the other two and said, "Your terms and promises are the same?"

Kang Yukun hurriedly said: "Although the conditions and promises of my Nanjing Sect are the same as those of Jieshilou, Daoyou Yu is a talented person, as the saying goes, a good bird chooses a tree to live in."

"The strength of Nanjing Sect is higher than that of Jieshilou. It is the number one sect in the Eastern Continent. The resources it can provide must be better than Jieshilou."

Sun Qi'an said, "Friend Daoist Yu probably doesn't know that among the Nascent Soul cultivators sent by Fengzemen to Haibin City this time, one is a relative of the cultivator who transforms the spirit. This Senior Ye Ou is the one who is indistinguishable."

"To be disrespectful, even the Lord Shui Mei, the lord of Haibin City, would not easily refute Senior Ye Ou's words."

"Really?" Xu Miao glanced up, this confident person, "But I only saw it three days ago, Master Shui Mei took action to teach Ye Ou a lesson, and Ye Ou didn't dare to object .”

Sun Qi'an didn't expect this to happen at all, he shook his head repeatedly and said: "This is impossible! Senior Ye Ou is a relative of the cultivator of Huashen, how could Zhenjun Shuimei refute her!"

"As soon as the emperor and the courtiers, no matter how powerful the cultivator of Huashen is, he has already ascended to the upper realm, and has nothing to do with this plane. Even if Ye Ou died under someone's hand, will the cultivator of Huashen know?"

Xu Miao was too lazy to talk nonsense with a few people, and said: "I already know why you are here. But I am used to being free and easy, and I have no interest in those sects behind you. Please go back."

Xu Miao had already seen off the guests, and the three of them couldn't stay any longer, so they could only raise their hands and say goodbye.Although the three of them usually had conflicts, at this moment, because of Xu Miao's existence, it was rare for them to stand on the same front.

When they came here, they had already been ordered, if Xu Miao refused to accept the offer, then he would kill them directly, so as not to cause trouble for other casual cultivators in the seaside city.

When Xu Miao walked out of the cave, he felt more than a dozen divine senses falling on him.

"Master?" Shui San asked how to solve it through sound transmission.

Xu Miao's footsteps remained unchanged, and Yoyo walked forward on the ground: "Since they are willing to follow, let them follow." In the seaside city, no matter what kind of deep hatred and grievance there is, the monks are allowed to do it.

This is also the reason why Xu Miao deliberately hid in the city when he was hunted down by Taoist Feihong last time.Therefore, even if there are hundreds of people following behind, Xu Miao is not worried about personal danger.

He needs to go to the shop to see the situation of the pill, so as to know what to do next.Almost all personal shops in the city have been bought by sects and families.

Except for Duobao Pavilion and the shops opened by the city lord, they can still sell normally, and the others cannot sell medicines to casual cultivators.However, there is only one store in Duobao Pavilion and the shop opened by the city lord, which is only two shoulders in total, which is not enough for a large number of casual cultivators.

In addition, casual cultivators who were good at alchemy were also recruited by the sect, and the family paid a lot of money to recruit them. Only a few casual cultivators insisted not to be recruited, but the conditions were not good, and the situation became worse and worse for casual cultivators.If the mountain does not come, I will go to the mountain.

If you don't sell the pill, you can make it yourself.His talent in alchemy is enough for him to refine the most pills with the least amount of materials.

At this time, Du Yingyu will be near the coast.Xu Miao decided to join the group of casual cultivators who had just followed him to collect animal pills and refine pills.

But before that, he had to get rid of those dozen or so tails.The moment Xu Miao walked out of the seaside city gate, a dozen people suddenly appeared at the same time and surrounded Xu Miao.

"Everyone is finally willing to come forward. It's really not easy!" Xu Miao looked around. Among these people, they were all casual cultivators, and none of them were cultivators.

Using the power of casual cultivators to deal with casual cultivators, no matter who wins or loses, it will not affect their strength.It's a pity that these people in front of them have long been blindfolded by interests.

(End of this chapter)

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