Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 294: The Ownership of the Loot

Chapter 294: The Ownership of the Loot

The City Lord's Mansion cannot allow Jindan cultivators to come in and out at will. Xu Miao happened to see the mid-stage Jindan cultivator who came to him that day to convey the words of Zhenjun Shuimei: "Please pass on the message to this fellow Taoist, junior Yu Shan, please see me."

This mid-stage Jindan cultivator was under Zhenjun Shuimei, and he also knew how much Zhenjun admired Xu Miao, so he conveyed it for Xu Miao graciously.

Xu Miao followed the man through several corridors and stood outside a gazebo.There was only Zhenjun Shuimei in the pavilion, dressed in white, leaning on a reclining chair.Beauties, gazebos, deck chairs, form a perfect picture.

"The city lord is in the pavilion, you go on your own." After speaking, the mid-stage Jindan monk turned and left.

The anger in Xu Miao's belly suddenly dissipated without a trace when she saw Zhenjun Shuimei.Xu Miao stood outside the gazebo, quietly waiting for Zhenjun Shuimei to summon him.

"Weren't you very straightforward that day? Why are you suddenly dumb today?" Zhenjun Shuimei took the initiative to speak, breaking the tranquility of this place.

Xu Miao pondered for a while and expressed her intention of coming.Master Shuimei heard Xu Miao's words, but did not reply for a long time.When the time was so long that the other party would not agree, Zhenjun Shuimei suddenly smiled softly: "You came to me for this?"

Xu Miao is a little baffled, and will not come to you if there is nothing, not to mention how important this matter is, it is related to his follow-up alchemy plan, and there can be no mistakes.

"The city lord has a lot of things to do every day, so naturally he doesn't need to pay attention to these things. But the junior is a casual cultivator after all, and he also needs to consider some things for some casual cultivators."

"It won't take too much time for the city owner. The city owner just needs to sit there, and the other juniors will solve it by themselves."

Master Shuimei didn't follow Xu Miao's words, but changed the topic to another one: "I heard from Qianqian that when you were in the west land, you were best at pulling tiger skins. Pull the tiger's skin."

flourishing?Xu Miao frowned, then suddenly realized.Master Shuimei was born in the Ye family, and the Qianqian she mentioned was the Ye Qianqian Xu Miao recognized.

Xu Miao thought to herself that there should be nothing wrong with Ye Qianqian, and Ye Qianqian would not complain.

Xu Miao was still deep in thought, and Zhenjun Shuimei had already raised his hand to summon his attendants: "Please come to the heads of all schools and families to clean up the battlefield, and tell me that I have something to discuss."

The attendant retreated as he said, and Zhenjun Shuimei waved his hand, and a teleportation array appeared under the two of them.With a flash of light, the two disappeared from the spot, and when the scene in front of them became clear again, they had already arrived at the conference hall that night.

The monks from various sects and aristocratic families arrived one after another, looking at Zhenjun Shuimei with puzzled eyes, and at the same time, some monks from Fengzemen looked at Xu Miao with angry eyes.

Xu Miao raised her eyes and glanced at the people in front of her. If he guessed correctly, the three Sun Zhuo, Fu Jia, and Jing Shaoqin were all here.

Fu Jia was the first to step forward and asked, "I don't know why the city lord summoned us here?" Since the person who notified specially invited the person in charge of cleaning up the battlefield, it should be related to the spoils of war.

But regarding the distribution of loot, this was something that was agreed by everyone three years ago, including casual cultivators.Fu Jia really couldn't figure out why Zhenjun Shuimei went crazy and wanted them to come here.

"Let Yu Shan speak for me." Zhenjun Shuimei looked very tired, even when he said this sentence, he seemed to be struggling.Originally, Zhenjun Shuimei wanted to call Yu Shan Xu Miao, but Xu Miao didn't want to, so she had no choice but to give up.

Xu Miao smiled slightly and said, "The matter is very simple. Last time I went out to sea with a group of casual cultivators to kill sea beasts, and left behind a lot of corpses, including the corpses of two seventh-level sea beasts."

"I've inquired about it. It's the friends of Fengzemen who kindly cleaned up the spoils. I came today just to ask, when will Fengzemen hand over the spoils to us?"

When Fu Jia heard this, his face showed displeasure.Before, he asked Sun Qi'an to solicit, but this person refused to agree.It's fine if you don't agree, Xu Miao hasn't agreed to any one's solicitation yet.

This is Sanxiu's contempt for Fengzemen, and he sent killers to attack Xu Miao.I didn't expect that group of casual cultivators to be really useless, and they were no match for Xu Miao.Not to mention the few who died, the remaining few confessed to them in desperation.

He was also planning to send his own killers to act. Before the plan was formulated, he was hurriedly summoned here by True Monarch Shui Mei, and it turned out to be for such things as spoils of war.

Fu Jia said in a deep voice: "As for the spoils of war, I have sent the responsible disciples to your casual cultivator's base camp."

Xu Miao mocked, "Your Excellency, you made a mistake. With so many spoils, you only gave us [-]%, what else is [-]%?"

"The Loose Cultivator and the sect responsible for taking care of that battle divided up the spoils, [-]% to [-]%. This was decided three years ago. Oh, I forgot, three years ago, Fellow Daoist Yu Shan was not in Haibin City."

"Then I will refrain from doing so, and explain it again to Fellow Daoists—the Fengze Gate was in charge of taking care of your battle that day, so as to avoid a crisis."

"According to common sense, you should give me [-]% of the spoils of Fengzemen, fellow daoist Yu, do you have any questions?"

Xu Miao sneered: "Of course, since your Fengzemen was in charge of taking care of the battle that day, when three seventh-level sea beasts appeared at the same time, where were the monks of your Fengzemen?"

"It wasn't until I killed two seventh-level sea beasts and brought all the monks back to the coast that your Fengzemen monks showed up."

"I would like to ask Fellow Daoist Fu Jia more, did your Nascent Soul cultivator from Fengze Gate suffer from a bad stomach that day and had diarrhea, or did you rush home to hatch your eggs?"

Xu Miao's words were not pleasant, but they were all true.The monk in charge at that time was the early stage monk in purple clothes.He was instructed by the high-level that he didn't need to help, and it was best to let the group of people die in the hands of the sea beast.

But to their surprise, not only did they come back alive, but they returned unscathed, fully armored, and created a record that had never been seen since the beast horde.

Fu Jia wanted to interrupt, but was stopped by Xu Miao directly: "Several days have passed, and I don't want to find out whether the Nascent Soul cultivator from Fengze Sect went to shit or hatched eggs."

"Anyway, I didn't contribute. Since I didn't contribute, who gave you face and asked you to forcibly occupy [-]% of the spoils of our casual cultivators!"

Fu Jia grew up in the sect, never heard such vulgar words, and no monk dared to speak to him with such an attitude.However, Xu Miao's words were impeccable in terms of arguments and evidence, and he had no position to refute.

"That's because I, the elders of Fengzemen, think that you can train your casual cultivators. If you are given ample opportunities to exercise, you still—"

Xu Miao waved her hand impatiently and interrupted: "Don't tell me what's going on, it's the fact that you didn't make a move. The whole battle has nothing to do with your Fengzemen."

"Hurry up and send me the loot back to the Loose Cultivation Base Camp, I don't have the time to compare with you here!"

Fengzemen, Nanjingzong, and Jieshilou have always been at odds. Now that Fu Jia is deflated, Sun Zhuo and Jing Shaoqin are watching the incident with gloating expressions.

The Yuan family, who had a good relationship with Fengzemen, stood up and said, "You Daoist Yu, don't judge things so arbitrarily."

Xu Miao raised her eyes to look at the other party, and found that she didn't recognize her: "Who are you? Which family are you from?" As soon as the words came out, some monks laughed secretly.

The laughter was not aimed at Xu Miao, but at the Yuan family monks.

"I'm Yuan Lang, the direct descendant of the Yuan family." Yuan Lang said seriously.Xu Miao looked at Yuan Lang, and suddenly thought of the people he met when he was in Xilu.

At that time, he met three people, one was Ye Qianqian, and the other two were directly killed by him. Among them, the surname of Yuan seemed to be Yuan Hui.

Just because Yuan Lang was standing at the Fengze Gate, Xu Miao would not have good things to say about him. In addition, people of Yuan Lang's clan had provoked him before, and they would not have good things to say about him.

"If it weren't for the Fengze Sect and other sects, the family's Nascent Soul monks would always exist, and they would not be able to pose a threat to the sea beasts, so that the sea beasts would not dare to act rashly."

Xu Miao looked at the person in front of him, and said with a sneer, "According to your opinion, all sects and families should share a share of the pie. I don't think the [-]% of the spoils is enough for you to share."

Xu Miao's words directly directed the hatred to Yuan Lang, causing Fu Jia to look at Yuan Lang several times.

"As far as I know, the one with the highest cultivation level and the strongest strength in the seaside city is the Lord Water Charm. Even the real king dare not say that it is because of her merits, you little fish and shrimp are in a hurry Jump out and claim the credit."

"This food looks a little too ugly." Xu Miao's face was full of disgust.

True Monarch Shui Mei had never said anything to interfere with Xu Miao's argument with them. Now that he heard Xu Miao's words, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

She opened her eyes, and glanced at all the monks present: "Three years ago, the rule was that whoever contributes will get the spoils. At that time, because casual cultivators were weak, I acquiesced to the rule of [-] to [-] percent."

"But that was when the Nascent Soul cultivator took action. This time, it was completely resolved by Yu Shan and the others. Without the Nascent Soul cultivator intervening, the loot should naturally belong to the casual cultivator."

"This matter has been decided. Within three days of Fengzemen, all the spoils obtained in this battle will be sent to the Sanxiu headquarters. Violators will be severely punished."

Even though True Monarch Shuimei looks very weak, but her cultivation base is a solid Nascent Soul Late Stage, no monk dares to be presumptuous in front of her.

Fu Jia suddenly said: "At that time, it was not all due to Yu Shan, but also Zheng Zhan of the Nanjing Sect. If Zheng Zhan hadn't made a move, Yu Shan would not have been able to successfully kill the two seventh-level sea beasts."

Xu Miao had a half-smile, he just waited for this to come out: "Then you go to Zheng Zhan and see if he needs my reward." As soon as Xu Miao finished speaking, Fu Jia ordered the attendants beside him to invite Zheng Come on.

(End of this chapter)

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