Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 295 Assassination

Chapter 295 Assassination
Zheng Zhan came very quickly, and before asking Zheng Zhan, Fu Jia sent a message to Sun Zhuo.The specific sound transmission content, because the two used a special sound transmission method, Xu Miao was unable to distinguish it.

Even if Xu Miao couldn't hear it, she could guess that the two were discussing about getting Zheng Zhan to ask him for a reward.

Sun Zhuo walked up to Zheng Zhan and asked, "Brother Zheng Zhan, did you help fellow Taoist Yu Shan on the day Yu Shan and Sanxiu fought against the sea beast?"

Zheng Zhan saw a group of people here, and Zhenjun Shuimei sitting at the head, and Sun Zhuo kept giving him winks, and understood the intention of these people calling him here.

During the Foundation Establishment Stage, he was the strongest person in the Nanjing Sect, but when he advanced to the Golden Core Stage, with a gem like Sun Zhuo in front of him, he could not become No.1 in this generation for the time being.

Coupled with the deliberate suppression by Sun Zhuo and others, Zheng Zhan's life was not comfortable.Now thinking of using him against Xu Miao, it depends on whether he is willing or not.

"That time, I just wanted to repay a favor, not a favor." Zheng Zhan's words surprised many monks on the spot. Except for a few who knew the inside story, others didn't believe that Xu Miao had helped Zheng Zhan.

Zheng Zhan briefly told everyone what happened in the ancient secret realm. Zheng Zhan and others entered the ancient secret realm, and they all knew about it.

But they didn't know that it was Xu Miao who had just entered the early stage of Golden Core to block the black-backed wolf who had been at the seventh level for an unknown number of years because Zheng Zhan and others were able to come out of the secret realm alive.

"Therefore, my action that day was just to repay the favor, and it was far from helping Xu Miao." In this regard, Xu Miao's identity was completely revealed. He came from the little-known Xilu, which made Zheng Zhan's generation of Zhonglu and Donglu monks, They all owe him a favor.

When did Xilu produce such a genius, they had no idea.And this monk has obviously been declared dead, but there is still a way to get out of the closed secret realm.

The strength and means that Xu Miao is showing now is even more terrifying to a group of people.Fu Jia, Sun Zhuo, and Jing Shaoqin quickly reached an agreement in private to find a way to get rid of Xu Miao.

With Zheng Zhan's proof, Xu Miao has more confidence: "Everyone in Fengzemen, the spoils belong to our casual cultivators, remember to return them to me within three days."

After saying that, Xu Miao ignored Fu Jia's ugly face, bowed respectfully to Zhenjun Shuimei, turned and left the City Lord's Mansion.When walking out of the city lord's mansion, a middle-stage Jindan monk under Zhenjun Shuimei stopped Xu Miao and handed him a token.

"With this token, you can freely enter and leave the City Lord's Mansion." After the monk finished speaking, he disappeared in place.Holding the token in her hand, Xu Miao took a long time to react.

Suddenly, the corner of Xu Miao's mouth opened into a smirk with a very large arc, humming an out-of-tune tune, and planned to go to the casual repair base camp next to the coast.

When it comes to the location of the casual cultivator base camp, it inevitably involves disputes between the two parties.At that time, there was not enough space in the seaside city to accommodate the number of casual cultivators fighting.

In the end, after the two sides negotiated, each took a step back, and a large area near the coastline was assigned to casual cultivators. At the same time, the sect and the monks in the family who were good at formations arranged defensive formations.

Of course, in order to keep the sect's family safe, Zhenjun Shuimei personally checked the formation before putting it into use.Now that Xu Miao was going to the base camp of casual cultivators, he had to make a big detour before he could get there.

Suddenly, Xu Miao sensed a spiritual fluctuation in the distance. This fluctuation was very small, and it was quickly covered up, and no abnormality was found.Ordinary people would not be able to control the fluctuations of spiritual power so precisely, except for those with evil intentions.

Xu Miao turned a corner temporarily, and instead of continuing to the base camp of casual cultivators, she walked to a sparsely populated place nearby.Attacking him again and again, do you really think he is easy to bully?

The reason why he kept his hands last time was because there were too many people nearby, and killing all the monks who were also casual cultivators would easily attract the attention of interested people.But this time, without bystanders, Xu Miao will no longer have any scruples.

He and Shui San walked to the chosen place and stood still.

Xu Miao said loudly: "Since you want to kill me, why are you hiding it!" Xu Miao's words deliberately contained spiritual power, and all the monks who followed him could hear them clearly.

These killers were all sent by Fu Jia, and it was the first joint operation of these three in three years.In this operation, they sent a full 30 people.It is to kill Xu Miao smoothly and solve their confidant's serious trouble.

The leading monk among the 30 people looked at each other, unable to hide the surprise in their eyes.They thought they were hiding it perfectly, so how could Xu Miao discover the flaws.

Still not coming out?Xu Miao raised her hand and shot out a burst of spiritual power, which was infused with chaotic gas and pierced directly through a monk's head.A dull scream came, and the spiritual power fluctuated for a while, and then calmed down quickly.

The eyes of the leading monk were full of surprise. Not only did Xu Miao find them, but he was also able to find their hiding place accurately, and killed one of them with just one blow.

This is a monk in the late stage of Jindan. This time, for the sake of insurance, Fu Jia and the others not only sent 30 people, but each of them is a late Jindan cultivator. However, this Xu Miao can completely ignore the surprise of the realm and easily cross the border. order to kill a high-level monk.

They can't wait any longer, otherwise the situation on the court will become more and more unfavorable for them.The three gave an order, and a total of 29 people jumped up from the spot.

During the change of body shape, Xu Miao and Shui were surrounded in the middle.This batch of killers was dressed strictly, all in black, and covered their faces with black cloth.

Xu Miao was amused in her heart, but her subordinates did not show any mercy.The Nirvana Sword and the Fog Condensation Sword appeared at the same time, and under Xu Miao's control, they struck the same person from two directions.

The target Xu Miao chose was chosen with his divine sense at the moment when all of them appeared.Although this group of people are all Jindan late-stage monks, there are also strong and weak people, and this person is the weakest of this group.

No cultivator at the Golden Core stage could survive the simultaneous attacks of the Nirvana Sword and the Fog Condensing Sword.But in the blink of an eye, two swords passed through the person's front and back at the same time, harvesting the person's life.

The rest of the people continued their offensive, and what they received was a death order.If Xu Miao couldn't be killed, they would die.In order to survive, they had to kill Xu Miao.

The killing intent of both sides is growing rapidly, and Xu Miao's killing intent still has a strong evil spirit and tyrannical aura, and Xu Miao will overwhelm them by just relying on his momentum.

Several attacks were imminent, and Xu Miao immediately turned Bi Haihai into a water curtain to surround herself in the middle.The water flow has an excellent effect on delaying the attack. As soon as the attack hits the water curtain, it will be guided to other places by more sea water and gradually dissolved.

The two swords kept appearing in the air, and every time they intersected, one person's life would be harvested.In just one stick of incense, there were no less than ten corpses lying on the ground.

The remaining monks did not continue to attack, but quickly gathered together and stood opposite Xu Miao and Shui San.Xu Miao glanced at these people, the fear and killing intent in their hearts mixed together, making their spiritual power very unstable.

In such a state, wanting to kill him is simply a dream!

The three leading monks quickly transmitted voices, discussing a strategy to kill Xu Miao.Before coming here, Fu Jia gave them a magic weapon. This magic weapon must be activated by at least ten monks in order to be effective.

Fu Jia's evaluation of this magic weapon is - this magic weapon has been used to the extreme, and even the monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul cannot resist it.For a powerful magic weapon, the price to be paid is also huge.

The cultivator who activates the magic weapon will be sucked away by the magic weapon in an instant.In other words, to use this magic weapon, you have to pay the price of your life.

They were unwilling to use this magic weapon at first, but Xu Miao was too strong. If the fight continued, there was no doubt that everyone present would die without exception.

After some psychological struggle, the leading monk finally took out the magic weapon, and quickly made a formula with both hands, and all the remaining monks followed, pinching the magic formula.

When Xu Miao saw that magic weapon appear, she felt ominous.The magic weapon was shaped like a funnel. When the funnel magic weapon lifted into the air, Xu Miao noticed that all the monks who manipulated the magic weapon were showing pain.

But this pain didn't last long, these monks were all sucked out of their souls in an instant, leaving only a soulless body standing in place.

The expression on the face remained unchanged, and the movements of the body stagnated forever.And using the souls of more than a dozen people as the magic weapon of the funnel, it suddenly shone with such a strong light that even the sun in the sky could not compete with it.

The light began to spread quickly, and Xu Miao felt bad in her heart, and ran back quickly.How could people run faster than the speed of light, Xu Miao and Shui San were instantly enveloped by light.

This ray of light pressed directly towards Xu Miao like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.Xu Miao couldn't even stand up straight and straighten her back, so she had to bend down to relieve the pressure on her spine.

Even so, Xu Miao couldn't relieve the pressure.His feet had sunk into the ground, and his hands were firmly on the ground, preventing his body from sinking further.

Although Shui San used to have a superb cultivation base, but his current cultivation base is the same as Xu Miao's. He is only in the early stage of Jindan and cannot help Xu Miao at all.

The spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was running wildly, and the speed of the golden core had been raised to the limit, but it still couldn't resolve the pressure.Sweat continued to flow out, Xu Miao's whole body seemed to be fished out of the water.

The bone was over-squeezed and made a tooth-chilling sound.Xu Miao bit the tip of her tongue and mobilized her life essence to fight.At the same time, he tried to summon the four and a half laws of heaven and earth below the blue sea to resist the funnel above.

However, the pressure of the funnel was too strong, and the law of heaven and earth could not even leave his body.

(End of this chapter)

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