Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 296 Hasty Advancement

Chapter 296 Hasty Advancement
damn it!Xu Miao's hands on the ground began to tremble, and her strength was constantly losing.The light produced by the funnel not only has a suppressing effect, but also isolates the aura of heaven and earth.

Xu Miao couldn't absorb enough heaven and earth spiritual energy from the outside world, and the spiritual power in her dantian was getting less and less.From the corner of his eye, he noticed that Shui San seemed to have broken through some kind of confinement, and the aura of his whole body was constantly rising.

He doesn't know how he planned in his previous life, but possessing strong strength in a short period of time will cause great damage to the monk himself.

Xu Miao hasn't completely reached the point of desperation, and there is no need for Shui San to be like this.He spoke with difficulty: "Shui San, don't break through the suppression of cultivation!"

Shui San has always obeyed Xu Miao's orders, but this time, Shui San did not obey Xu Miao's orders for the first time.Shui San didn't answer, just closed his eyes tightly, and his whole body's muscles trembled.

Xu Miao frowned, feeling the contract between herself and Shui San.He can control the opponent with a contract, whether the opponent is willing to obey or not.With a thought in Xu Miao's mind, Shui San's rising aura came to an abrupt end, and then changed again.

Shui San roared, "Master!"

Xu Miao calmed down, and calmly ordered: "It's just a magic weapon, and you don't need to pay a huge price. Protect me, I want to advance to the middle stage!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Miao closed her eyes, sank into the Huntian Stone with her consciousness, asked Xiaotian to come out with spiritual source water, and fed the water into his mouth.Xiaotian is a weapon spirit, and even his body is transformed, so he will not be suppressed by the magic weapon of the funnel.

But because Xu Miao was trapped in the light by the magic weapon of the funnel, Xiaotian couldn't leave the range of the light.Otherwise, just ask Xiaotian to remove the funnel.

Xiaotian slightly tilted the jade bottle in his hand, and the Lingyuan water was poured into Xu Miao's mouth without any mistakes, and flowed into the dantian.The spiritual power in the dantian instantly filled up, Xu Miao kept drinking the spiritual source water, and flowed all the spiritual power in the spiritual source water to the dantian.

The speed of the golden core is getting faster and faster, and more spiritual power pours into the golden core.Xu Miao's cultivation has long been at the peak of the early stage of Golden Core, and he can step into the middle stage of Golden Core at any time.

I didn't choose to advance for a long time before, but also because I wanted to make more preparations.This time, forced by the funnel, he had to hastily enter the mid-stage Golden Core, which broke Xu Miao's plan.

This sum, Xu Miao will firmly remember Fu Jiana and the three of them.Sooner or later, he will make these three people pay the price.Xu Miao suppressed all the complicated things and devoted herself to the advancement.

Xu Miao suddenly discovered that the light of the funnel not only suppressed his body, but also suppressed his spiritual power.Xu Miao transferred this suppression to the golden core, which greatly accelerated the condensation speed of the golden core.

Normally speaking, in the middle stage of advanced golden elixirs, a large amount of spiritual power is required to be transferred to the golden elixir, and the golden elixir can only be considered successful in the mid-advanced stage if it grows to a sufficient size.

It's just that this process is very slow. The solid state of the golden elixir is different from the gaseous state of the aura, so the transformation is very complicated and troublesome, and it will take a lot of time.

But under the pressure of the funnel, Xu Miao made a mistake, and the aura was quickly pressed into the golden elixir, expanding the size of the golden elixir.And due to the strong suppression of the funnel, the concentration of spiritual power in the golden core is even higher.

The most direct consequence is that after Xu Miao enters the middle stage, the thickness of his spiritual power will be more than twice that of a monk of the same level in the middle stage, more than double that of the late Jindan stage, and even directly comparable to the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

The reason why the Nascent Soul cultivator became the Nascent Soul cultivator is because of his understanding of space and laws.In addition to Xu Miao's lack of understanding of space, in terms of laws, he is no worse than any early Nascent Soul cultivator with the help of the four and a half heaven and earth laws.

To Xu Miao, the hasty promotion this time was a blessing in disguise.Under the compression of the funnel, Jindan expands steadily and rapidly.The feng shui spiritual power in the body is constantly running, and the small cycle and the big cycle are carried out alternately.

The objects in the dantian began to change, and the originally lush green trees began to form flower buds and even bloom petals.Xu Miao has read tens of thousands of vegetation, but can't recognize the types of flowers on the cang tree.

The stretching of the petals completely allowed Xu Miao's cultivation to enter the middle stage of Golden Core.The size of the golden core has stabilized and will no longer change.Xu Miao's advancement directly affected Shui San's cultivation. The moment Xu Miao advanced, Shui San also broke through to the middle stage of Golden Core.

Two mid-stage Golden Core cultivators who surpassed the mid-stage Golden Core level joined forces to attack, and the strong spiritual power rushed out, directly overturning the funnel.Being continuously attacked by this spiritual power, the radiance of the funnel became weaker and weaker until the radiance completely disappeared and it returned to the appearance of an ordinary funnel.

Xu Miao beckoned to put the funnel into the Hunting Stone. He was not in a hurry to go to the casual repair base camp, but thought of another way.These killers have lost their souls, but they are the most suitable targets for manipulation.

Part of the spiritual consciousness was separated, and Xu Miao attached the spiritual consciousness to one of the leading monks, controlling him to walk and speak normally.After confirming that there was no abnormality, Xu Miao controlled the person and asked him to return to Fu Jia.

The people around Fu Jia saw the monk and voluntarily moved out of the way.

"Fu Er, Xu Miao solved it?" Fu Jia asked while playing with the beads in his hand.

Fu Er was the name of the leading monk. Fu Er knelt down on one knee and said, "It's been resolved. The subordinate used that magic weapon. Everyone else is dead, and only the subordinate remains."

Fu Jia didn't doubt Fu Er's words, and in a good mood let Fu Er back down, muttering to himself: "Xu Miao, I want to see, who will stand up for casual cultivators after you die."

Three days later, the spoils of the Fengze Gate were not sent to the Sanxiu base camp.The monks in the base camp had already received the news, and they were extremely anxious.

And during these three days, no one saw Xu Miao.Without Xu Miao, this group of casual cultivators could not help but weaken the momentum of their confrontation with the sect and family.

"Fellow Daoist Xu is not here, we might suffer a loss if we go." After Xu Miao's true identity was revealed, everyone's address to Xu Miao also changed.

Du Yingyu was outraged, and said: "This is an order from the city lord himself, how can he at Fengzemen ignore the city lord's order as nothing, let's go find him!"

Du Yingyu led a dozen or so daring casual cultivators to block the entrance of Fengzemen.Fu Jia received a letter from his subordinates, and said impatiently: "It's really self-defeating."

When Fu Jia walked to the door, seeing the angry faces of Du Yingyu and others, his mood became more joyful: "Can you see where this is? It's really an uneducated casual cultivator to come here to play wild!"

Du Yingyu spat, and said: "You think we want to come, you promised Xu Miao, you will return [-]% of the spoils to our casual cultivators. But until now, we haven't even seen the hair of the spoils!"

"Since I promised Xu Miao, let Xu Miao come to me. As long as he comes to me, I will immediately offer the spoils of war with both hands. As for you, you are not worthy of negotiating terms with me." Fu Jia said in a superior tone.

Du Yingyu and a group of casual cultivators were furious, this Fu Jia was just looking for excuses.Xu Miao hadn't been seen for three days. They were all guessing whether Xu Miao was in danger, and they all thought it was Fu Jia who made the move.

At this time, Xu Miao was wearing a mask of thousands of transformations, and standing in a corner next to Fengze Gate with Shui San, suppressing the late stage of foundation establishment.Others will only think that they are here to watch the excitement, and no one will notice them.

A casual cultivator said impulsively: "You know that Fellow Daoist Xu is missing, so you are just making excuses!"

"Oh? Really?" Fu Jia pretended to be surprised, "Nowhere to be seen? Maybe he was in a hurry, or he was attacked by some sea beast and died on the spot..."

"Despicable!" A clear female voice suddenly appeared. Xu Miao felt that the voice was a bit familiar. When she turned around, she found that it was Ye Qianqian.

"In my opinion, you didn't want to hand over the spoils, and you were jealous that Xu Miao was stronger than you, so you found someone to assassinate him!"

When Fu Jia saw the person coming, his face changed slightly: "Nonsense, when did I do this!"

Ye Qianqian sneered and said, "At the gate of the city, you sent casual cultivators to attack Xu Miao, and some of them were killed by Xu Miao. If you can't make up your mind, you will have another plan. For a despicable person like you, find someone to assassinate you." I'm afraid it's commonplace!"

Fu Jia can be honest with Sanxiu, but he can't do the same with Ye Qianqian.Everyone knew that Ye Qianqian benefited from the ancient secret realm and became the most popular monk in the Ye family's golden core stage.

"I have already said that as long as Xu Miao stands in front of me, I will offer the spoils with both hands, and no one else will even think about it!" Fu Jia dropped this sentence, turned around and wanted to go back.

"Really? As long as I stand in front of you, you will offer the spoils with both hands?" Xu Miao took off the mask of thousands of transformations and walked to Du Yingyu's side.

"Xu Miao!" Du Yingyu and the others were both surprised and delighted. Ye Qianqian also had a bright smile on her face when she saw Xu Miao.Xu Miao was almost dazzled by this smile and nodded slightly.

Xu Miao looked up at Fu Jia and said, "Fellow Fu Jia, it's time to fulfill your promise."

Fu Jia was frightened and angry, and looked at Xu Miao in disbelief.Fu Er personally told him that Xu Miao had already been killed, why could Xu Miao still appear in front of him!
"No! This is impossible!" Fu Jia took a step back, wanting to return to the courtyard of Fengzemen.With a thought in Xu Miao's mind, Fu Er who had been following Fu Jia appeared and blocked Fu Jia's retreat.

Fu Jia looked up at Fu Er, taking it for granted that Fu Er was bought by Xu Miao and colluded with him to deceive him, and furiously said: "Fu Er, how dare you betray me! You actually joined forces with Xu Miao and kept telling me Kill Xu Miao—”

As soon as Fu Jia said that, he regretted it.Originally, Xu Miao was still alive, so he could push four, five, six.But when he saw Fu Er, he couldn't control the anger in his heart and said something.

It's just that Fu Jia is used to being superior, even if he is pointed at at this moment, he will fight back arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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