chapter 297
"So what if I find someone to do it? Aren't you still alive?" Fu Jia said angrily.

Fu Jia looked fiercely at Fu Er who was beside him, wishing to have his skin cramped, but Fu Er kept his head down and did not respond.

"Xu Miao, you are really good. Not only can you escape, but you can also persuade Fu Er to turn against you. You are really good—" Fu Jia pointed out.

Xu Miao sneered, with a hint of sarcasm, and said, "Fu Jia, have you ever swapped heads with a pig?"

"Hahaha, doesn't that mean that Fu Jia has a pig's brain!" Du Yingyu was the first to join in, and the other casual cultivators also laughed wantonly. These laughters all have one thing in common, that is, they are full of sarcasm.

Fu Jia's face was livid, and he directly took out the magic weapon of his life, and the nine swords flew towards Xu Miao at the same time.Fu Jia's cultivation was only at the late stage of Golden Core, and Xu Miao was now at the middle stage of Golden Core. He was not afraid of Fu Jia's action, but he was afraid that Fu Jia would not do it.

If the other party doesn't do it first, how can I teach him a lesson.Xu Miao waved his sleeves, and the Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword appeared at the same time, and the light of the two swords suppressed Fu Jia's nine swords so that he had no power to resist.

"Xu Miao!" Fu Jia gritted his teeth, his eyes were red and his face was ferocious.

Xu Miao picked out her ears and said, "I'm not deaf, so I don't need to be so loud." Fu Jia's murderous intent surged, his hands kept waving in the air, and the nine swords changed directions, attacking Xu Miao.

Xu Miao stood on the spot, neither dodging nor dodging. The two swords swung open, and the chaotic gas and sword momentum mixed together, fighting with the nine swords.

The more fighting, the more frightened Fu Jia became.Xu Miao's strength is actually so strong, he is already a Jindan late-stage cultivator, and he claims that he will not be inferior to anyone except for a few late-stage monks in Donglu.

But the facts gave him a slap in the face, Xu Miao was able to control two swords with ease, while he was struggling to control nine swords, and he didn't gain any advantage.

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of others, and the monks of Fengzemen were the first to react.All the Jindan monks were dispatched, and even Ding Ou, who claimed to be a relative of the monk who transformed the spirit, also appeared.

When Ding Ou saw Xu Miao, he became angry.She has been arrogant all her life, and was repeatedly slapped in the face by a junior, which is really an angry thing.

She didn't care what the situation was like, so she slapped her hard.Xu Miao has been paying attention to Ding Ou, and as expected, this woman has no scruples in her actions.

In front of everyone, with a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation base, he shot at a mid-stage Golden Core.Xu Miao quickly externalized the objects, the blue sea, the green trees, and even the reefs were temporarily requisitioned by him, blocking the palm layer by layer.

With the last remaining power, Xu Miao propped up Fu Yu's helmet and retreated dozens of steps before dispelling the power of this palm.There was a fishy sweetness in Xu Miao's throat, and he swallowed the blood in his mouth suddenly to calm the spiritual shock in his dantian.

He looked at Ding Ou with no warmth in his eyes.This person is even more hateful than Fu Jia.He will wait, wait for the day when he can defeat the opponent, and that day will be the death day of this person.

Seeing Xu Miao's eyes, Ding Ou panicked for no reason, but she quickly calmed down and comforted herself, she was just a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

Xu Miao's teeth turned scarlet because of the blood rushing up, he suddenly smiled: "Fengzemen, it's really powerful. Unite with some forces, first find casual cultivators to deal with me, and then find thirty late-stage Jindan cultivators , attack me and Shui three times."


"Now that the young one is beaten, the old one is here again. It's really admirable." Xu Miao explained everything one by one, with clear logic and clear facts, and Fengzemen couldn't tell the difference.

Even other sects and families, at this time, can't help but show a look of contempt.When did Fengzemen experience this kind of thing, and when did Ding Ou and Fu Jia receive such indifference? The fire in their chests burned more and more until their sanity disappeared completely.

Ding Ou and Fu Jia attacked Xu Miao at the same time, Xu Miao took the initiative to meet Ding Ou, and Shui San moved to stop Fu Jia.Ye Qianqian quickly joined the battle, together with Xu Miao, against Ding Ou.

Ye Qianqian's harvest in the ancient secret realm is huge. Her strength has risen sharply. Her initial level can rival that of the later stage, and she can escape under the pressure of the later stage intact.

But what Xu Miao is going to face now is the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. With the middle-stage Golden Core, he is fighting against the mid-stage Nascent Soul. This is something that has never happened in the world of comprehension.

Xu Miao was under tremendous pressure. Even with slug skin on his body, Ding Ou's palm would cough up several mouthfuls of blood, let alone Ye Qianqian, who was not as strong as him.

Xu Miao seized the opportunity, pushed Ye Qianqian away from the battlefield with one palm, and angrily said: "What are you doing here! Go back soon!" Ding Ou's strength is too strong, but Xu Miao gave Xu Miao the opportunity to speak. A palm on the chest.

With this palm, Ding Ou didn't show any mercy, all the power of the Nascent Soul middle stage fell on Xu Miao, the slug skin only dissolved [-]%, and Xu Miao needed to resist the remaining [-]%.

Even if [-]% of Nascent Soul's mid-stage power is lost, it is not something Xu Miao can resist.Xu Miao could clearly hear the sound of ribs breaking, and the golden core in her dantian even had cracks.

With just this one palm, Xu Miao was almost abolished, and her life and dao disappeared.He flew backwards, spit out a mouthful of blood, and landed heavily on the ground with a muffled sound.

Even if Xu Miao landed on the ground, she kept her eyes fixed on Ding Ou, watching Ding Ou get closer and closer.He suddenly showed a cruel smile: "Old thief Ding Ou, you'd better kill me now, as long as I'm still alive, you are ready to be killed by me."

The inexplicable panic struck again, Ding Ou forcibly suppressed this emotion, gathered his spiritual power in his hands, and was about to kill Xu Miao in his hands.

Xu Miao didn't close his eyes, his eyes were shining brightly, and he remembered these firmly.Between lightning and flint, a spiritual force stronger than Ding Ou suddenly came, knocked Ding Ou back, and made Ding Ou vomit blood.

He smelled the familiar fragrance, it was True Lord Shui Mei.True Lord Water Charm didn't speak, he directly helped Xu Miao up, put his hand on Xu Miao's back, and the gentle spiritual power was continuously poured into Xu Miao's body to repair his injury.

With the help of the great monk in the late Yuanying period, Xu Miao's injuries recovered quickly. Whether it was the broken ribs or the golden core that was about to be broken, they all returned to normal.

Zhenjun Shuimei helped Xu Miao up, and Xu Miao could even feel the softness of Zhenjun Shuimei's chest and the fragrance of a woman's body close at hand.Xu Miao suddenly felt a heat rushing towards his lower abdomen, and if he kept this posture, he might lose his composure in public.

Xu Miao took the initiative to stand up straight, and respectfully saluted Zhenjun Shuimei: "Thank you, the city lord, for saving your life!" Xu Miao bowed her head to salute, and did not see the fleeting disappointment in Zhenjun Shuimei's eyes.

Master Shuimei nodded, turned around to look at Ding Ou, and said coldly: "Ding Ou! It seems that you have forgotten what I said a few days ago. Since you forgot, I don't mind helping you remember .”

Ding Ou was injured by the spiritual power of Zhenjun Shuimei, and her face was very ugly. She stood up reluctantly and looked at Zhenjun Shuimei with hatred.

"Ye Shuimei! Don't you rely on your cultivation to be a level higher than me!"

Before Zhenjun Shuimei could speak, Xu Miao took a step forward and said, "Ding Ou, you are so shameless that you still have the face to say that Zhenjun Shuimei used his cultivation to suppress you."

"Aren't you relying on your cultivation base to be a big realm higher than me!" Xu Miao returned Ding Ou's accusation against Zhenjun Shuimei, and he held Ding Ou's breath in his chest, unable to move up or down.

Xu Miao didn't seem to see Ding Ou's expression, and continued: "Of course, you have always been shameless. If you suddenly become shameless now, I will feel strange."

Ding Ou clenched his fists with both hands, and his nails dug into his flesh, but he couldn't kill Xu Miao due to the existence of True Lord Shui Mei, and his whole body trembled with anger.

At this time, several sects and other monks from the aristocratic family also came one after another.All of a sudden, the location where Fengze Gate was located was completely surrounded.

In the generation of Jindan of Fengze Gate, it was not Fu Jia who received the most attention, but another monk, Rong Hai.Rong Hai was not the first batch of monks to support Seaside City, he was the second batch of monks.

When he heard about this from the monks around him, he frowned.He doesn't like Fu Jia, but no matter what, Fu Jia is also a disciple of Fengzemen, and the honor of Fengzemen does not allow anyone to slander him.

The monks under Rong Hai fawningly pushed aside the crowd of onlookers and opened up a path that was not very spacious.Looking at the crowd in front of him, Rong Hai frowned even deeper.

When Ding Ou saw Rong Hai coming, his eyes lit up: "Rong Hai is here, come here quickly, there is a guy who doesn't know what is good or bad here. Uncle, I can't do anything because of my cultivation, so come and teach him a lesson."

Rong Hai received Ding Ou's help in the early years, and now Ding Ou has something to ask for, and it also involves the honor of Fengzemen, so Rong Hai naturally wants to stand out.

He walked up to Ding Ou, looked at Xu Miao arrogantly, and said, "You are Xu Miao? I will not pursue what happened before. You come here to apologize, and if Master Ding slaps you, Fengzemen will never look for you from now on." trouble."

When Du Yingyu heard this, his eyes widened, and he was about to open his mouth, but Xu Miao stopped him with his hand: "Always walking on the road, it is inevitable that you will encounter a barking dog that suddenly rushed out. Do you want to call it back?"

When Xu Miao said this, she didn't even look at Rong Hai, she just looked at Du Yingyu the whole time.Rong Hai looked at Xu Miao without saying a word.He slowly raised his hand, and a ball of light appeared in Rong Hai's hand.

Rong Hai flipped his wrist, and the ball of light continued to expand until it became the size of a human head.Suddenly, Rong Hai shot out the ball of light, which turned into an afterimage and approached Xu Miao.

At this time, Xu Miao lazily glanced at the light ball, raised the Ning Wu to strike a sword, and the sword intent whizzed out, knocking the light ball completely apart.The scattered light ball did not disappear into the air, but continued to rush towards Xu Miao.

(End of this chapter)

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